sure, but fun to read that it got enabled BY DEFAULT
config or compile time
which means debian might be bad system to use on servers ;)
pretty sure they will fix it
sure, but also shows that current debian maintainers are just wrong
and breaking things RH-like
or MS-like, where they know better than USER (which should be nanny-treated, because USER is clearly an idiot)
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which also mean linux is going mainline! because there is a need to adjust to much grown IDIOTUSER base
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NiteHawk: indeed, it's basically ssvb's original 32-bit U-Boot SPL work ported over to upstream U-Boot, then cat'ed with the upstream 64-bit u-boot.img
and with "rmr64" I don't need patches on the 64-bit side anymore
that's nice
apritzel: are you booting pine64 (ATF+U-boot) through fel without patches now ?
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Amit_T: well, you need some patches to generate the 32-bit SPL
apritzel: ok, could you please point to it ?
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ssvb: looks like someone saves 1500 US$ ;-)
apritzel: actually it was a kind of serious question :-) does your chip look like the upper or lower picture?
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but now I at least have several of these SPI flash chips and can attach them to several boards and run tests without re-plugging wires
oh, and the "real" one seems to be at least a bit faster, maybe I can actually get closer to the theoretical peak flashing speed as advertised in the manual
ssvb: my 128Mbit chip has no Winbond name on it, so it looks like the lower picture
apritzel: as expected :)
so this Dutch/Polish guy is probably getting these chips from some shady source, and another funny thing is that he sells 80B chips at a rather high price, while it is in fact a 8 Mbit variant
ssvb: so indeed you got me ;-)
echo -e "80\n128" | sort
shows that 80 is bigger than 128 ;-)
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and I am pretty far with a README.pine64 to document the various hacky ways to get upstream U-Boot running on the Pine64
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apritzel: thanks!
including the 32/64 bit chimera for FEL booting ;-)
well, the 32/64 bit booting is quite reasonable, we probably don't want to switch the SPL to 64-bit mode anyway because of the size restrictions
admittedly it works quite well, but it's quite a pain to build
well, say thanks to the AArch64 toolchain guys for not implementing the -m32 option
and I think agraf did some experiments with a 64-bit SPL and the binary size was not really an issue
ssvb: well, they are really two different architectures, so I can understand this
frankly speaking, I don't believe this and want to see some numbers :-)
but yeah, it's something we tease them at lunch about sometimes ;-)
then they tease back with us uniting arm and arm64 in the kernel ;-)
it is really silly and a poor design
afaik clang supports multiple architectures in a single compiler
GCC is able to at least support 32-bit and 64-bit flavors on every architecture except ARM, even though it was not very pretty
but for instance on x86 the variants are so close that it's justified, I think the other archs as well
but ARM is exactly the same as the other architectures, there is no difference at all
I mean the differences between PowerPC 32 & 64 or x86-32 and x86-64 are really small, but between AArch32 and AArch64 it's much bigger
but I agree that GCC is a bit, say handicapped by its architecture
hmm, I think that the difference between x86-32 and x86-64 is much bigger than between AArch32 and AArch64
well, maybe not much, but still bigger
- the opcodes are practically identical (it's just the REX prefix minus the single-byte inc & dec instruction)
who cares about the opcodes? binutils takes care of this and it is much more simple than GCC
but also the instructions are the same
on AArch64 you can't even do a "mov %w0, #0x44"
which works fine on ARM (s/w/r/)
scratch that %, my brain was half stuck in x86 world ;-)
still a solution for GCC is really simple
but I agree that it would be possible and beneficial to have a joint compiler
the AArch64 toolchain should just try to call "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc" whenever it detects "-m32" option in the command line
and bail out with a comprehensive error message when the arm-linux-gnueabihf cross-toolchain is not installed
this would do the job for the U-Boot build
mmh, sounds like a small hack in the compiler driver ;-)
wouldn't work for me, its arm-slackware-linux-gnueabihf-gcc over here :-D
"Even though Gentoo normally uses armv7a-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi as the toolchain triplet on ARM, we can also use Debian alike arm-linux-gnueabihf variant in order to be able to use the compilation instructions from the linux-sunxi wiki as-is (without substituting the toolchain name)"
well, I built those cross-compilers myself, so the triplet was a deliberate choice, but it's the Slackware standard and also used on the respective native ports
also I have a neat script, which gets sourced, so I just type "cross arm" or "cross arm64" and be done
(and I can translate linux-sunxi Wiki instructions on the fly)
still the fallback 32-bit toolchain name could be also configurable as a part of the aarch64 toolchain build (and the distributions could tweak it according to their own naming standards)
care to send a patch?
not today :-)
fair enough: (23:59:57) ssvb: not today
I think that the non-marked one was showing ~140 kB/s at best
do you have some SPL SPI flash loading in place already?
not yet, but I'm working on this and your U-Boot branch will be handy for testing
ssvb: if you boot from SD or SPI, you need some kind of RMR switch in between SPL and U-Boot, which is not on the branch yet (as sunxi-fel does this now)
ssvb: I can send you this magic switcheroo hack, which allows main U-Boot to be entered in AArch64 or AArch32 (doing the RMR in the latter case)
apritzel: can you just push it to your branch (the SD card boot support)?
well, the problem is that it clashes with the boot0 support and I haven't found a nice solution for this yet
(but for real boot0 support there is one patch missing anyway in this branch, so I will push the patch in a minute)
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yup, works via FEL with just "uboot u-boot-3264.bin" or from the SD card