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<Ancient> So, I've got an rk3288-veyron-speedy, got 4.6 + analogix + edp patches applied and I'm getting a stall of exactly 4 minutes followed by a panic. I don't have a working kernel I can kexec from to get the dump that way.
<Ancient> Does anyone here have any tips to get me started debugging this one?
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<mmind00> Ancient: that is strange ... do you happen to have a serial converter and a spare usb-cable you won't miss? I.e. we now have the usb-uart functionality in the kernel, so you could get serial output that way
<nighty--> ?
<mmind00> Ancient: second variant: can you try my devel/somewhat-stable branch ( with the rk3288_veyron_defconfig ... to compare if something is different
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<nighty--> Failed to load latest commit information.
<nighty--> nice
<mmind00> Ancient: and finally can you post the .config and kernel commandline you used somewhere, then I could give this a shot on pinky (my veyron with real serial)
<mmind00> nighty--: I think linux kernels are a bit big for github's webinterface
<nighty--> I doubt so
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<Ancient> mmind00, I was just compiling your somewhat-stable kernel, I can give that a try first though.
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<Ancient> mmind00, Cheers, that spi patch did fix the deadlock / panic I was running into.
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<mmind00> Ancient: hehe ... I just ran into this today again ... had already forgotten that I fixed that issue
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<Ancient> Well that's quite fortunate for me that it came to mind then. Thanks for the help, and especially for all the work you've been doing getting these veyron devices supported in mainline.
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