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<bryanp_> Hey was wondering if anyone had experience with the rockchip watchdog. Looking to see if anyone has any ideas of registers I can check after a reboot to tell that it was a watchdog event?
<mmind00> bryanp_: I don't think the watchdog exposes that
<bryanp_> mmind00: Thanks for the reply. It doesn't seem like it has a register itself. I did find that in the CRU registers there is a boot_mode. Reboot/watchdog place it at 6. So that's something
<mmind00> bryanp_: yep GLB_RST_ST seems to contain some infos about the last reset
<bryanp_> mmind00: can't seem to find a reference to that register?
<bryanp_> Ah ok maybe for the 32xx?
<bryanp_> I should have mentioned I was on the rk3066. I have found some CRU documentation PMU registers seem the most helpful possibly