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<bashintosh> one thing I really don't get - why would the parameter file (RK3288, U-Boot) need to change between Android 4.4 and 5.x? I am referring particularly to the partitions addresses - with Lollipop (5.1) on the Firefly I am having issues as the "internal storage" does not get mounted/seen. It's driving me insane.. :)
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<bashintosh> solved internal storage issue - /mnt/internal_sd wasn't getting mounted due to a wrong partition parameter in fstab.rk30board.bootmode.emmc (voldmanaged=internal_sd:15,noemulatedsd must be voldmanaged=internal_sd:14,noemulatedsd).
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<rperier> hi, I was wondering something. the "loadaddr" parameter for an uboot image format, is it platform dependent or independent? (that's called UIMAGE_LOADDR in the kernel build system) or you might use the same address between two platforms ?
<rperier> the way that uboot handles addresses is still a complicated part for me
<sjoerd> uImage
<sjoerd> boo
<sjoerd> anyway
<sjoerd> The loadaddr is where u-boot sticks the kernel
<sjoerd> In physical memory
<sjoerd> Which for linux needs to be within the first 128mb of memory
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<sjoerd> So it depends on the SoC (tyipcally) where that is as your physical memory doesn't have to start at address 0
<sjoerd> is useful as a background here especially section 6
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<rperier> sjoerd: yeah this is what I thought, it depends on the topology of your DDR. Oh, thanks for the doc, it seems to be what I was looking for :)
<sjoerd> well more the memory controller rather then the DDR
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<BorgCuba> naobsd, have you ever tried mali fb drivers?
<BorgCuba> I am asking since I get unexpected low performance (like a score of 39 in glmark2).
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