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<dan64b> Today, I tried, it does not work with 3.0.36+ kernel. The code base is 98% exactly as published by ARM Mali r3p2 except for "egl" folder which seems to be for much older kernel 2.6.x. The "egl" folder code doesn't compile with 3.x kernel - I didn't bother digging any deeper than fixing few include paths.
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<dan64b> Anyhow, anyone here know why module would successfully load with "insmod" but an entry NOT show up under /dev/<module>? For example, I have a version of mail.ko successfully loaded but there is no /dev/mali entry. dmesg says "Mali device driver loaded". No errors.
<naobsd> mali-modules repo is git repo, no need to count how much percentage differ, just see commit log.
<naobsd> it does work for me with RK 3.0.36+ kernel
<dan64b> Did you have to do anything special other than calling "make" with proper args and kernel source path?
<dan64b> in the "egl" folder?
<naobsd> this is what I did
<naobsd> insmod and kernel don't do anything for /dev/
<naobsd> if you want someone's help, please explain more than "it doesn't work"
<naobsd> I still don't understand your issue
<dan64b> I'll try it again with exactly same commands as in the post and report back.
<dan64b> ...but do you have any suggestion about /dev/mali not existing even though that insmod seems to work? I'm looking for a general answer
<naobsd> I don't say "exactly same commands"
<naobsd> that's _my_ log at some day
<naobsd> lsmod will show loaded modules
<naobsd> mknod or udev or devtmpfs or something like that will be used to populate /dev/
<naobsd> will -> should
<dan64b> yep, in lsmod, I see ump and mali loaded...however, "/dev/mali" doesn't exist. I just want to understand this case.
<naobsd> then please learn about linux, not rockchip
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<Avagetto> Good morning/day =)
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<naobsd> I confirmed my procedure still work with latest mirror/rk3188-rbox-kk tree from linux-rockchip
<naobsd> now
<naobsd> only compile check for now
<dan64b> Thanks.
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<dan64b> I I figured out compile issue I had...some header files were missing at my end. Sorry about that.
<dan64b> Though, the "mali.ko" I compiled, as I said, it gets loaded but I don't see it under /dev/mali....the reason why I think it should be there is because some other tool that verifies mali version is complaining that it cannot find "/dev/mali".
<naobsd> "mknod or udev or devtmpfs or something like that will be used to populate /dev/" common linux thing
<dan64b> also silly "modinfo" outputs "ERROR: Module mali not found" even though lsmod shows it's loaded..perhaps I can ignore that for now.
<naobsd> I have no idea about your root file system
<naobsd> please just explain about your side before thinking which is wrong
<dan64b> well, when I tried a different version of mali.ko,(one from x7 sdk), insmod was enough to create /dev/mali. Hence I'm thinking that "I should see" /dev/mali for the mali.ko compiled from mali-modules.git. If you think I should load mali.ko through other means than insmod plz let me know.
<naobsd> thank you for info more than "it doesn't work", now I understand your issue more than before
<naobsd> then I think /dev/mali should be populated after insmod too
<naobsd> please try binaries on my page
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<dan64b> hmmm...binaries from your page do load and show "/dev/mali"...there must be something environmental with my compiler....I'll investigate. Thanks for your help!!
<naobsd> if you need someone's advice, please explain more about what you did, e.g. toolchain, kernel source tree, commands you typed, log, etc
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<naobsd> as you know you cannot type "exactly same commands" on my page because some things were changed since I wrote that page
<naobsd> so you must do something different
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<dan64b> Well, I don't want to swamp you with newbie questions - unless I get blocked. Right now I suspect toolchain is different, my command is CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- but yours is different. Any ideas with this?
<naobsd> that's the problem
<dan64b> Good! Now I can fix it :)
<dan64b> Care to explain though?
<dan64b> Some context...?
<naobsd> "explain detail/exactly what you did" is not newbie-ish thing at all
<naobsd> it's most important thing to solve problem
<dan64b> not sure what to explain...but I followed lots of instructions here and there...I believe I settled on arm-linux-gnueabihf- toolchain due to tutorial how to build kernel...
<naobsd> about toolchain, more accurately, "different toolchain" shouldn't be cause of _all problem_, but it causes _some problem_, especially on RK 3.0 kernel.
<dan64b> So are we in agreement that "arm-linux-gnueabihf-" is wrong tool chain?
<naobsd> this is the reason I wrote toolchain info on my page
<naobsd> toolchain will be the problem _for your/this case_ if you _confirmed_ it
<naobsd> I never mention wiki and you never mention you followed that during this conversation
<naobsd> please explain.
<naobsd> I really want(ed) to delete pages with incorrect/obsolete information on that wiki
<naobsd> (un)fortunately I have no time to do wiki (and any other) things recently...
<dan64b> no worries, It's still good enough.
<naobsd> what's good?
<dan64b> the wiki
<dan64b> btw, how did you figure out that you need the toolchain mentioned in your page for mali?
<naobsd> no, that's almost bad, that should be improved
<naobsd> I didn't "figure out" and that toolchain is not "for mali" at all
<naobsd> that toolchain is the toolchain for RK 3.0 kernel
<naobsd> the _proper_ toolchain
<dan64b> so are you saying that I really shouldn't compile the kernel source with arm-linux-gnueabihf- and instead use arm-eabi-4.6 for everything (kernel + mali)??
<naobsd> it's very standard way
<naobsd> some experts says "it's old, newer toolchain should be better". I don't prevent to use another toolchain for expert who can solve problem
<naobsd> I just prefer to use standard one to try something new
<dan64b> just to clarify: arm-eabi-4.6 is standard for rockchip...and arm-linux-gnueabihf- is new version?
<naobsd> "prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6/ in Android 4.2/4.4 SDK is the toolchain which is used for compiling RK 3.0 kernel" it's just the fact
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> "Rockchip configured their Android 4.2/4.4 SDK to use prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6 for compiling their kernel"
<naobsd> in general, some toolchain causes some issue. I don't think "any toolchain can be used for compiling any source tree"
<naobsd> I don't know "arm-linux-gnueabihf-" (or anything) on your machine is newer or not. all I can say is it's not prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6 in SDK.
<dan64b> least we cleared up some big source of confusion for me...thank you very much...I shall move on and continue work.
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<naobsd> please don't use private message unless it's really personal talk... generally question about development work for rockchip devices is not personal
<naobsd> if it's really private thing please send private message, but I may have no time or I may miss it.
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