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<Avagetto> Good morning
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<Tony_> naobsd, I think the 1.3 version TRM is up-to-date. and I haven't seen rk3188a. ;(
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<naobsd> Tony_: I see, thank you!
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<Tony_> I just curious, the HDMI audio is not standard implement on RK3188 + RK616.
<Tony_> from audio_policy.conf, I can't find any content about hdmi audio.
<Tony_> the standard implement is here.
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<Tony_> ah, it is. HDMI's audio device type is AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_AUX_DIGITAL.
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<Tony_> it was handle by primary audio driver.
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<Astralix`> Hey guys
<Astralix`> the 3288... does it have a designware or a synopsis ds/mmc IP?
<Astralix`> I was sure the rk3188 does have a designware
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<karlp> designware is from synopsis....?
<karlp> what are you mixing up?
<Astralix`> ouch
<Astralix`> Head->desk
<Astralix`> thanks, karlp
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<karlp> no problem
<Astralix`> That happens when you're at too many lines of code per second...
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<panicking> Ok
<panicking> I have ported my music device
<panicking> on the rockchip
<panicking> Now I need only to ethernt work
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<mmind00> panicking: ethernet on the firefly is working (taking 4.0-rc source + the gmac patch from ), but I'm not sure in what ethernet state the wip graphics branch had
<panicking> I have created the same
<panicking> maybe I have missed something
<panicking> Ok, itt was not activated
<panicking> I have already created the correct config
<panicking> and it registered
<panicking> but it does not find the phy
<panicking> I have added the realtek one
<panicking> I need to check power serquence
<panicking> Anyway it play music
<panicking> ;)
<panicking> I have added 32L
<panicking> it shuld work
<panicking> according to the datasheet
<panicking> I'm working on a DAC
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<panicking> I have added with git remote update
<panicking> so now will check the difference
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<naobsd> if you need I'll push my local branch (used to make kernel for firefly which is used as headless dev machine)
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<panicking> mmind00: Is it possible that I miss some config?
<mmind00> panicking: is CONFIG_REALTEK_PHY=y on in your config?
<panicking> ofcourse
<panicking> I have seen in an old kernel
<panicking> that some strength is applied
<panicking> to the mdio pin
<panicking> the phy is on
<panicking> because the red light blink
<panicking> and doing a diff
<panicking> betwen main line and mine
<panicking> for ethernet dir and oth
<panicking> other I don't fund anything
<panicking> that can not let it register
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<mmind00> hmm, now he is gone
<mmind00> panicking: if you reading this in the backlog, normally you should get a phy with cat /sys/bus/mdio_bus/devices/stmmac-0\:00/phy_id being 0x001cc915 (at least on my firefly)
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<mmind00> panicking: normally you should get a phy with cat /sys/bus/mdio_bus/devices/stmmac-0\:00/phy_id being 0x001cc915 (at least on my firefly, with kernel build from linux-next and the dts build from my 4.1-armsoc/dts branch)
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<pratap> emmc tools
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<naobsd> this is what I'm using (i.e. only 1 dts patch)
<naobsd> it's pushed from firefly with this kernel :)
<naobsd> realtek phy driver shouldn't be used (w/o patch)
<naobsd> that pastbin seems to be incomplete, you shouldn't do such a filtering
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