<swabbles> That's nice.
<swabbles> I've been trying to run 3.16-rc2 on Google Snow yesterday, but attempting to boot the kernel gets me back to verified boot.
<swabbles> So I am not entirely sure what's going on there (using both FIT-images and separate uImage/dtb).
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<Wizzup> swabbles: is wifi also so damn unstable for you?
<Wizzup> sometimes it just doesn't do anything for 20+ seconds
<Wizzup> but no note in wpa_supplicant, et.
<Wizzup> etc*
<swabbles> Wizzup: mostly at home.
<Wizzup> but it freezes for like quite some time
<Wizzup> I can't explain it
<swabbles> In my case it just stops doing anything (even after rebooting).
<Wizzup> ah, not here
<swabbles> Or well, I can ping with latencies of about 4s each (and several packets being dropped).
<Wizzup> ah, no
<Wizzup> here ping just stops doing anything at all
<Wizzup> but yeah
<Wizzup> I am still running on SD card
<Wizzup> didn't find time for the initramfs yet...
<Wizzup> how ironic ;-)
<tfiga> Wizzup: swabbles: issues with interrupts?
<tfiga> are you pinging the device or from device?
<Wizzup> from
<Wizzup> bbl :)
<tfiga> hmm, then even with broken interrupts it should poll at next tx
<tfiga> is scanning working fine?