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<tgall_foo> Wizzup, hi
<tgall_foo> Wizzup, so like I was saying I've got the r3p0 kernel and user space mali driver running on octa
<tgall_foo> Wizzup, performance is less than great tho as compared to the arndale
<Wizzup> hiya:)
<Wizzup> the octa as in chromebook, right?
<tgall_foo> Wizzup, yeah the chromebook2 essentially I believe
<tgall_foo> the arndale octa has an earlier exynos 5 tho as compared to the chromebook2
<tgall_foo> both have mali 628 MP6 tho
<Wizzup> Awesome.
<tgall_foo> Wizzup, FWIW I'm just getting my gentoo dev credentials back and intended on pushing all this into gentoo
<Wizzup> So you have some u-boot and some kernel working on the chromebook2?
<Wizzup> If you could send me some doc I'll try to do the same and document it on the wiki :)
<Wizzup> yay - gentoo dev, even more awesome
<tfiga> I assume it's all about vendor kernel?
<tgall_foo> yeah i haven't done much with the chromebook2 yet. I put together a linux install on an SD card but haven't been able to get a single message out of it so not sure what I've messed up
<tgall_foo> tfiga, in an ideal universe I'd very much like to see the upstream kernels get into shape
<tfiga> tgall_foo: well, the biggest problem would be probably getting blob drivers running with upstream kernels
<tfiga> although on x86 example we can see that it can be done
<tgall_foo> tfiga, it can be done. yeah we've gotten on arndale things to work well with 3.10 stable series via the LSK IE the linaro stable kernel
* WarheadsSE listens in the background
<tgall_foo> tfiga, still the mali driver really needs work to get it into shape
<tfiga> hmm, most of platform-independent code should just work
<tfiga> the biggest issue IMHO would be the platform-specific glue
<tgall_foo> "should"
<tfiga> although with most platforms already using generic frameworks in mainline it might be even possible to create a generic one
<tfiga> I mean DVFS and so
<tfiga> we have something like this for Exynos 4 and Mali T400
<Wizzup> tgall_foo: wrt "Haven't been able to get a single message out of it", I assume you mean that you didn't get the chromebook2 to boot well yet?
<Wizzup> (that's where I am stuck as well at the moment)
<tfiga> device instantiation from DT, power control using runtime PM, clock scaling using clock API and voltage scaling using regulator API
<tgall_foo> Wizzup, exactly .. I've only spent like an afternoon on it. have had some other projects demanding my time
<tfiga> that should work for most platforms
<Wizzup> Wrt upstream kernels, I believe exynos already has a lot of drivers in place, for example for the samsung chromebook 1, there's a lot of drivers but we didn't get the DT to work that well ye
<Wizzup> yet*
<Wizzup> sound only worked on and off, same for wifi, probably had something to do with the power regulator missing
* Wizzup pokes swabbles
<tfiga> Wizzup: the problem of wifi in upstream is that there is no good way to power it up, so that it can be detected by the SDIO controller
<tfiga> I assume chromebooks use the same design of semi-enumerable WLAN chips
<Wizzup> tgall_foo: I see, I thought that may have been solved recently because there were some power regulators added recently
<Wizzup> but I .. mostly don't know I think :)
<tfiga> there is some work going on to create some framework for this, but in our internal tree we ended up with just another platform device controlling the power
* tgall_foo catches up
<tgall_foo> Wizzup, where you getting further with your kernel ?
<Wizzup> tgall_foo: no, not yet, right now I'm not even in my homeland, but I will be tomorrow evening
<tgall_foo> ah ok
<Wizzup> tgall_foo: so what did you mean with 'I have a r3p0 kernel running on the octa core' -> what octa core were you talking about then?
<Wizzup> Or did you mean you had it working on chromeos?
<tgall_foo> Wizzup, r3p0 == Mali device driver version
<tgall_foo> for Octa that's the Arndale Octa board
<tgall_foo> Wizzup, For the arndale board here's the kernel git tree we use :
<Wizzup> ack
<tgall_foo> lsk-14.01_hdmi_mali.r3p0_arndale <-- branch
* Wizzup doesn't have an arndale unfortunately
<tgall_foo> ah
<tgall_foo> guess I should throw this into your wiki
<Wizzup> :)
<tgall_foo> include the kernel config options
<Wizzup> I will create an account for you (still didn't find a lot of time for anti-spam measures)
<tgall_foo> Wizzup, sure thanks!
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<tgall_foo> Wizzup, I created a Mali page for you :
<WarheadsSE> now if only we had working uboot for the XE503*
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<Wizzup> tgall_foo: cool :)
<Wizzup> WarheadsSE: we'll get there ;)
<WarheadsSE> Yeah
<tgall_foo> Wizzup, leave it up to you how / where you want to link it in
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