[jruby] cshupp1 opened issue #5018: open3.rb broken in JRuby https://git.io/vNSL4
xardion has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[jruby] enebo closed pull request #4991: Update File#path to raise IOError for files opened with File::Constants::TMPFILE option (ruby-2.5...file-path-now-raises-ioerror-when-tmpfile) https://git.io/vNuXN
jruby/master fff6ad0 Benoit Daloze: Squashed 'spec/mspec/' changes from 5f563e4..5d49a6c...
[jruby] olleolleolle opened pull request #5019: Do not leak DNS Request IDs (jruby-9.1...carry-do-not-leak-dns-request-ids-to-jruby-9-1) https://git.io/vNSsU
@enebo what is the maven command to build jruby's complete jar?
skbb has joined #jruby
I upgraded jruby for my rails application from 1.7.18--> 1.7.27 to support a TLS 1.2 related change. I am unsure what underying ruby version is running with 1.7.27? I needed help to figure out if I need to update my rails from 3.2.18 to 4 or higher.
Hey, this might be a beginner's error, but I'm getting some "NameError: uninitialized constant" errors when running with jruby, vs it not happening when running with MRI. What is a good starting point to figure out the underlying problem for this?
I'm using thrift in this case, and it's not loading some auto-gen ruby code (a thrift constant), whereas in MRI there is no such problem.
cshupp: ok, then there's some code generation bug somewhere
cshupp: I'll try to merge from master
jruby-n00b: hey there!
headius that is master.
best option generally is to open a bug so we can investigate together
cshupp: ok something's up with your env then
OK, but I was hoping I was the bug.
I did find https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/3920 and not sure if that could be related. My installed version is: jruby (2.3.3) 2017-12-07 929fde8 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.152-b16 on 1.8.0_152-b16 +jit [darwin-x86_64]
[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to jruby-9.1: https://git.io/vNSVY
jruby/jruby-9.1 dd9e5e7 Charles Oliver Nutter: Remove some defunct code references to Rubinius.
cshupp: I'll double check here
I am on Windows.
One of the three rails peole on the planet...
jruby-n00b: hmm it looks like that particular issue is ok on 9.x
it could be related but I'd say you should open a new bug with your details
cshupp: we feel your pain...hoping to catch our Windows support up again here
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cshupp: hey I'm confused...you said that was master but your past shows jruby-complete-
in any case we have test suites that build and run the jruby-complete jar through a number of test suites
One sec I just shut that ide down
I will do a git show
I suspect you are mixing JRuby jars from two branches, because the packed thing is only on master
I was switching local branches between master and your pull request
but I expected the mvn clean package to do the clean part
it certainly should
do you have anything JRuby or Java-related in ENV?
headius: is it possible it's due to lazy loading? ie, a sub-require of a file that is implicit, and a constant referenced from one of those files that isn't explicitely specified. Is that jruby behavior?
jruby-n00b: well, there are various complexities around loading in parallel, loading with autoload etc
we have not ironed all those out but we have not had a bug report about them in a while
headius, this time I manually cleaned out the target directory
re-ran against master
I only got 9.2.2 snapshots
[jruby] enebo pushed 2 new commits to jruby-9.1: https://git.io/vNSo7
jruby/jruby-9.1 26005d0 Thomas E Enebo: Merge pull request #5019 from olleolleolle/carry-do-not-leak-dns-request-ids-to-jruby-9-1...
jruby/jruby-9.1 ada05fa Pavel Forkert: Do not leak DNS Request IDs...
[jruby] enebo closed pull request #5019: Do not leak DNS Request IDs (jruby-9.1...carry-do-not-leak-dns-request-ids-to-jruby-9-1) https://git.io/vNSsU
Ahhh, headius, your branch makes the 9.1.16s
but irb comes up this time!
what's on the branch right now just disables some things that Windows doesn't have...the ultimate fix for this stuff will be to finish the port
claudiuinberlin has joined #jruby
enebo: perhaps I should conservatively merge the fix from that branch to 9.1 and finish up the port for 9.2
cshupp: ok so you are in vso/vso and it is just the error reporting telling us that
it is what happens when you create a vso directory to clone the vso project
then you smack yourself and live with it...
Now I have your guys code in jruby/jruby
so I am not improving...
I am going to focus on this populator/dynamicmethod thing for now, bbl
another thing I did not connect is capture3 is working partially since you used it for other things
Yes, I cannot explain that
it will not run a ruby binstub
My guess is sub-process from a sub-process which uses IO
I wonder...
let me append jruby to it.
capture3 jruby -ve1
Could it be that it is not clever enough to use cygwin superpowers?
If that doesn't work then we know bundler is not specific
but you used which
that is from cygwin and it worked right?
yeah but that is a binary executable
it isn't using the shebang
try CMD once then
Which one?
just 'cmd'
to bring a windows shell up?
I am guessing there is a .bat/cmd binstub on windows bundler right?
irb(main):006:0> sttdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3({}, "cmd")
=> ["Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.192]\r\n(c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n\r\nC:\\work\\VSO\\vso>", "", #<Process::Status: pid 16776 exit 0>]
So I think things you can do to try and narrow would be capture running a jruby sub-process AND while in a CMD window try and run bundler the way you reported
The second thing may eliminate cygwin
The first thing may point to something more basic about jruby
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So the bundle stuff does work for me in a cmd shell
=> ["\"The version is \"\r\n\"Setting rails war to use production\"\r\n Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action\r\n root GET / welcome#index\r\nfetch_text GET /fet
I would definitely paste that into the issue
Looks like it may just be a directory/path find the thing issue then
OK, I never use cygwins shell btw
I only have it on my path
It did say that in the error message but it is hard to know if we can trust those sorts of message
cshupp: ah ok so not an issue then
cshupp: and your test largely demonstrates that the binstub does work now too
OK I will add this to the bug
but not with the shebang
well who knows? I guess I don't follow that
All I see is if you use fully qualified path to bundle it works
OK, let me try and explain
The first line of bundle's binstub is:
#! jruby
#! jruby
most windows people type 'jruby bundle exec rake routes'
but cygwin give shebang powers
enebo: I see what you mean about the FFI stuff
The thing is I am fairly certain I opened webpacker up and add the jruby
I had not noticed Wayne made a superclass of DynamicMethod that all the FFI-based methods extend
to the command
cshupp: ok I missed the 'jruby ' in that snippet above
and it still didn't work
cshupp: I skipped over that thinking all you did was add the full path to bundle
I did do that to feed it to jruby
headius: so we can add name to that subtype to eliminate that use of setName in DynamicMethod
well that's the problem
these things get constructed many places without any name
like, no name even available...a wrapper around a function pointer
and we do not know they are the subtype at all?
and FFI does not track or connect name with function pointer
at this point I'm considering just making the name be some bogus generated thing like ffi<pointer>
headius: Are you trying to solve the whole enchilada right now? More than just addBuiltinMethod use of setName?
jrafanie has joined #jruby
I do not think ffi methods make it into that
the thread is long
in order to make invokers set name in constructor I have to change how they're generated
FFI uses the same interfaces to generate
headius: minimum level of happiness for me is removing setName from builtin method thing
and FFI also uses same code
many of the paths to generating and constructing invokers has no name anywhere near
so lots of signatures have to gain it
I mean even MethodFactory doesn't pass in name
it gets it from annotation for most methods, but does not get anything on the FFI path
so populators could be changed but there is common code which cannot use the same construction
so ffi would have either a fake name or have to be somewhat different
claudiuinberlin has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
or I'd have to do a LOT of hacking in FFI to get the name to always be with a function, which might not even be possible
or I have it setName
my thought currently is that the fake name is fine
it's only used for inspect and super and these are FFI methods so they don't super
headius: yeah and it is not like ffi will not setName later if it is a valid name
headius: probably better to know we can always return something to avoid null checking or NPE if we don't
enebo: there's a class called MethodMissingMethod you created that is no longer used
headius: and long term we can still probably make FFI push that setName method down to a more specialized type
it's from 2010...tweaks since then have been general DynamicMethod changes
I'm deleting it FYI if you want to have a look
headius: yeah I doubt anyone will miss it :)
headius: I did notice it a couple of weeks ago
when I tried pushing bytelist through all methods
I think I did delete it during that experiment since the API would have needed to change
well, should be easy to merge then :-)
I did not roll with those changes
but I was committed on removing :)
I'm making the name change on 9.1 but it will likely only be visible in the Method#inspect update on master
very little code looks at getName on 9.1
headius: does that mean less is looking at name passed through call() etc?
well all the places that needed name on 9.1 had it already
through whatever mechanism
yeah but I mean on master
the change on master aligns Method#inspect logic and DynamicMethod name requirement
with what's in MRI's method structure
headius: so master will largely defer to field on method vs parameter to call
I am hoping for always so we can eliminate the parameter for 10k :)
well so the name passed in seems to almost never be different from the bound name
alias passes through the old name
BTW, this will work
sterr, stdout, status = Open3.capture3(webpack_env, "jruby #{ENV['GEM_HOME']}\\bin\\bundle exec webpack")
so it begs the question whether the param is even needed now
"almost never" - class computer talk
on either 9.1.15 or the snapshot
once I take jruby out it bombs
headius: yeah it would be awesome to know that
enebo: yeah, I just noticed it again because I realized AliasMethod didn't need an "oldName" field...its natural name should be the old name anyway
Will you be able to make shebangs work?
so that's one more place where all we need is the original method's name
headius: yeah I had a merge conflict with that :)
noticed as in during porting...they get the "natural" name from the alias and it's the old name
so I just did that
now I'm not sure if anything passes through a different name
I guess define_method might
but that could be set once too
cshupp: Are you sure it is not calling bundle.bat?
it's a super thing when it differs, IF it ever differs now
headius: define_method though seems like it could construct something with a name?
let me put an echo in and see
enebo: yeah exactly
headius: yeah ProcMethod has no name field but there is no reason it couldn't
or I should say extra constructor
so again, I don't know anywhere that has to have a name passed in
but that's another adventure unrelated to this
headius: hey if you correct these cases and run test:mri or specs perhaps you can find something or not!
all methods will have a non-null name on 9.1 and master, but master makes more use of it
if not then that is somewhat exciting
I think I would just change the name to _ everywhere
yeah, just trying to narrow my scope for the 2.5 days before I travel :-)
then for 10k remove it
I'll be working in transit a lot during the drip but I need to get something together for RubyConf
the other two confs are condensed versions of LavaOne talk
enebo: rest of the change doesn't seem bad...I'll run some sanity checks and push it
I believe I can make name final now also
This does:
sterr, stdout, status = Open3.capture3(webpack_env, "bundle.bat exec webpack")
and my war is built
w/o the .bat it seems to go for the binstub directly
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cshupp: that is not surprising...capture3 uses popen3 which is the only one with a working Windows impl
A yucky little cmd shell opens up too, but my monkey opatch has the same thing
So is this a jruby bug, or should the webpacker team smell windows and call the bat file?
If I type:
bundle exec webpack
from the shell the shell chooses the bat file
copen doesn't
cshupp: one thing to try is similar test with MRI on windows
sterr, stdout, status = Open3.capture3({}, "bundle.bat exec webpack")
That works on JRUBY
sterr, stdout, status = Open3.capture3({}, "bundle exec webpack")
That fails on jruby
They both work on MRI
So I think you are right enabo.
So I think you are right enebo.
cshupp: ok cool. Add that to the issue.
thanks. you narrowed it down quite a bit. minimal is probably just two bin stubs (.sh and .bat) and we pick .sh all the time vs .bat on windows
cshupp: that seems to just be an issue finding executable when it's a bat
not looking for .bat before no ext
oh yeah or nothing first
I seem to remember we had special logic for executable searching in Windows
I know I did a ton of logic in jnr-posix for exec which was based on MRI code
ran into a few more paths not setting name but they were all deprecated, unused, or for things like UndefinedMethod
I wish spawn was properly in there and we could probably leverage some of that
yeah that's the full solution
getting the win32 equivalent
headius: you going to raise on getName on Undefined?
I found some Ruby FFI impls of subprocess launching that can probably form the baseline for our Windows spawn
or perhaps that is too extreme
and I'll just deprecate it and make it do nothing for the moment
oh wait, I just added it didn't I?
setName has been there a long time I think
Or I thought it had been
Will you be able to make it pretty w/o the cmd shell popping up?
[jruby] headius pushed 1 new commit to jruby-9.1: https://git.io/vNSF3
jruby/jruby-9.1 577d13a Charles Oliver Nutter: Force DynamicMethod.name to always be non-null and final.
enebo: I deleted it...if you are worried about fallout I can put it back as a no-op
enebo: setName was added when I introduced hybrid backtraces
so yeah it's pretty old
kinda was hacking around missing names back then too
cshupp: does MRI have an ugly shell window?
[exec] to be identical to #<Thread:0x6b30d8d0@/home/travis/build/jruby/jruby/spec/ruby/core/thread/current_spec.rb:21 run>
[exec] /home/travis/build/jruby/jruby/spec/ruby/core/thread/current_spec.rb:23:in `block in (root)'
This sounds worth fixing
jruby-n00b has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
> <headius> In the future maybe you could do it on a branch, so we don't have master going super red until we can work around it
How would that work? I could make a PR. But it needs to be merged before any other spec is added otherwise it gets complicated
Tagging new specs with jruby unfortunately takes me quite a bit of time, so it'd be nice if I can leave that to you guys (and you can also judge if worth fixing immediately or not)