[jruby] yui-knk opened pull request #4994: Fix `Symbol#inspect` of UTF_16/UTF_32 (jruby-9.1...fix_test_ascii_incomat_inspect) https://git.io/vNgay
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[jruby] apotonick opened issue #4995: Wrong #inspect is used in Method.inspect https://git.io/vNgXy
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claudiuinberlin: no public roadmap
claudiuinberlin: we hope to release some kind of module compatibility statement or tool soonish
<chrisseaton> thx
will this happen, in mid year?
we plan to build an API
sequel and roda
that is all
If you could share your code somehow we could make sure modules work for you if possible
One big problem for us is a lack of smaller applications to test with
Most Rails apps have 500 dependnecies
It's still too much for us to get our heads around
I will make a private repo later this week and share it with it. Will this help?
it will have ~ 20 gems, also I guess no C gems
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Yes please
What we would do first would be to feed your dependencies into our gem testing system
We're basically reversing Travis - we're going to test everyone's gems for them on TruffleRuby
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Any tips for debugging the cause of StackOverflowError? Trying to determine if I might be hitting a bug in JRuby ( or the March Hare RabbitMQ gem (2.16.0). The trace doesn't show much for me to go off with respect to my code. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2d45a67897da20a4e8c342ed60193dfd
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