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<manos> hi
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<manos> i have a gk802 why everytime i open my GK change local network ip?
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<hste> jas-hacks_: what did u have to do to get vivante x work on 4_0_0?
<manos> i run a apache server xubuntu 12.04 and everytime i open my gk i have to change the ip ports in my router
<hste> manos: what kernel do u use? Does the MAC change?
<manos> wait i have to check
<jas-hacks_> hste: Hi, I'm just in the process of finishing off the rootfs, 4.0.0 has new gpu blobs that need to be used.
<manos> 3.0.35-02695-ga9806d-dirty
<hste> jas-hacks_: ok. So that was why it didn't work
<hste> manos: is it wireless or usb-eth dongle u use?
<manos> i use usb-eth
<hste> manos: I guess the kernel has problem getting the mac from the dongle. U could set a fix MAC in the interfaces file
<manos> hmm how i can do that?sorry i am not expert in linus :)
<ajayr> jas did you see the 2 comments I made on github?
<ajayr> i tried building abrasive's for-mainline branch of u-boot and booting you -4.0.0 after setting machine id to 5000 both in-u-boot and your kernel and chaning the default machine to gk802 from hdmidongle but i have no wifi
<jas-hacks_> ajayr: Hi, yes thanks, I'm creating a new def config which I will push
<ajayr> but that was last week and now i have set the gk802 back in the draw
<jas-hacks_> ajayr: I've pushed a patch for wifi today, I turned it off ;) on 4.0.0
<ajayr> i will try to play some before the weekend is over
<hste> manos in the file /etc/network/interfaces add the line "hwaddress ether 00:11:22:33:44:55" after iface eth0 inet dhcp wher u put your mac instead of 00:11.....
<manos> thanks hste
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<manos> i must thank jas-hacks_ the xubuntu run nice in gk i am very happy
<jas-hacks_> ajayr: 4.0.0 won't work without a rootfs which has the 4.0.0 binaries
<hste> jas-hacks_: are u going to push the 4.0.0 into imx6-dongle?
<jas-hacks_> hste: yes will do, once you test it for me ;)
<hste> jas-hacks_: I tried the 4-0-0 without the vivante stuff and it worked ok :)
<jas-hacks_> hste: Interesting ...
<hste> jas-hacks_: but I think it was a bit more demanding on usb. I was running debian on it. Had more usb-revoke running top
<jas-hacks_> hste: I'm running it off usb and it seems slower
<hste> jas-hacks_: have u tried more on armhf or still waiting for vpu libs?
<jas-hacks_> hste: Waiting for vpu libs apparently these will be available in Q3 , I have a armhf rootfs with gpu working that I could upload if your interested
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<hste> jas-hacks_: yes could be nice to try. Thats not for 4.0.0. I guess :)
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<jas-hacks_> hste: Uploaded rootfs xubuntu_12_04-4.0.0.tar.gz, kernel is Could you test
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<hste> jas-hacks_: OK.I'll test it. Just need to find a spare sdcard. If not I'll test it on a usb-stick
<hste> jas-hacks_: it booted :) It had boot.scr for usb. Had to do the dbus fix. Looks ok so far.
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<jas-hacks_> hste: Hi, did you manage to test sound?
<hste> jas-hacks_: On /proc/interrupts I have a lot of 75: 3344436 0 0 0 GIC usb_wakeup, fsl-usb2-otg, fsl ehci pre interrupt, ehci_hcd:usb1, fsl-usb2-udc
<hste> jas-hacks_:OK I can check. I just have to reboot with other boot.scr to set video :)
<hste> jas-hacks_:sound works like before
<jas-hacks_> hste: thanks, can you try vivante sample 'tutorial7' it is in /root/gpu-viv-bin-mx6q-3.0.35-4.0.0/opt/viv_samples/vdk/tutorial7
<jas-hacks_> want to know if your heatsink get hots after 5 to 10 minutes
<hste> jas-hacks_:no not more than normal. no warning in dmesg, but I use a bigger heatsink and not using the case
<hste> I'll try the sample
<jas-hacks_> I still get this occassionaly:
<jas-hacks_> System is too hot. GPU3D will work at 1/64 clock.
<jas-hacks_> thermal_notify: trip_hot reached!
<jas-hacks_> cooling: cpu cur freq is 396000000
<jas-hacks_> cooling: Bad cpu_op_cur!
<hste> jas-hacks_:I think the usb interrupt problem is similar to this
<jas-hacks_> hste: Not too convincing where they mention "The wakeup issue has been identified as a fake wakeup issue which is caused by static discharge"
<hste> jas-hacks_:still no heat problem here
<jas-hacks_> what resolution are you using?
<hste> Now I use the same as your boot.scr 1280x720
<hste> abot 404fps on tuturial7
<hste> jas-hacks_: /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp is 70
<jas-hacks_> after 30 mins fps is 352 from an initial start of 404fps at 1280x720
<hste> jas-hacks_: temp sth goes up to 71 then down to 70 again
<jas-hacks_> hste: My temp goes up to 78 :(
<jas-hacks_> and sometimes trips at 80
<hste> jas-hacks_: looks like my heatsinkmod works better
<jas-hacks_> hste: I have a 40x40x9mm aluminium heatsink
<hste> jas-hacks_: but I don't use the cover only have a heatsink on the cpu
<jas-hacks_> hste: same
<hste> jas-hacks_: strange that mine is cooler then
<jas-hacks_> is it copper?
<hste> no alu I think
<jas-hacks_> what cpu rev?
<hste> CPU identified as i.MX6Q, silicon rev 1.1
<jas-hacks_> My CPU is rev 1.2
<jas-hacks_> and temp rises to 89, so 90 must cause "System is too hot. GPU3D will work at 1/64 clock"
<hste> I thought hihger rev number should be better. more fixes etc
<hste> Strange I see arm_max_freq=800MHz I think it was 1Ghz before
<hste> jas-hacks_: is the 400 clocked down?
<jas-hacks_> hste: where do you see the freq?
<hste> at start of dmesg or kern.log
<jas-hacks_> mine shows 'arm_max_freq=1GHz'
<hste> I think mine showed that when using pre 4.0.0 kernel also
<hste> maybe some change in kernel that set it with older rev number
<jas-hacks_> interesting that I'm seeing /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq 396000
<hste> same on mine
<jas-hacks_> ... so I'm getting 83 temp at 396MHz
<jas-hacks_> what temp do you get if you run es2gears, glmark2-es + tutorial7 ?
<hste> at same time?
<jas-hacks_> yes
<hste> lower. 66 but the tests run slow
<hste> about 24fps on turturil7
<jas-hacks_> I get temp between 83-89, and the freq flips between 998, 792,396 and tutorial7 is 246 fps
<hste> my freq is still on 396000
<hste> I was running glmark2 and glxgears. running es2gears and glmark2-es gives me similar results as you
<hste> mine is running at max 792 as its my max
<hste> my temp is now 73
<jas-hacks_> may be that is why you have a lower temp?
<hste> yes that could be the reason
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<hste> jas-hacks_: so maybe 800 is a better max freq to prevent trottling
<jas-hacks_> hste: may be although it defeats the purpose of making a 1GHz SOC.
<hste> jas-hacks_: as long as u don't use the gpu hard I guess 1GHz should be fine
<jas-hacks_> hste: ... or I try an even bigger heatsink to see if that helps :)
<hste> jas-hacks_: with fan....
<hste> or change the kernel to lower max freq to 800 when temp rice to 79
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<hste> jas-hacks_: I guess for xbmc lower freq to 800 would be better to get a stable output
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<jas-hacks_> hste: wandboard Quad has quite a large heatsink, may be we require the same
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<jas-hacks_> hste: on the rootfs, the boot.scr has a typo should be 'setenv fbmem "28M"; ' not 'setenv fbmem "fbmem=28M";'
<jas-hacks_> hste: otherwise we allocate less memory for fb
<hste> jas-hacks_: how much is allocated if u don't set fbmem? I think it allocate enough based on the resolution if u don't set it
<jas-hacks_> hste: not sure
<hste> jas-hacks_: I tried setting it before, but I think it allocate whats needed as long as we only use one fb
<fossxplorer> Is wandboard Quad supported here?
<hste> fossxplorer: do u have one?
<fossxplorer> Unfortunately no, but it looks very attractive to me as it has Gbit ethernet interface.
<hste> yes it looks very interesting.
<fossxplorer> But i wonder if there is a way to add multiple SATA disks using one SATA connector?
<rm> port multipliers
<rm> the controller has to support this feature, though
<rm> e.g. the Allwinner A10 doesn't
<rm> one to five ports for like $35
<fossxplorer> That's a good thing :)
<fossxplorer> Does anyone know if wandboard Quad/imx6 supports ^ ?
<fossxplorer> Also, what i'm curious about is combing Wandboard Quad with something like
<jas-hacks_> hste: 4.0.0 seems to be better at supporting multiple x11 apps, I can run 2-4 es2gears and the load is equally shared between them.
<fossxplorer> Even thoug ^ has eSATA, i would i could find other similar cases or push a port multiplier inside
<rm> these kidns of multi-disk boxes can be of two kinds (or some are switchable between two modes): either they present all disks individually and just act as a port multiplier,
<rm> or they build some RAID or JBOD inside fully by themselves, and export only a single block device via SATA
<fossxplorer> i see
<fossxplorer> thanks for the clarification
<fossxplorer> But Wandboard has SATA port and not eSATA :(
<rm> there is not a big difference
<fossxplorer> You mean there is converters available?
<rm> yes ^
<jas-hacks_> There's a guy who posted on the blog about booting his sabrelite from SATA using the xubuntu image. "I just tested your image on the Sabrelite board and booted it from SATA. No Problems there - tested with 320GB Western Digital HD and with a SSD. "
<fossxplorer> rm, great, thx
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<fossxplorer> rm, also, i might need to supply the power connector to my disks when using such a multiplier right?
<rm> sure
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<rm> eSATA does not include power in the same wire
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<rm> maybe one of the reasons why it didn't really "take off"
<fossxplorer> yeah, that's what i stumbled over now
<fossxplorer> i see
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