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<Sync> uhhh
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<lekernel> who's coming to ?
<Sync> fail
<Sync> that is the worst possible timeframe ever
<Sync> quite sad that they opted to host it paralell to the congress
<Sync> lekernel: you probably did that on purpose, but why?
azonenberg has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
<lekernel> c3 is usually selling out (with thousands of attendees) - so much for your 'worst timeframe' argument
<lekernel> and having it parallel to the congress helps with repelling hipsters, infosec jerks, etc. who are drawn into the latter :)
<lekernel> just kidding... the real reason is we can easily get free rooms at that time
<lekernel> big and nice ones, with expensive AV systems
<lekernel> and regarding conflicts, c3 rooms are generally quite empty during hardware talks. so it's quite easy to choose which conference to go to.
azonenberg has joined #homecmos
<Sync> not really lekernel
<Sync> and the argument is that it is paralell to c3 which is bad
<Sync> I'm doing some helping at c3 this year too so it is even worse :P
<Sync> I could hit the road hard in the early morning of 29th but then I'd have to organize something to sleep at
<lekernel> blame c3. we announced it first. :)
<Sync> haha