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<Sync> bah still unsure what is the easiest and cost effective way to make vacuum chambers
<Sync> favoring a brazed Al construction now
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<berndj> you building your own vacuum chamber?
<Sync> yeah still on it
<Sync> I need several too
<berndj> pumps?
<Sync> I have most types of pumps that are commonly used
<berndj> what motivates against stainless steel?
<Sync> the cost
<berndj> they cost the same at my local scrap yard
<Sync> I currently cannot weld Al which is annoying so I have to braze or oxyweld it
<Sync> yes but I'm not going to use scrap metal
<berndj> fair enough :)
<Sync> (only because my local scrapyard does not have stainless in sizes I want)
<berndj> can you TIG at all, or just not do it to aluminium, or not at all?
<Sync> I do have a TIG welder
<berndj> cheap one / fancy one?
<Sync> it is a chinese one but it works reasonably well
<Sync> but I almost finished my ac tig inverter
<berndj> same here, but mine can only output DC, so probably can't do aluminium
<Sync> I just need some better mosfets in the bridge to keep the losses low
<Sync> you can do Al with a regular dc tig welder
<berndj> i've been back-of-the-enveloping a diy welder too
<berndj> i can't get it to work out cheaper than buying one :(
<Sync> you just have to use DCEP and preferrably Ar/He mix
<berndj> oh right, the DCEP trick
<Sync> oh it was cheaper for me than buying one
<berndj> with a giant fat tungsten electrode so you can just barely weld the thinnest sheet!
<berndj> so, out with it then, what mosfets?
<berndj> beefiest i've been able to find so far are IRF*2907*
<berndj> * cost-effectively-beefiest
<Sync> the 2907 have too low Vdss to have a good safety margin
<Sync> I have FDH055N15A
<berndj> i'm tempted to build an H bridge to chop up the DC output from my welder, but i don't know the welder well enough to know if it'll get angry about it
<berndj> what open circuit voltage are you working at?
<Sync> actually, I have not measured it
<Sync> but it is around 60V iirc
<berndj> mine hovers at about 75V
<Sync> then your fets will be no good
<berndj> dunno what limits it
<berndj> yeah, 2907 is 75V i see now
<Sync> I also have some IPW65R037C6 for the primary converter
<Sync> the most costly semi in the thing is the SiC diode in the PFC
<Sync> I currently combat some strange transients that kill my primary fets
<berndj> oh and what's your capacitor bank like?
<berndj> the caps i can find don't really seem up to the ripple current required
<Sync> I don't have many caps in there