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<lekernel> azonenberg: btw I don't think it would be possible to use a cd/dvd writer - those need the factory-made "groove track" to position the beam
<lekernel> I think you could merely reuse the laser diode, not much more...
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<azonenberg> lekernel: thats what i meant
<azonenberg> i'd use a bluray diode and a full custom mounting rig
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<azonenberg> obnauticus: Things have been going slow lately with school but things are coming along
<obnauticus> now i do azonenberg
<obnauticus> i have a bunch of chemistry equipment
<obnauticus> and access to an e-beam and stuff
* azonenberg drools
<obnauticus> so i guess I could actually help
<obnauticus> lol
<azonenberg> evaporator or lithography?
<obnauticus> both.
<obnauticus> electron beam
<azonenberg> e-beam without context could mean either
<obnauticus> and photolithography
<azonenberg> fancy
<azonenberg> Is that in a real cleanroom or somebody's basement, though?
<obnauticus> It's a real class 1 clean room
<obnauticus> that I have access to
<azonenberg> class 1? Shiny
<azonenberg> the one at my school is class 100
<obnauticus> durpoopoo has one
<obnauticus> super sexy
<obnauticus> I have an elipsometer and stuff
<azonenberg> nice
<obnauticus> GA tech tried to make a comporable one
<obnauticus> ran out of funding ion the middle of construction
<azonenberg> Lol
<obnauticus> they tried to make it 1/3 bigger than ours
<obnauticus> but instead it is 1/3*ours
<obnauticus> because $$$
<obnauticus> Purdue has $e8's for research
<azonenberg> Nice
<azonenberg> Right now the project is on hold until my roommate gets a few more parts to get his lathe up and running
<azonenberg> then we're making a better spin coater
<obnauticus> ah
<azonenberg> the current one is made from 2x4s and a power drill
<obnauticus> I have access to an entire machine shop too
<obnauticus> with HAAS CNC and shit
<azonenberg> Shiny
<obnauticus> that's jank
<obnauticus> I have 3 machine shops
<obnauticus> purdue is fucking awesome
<azonenberg> We're trying to avoid using too many fancy resources when possible though
<obnauticus> yeah
<obnauticus> for obvious reasons
<azonenberg> since the whole point is to keep it DIY accessible
<obnauticus> but for testing and proof of concept for methods
<obnauticus> i can test fancy stuff
<azonenberg> Oh, yeah
<obnauticus> just fyi
<azonenberg> I have access to a filament evaporator outside the cleanroom (easier/cheaper to get time on)
<azonenberg> that i've been using for metal deposition
<azonenberg> and we have a machine shop too
<obnauticus> ah
<azonenberg> But a lathe in the living room is just so much more fun
<obnauticus> You're aware of FSAE, right
<obnauticus> you go to RPI so you're bound to have friends on it
<azonenberg> My roommate is on it
<azonenberg> the other orommate
<azonenberg> i have four lol
<obnauticus> lol
<obnauticus> I am/was on my university's team
<azonenberg> nice
* azonenberg uploads pic
<azonenberg> My living room
<azonenberg> in the middle of a few projects so its a tad messy
<azonenberg> but you can see some of the lab areas
<azonenberg> Lathe at left, server rack on the right, wet bench just right of center
<azonenberg> dead center in the far back is the electronics assembly workstation and, behind that, the microscopy bench
<azonenberg> hows that for a home setup? :)
<Sync> obnauticus: haas machines suck
<Sync> but haha, you do all that fancy cleanroom stuff, we just ... don't
<obnauticus> Sync yeah, i know
<obnauticus> haas aren't that great
<obnauticus> i have access to actual high quality CNC's as well
<obnauticus> the names escape me at the moment
<obnauticus> rofl
<obnauticus> ah
<obnauticus> it's an MB10
<obnauticus> and whatever the bigger one is
<obnauticus> fryer ones though
<obnauticus> an MB10 and MB15
<obnauticus> those are the CNCs i use most of the time
<obnauticus> one doesn't have an auto tool changer so it works pretty fast
<Sync> tool changers do not hinder machine performance
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<obnauticus> Sync they do
<obnauticus> they limit your effective range
<obnauticus> your Z travel, specifically.
<Sync> that depends on the machine, the cnc machines I worked on did not have such issues