ec changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a π―ππ ππ π―πππππππππ π―ππππππ slash sΝΜuΝΝpΝΝeΜΜΊrΜΌΜ¦iΜΌΜoΜΜ¬rΜΜ cΜΝα»₯Μ§ΝαΈ·Μ‘ΝΕ£ΝΜ || #ELLIOTTCABLE is not about ELLIOTTCABLE
life, uh, finds a way'
that's a name i haven't heard in a long, long time
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hi devyn hi pikajude hi ec
i miss this channel
lmao ec rackmount enclosure?
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gotta say, a big improvement of this job over the last one is no more agile sprint cycle
since as a great man once said, nobody gives a shit about your weekly deploy cycle
I'm ok with a biweekly planning meeting
if people don't stress about explicitly finishing cards "in time"
also imo deploy when ready as long as it's not a friday afternoon
but agile is about completing X points every sprint
*scrum* is about completing points every sprint
agile is just about shipping early and often
oh, ok
they never explained the difference to me
it's wishy-washy, which is why "implementations" like scrum and xp exist
but the gist of it is shipping often and having a back-and-forth with your customers
"agile" has become like "cloud"
it probably once had a meaning somewhere
i can confirm it's both wishy and washy
as soon as there's One True Way it's not agile anymore
so it's sort of zen
if it's not wishy washy then it's not worth a darn
well the implementation we used was terrible
scrum seems to be universally reviled
I knew some scrum people and some teams used it where I worked years ago, but I have no personal experience with it
except for the ritual standup meetings which seem kind of cargo cultish
we are in the midst of paying pivotal huge piles of cash for a 3-month project to learn the One True Way
* swart
predicts cyncism and the usual NIH consequences
but if it gets us doing TDD and CI maybe it's worth it
they also want us to start pairing which is great. but I don't know how they are going to staff projects. it's all about changing management mindset, and they are completely set in their ways
i hate pairing
at least we stopped doing sprints
I don't mind pairing as long as I'm in control. I learned to type 120wpm in high school and now I can't tolerate watching anyone else use a keyboard :)
pairing has never been anything other than a waste of time in my experience
I sometimes call someone over to help me if I get stuck on requirements
I'm too lazy to think through the business cases
but I also get in the office at 7:20 and leave at 4:20, most of the other people here don't show up until after 10am so I'm not on the same wavelength for the most part
not thinking through the business cases is why i'm still code monkey level despite being in the industry for almost 5 years
I actually kinda like planning poker
which is a hallmark of True Scrumβ’
more like scrotum
gross :|
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hahaha my eyes combined those two lines and I read it as 'hallmark of True Scrotum' so I think your mission was accomplished pikajude