purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a
<incomprehensibly> hi alexgordon
<incomprehensibly> daleksgordon
<alexgordon> incomprehensibly!
<alexgordon> exterminate
<alexgordon> EX-TER-MIN-ATE
<alexgordon> actually I haven't seen doctor who since that politician guy became the doctor
<incomprehensibly> capaldi?
<alexgordon> yeah
<alexgordon> In the Loop is a great movie
<incomprehensibly> have not see
<alexgordon> it's really funny
<alexgordon> anyway I can't shift my perception of him as Malcom Tucker sweary politician, to being a time lord
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<ljharb> politician guy?
<ljharb> ah, some british show
alexgordon has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
<eligrey> who here uses android
alexgordon has joined #elliottcable
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: hey,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: any chance you can drag up that picture where you annotated a picture of my old place, by circling every bottle of alcohol
<alexgordon> yeah sure thing
<alexgordon> I'm not in your crowd, man
<alexgordon> > The link you followed may have expired, or the Page may only be visible to an audience that you aren't in.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also how are we not Facebook friends,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also look what I just found, in the process of realizing that: https://www.facebook.com/alexander.gordon.85
<alexgordon> lol
<purr> LOL
<alexgordon> just one of many alexander gordons
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: omg is that furry porn in the background?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> facebook friend me the fuck up already, alex
<alexgordon> I don't facebook (!)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I've known you longer than all but, like, four, of my friends. in the entire world.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hell, I've literally known you longer than *most of my family*.
<alexgordon> I have an account, but I can't be arsed to log into it
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hashtag stepfamily
<alexgordon> wait what?
<alexgordon> which family
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I met my step-siblings for the first time, more recently than I met you for the first time
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: was i in middle school when i met you
<alexgordon> oh I see
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I met you in late 2008 / early 2009, right? and then we became close when I dragged you into the Paws waves, late 2009?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yes, I think so? idk
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I knew alex before you, but only slightly
<alexgordon> incomprehensibly: you were positively zygotic
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: were you ever in #AwESoMeCluB?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find zygotic
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Could not find `zygotic`.
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: no, just ##espresso
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find mic
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Found: micahjohnston, feet, halp, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, and darth vader
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -learn alias positively zygotic = micahjohnston
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Learned `positively zygotic` => `micahjohnston`.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -learn alias zygotic = positively zygotic
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Learned `zygotic` => `micahjohnston`.
<incomprehensibly> -pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
<purr> incomprehensibly: "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis".split('').inject(Array.new) { |acc,e| acc << e; acc << rand(12)+1 }.join
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -darth vader
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Darth Vader rides micahjohnston. <http://flickr.com/photos/powerpig/4793000033/in/set-72157607996040207/lightbox/>
<incomprehensibly> -factoid pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
<purr> incomprehensibly: Popularity: 5, last changed by: <unknown>, <unknown time> ago
<incomprehensibly> -find pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
<purr> incomprehensibly: "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis".split('').inject(Array.new) { |acc,e| acc << e; acc << rand(12)+1 }.join
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find pumsvk
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Could not find `pumsvk`.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -find pumsvc
<purr> ELLIOTTCABLE: Could not find `pumsvc`.
<alexgordon> hahaha wat @ darth vader rides micahjohnston
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: wat.
<purr> beep.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: image! go!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also I miss all of you
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also did I tell you that I'm changing majors to mathematics
<alexgordon> hold on, I have to download all the images from my server
<ELLIOTTCABLE> because lord above is undergrad computer science *boring*
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: I tried grepping the logs for ‘snaps’, but didn't have much luck
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and Google knows surprisingly little about your server
<alexgordon> that funny because there's a shitload of stuff on it
<alexgordon> some day someone is going to hack it and I'll be sad
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also, I have to petition the undergrad dean, because that means I'll be pursuing *three* degrees and a minor, co-terminal
<alexgordon> it's running some godforsaken ancient ubuntu
<ELLIOTTCABLE> when I found that out, it made me think of you, alexgordon
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and your ‘100% intense’ joke
<ELLIOTTCABLE> warmed my heart :3
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: mathematics? shit
<ELLIOTTCABLE> still the biggest compliment I've ever received
<alexgordon> damn this is going too slowly
<alexgordon> I'm only on A
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: yeah, gonna muddle through the continuous-math shit so they'll let me at the discrete shit
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: have you taken analysis?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> was Godforsaken Ancient an Ubuntu release-name?
<alexgordon> I'm going to have to look up the command for taring a directory
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: nope, I'm a lowly nobody still
<incomprehensibly> tar xzf stands for:
<incomprehensibly> tar xtract ze files
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but I've met some Really Cool math people who have basically sold me on the whole programme
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: cool
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: it gets FUCKED
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: where'd you get that? twitter? I wanna retweet
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: but cool
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: russell told me from somewhere a long time ago
<incomprehensibly> if u tweet i'll retweet
<incomprehensibly> eh i'll tweet
<incomprehensibly> u retweet
<ELLIOTTCABLE> too late lawl
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: you're mathematics too, yes?
<incomprehensibly> yeah
<incomprehensibly> cs+math
<ELLIOTTCABLE> when do you graduate?
* alexgordon wades through naked images of louis theroux
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: wat.
<purr> beep.
<incomprehensibly> is alexgordon louis theroux
<alexgordon> could be
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: 3 semesters from now
<incomprehensibly> fall spring fall
<incomprehensibly> 3 math classes 7 cs classes, but hopefully some of those can be research credits
<ELLIOTTCABLE> well I'm chasing you. wish me luck. :D
<ELLIOTTCABLE> So fucking weird to be following in your footsteps, instead of vice-versa.
<incomprehensibly> he he
<incomprehensibly> i'm doing an internship this summer with an hour commute
<incomprehensibly> at a big ol web company
<incomprehensibly> 2 wks ago was my 1-year date at current job
<incomprehensibly> tiny php shop
<incomprehensibly> and i figured it was time to move on
<incomprehensibly> then fall i'm going to try to do research, data analysis stuff or something
<incomprehensibly> then in spring i'm going to try to get a job at a game dev studio
<ELLIOTTCABLE> in my head you were looking for computer-vision internships
<ELLIOTTCABLE> my micah headcanon is that you work at Tesla and invented Autopilot
<ELLIOTTCABLE> should reallllllly be doing homework
<alexgordon> holy shit there's 259.2MB of snaps
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: highlight me if you find that damn image
<alexgordon> no wonder it was taking so long
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (did I tell any of you I'm pulling the trigger on the Model X?)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (I forget when the last time I talked in here was)
<alexgordon> no but I am jealous
<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: all nudes?
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: you did tell me
<incomprehensibly> pls road trip 2 me and take me on a ride
<alexgordon> incomprehensibly: only a small proportion are nudes of me, I mean louis theroux
<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: wat.
<purr> beep.
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: found it! http://chocolatapp.com/snaps/australianhobo.png
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: now you've got to screenshot the facebook thread so I can tell what this is all about
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … australianhobo.png
<ELLIOTTCABLE> oh my fuck
<alexgordon> this is a horse jumping through a stargate: http://chocolatapp.com/snaps/ahorsejumpingthroughastargate.png
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: buying a tesla, getting it Plasti-Dipped matte pink, and immediately jailbreaking (or possibly bricking) it
<alexgordon> have you considered buying a tesla, then driving it?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> approx. this colour: https://instagram.com/p/_5DtMelz7h
<alexgordon> hahaha
<alexgordon> it needs a telephone though
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: thought that was you telling us your color rofl
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: <3
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: huh?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> close-ups: http://ell.io/i17Ax2, http://ell.io/i15Evd
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and I'm considering a slightly more satin finish, instead: http://ell.io/i1lqfm
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and there's a substantial chance I'll go even further, and get vinyl go-fast stripes :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> off-center, like http://ell.io/iUcKi, probably
<ELLIOTTCABLE> her name's, tentatively, either Perseverence, or Verity
<alexgordon> I guess money can't buy taste (!) /me runs
<ELLIOTTCABLE> (my Prius is ‘Patience’, if any of you remember; @EvaGiselle's is Prudence, VanguardVivian's is Purity, and idk what chellio's is, but it's a puritan name, too)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: I have *infinite* taste. ;)
<alexgordon> why not just get a black one
<alexgordon> it's not that I don't admire the level of masculinity inherent in driving around a bubblegum pink tesla, but omg if it were me I'd get one in a standard color
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: found the other pic: http://chocolatapp.com/snaps/elliottbooze.png
<alexgordon> although iirc I managed to circle the only thing in the picture that wasn't alcohol
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: oh that IS your color
<incomprehensibly> lol
<purr> lolno
<incomprehensibly> nice
<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: i saw a dr pepper and a ginger ale circled haha
<incomprehensibly> purr: hi
<purr> incomprehensibly: hi!
<alexgordon> :D
<alexgordon> I don't know what this picture is all about http://chocolatapp.com/snaps/dnc.png
<incomprehensibly> alexgordon: ROFL
<alexgordon> god knows what I was searching for here http://chocolatapp.com/snaps/cohomologies.png
<alexgordon> lol incomprehensibly's disembodied head: http://chocolatapp.com/snaps/micahshop.png
<purr> lol.
<incomprehensibly> find book
<incomprehensibly> -find book
<purr> incomprehensibly: Found: bookofpaws
<incomprehensibly> -bookofpaws
<purr> incomprehensibly: http://i.ell.io/ksN9
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<eligrey> -pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis,
<eligrey> -pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
<purr> eligrey: "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis".split('').inject(Array.new) { |acc,e| acc << e; acc << rand(12)+1 }.join
<eligrey> why though
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: do you have an s6/7?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: I'm getting it in a standard colour, and then getting it dipped
<ELLIOTTCABLE> … like I'd risk the resale value, on a pink paintjob. lolno.
<purr> lolno
<ELLIOTTCABLE> eligrey: th'fuck is that
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: idk you did some search earlier that included that
<eligrey> also the phone
<eligrey> if you mean that
<eligrey> (s)
<eligrey> you need to try my new app
<eligrey> not for ios
<eligrey> ELLIOTTCABLE: https://oftn.org/rainpaper
<alexgordon> oftn still exists?
<eligrey> obviously
<eligrey> next app is coming out soon too
<eligrey> android client + win/linux/chrome os host
<eligrey> not mac though because shit driver support
<eligrey> it has to do with sound stuff
<eligrey> also maybe an ios client
<eligrey> alexgordon: have an android phone?
<alexgordon> nop
<eligrey> ok enjoy that lcd
<eligrey> lel
<alexgordon> lol I don't buy a phone based on what kind of display it has...
<purr> trololol
alexgordon has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
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<eligrey> https://→.sephr.com/
<eligrey> actually hexchat auto-links →.sephr.com/
<ljharb> unicode doesn't autolink for me
<eligrey> my api endpoints use "
<eligrey> because all my content is flames
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<purr\ec> [Homework] ELLIOTTCABLE pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/Homework/compare/f221906a7bac...f7631f8f0a7a
<purr\ec> Homework/master f7631f8 ELLIOTTCABLE: + AVLTree and BSTree starting
<purr\ec> Homework/master 29b129b ELLIOTTCABLE: + starting on MATH 151 writing project
gkatsev_ is now known as gkatsev
<incomprehensibly> eligrey's rain thing is neat actually
eligrey has joined #elliottcable
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<incomprehensibly> eligrey: your rain thing is neat
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<eligrey> incomprehensibly: thanks