purr changed the topic of #elliottcable to: a
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Hrorek: hi!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> omg yes but it's going so badly :D
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's so weird that I'm in “IIT.”
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like, you google that, you get shit on *your* continent
<ELLIOTTCABLE> apparently my IIT is in the middle of a major rebranding to “Illinois Tech”, probably at least partly to cope with that
<Hrorek> ELLIOTTCABLE, why badly?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Hrorek: lmao I'm laughably terrible at school
<Hrorek> same I guess
<Hrorek> failed all 5 of my subjects
<Hrorek> stupid bipolar
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<jfhbrook> Hrorek, you gonna go back when you're better?
<Hrorek> jfhbrook, I will have to take 10 exams this semester
<jfhbrook> I mean, you made it sound like you failed out this semester already? or just a recent series of exams?
<purr> <joelteon> barack obama is dead?
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<Hrorek> jfhbrook, just exams
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<purr> <substack> dropped a lot of haskell at university
<purr> <whitequark> what the everloving fuck did just happen to my shell
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<purr> <elliottcable> I'm perfectly safe inside my fish, thankyouverymuch
<purr> <alynn> because fuck Fedora and fuck Ubuntu slightly less
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm going overboard on this little project
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ES6 via Babel, heavy on the generators and async/await, Flow static-type analysis, Mocha and Chai.should (always used expect.js 'cuz global prototypes and IE6 support), chai-as-promised for testing promises
<ELLIOTTCABLE> like, the disparity from the JavaScript I've *been* writing is breathtaking
<ELLIOTTCABLE> not necessarily in a good way, lol, pretty neutral so far: the async/await is the only *truly* good thing, everything else is *shrug* “just doing it to keep my skillset up to date” kinda stuff.
<purr> lolllll
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -stop purr
<ELLIOTTCABLE> -stoppurr2016
<ELLIOTTCABLE> re: machine learning / ‘AI’ / algorithmics,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> just gonna leave this here without comment.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> /cc glowcoil :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Wow, that looks remarkably pretty in irccloud
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> fuck, flow is cool.
<ljharb> nothing like running an entire ocaml server and littering your files with comments in order to get a simple type inference check
<jaawerth> lol, well, I'll call it simple when you can get the same thing with less ;-)
<jaawerth> as it is the only alternative I know of is TypeScript
<thealphanerd> farts
<ELLIOTTCABLE> fffffuck this is cool
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ljharb: jaawerth nailed it.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ljharb: also, there's absolutely nothing simple about flow-analysis.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I mean, unless you've written a bunch of static-analysis tooling that I didn't notice happening, in which case I'll happily bow to your wisdom: maybe you're just a static-analysis god ;)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> god, testing is so fucking ugly in JavaScript
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I miss my semantic whitespace so hard rn.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so. hard. ;_;
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ljharb: oh, re: our conversation the other night (was that you?) about coffeescriptish-in-babel
<ELLIOTTCABLE> did some research into doing my own semantic-whitespace (without-the-rest-of-coffeescript) plugin on top of babel; and unfortunately, the *lexer* is currently closed; but that's changing soon.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so, coffeescriptishes are impossible on babel *as of yet*. But as soon as babylon opens up, I'm probably going to dive in and figure out the Minimum Effective Semantic-Whitespace-for-JavaScript and write it as a babel plugin, because it's something I care about pretty strongly.
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<ljharb> ah k
<ljharb> i look forward to Yet Another Coffeescriptish Nightmare :-p
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Sorella: you should chat in here more often!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ljharb: basically, my goal is to come up with some *strict* syntactic rules that are really, super-cleanly, language-agnostic
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'd like the *whitespace decisions* to be as JS-future proof as possible.
<ljharb> i admire your optimism
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so that it doesn't die like CS did / need constant re-design or maintenance.
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