Want to do some recruiting for a ‘taking a break’ project I've dreamed up.
devyn, joelteon, nuck, dskuza, incomprehensibly, vigs, vil, and especially nuck: glance at ↓this↓ when you get a moment; it'll be seriously appreciated.
I'm diving head-first into building a very focused tool for open-source projects:
a website that takes the existing #FIXME, #TODO, and ./TODO.txt tasks from their codebase, and aggregates them into a central tracking location; and more importantly, one that integrates tightly with GitHub.
basically, every single project in the history of *ever* is already using those (even if they've got other systems that they're using primarily: from Issues to Asana to … whatever); but they tend to get lost or ignored, especially if there *is* such an ‘official’ task-manager in place
specifically, I've decided to do this in a manner that integrates tightly with existing usages: ‘adding a task’ is simply adding a line to the codebase; removing one, is that line disappearing in a commit. The only feature I care about right at the start (MVP) is tracking the appearance / disappearance of `# FIXME: …` in commits to GitHub repositories.
eventually, if there is an eventually, it'd be cool to have some integration with Issues', or Issues' task-lists; a command-line ‘client’ (actually, doesn't need to talk to the webapp at all … a local CLI that does exactly what the webapp does); an
but I want to get a working site out the door quickly.
I'm personally diving right in on the library for the backend that will power it all (basically, something at least middlingly-performant that can dig through repository histories for FIXMEs and TODOs and similar, and find them being added/removed). Let me know if any of you think this sounds like a worthy task, and wants to dedicate some time in the
immediate future to a component thereof.
dskuza: went through some of my old ideas, and found the most wide-interest one.
Well my immediate thought was "why isn't this done? Or at least properly?"
Could add in a way of removing a TODO is it was previously fixed but marking not removed, have it auto-commit or something as well.
dskuza: put a lot of thought into this over the last couple hours; I *really* don't want to focus on anything that modifies your repository, or at least the primary branch.