ELLIOTTCABLE changed the topic of #elliottcable to: screw syntax, make neat languages
cloudhead: hi!
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ELLIOTTCABLE: my guess is for pristine=true: set pristine=false, pc=first in root. stack would be empty but I don't think that's a problem
and of course it would just end up combining against response
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ELLIOTTCABLE: initialization of a pristine Execution also has to check if it's empty, otherwise if it's empty step #3 would be applied, as current would be undefined
but I think this should work
hold on I see another problem
step #3 should really just take into account whether there's an enclosing Expression
if not it just discards and produces no combination
hi devyn
hi alexgordon
devyn: talk langs to me dev
not going to be here for much longer. just finishing up advance() and then headed downtown.
devyn: :(
but, if you want, you can throw stuff at me and I'll reply later
rust is the least fun I've had programming since C++
actually it's less fun than C++
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cloudhead: HAHA
cloudhead: micah said the exact same thing
cloudhead: but more educatedly-like
cloudhead: rust is a really brilliant language and it does everything right buuuuuut I dunno it's like uncanny valley
C++ is the real deal
it's the real deal because it's for the most part a superset of C
so you can really crucify yourself using it
e.g. computed goto. I dunno if rust has anything like that
rust is a bit like ada to be honest
you can't argue with their decisions
it's just
so fucking verbose
and complicated
...but they don't add up to a good whole
cloudhead: yah
their problem is trying to implement everything that C can do
but in a different way
let p = node.parent_.as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap();
just wrote this
I don't even
* joelteon
the safety features get in the way of... doing things
haha yeah
yea, and because of the crippled type system
you basically have to litter the code with crap
to be fair
I almost prefer running valgrind every other time
it is not yet version 1
joelteon: their problem now is that it's really not ready
but it has traction
but will v1 have higher-kinded types
is my question
so do they push for 1.0 and possibly people will actually use it
and even that would not be enough I think..
alexgordon what do you call the difference between C++ templates where you state what variables you're parameterizing on and haskell typeclasses where you don't have to
or do they spend the 4 or so years it needs, at the risk of alienating all their users
(* -> *) -> *
joelteon: one of them is useful?
but what's the name for it
not sure, example please
ok i don't really know c++ but it's like
what would the type for a map function be in c++
i don't know lambdas
don't need lambdas
the type would be
go on
depends how deep you go
the simplest would be
template<typename T> std::vector<T> map(std::vector<T> xs, T (*f)(const T& x));
but that's not really the same as haskell
you can extend that to mapping between different types
you can extend haskell to map between different types too
template<typename A, typename B> std::vector<B> map(std::vector<A> xs, B (*f)(const A&));
right next stage would be to map over arbitrary collections
i wasn't trying to make this a dick measuring contest, i might've done it by accident
do you know what you call it when that happens
* alexgordon
isn't measuring his dick
i forgot my ruler
joelteon: you mean when you do like A<B> ?
it's either higher kinded or higher ranked, can never remember the difference
does C++ have hkts?
ok, no, that's not what i meant
joelteon: my knowledge of haskell lingo is pretty low
well, you wouldn't really need them
if haskell types looked like c++ types, that would be this:
std::vector<B> map(std::vector<A> xs, B (*f)(const A&));
in c++ you state template<typename A, typename B>
oh well that's just a forall
haskell has implicit forall
when you write
oh ok
implicit forall
(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
it means
yeah i know
forall a. forall b. etc
there we go
ok, cool
joelteon: C++ doesn't have that because functions (among other things) can have type arguments
whereas haskell uses casting
you mean they can take a type as an argument?
_usually_ C++ will be able to deduce the type arguments automatically
that makes sense
but sometimes it cannot, e.g. for a return value parametrization
also C++ templates can be integers as well as types
Matrix<4, 4>
which haskell doesn't have
and don't get me started on variadic templates :P
ok i won't
people say haskell has a powerful type system
haskell does have type lits now though
and there are some constraints in base 4.7 for comparing numbers
on the type level
but it still has things like 10 overloads for functions on tuples, whereas in C++ you can do that with a recursive template definition
but i mean, why would you use that shit anyway
c++ tuples are like hlists
joelteon: link?
what's an hlist
it's just a tuple, except you can cons/uncons it
personally I'm in the camp that it's better to just generate this code from metaprogramming than try and expand the scope of the type system
it's just a haskell tuple*
like if you wanted a function that mapped on tuples
map :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
you're better off generating a bunch of those
that's (&&&)
but yeah
than trying to do weird stuff like
map :: (a -> b) -> (a...) -> (b...)
too complex
i agree
but that's what C++ does
never afraid of complexity :P
i'd link you to the hlist docs but that's an oleg library
alexgordon: have to admit, you're making me want to learn C++ properly.
alexgordon: as in, the way you've described templating above, sounds right up my alley. I would *love* to work with that.
ELLIOTTCABLE: it's actually awesome
because it's so intuitive, to me
I find it way more intuitive than "traits" and stuff
because it's literally just simple subtitution
no hidden rules baked into the language
cloudhead: hi.
cloudhead: in your professional opinion, what's the value of Rust?
didn't he say he hated it yesterday?
I got a lot of feel for your issues with it; what do you see as the positives?
ELLIOTTCABLE: is stuck up in the clouds; hilight 'em if you want 'em.
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devyn has joined #elliottcable
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“All of these come from abstract algebra and category theory, which is a pretty insane field.”
love this guy so much.
learning things, a bit
so, two things:
vigs has joined #elliottcable
A) Why are you writing a Paws? To my immense surprise, you keep coming back and working on it, day-after-day.
B) if you understand Paws well-enough, now that you're *implementing* it; I need to talk to somebody about the concurrency issues you brought up. I've been thinking hard on it for several days, and have some observations; but micah's basically fallen off the programming map, and I seem to have a really hard time drawing actionable insights or decisions out
of my thought-process without a cognizant sounding-board.
(I googled “learning system F”, because the original paper I have on hand is a little dense for me,)
(and got an article titled “System F in CoffeeScript.”)
(that's two things you would never fucking expect to see in close proximity to one-another. O_O)
ELLIOTTCABLE: A) I don't even know. It's kinda fun. I'm learning Rust. I have better things to do, but... this is pretty fun
I have to leave in a little under 20 minutes, to start walking. Have a haircut to get to.
lol system f in coffeescript
so I won't go into any depth, right now. Will you be around “tonight?” (T ⨤ 2 hrs)
yeah, most likely
I understand the S.f in CS thing, actually. He chose it because, for the strict set of things needed, their syntaxes are directly correspondent
then I guess that makes sense
λx.λy.x === (x)-> (y)-> x
x y === x y
Haskell is probably closer...
e ::= x | λx.e | e e
e ::= x | (x)-> e | e e
yeah, but Haskell isn't remotely as approachable.
\x -> \y -> x
x y
to me, it was surprising that he was using CoffeeScript instead of, say, Ruby, C, or JavaScript
I still think \ is such a funny choice
funny, ick
because it looks like lambda, apparently
terrible choice. >:
if you enable UnicodeSymbols you can actually use the lambda
no one does though
I would >:
there's three ways to take bites out of the sequencing problem.
which is what the thing you brought up, basically is.
Sgeo has joined #elliottcable
at the moment, the naïvest Paws *must* un-stage unstage a realizing execution after a single combination.
A) for what is likely the most common single staging, we can special-case it and make it “synchronous”, i.e. on-the-stack, because we *know* it preforms no asynchronous operations. Specifically, the receiver for Things.
that means a sequence of ‘component’-lookups, not abstracted in any way (`foo bar baz`) can be preformed on the stack, without unstaging.
I was thinking about that
in fact I was thinking that all native operations could basically choose whether they want to respond immediately or not
and then that would get propagated
so like the native handler could either return a response immediately
and the reactor would just continue
native handler could return a staging
or not
Spilled soda on my laptop.
And now leaving for haircut. Back soon.
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