sipa changed the topic of #bitcoin-wizards to: This channel is for discussing theoretical ideas with regard to cryptocurrencies, not about short-term Bitcoin development | | This channel is logged. | For logs and more information, visit
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<yoleaux> musalbas: Sorry, I don't know what timezone that is. If in doubt, see for a list of options.
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<bitAsk> Hey, is there someone online who knows a little bit of the technical stuff behind a transaction?
<bitAsk> If i send money from Address A to Address B. A few seconds later i send money from Address B to Address C. So the first transaction is not in a solved block. Can i send money from that address?
<EvanR> no
<bitAsk> Because those Transactions 1KYx9QyNygK8zsKfXgcVycvWjqpsjz3jFo are in the same block
<bitAsk> They are both in block 510535
<EvanR> well, i guess you can after all
<EvanR> but the more of these "virtual" transactions to do, the harder it will be to get them all into the same block
<bitAsk> Ok
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<yoleaux> [1802.07344] Coconut: Threshold Issuance Selective Disclosure Credentials with Applications to Distributed Ledgers
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<Guest56870> Does it make sense to add mimblewimble to the list of gmax alt ideas here:
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