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<wizard_> are any7 of you any good at these cicada 3301 things?
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<hkjn0> grin isn't going to implement tx cutthrough? is there somewhere I could read about this? their docs certainly made it sound like they'd have it..
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<cac> you could go to their slack and ask for yourself, but in an interview with one of the devs they said that they would implement it
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<hkjn0> ok, so not yet supported, but planned? that's more in line with what I'd expect, just trying to make sense of maaku's comment above
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<maaku> I don't know what's planned because I work on my own mimblewimble implementaiton, not grin.
<maaku> But the current version of grin does not support multiple kernels per tx,and therefore you cannot do non-interactive aggregation or cut through of transactions.
<maaku> And it doesn't support cut-through IBD either
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<cac> do you have a publicly viewable repo of your implementation?
<nsh> are transaction kernels described somewhere? i don't recall them from the original MW textfile/paper
<nsh> oh grin/
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<waxwing> nsh, istr andytoshi introduced the term "kernel" to replace "excess". been a while tho' maybe i don't recall right.
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<nsh> ah, ty
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<maaku> .tell cac no, I'm not developing this in public (yet)
<yoleaux> maaku: I'll pass your message to cac.
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