chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | If you have a problem, fill this first : | If you dont like your device, sell it. -codeworkx | Everyone get
<mongi> g1? wich is that?
<mongi> i was thinking about a xperia s
<Jiangyi> frankdrey-pc: You sure you still want an Exynos phone?
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<frankdrey-pc> Jiangyi, wha?
<frankdrey-pc> mongi, HTC Dream :P
<mongi> nah, htc is sucking too
<Jiangyi> [19:59:11] <mongi> damn, thinking about selling my i9100
<Jiangyi> Therefore, you want to get Exynos.^^
<Jiangyi> [19:59:50] <frankdrey-pc> mongi, to me :D
<mongi> hahaha
<mongi> i guess he meant me too kkkkk
<mongi> or i got it wrong
<mongi> guess i got wrong xD
<mongi> sorry
<frankdrey-pc> Jiangyi, Exynos? isn't that samsucks new fancy cpu?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-pc> or what?
<frankdrey-pc> i thought i9100 is fine?
<mongi> yep
<frankdrey-pc> i9100 has it? D:
<Jiangyi> frankdrey-pc: Yeah, why do you think it has crap CM10 right now? :-P
<frankdrey-pc> ohh
<frankdrey-pc> better than G1?:P
<Jiangyi> It also has the Yamaha DAC, which is a nightmare combo really.
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<mongi> samsung just made us a fool
<frankdrey-pc> lol
<frankdrey-pc> anyway, homework time
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<elliptic1> Does anyone know which app in the CM system handles the wifi icon in the top right of the status bar?
<Jiangyi> Well then. cody forgot to enable STK on I9100G. :-|
<Jiangyi> No wonder people were complaining.
<Jiangyi> elliptic1: SystemUI?
<bbqbot> derp
<EgotisticalElf> on a far out question, is it possible to remove the phone components from a phone (captivate specifically), or force it to stay in airplane mode?
<Jiangyi> o-o Isn't a phone going to stay in airplane mode once you set it?
<EgotisticalElf> my 5yo uses it, he's fairly curious
<EgotisticalElf> it has no sim and no plan
<EgotisticalElf> i just don't want him calling 911 on me :)
<elliptic1> Jianyi: yep thanks
<Jiangyi> oh lol
<Jiangyi> Pretty sure I saw ROMs like that before :-P
<EgotisticalElf> would disabling/removing the phone.apk work well enough?
<Jiangyi> I do know that XDA's AdamOutler did that as part of his setup to make his cappy into a web server :-P
<Jiangyi> Think it is, last time I messed with phone.apk, my calls failed and no one could call me xD
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<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> but AdamOutler > everyone else
<EgotisticalElf> actually, if all calls failed, i'd be happy
<chadouming> hmm, kinda kill the concept of a PHONE
<EgotisticalElf> it's a 4" tablet
<EgotisticalElf> for a 5yo
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<EgotisticalElf> repurposed old phone
<EgotisticalElf> i have an sgs3, wife has an sgs2
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<Jiangyi> +1 for repurposing
<chadouming> sounds better said that way
<chadouming> +1 repurposing
<EgotisticalElf> wow, he is super weird
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... I wonder if SIM PIN problems are related to STK not being enabled too.....
<chadouming> hmm, i doubt
<chadouming> there is no stk on GNex
<chadouming> and no problem
<Jiangyi> Well, can't help that guy with PIN problems out then. :-|
<Jiangyi> Wait....
<Jiangyi> chadouming: I just saw stk on a GNex today on my friend's phone o-o
<chadouming> hmm
<chadouming> well, i have no STK
<Jiangyi> Me neither, think it's carrier-specific.
<Jiangyi> He was on Mobi
<chadouming> doubt so
<chadouming> i had STK on my SGS and SGS II
<chadouming> and same carrier
<Jiangyi> I've never had STK here when I had my captivate, but if I put in a Chinese SIM card, STK popped right out.
<Jiangyi> Never tried with I9100G though.
<chadouming> there we go
<chadouming> finished my TNT proof fun room
<chadouming> :D
<chadouming> 3 layer of bed rock on wall, floor and roof
<Jiangyi> Now test it! :-P
<chadouming> paterned with obsidian on floor for easy calculation
<chadouming> roof lightning integrated
<chadouming> :D
<chadouming> ofc
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<chadouming> i might start hard tho xD
<chadouming> 7 X 8 X 3 block of tnt :D
<Jiangyi> OK build time :-P
<chadouming> hmm, destroyed all light
<chadouming> x
<chadouming> xD
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<mongi> hope to see cm10 nightly for i9100 on track soon
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<elliptic1> Is there something different about doing adb install -r /path/to/SystemUI.apk ? I've installed other apks, but this one says INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_INSTALL_LOCATION
<Jiangyi> Why don't you just push the apk to /system/app? o-o
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<elliptic1> ok that worked, so adb install is just like push except it figures out where to put it?
<Jiangyi> well, adb install installs the app as an user app.
<mcored> i was wondering if there was a centralised Disk Cataloging software which works like Quassel or Deluge where core is in a server and clients log on from other PCs; the closest i could get was VVV (Virtual Volumes View) but it doesnt work as expected.
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<elliptic1> does search from the homescreen work for any of you who have the latest CM10 nightly?
<bbqbot> derp
<elliptic1> On my crespo4g it'll open the search app but when I type a letter it crashes
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<elliptic1> Why do the source files uses spaces instead of tabs?
<frankdrey> because not all editors recognize tabs
<frankdrey> also, are your gapps latest?
<frankdrey> search app should be google's problem
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<Jiangyi> Think it has to do with code styling rules too.
<frankdrey> yes
<frankdrey> but those code styler rule maker peoples had that in mind :P
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<elliptic1> i think my gapps is from July
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<Jiangyi> Time to update to 10/11. :-P
<elliptic1> Yeah I'm looking here it says latest for CM10 is 2012 07 26
<elliptic1> not the right place to get it?
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<Jiangyi> elliptic1:
<Jiangyi> And WTH
<Jiangyi> I come back to my PC after 3 days, and I have something called Windows Essentials on my computer now? O_O
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<elliptic1> cool thanks I'm downloading it now
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* frankdrey is so excited
<frankdrey> im about to boot android on my tg01 with supposedly all the right drivers :D
<frankdrey> it's "creating a new data store" right now :P
<frankdrey> WHOOO BOOTING :D
<frankdrey> lol at seeing an htc logo on a toshiba
<frankdrey> hmm no cm boot logo :(
<frankdrey> no adb
<frankdrey> :/
<Jiangyi> .-.
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<elliptic1> with the new google apps, my status bar is gone
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<elliptic1> i've wiped dalvik, regular cache and reflashed CM10 and then gapps
<elliptic1> i haven't wiped data
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<elliptic1> any ideas about that?
<frankdrey> what?
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<elliptic1> my status bar is gone after i upgraded gapps to 10/11
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<frankdrey> o.o
<elliptic1> manage apps says SystemUI is running
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<tankrd> hey guys, does the nightly CM 10 work with Galaxy s2 from Bell?
<bbqbot> derp
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<elliptic1> check here
<tankrd> hmm, ok, i guess i dont see the bell one in there
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<Jiangyi> Damn, was going to answer him.
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<elliptic1> Jiangyi are you still around?
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<elliptic1> Does anyone know why my status bar might have disappeared after I upgraded to gapps 10/11, on CM10 nightlies?
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<elliptic1> Still gone after I downgrade to gapps 07 26 ...
<Peter`Pan> 8h bientot, le neveu va ce reveiller...
<Peter`Pan> bonne journée les poney
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<OverTheStars> hello
<elliptic1> hi
<frankdrey-g1> elliptic, did you flash anything else?
<OverTheStars> out of curiosity, if someone were to hypothetically attempt to install cm10 on an at&t S3, what would be the most probable reason it wouldn't boot and it would just keep displaying the animation?
<elliptic1> already had the newest cm10 nightly
<elliptic1> flashed the new gapps on top of it
<elliptic1> it disappeared, then I try reflashing both, and then reflashing the old gapps, it's still gone
<elliptic1> OverTheStars the very first time you boot it up it takes 5 minutes or so
<OverTheStars> well it's taken a surplus of 15 minutes.
<elliptic1> did you wipe data?
<OverTheStars> yeah.
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<frankdrey-g1> elliptic1, O_o I don't even know
<elliptic1> i just cleared the cache, didn't work, i'm gonna re-clear and reflash the new CM10 and the old gapps and see what happens
<frankdrey-g1> Wipe system maybe?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-g1> Idunno
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<elliptic1> OverTheStars it might get far enough along in the boot process for you to see some output in ddms
<OverTheStars> hm.
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<elliptic1> ok I cleared everything except data and reflashed CM10 and the old gapps, and still no status bar. How could anything survive that?
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<frankdrey-g1> elliptic, an app you installed?O_o
<frankdrey-g1> Or a setting that somehow turned on?
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<frankdrey-g1> Fuck the toshiba tg01
<codeworkx> dafuq
<frankdrey-g1> I spent 5 frickin hours today
<frankdrey-g1> Trying to hack some drivers together
<frankdrey-g1> I'm back at step 1
<frankdrey-g1> Except now it won't even boot xD
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<frankdrey-g1> codeworkx, and you think you have problems with samsung
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<frankdrey-g1> codeworkx, and you think you have problems with samsung
<codeworkx> i dont have anymore
<frankdrey-g1> Lol
<frankdrey-g1> I wish I had at least 1 normal phone
<frankdrey-g1> I should just switch to my sony ericsson tm717
<frankdrey-g1> All I'm getting from these cheap smartphones is headaches
<Devourz> lol
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<MacDrunk> sup codeworkx
<codeworkx> ohai
<MacDrunk> how you doing
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<MacDrunk> hehehe im waiting for the next nigtly for CM 10,,,gotta say those two experimental releases,, some how give me the cripss
<MacDrunk> both seems to be unstable,,, the first one not so bad,, but had some sd card mounting issues as well some ril issues,, the second xperimental release fix those but give battery drain
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<MacDrunk> thanks for a very stable reales of cm 10
<MacDrunk> i love it
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<elliptic1> sounds like an opportunity for you to learn how to compile your own rom and start to contribute changes through gerrit
<Assid> waddup cody!
<codeworkx> OH NOEZ
<Assid> hahahaa
<Assid> man i need to find more people to hire ..
<Assid> need a networking guy
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<anthony3h18> Hi, i have installed cm 10 latest nightly , i come from 4.0.4 official stock rom ,and my wifi wont work, i cant connect to any network. Can anyone help me ? I've tried factory reset.
<Assid> haha.. nah.. need one on my payroll
<elliptic1> anthony3h18 get into ddms and see what the error is when you try to turn it on or when you try to connect
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<elliptic1> is this channel logged and archived somewhere so it can be googled later?
<anthony3h18> ican start wifi , but it stuck in connecting
<elliptic1> bad password?
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<MacDrunk> assid
<elliptic1> maybe make it open for a second and try to connect, or open a hotspot on another phone and try to connect to that
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<codeworkx> anthony3h18: which phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<MacDrunk> codeworkx still lot of work to release a stable version of cm 10??
<MacDrunk> the only issue so far i encounter is that fb contact and phone contacts wont sync
<MacDrunk> but i find a nice app over play store that do all the work no problem
<elliptic1> do you all notice that after a reboot the wifi icon doesn't show any strength, until you turn wifi off and on again and then it works fine?
<elliptic1> or is that just me
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<MacDrunk> the app is called contact-sync
<MacDrunk> hmm elliptic1 what phone
<elliptic1> crespo4g
<MacDrunk> my phone is SGS II gt-i9100
<MacDrunk> works flawlessly
<MacDrunk> in fact i love it more than cm 9.1.0 stable
<MacDrunk> i used to have it and got lots of signal lost and battery drain,, even if flash new modems
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<MacDrunk> in fact i had to reflash my stock rom so i can send my phone to warraty,, my batt was dead,,
<MacDrunk> well,, now i had to buy a replacement batt,, and lost my warraty,, before it ends,, 20 day i have but the fucking thecnitian it says my usb connector had humidity
<MacDrunk> so fuck it you lost your 20 days left of warranty
<MacDrunk> i dont know why he say that,,, i can still charge my phone and debug
<MacDrunk> no problems
<MacDrunk> they dont want to replace me the batt so fuck them
<MacDrunk> i bouth a new replacemnet,, now im locking for the ubs connector module
<MacDrunk> thanks samsung they build solderless
<MacDrunk> sorry for the flod but i was inspierd
<elliptic1> for the record: I forced quit the SystemUI app, used root in the file manager to delete the SystemUI.apk file and the /data/data/ folder, and reflashed the rom and the new gapps, and my status bar came back.
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<MacDrunk> hmm what phone
<elliptic1> me? crespo4g
<MacDrunk> what phone is that
<MacDrunk> never hear of it
<elliptic1> Nexus S 4G
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<MacDrunk> so now you fix your issue
<elliptic1> yeah
<MacDrunk> nice
<MacDrunk> i only have two issues
<MacDrunk> double notification from facebooks notifications as well another program,, like whatsapp
<MacDrunk> and some times the scren tilts when im on chat or whats app chatting group
<MacDrunk> the left side of the scren tilts
<elliptic1> could you write your own quick little app that makes a notification, so you can run it in debug mode and see where the second one comes from?
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<MacDrunk> hmm due im a noob dont know noting about programming
<MacDrunk> whish i could learn to doit
<MacDrunk> hell im to lazzy to doit
<elliptic1> i think it took me one weekend to get everything set up and my first app compiled and running. After that it gets easier quickly
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<MacDrunk> hmm
<MacDrunk> whats the api??
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<endrit9> yo
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<Fissurez> ♪
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<martinvok> help pls
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<martinvok> help me
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<Jagai> Anyone know if CM10 keyboard is buggy?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jagai> Seems to be missing a few icons @ the keyboard
<cdesai> Jagai: recent build?
<cdesai> which language?
<cdesai> upload a screenshot
<Jagai> english, hebrew
<Jagai> moment.
<cdesai> english is fine here.
<bealtine^> it is what it is
<Jagai> i used to have Samsung rom, 4.0.4
<Jagai> language swapping was whoe lot easier
<Jagai> but hold on lemme show u the screens
<Jagai> english keyboard seems to be missing 1 icon on the bottom left, hebrew is a whole different story
<Jagai> Might just be me who is unfamiliar with JB's keyboard, dunno.
<xplodwild> looks good to me
<xplodwild> working as intended
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<Jagai> hmmm
<Jagai> any other keyboard apps u might recommend using?
<Jagai> new to all of this modification thing on my android
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<Fissurez> want
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<Jiangyi> Hmm....
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Any clue why half the nightly builds keep randomly failing? :-|
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<bealtine^> my understandig is github is failing
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<Jiangyi> That's what I think too, but it's illogical that it has been failing for the past week. o-o
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<chadouming> it's github, really logical that it fail
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: it's github
<Jiangyi> Argh. That sucks. :-|
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: afaik they're blocking you if you try rape em ;-)
<codeworkx> our repos are hardly used by everyone
* Jiangyi swear that they're mainly hating towards I9100G.
<Jiangyi> 3 fails in a row ._.
<codeworkx> a) throw more money on them b) do own hosting which is probably to expensive
<chadouming> c) bitbuket
<codeworkx> chadouming: and who says that it will not happen there too?
<codeworkx> it's a fucking huge amount of bandwith which would move from one to another day from github to bitucket
<codeworkx> don't think they'll be happy about it
<chadouming> no one, but who said to the first person who hate an egg it was not poison ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> ...... What? ._.
<codeworkx> chadouming: moving such a project is not like "let's give it a try"
<chadouming> mah
<codeworkx> chadouming: that's a shitload of work
<chadouming> life is all about give it a try
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> make sure it works -> move
<codeworkx> i've no problem with github derping :-D
<codeworkx> my phone is up2date
<chadouming> i wonder how much TB of bandwidth it use for github everyday
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Manually trigger an I9100G build please? xD
<bealtine^> build starvation?
<Jiangyi> I'm OK since I built it for myself yesterday, but the other users are dying. xD
<chadouming> flashaolic, mouahahhaha
<chadouming> i know that feeling bro
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: that will fail too
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I thought the failure was being caused by the huge amount of traffic with doing all the builds. :-|
<codeworkx> they're doing measurments per account afaik
<codeworkx> 2 weeks ago they've shut down some repos because of "overuse"
<codeworkx> there's noting you can do
<Jiangyi> NOOOOOO T_T
* Jiangyi doesn't want to build every other day Q.Q
<bealtine^> yes you do:)
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: ask to host it :-D
<Jiangyi> ._. Don't they only host kernels?
<codeworkx> didn't they host android?
<codeworkx> before the bad day someone detected a intrusion?
<codeworkx> and google moved to own servers?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> Right, completely forgot about that. :-|
<Jiangyi> derp indeed.
<frankdrey-g1> Derp.
<codeworkx> derp
<frankdrey-g1> You know, if I finish all my homework today, I might build a new kernel from source for my TG01
<frankdrey-g1> I lie. Ill probably do homework while setting it up and building.
<frankdrey-g1> Which means I won't get any done.
<frankdrey-g1> Also, is there any place to download wifi tethering drivers for windows?
<bealtine^> eh?
<frankdrey-g1> For my tab?
<frankdrey-g1> I need to tether wifi over usb
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<frankdrey-g1> Is samsung kies really the only way to do that?
<frankdrey-g1> Because the wifi chip in my computer cuts out every time kies install tries to download .net
<frankdrey-g1> Hence why I want to tether from tablet
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<frankdrey-g1> Or does kies not work with cm10?
<frankdrey-g1> Or should I wake up fully and think over what I'm trying to do and stop asking questions?
<frankdrey-g1> Because I'm half asleep.
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<frankdrey-g1> Everyone's silence makes me feel stupid.
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<lucifero77> Hello, I write from Italy, I have a P3100 galaxy tab2, I put the CM10 and I noticed some problems: Hotspot does not work, if there is a different keyboard, every time you power cycle the tab is in conflict, to restore you must go to settings, select the stock and then reselect the different keyboard. I hope I have been helpful in improving this BEAUTIFUL ROM. sorry for my English. thanks Francesco
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<chadouming> woah
<chadouming> that was a kind of bug report not seen often xD
<Jiangyi> Well, he left in >1 minute, so..... :-P
<chadouming> nope
<chadouming> @math 43 - 57
<bbqbot> 43-57 = -14
<chadouming> 46 seconds
<chadouming> after he gave his bug report xD
<frankdrey-g1> Hit and run bug report
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> anybody know that guy ?
<frankdrey-g1> Nope.
<frankdrey-g1> Probably another dumb modded rom?
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Oops, I meant to type <1 min.
<chadouming> well, he say : "Yup, i'm back"
<chadouming> which made me think someone must know him
<Jiangyi> Anyways, I'm lul-ing at AOKP gerrit
<Jiangyi> They just merged some pretty whacked Chinese translations that's gonna break build xD
<chadouming> but after being there since 02/2012 and with 60 thanks, i still dont know him xD
<Jiangyi> Oh wait, nvm
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<Jiangyi> I thought it was duplicate strings, but then I saw how the strings were different by just 1 letter ._.
* frankdrey-g1 is gonna start learning how to fix his own bugs
<chadouming> that's a good thing to learn
<Jiangyi> chadouming: I got 60 thanks just for putting up a ICS root method thread. xD
<chadouming> xD
<Jiangyi> daflip
<Jiangyi> AOKP string: Swagger; Chinese translation for it: self-destruct o_o
<frankdrey-g1> I got a bunch of thanks for adding a rom install customization thingy to a rom
<frankdrey-g1> and now I feel dumb that I made a whole new thread and named it a full blown mod
<frankdrey-g1> Since I coulda just made a universal one, and released it as a tool
<chadouming> LOL
<chadouming> mah
<frankdrey-g1> I bet the aroma guy stole my idea >:(
<chadouming> i got almost no thanks for putting up a few thread
<chadouming> gotta find them :D
<frankdrey-g1> Because mine was first, but ghettoer :P
<frankdrey-g1> I once spent 20 pages helping a guy
<frankdrey-g1> He tested a few roms, learned a bunch
<frankdrey-g1> And finally stuck with the rom I modded xD
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<frankdrey-g1> Since the original rom was already the fastest
<Jiangyi> The I9100G users really like to hand out thanks' for very little reasons xD
<frankdrey-g1> And my customization let you get rid of shit that you don't need in the rom
<frankdrey-g1> Making it oh so much faster :D
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<chadouming> and this one was with codeworkx :D
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<frankdrey-g1> So many links
<frankdrey-g1> Me has a G1
<frankdrey-g1> I wonder if many people have TG01s
<frankdrey-g1> So far only 4-5 people have been watching what I've been doing
<frankdrey-g1> (Which is mostly not knowing what I'm doing xD)
<frankdrey-g1> But yesterday I was pretty close, except for that I got shitty adreno 200 libs that broke everything
<frankdrey-g1> But I can't find the drivers for my raid card
<frankdrey-g1> And id rather not run a vm to build in on my slow hdd
<frankdrey-g1> Maybe ill just reverse things
<frankdrey-g1> Run windows in linux :P
<frankdrey-g1> Since linux detects all my hardware fine
<frankdrey-g1> Hmmm
<frankdrey-g1> Yeah...
<frankdrey-g1> But, after I finish my homework :P
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<Jiangyi> Hrm.
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<logcat> ahhhh samsung. Building new hardware, using old software
<frankdrey-g1> Well this is shitty. Win7 cd won't even boot.
<frankdrey-g1> Ubuntu disk gets stuck after I choose install ubuntu
<frankdrey-g1> :(
<frankdrey-g1> Xp is just a PITA
<frankdrey-g1> Hmmm
<frankdrey-g1> Wait...
<logcat> boot live
<logcat> burn win 7 cd
<logcat> i did that often xD
<frankdrey-g1> I only have the alternative ubuntu cd
<frankdrey-g1> And I have a win7 cd
<frankdrey-g1> Doesn't work
<frankdrey-g1> Hmm now ubuntu kernel is panicing
<frankdrey-g1> :(
<frankdrey-g1> Amd non 64 bit is i386, or no?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-g1> This PC is dumb. Its some 1.3ghz amd cpu, 1 gb of ram, and I have an ati firegl x1 128mb in it
<Jiangyi> ._. Sounds like my P4.
<frankdrey-g1> The kernel panic comes after a million pci errors
<frankdrey-g1> Psh
<frankdrey-g1> My P4 was awesome
<frankdrey-g1> It was a 3.20ghz hyperthreaded
<frankdrey-g1> Well fk, I guess I'm stuck with xp
<frankdrey-g1> Now to find a version of vmware that works
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<Fissurez> is he trying to install win 7 on a pc with a 1.3Ghz AMD CPU?
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<Fissurez> cause if so, i'm not surprised it's not booting, and ubuntu is complaining
<Jagai> Anyone with experience of re-updating rooted Tab 2 10.1 P5110 to ICS stock firmware?
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<Jiangyi> You should be there too xD
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<Jagai> Anyone? :[
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<CircleCode> Hi
<CircleCode> I am installing cyanogen mod 9 on a galaxy s2
<CircleCode> and It appears than, in clockworkmod, wipe … doesn wipe everything…
<CircleCode> is there any solution other than manually cleaning internal sdcard?
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<EgoElf> wipe data doesn't format the /sdcard
<EgoElf> you' have to goto mounts to format that
<Jagai> Anyone know of any stock firmware for the p5110?
<Jagai> worried of bricking my tablet
<Jagai> trying to get back to stock firmware from cm10
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<CircleCode> EgoElf: is it also ok to manually remove anything from internal sdcard?
<CircleCode> (by the way, thanks for the answer, and sorry for this question: this is the first time I update a device with internal sdcard, my previous one was a nexus 1…)
<EgoElf> the internal /sdcard works just like a normal removable one, just w/o the removable part
<bealtine^> jagai : go to
<EgoElf> normally there is a .android_secure folder and a Android folder, both of those are used by the OS to store data for apps
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<Jagai> bealtine, thing is
<Jagai> I cant connect my tablet to Kies
<Jagai> since i rooted it to CM10
<bealtine^> so?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jagai> I cannot find the 3 letters I need, worried i might pick a different pack
<Jagai> that might brick the device
<bealtine^> use odin
<Jagai> Currently downloading P5113UEBLH3 rom
<Jagai> using it on a p5110 will do harm i guess
<CircleCode> EgoElf: thangs again :-)
<EgoElf> Jagai, kies will never work with CM anyway, why do you need Kies?
<Jagai> Let me ask you in a different way
<Jagai> using a different country/carrier than what i have will do any harm?
<bealtine^> use unbranded
<Jagai> I mean there are so many different PDA's
<Jagai> which one is it :S
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<Jagai> unbranded is P5110XXALD6?
<Jagai> 4.0.3?
<bealtine^> how would we know?
<Thracky> :D
<Jagai> meh
<Jagai> I'll just try the zip i downloaded
<Jagai> if i get it bricked atleast i'll be able to make a wish come true by folding a tablet with my bear hands :)
<CircleCode> Now I have another question: is there a way in trebuchet to change shortcut's order in the bottom bar?
<bealtine^> you wont brick
<Jagai> lets hope i dont
<Jagai> :(
<Jagai> So far odin is failing on me, every stock firmware i downloaded failed
<bealtine^> did you install the usb drivers?
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine^> or in download mode?
<Thracky> CircleCode: other than the app drawer button yes. Just drag Em.
<Jagai> bealtine, were u referring me?
<CircleCode> Thracky: my concern was especially about the app drawer… :(
<Jagai> If so yes, i did. i already rooted my device using ODIN, so it worked before.
<Thracky> Yes Jagai he was
<Thracky> CircleCode: then see my previous answer for your answer :P
<Thracky> Can always use another launcher
<CircleCode> Thracky: and trebuchet doesn't support folder?
<Thracky> I think you can do that in nova
<Thracky> Sure it does
<Thracky> I have folders.
<Thracky> So either I'm magic, or trebuchet has folders
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<bealtine^> i use nava too...
<bealtine^> nova
<Thracky> On the home screens I mean
<CircleCode> How do you create a folder? (I suspect I loose something…)
<Thracky> Drag one icon on top of another
<Thracky> Doesn't work in app drawer though.
<Jagai> <OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
<Jagai> sigh.
<Thracky> Jagai: are you in download mode?
<Jagai> *heading torwards the garage for a sledgehammer*
<bealtine^> choose a folder shortcut
<Jagai> yer, i am
<CircleCode> Thracky: thanks, it works
<Thracky> Jagai: and you have the usb drivers installed and the device shows up properly in device manager?
<CircleCode> and in case I'd like another light launcher, supporting folders in drawer, I suppose you recommend Nova?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> CircleCode: dunno if nova does folders in drawer. I haven't used it since beta.
<Jagai> yep it does
<Thracky> Jagai: well, it's more than likely a computer issue as opposed to a tablet issue
<CircleCode> (in fact, I'm configuring this S2 for my girlfriend, and she wants it :-) )
<Jagai> ODIN should flash any MD5 file i give it, wouldn't it?
<Jagai> it just fails flashing, thats all
<Thracky> Apps I want organized go on my home screens. Otherwise they can just stay alphabetized in the drawer :P
<Jagai> Thracky, any chance to help me out finding a stock rom for p5110?
<Thracky> Jagai: is not the rom if you've tried seceraly
<Thracky> Several.
<Thracky> Likely its not even starting the flash.
<Jagai> <ID:0/003> Can't open the serial(COM) port.
<CircleCode> Thracky: this is also the way I do… but she doesn't… and what woman wants, god wants ;-)
<Jagai> different usb then?
<Thracky> Jagai: then it's a computer issue.
<Thracky> Probably drivers.
<Jagai> Alrighty trying COM4
<Thracky> Won't help.
<Jagai> Then what would?
<Jagai> It flashed perfectly fine yesterday
<Jagai> when i rooted it to CM10
<Jagai> <ID:0/004> Can't open the serial(COM) port
<Thracky> I'd try remove and reinstall drivers
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<Jagai> So remove Kies
<Jagai> and reinstall basically
<bealtine^> no
<bealtine^> usb drivers
<Jagai> already went to device manager and uninstalled samsung CDC crap
<frankdrey-g1> I don't fucking get it. My bro and my dad barely use their PCs. I try to build ROMs and do other intense shit. And their PCs are about 40x better than mine.
<bealtine^> remove kies
<Jagai> restart i guess?
<Jagai> too lazy ;[
<Jagai> lol
<Xello> thought you weren't gonna switch from cm10?
<Jagai> lol
<Jagai> got annoyed by CM in general unfortunately
<Jagai> Keyboard is just too difficult to run with, i miss the stock firmware basically
<Jug6ernaut> any1 with a note2?
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine^> why?
<Jagai> killing apps in 1 touch, shortcuts, etc.
<Xello> can download dozens of keyboards
<Jagai> tried em all
<Jagai> none came close to the stock
<Jagai> 2 day old tablet lol
<Jagai> with 3 year warranty, and no more =p
<Jagai> alright reinstalled kies
<Jagai> lets give it another shot
<bealtine^> sigh
<Jagai> working!
<Jagai> lol im totally going to capslock "BRICKED" any moment now
<Jagai> ^_^
<bealtine^> did you follow the make a backup?
<Jagai> nope
<Jagai> lmao
<bealtine^> idiot
<Jagai> hahaha
<Jagai> i know :{
<Jug6ernaut> backups are for the weak
<Jagai> well, friends are waiting outside, perhaps they'd like to play frisby? :)
<Jagai> tabsy
<Jagai> not so aerodynamic.
<EgoElf> mail me the tablet, i'll pay shipping ...
<Jagai> wait, its not dead yet :D
<Jagai> dont kill it.
<EgoElf> not at all, i was just going to use it as-is
<frankdrey-g1> Psh
<Jagai> PASS!
<frankdrey-g1> Mail ME it
<Jagai> muthafuka ;p
<Jagai> lets hope it starts up lol
<frankdrey-g1> Or just sell it and mail me it
<frankdrey-g1> *the money
<frankdrey-g1> Since I have a tablet
<EgoElf> i have 2 TP and a N7.. i'll still take it
<Jagai> hehe
<EgoElf> the kids squabble over them
<bealtine^> Jagai: thats for you
<Jagai> running p5110
<frankdrey-g1> In fact, I have the supperior tablet to yours
<frankdrey-g1> And I don't have kids
<frankdrey-g1> :P
<frankdrey-g1> so just give me monies
<Jagai> hmm, galaxytab 2 logo
<Jagai> android showing up! loading screen!
<EgoElf> and it's still CM, right?
<Jagai> nope!
<Jagai> :D
<bealtine^> bye now
<Jagai> wait lol :P
<EgoElf> please paypal 50$ to the following address....
<frankdrey-g1> Is it odd that I just typed the first 3 groups of my windows xp product key without even looking at the key?
<Jagai> ohshi its stuck on SAMSUNG.
<Jagai> bricked? lmao
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-g1> Patience, son.
<EgoElf> Jagai, it will take a bit
<Jagai> *runs for the sledgehammer again*
<Jagai> gone for a smoke, if its not working by then its hammertime.
<Jagai> lol
<CircleCode> thanks, guyz, for your help, bye
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<EgoElf> anbd by hammer time, he means mail it to me for free!
<EgoElf> :P
<Xello> i like apps that show you a changelog when you open them after an update
<Jagai> if i bricked it, sure.
<Jagai> its still on the logoscreen
<Jagai> SAMSUNG flashing on/off
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<EgoElf> boot it to recovery and wipe data
<frankdrey-g1> Xello, me too
<frankdrey-g1> Play sucks with changelog
<frankdrey-g1> It should show what's new in the list of updates
<frankdrey-g1> you have to click on the app to see what's new
<frankdrey-g1> In play
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<frankdrey-g1> Hmm...I'm so impatient right now
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<frankdrey-g1> Windoze xp is installing
<Xello> they should have something standardized where you see it without going into the play store
<frankdrey-g1> That too
<frankdrey-g1> But at least in the play store updates list
<frankdrey-g1> So that instead of showing permissions, it'll show what's new
<Jagai> still not working ego
<Jagai> lol
<Jagai> dead? :p
<Xello> like "view changelog" along with "update" in the actual notification
<frankdrey-g1> Yeah
<frankdrey-g1> Jagai, you haz stock recovery?
<Xello> give me that and keep your double pulldown
<Jagai> nop.
<frankdrey-g1> Jagai, then how you back to stock?O_o
<Jagai> YAY it started
<EgoElf> see?
<Jagai> Wohoooooooo
<Jagai> :P
<EgoElf> dang, now i'm out of a free tablet
<Jagai> lol
<Jagai> ill brick it for you <3
<Jagai> brb
<frankdrey-g1> EgoElf, ill fight you for it
<frankdrey-g1> I'm more needy >:(
<EgoElf> i asked first
<frankdrey-g1> :(
<EgoElf> if the N10 is priced nice, i may get one of those
* frankdrey-g1 has $50 to his name
<frankdrey-g1> And needs $125 for a new guitar
<frankdrey-g1> :/
<Xello> wht guitar
<frankdrey-g1> A peavey predator from a friend
<frankdrey-g1> Its a usa made one
<frankdrey-g1> And he's worked on it, put new pickups and stuff
<Xello> i see
<Xello> if i get another ill probably go for a custom ibanez with giger finish
<frankdrey-g1> My current guitar is a screwed up $50 stock fender starcaster (not the old one, mind you)
<Xello> i still have the same cheap ibanez i learned on years ago
<Xello> havent picked it up in over a year
<Jagai> one more question guys
<Jagai> is there any kernel root available?
<Jagai> i got all these shitty apps that i cannot remove
<Jagai> chaton, kindle, netflix, next issue etc
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<Jagai> cba to turn em off, i want them away from my tablet ;[
<Xello> you want stock, you got stock!
<Jagai> NO!
<Jagai> ><
<EgoElf> settings -> apps -> all -> disable :)
<frankdrey-g1> ^
<Xello> but they will still be there
<Xello> lurking in the dark
<Xello> keeping you awake at night
<EgoElf> i know.. but you won't see 'em w/o looking
<Jagai> so theres no way taking them off
<Jagai> without rooting
<Jagai> ;[
<Xello> they will gnaw on the frayed ends of sanity dripping from your mind
<Jagai> Me no wanty =[
<Xello> chomping and chewing in an eternal feast of discomfort
<Jagai> funny that my device is p5110
<Xello> chomping and chewing
<Xello> biting and crunching
<Jagai> and it recognizes p5113 on kies
<Jagai> faiiiil
<frankdrey-g1> Jagai, you f*ed it up
<frankdrey-g1> Samsung will know
<frankdrey-g1> D:
<Xello> crunching and munching
<Jagai> D:::
<Jagai> OH NO
<Xello> rending and scrunching
<Jagai> samsung agents are onto me
<frankdrey-g1> But at least you have an imaginary IR blaster
<Jagai> now honestly guiz
<Jagai> no kernel root?
<Xello> you cant remove shit they put in a certain folder
<Xello> only disable
<Xello> stuff like that on most roms
<frankdrey-g1> its in /system/app/
<frankdrey-g1> You can't remove shit there
<Xello> yea its prebaked
<Xello> a seasoned roast of deliciousness
<Xello> thou shalt not regurgetate
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<Jagai> lol this version has no hebrew font
<Jagai> faaaail
<Jagai> back to cm 10 ffs
<Jagai> :\
<EgoElf> double-DOH
<EgoElf> have you tried taking the keyboard from the stock ROM and putting it on yours? overwriting the one fromCM?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jagai> how is that possible
<Jagai> @_@
<bbqbot> Jagai: Command does not exist!
<Jagai> lol
<Jagai> stfu bbqbot ;p
<Jagai> lol
<EgoElf> the LatinIME.apk and another lib file are pretty much all that the keyboard is
<EgoElf> it may or maynot work
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<Jagai> honestly, i loved cm10
<Jagai> big issue was the keyboard
<Jagai> CM10! lets risk getting bricked again
<Jagai> trololo
<EgoElf> you can't brick flashing CM10
<EgoElf> you can't lose download mode :)
<pedronoliveira> too bad Sammy isn't collaborating hard
<Jagai> I still have CWM, right?
<pedronoliveira> CM10 is awesome, I moved from iOS to Android and my S2 didn't stay stock more than 2 days
<EgoElf> Jagai, maybe, try going to recovery to see what you get
<Jagai> even if i did get back to kernel
<Jagai> LOL
<Jagai> im blonder than ever <3
<EgoElf> is CM10 for SG2 stable enough for the non-technical wife to use?
<pedronoliveira> Jagai kernel and the recovery are in complete different places
<Jagai> then i still have cwm
<Jagai> so what i need to do is actually go to recovery, flash gapps and cm10
<Jagai> and reboot
<Jagai> rite? :D
<pedronoliveira> Jagai yes
<EgoElf> wipe data, flash cm10, flash gapps, reboot
<EgoElf> cross fingers, have a seance and hope+pray
<pedronoliveira> if you want the latest GApps that's what you got do
<Jagai> crossing fingers the opposite way
<Jagai> i want to smash u!
<Jagai> ;P
<EgoElf> most people aren't this happy about trying to destroy a fairly expensive tablet
<Jagai> i was stupid enough to buy tab2 and not the nexus 7
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<frankdrey-pc> hopefully this wifi card won't disconnect every 5 min
<frankdrey-pc> hmmm
<frankdrey-pc> AMD Athlon XP 1.29 Ghz, 1 GB RAM
<frankdrey-pc> should i even bother trying to build a ROM?
<EgoElf> no
<frankdrey-pc> :(
<frankdrey-pc> what about a kernel?
<EgoElf> dunno about that
<frankdrey-pc> because i need to at least work on a kernel
<frankdrey-pc> but in a VM :P
<EgoElf> can you even do that on a 32 machine?
<frankdrey-pc> not sure
<frankdrey-pc> hold on
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-pc> O.o
<frankdrey-pc> fuck you xda
<EgoElf> ya, uh, no
<frankdrey-pc> there :P
<frankdrey-pc> ah wait
<frankdrey-pc> never mind
<frankdrey-pc> looks like the last change was 9/17/11 and we have a build from 9/18/11
<frankdrey-pc> then again, i wanted to work on it a bit :/
<frankdrey-pc> well, shit, i really need a new PC
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<EgoElf> pretty much
* frankdrey-pc is now sad
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<Thracky> you know my offer :P
<frankdrey-pc> wha?
<Thracky> e8400 including mobo & ram for 75 + ship
<Thracky> could include the case also just shipping will cost more.
<frankdrey-pc> oh yEAH :p
<frankdrey-pc> but as i said, i must save for a guitar :/
<Thracky> but your 'rents will think it is a scam :P
<frankdrey-pc> yeah :P
<Thracky> cause the interwebs are evil.
<frankdrey-pc> my dad would probably grab it if it was here locally on craigslist
<frankdrey-pc> for me even maybe :P
<Thracky> lol
<Thracky> I'll put it on ebay so you can buy it now and have paypal's buyer protection :P
<frankdrey-pc> he doesn't like paypal
<frankdrey-pc> thinks its a scam xD
<Thracky> oh ffs.
<frankdrey-pc> yep
<Thracky> I'm so glad my father was quite ahead of most people when it came to technology
<Thracky> when I was young anyways
<frankdrey-pc> my dad is ahead of most of the Ukrainian community here :P
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<Thracky> that's not really saying much though :P
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<frankdrey-pc> lol
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: My parents aren't very ahead, but my dad understands my explanations enough to trust me when it comes to buying stuff online. :-P
<Thracky> heh well it can be kinda scary buying stuff from ebay if you're not careful, but it all depends on what you're buying
<logcat> hahaha, my father doesnt even know how to turn on a pc
<Thracky> my dad works for IBM, so I hope he can do that :P
<logcat> xD
<Thracky> not that he knows anything overly technical, he's project management heh
<Thracky> he has cheap indian labour to do the technical stuff.
<logcat> haha
<logcat> typical big company boss xD
<Jiangyi> Haven't bought things from Ebay so far, but Paypal has been fine.
<Thracky> well, that's just how IBM operates now, they find the cheapest labour no matter how far they have to look for it.
<Jiangyi> Hmm......
<Jiangyi> <- Kinda want this feature again now that I have an SD card xD
<Thracky> they're still very well qualified people, but for a large project of 75-100 people, cost makes a difference.
<logcat> haha
<logcat> they are the best of the bottom
<Thracky> my dad was saying they sometimes work harder and are actually better, but just willing to work for less money :P
<logcat> ?
<logcat> xD
<Thracky> lol
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<Thracky> actually, apparently freenode is crawling with law enforcement :P
<Thracky> according to people who know such things.
<Jiangyi> logcat: You stole that from my XDA sig, didn't you? xD
<bbqbot> derp
<logcat> yup
<Jiangyi> Damn, the I747 CM thread is far less stupid than the Intl variants' CM threads.
<logcat> i'm still laughing about that :
<EgoElf> Jiangyi, i want it on the SGS3, but it's slightly different... "don't mount sdcard FUSE and mount external_sd as sdcard" <-- want that instead
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<EgoElf> 16gb for the /data is pretty nice
<EgoElf> and 32gb for /sdcard
<Jiangyi> ._. 16GB for /data?
<Jiangyi> Isn't that a bit overboard?
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<EgoElf> ya, but not much i can do about that
<EgoElf> sgs3 doesn't have an /sdcard internal, it just has a FUSE partition mapped to /data/media
<EgoElf> so if you don't mount that, you get a huge /data
<Jiangyi> So it saves everything to /data? O_O
<EgoElf> yep
<EgoElf> which is why you only have MTP
<EgoElf> because there isn't a FAT partition at all, it's all ext4
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<Jiangyi> Well, that seems like hell when you want to wipe data. :-|
<EgoElf> oh, ya :)
<EgoElf> though CWM takes that into account, i did a wipe data in CWM on my sgs3 and my sdcard survived
<EgoElf> even the fake /sdcard from /data/media
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<Jiangyi> Would be extremely convenient. ^^
<EgoElf> i'm sure it'll make its way back in
<EgoElf> doesn't look like a complicated one even
<Jiangyi> Yeah, hopefully soon. :-P
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<Jagai> is there any way to extract img file?
<Jagai> trying to extract system.img to grab LatinIME.apk from stock firmware
<Jagai> any clue? ;[
<frankdrey-pc> yes
<frankdrey-pc> im doing it right now
<frankdrey-pc> windows?
<Jagai> ye
<Jagai> win7
<frankdrey-pc> install that
<frankdrey-pc> then mount the image using something like:
<Jagai> daemon tools doesnt work to actually mount the img
<Jagai> and what does that fs driver does
<frankdrey-pc> let's you browse ext drives
<frankdrey-pc> gizmo drive works perfect for me
<frankdrey-pc> it's ext?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jagai> brb gotta restart
<Jiangyi> frankdrey-pc: Got any clue on how to do it for Linux?
<frankdrey-pc> Jiangyi, very easily
<frankdrey-pc> mkdir /mnt/IAMMOUNTINGSTUFFHERE/
<frankdrey-pc> mount system.img /mnt/IAMMOUNTINGSTUFFHERE/
<frankdrey-pc> :D
<frankdrey-pc> ...
<frankdrey-pc> profit?
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<nikeaway> whats the best rom till now ?
<nikeaway> best nightly
<nikeaway> im still with the 03/oct
<frankdrey-pc> the latest
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<Jagai> hmmm, i tried mounting the img
<frankdrey-pc> mm?
<Jagai> keeps opening a blank explorer
<Jagai> :\
<frankdrey-pc> hm
<frankdrey-pc> send me the image?:P
<bbqbot> derp
<Jagai> 1.07gb
<Jagai> lol
<frankdrey-pc> lol
<frankdrey-pc> oh
<frankdrey-pc> wait
<frankdrey-pc> you can't adb pull?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey-pc: Oh lol
<Jagai> doesnt let me do shit
<Jagai> ;p
<Jiangyi> I'll try that tomorrow :P
<frankdrey-pc> Jagai, hmm
<frankdrey-pc> iunno :P
<frankdrey-pc> Jiangyi, lol ok
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: hey there
<Jiangyi> ohai.
<Jagai> :[
<nikeaway> I noticed a lag on the dial app, since stock.
<nikeaway> it has a delay
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<nikeaway> its possible to fix it ?
<Jiangyi> OK, imma turn off my comp now too.
<Jiangyi> Must get work done. :-|
<nikeaway> its like: i press a number, then has a delay, then vibrate
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: buy
<Thiagovfar> bye*
<Jiangyi> What device, version, etc.
<nikeaway> galaxy s2
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Good day to you.
<Jiangyi> I used to have that in CM9, never in CM10.
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: it's night over here. Thanks anyway
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Good night then. xD
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<G2Suser> hi guys
<nikeaway> its kinda sucks
<nikeaway> =(
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: see you
<nikeaway> i have it since stock 2.3
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<Thiagovfar> nikeaway: which CM version are you on?
<G2Suser> im considdering to try out a jb mod like cm10
<nikeaway> nightly 03/oct
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<G2Suser> on a G2S intl version
<Jagai> godamn it how am i going to extract that img file
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<G2Suser> but then i read something about avoiding a superbrick bug
<Jagai> bloody hell
<G2Suser> if that bug risk factor determined by the version of clockworkmod boot rom i run _
<G2Suser> ?
<Thiagovfar> That bug is present on the Samsung ROMs
<G2Suser> okey,, so right now i run a very old CM9
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<G2Suser> and have some version of clockwork mod
<G2Suser> does that put me in the safe zone _
<Thiagovfar> You may search more on the subject, but if you have a non-stock kernel, you should be on the safe side
<G2Suser> ?
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<G2Suser> okey
<Thiagovfar> If you're already on CM, then it is ok
<nikeaway> I downloaded now the lastest nightl
<nikeaway> is it ok ?
<G2Suser> some old cm9 nightly from april
<G2Suser> actually served me well
<Thiagovfar> Unless you're running CM with a samsung kernel
<G2Suser> nope plain cm9
<G2Suser> im considdering cm9.1 or cm10
<Thiagovfar> Should be on the safe side
<G2Suser> i guess that cm10 is still flacky on the galaxy s2
<Thiagovfar> Back-up your system before trying it
<G2Suser> or did you work out the audio codec problem or what it was ?
<bbqbot> derp
<G2Suser> ok
<Thiagovfar> So you can go back if it doesn't please you
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<G2Suser> do i still need radio something for cm9.1 and cm10
<Thiagovfar> Generally not
<Thiagovfar> I've kept the radio from the stock ICS ROM
<G2Suser> ohhh
<G2Suser> i installed radio-cm-9-LPS-galaxys2-signed
<G2Suser> well from around april
<G2Suser> can i leave that for cm9.1 and cm10
<Thiagovfar> I have no idea
<Thiagovfar> the worse it can get is you might need to flash a new one, if this misbehaves
<Thiagovfar> Or, restore the backup to go back to your current version, which is working good, I assume
<nikeaway> cm10 dont have a radio app, right?
<Thiagovfar> nikeaway: FM radio? Nope
<Jagai> Anyone knows where to find stock galaxy tab 2 keyboard apk file? ><
<Jagai> tried any option, searched the entire web
<Jagai> trying to replace CM10 keyboard with the stock one
<frankdrey-g1> Find a ota zip
<frankdrey-g1> ?:p
<G2Suser> Thiagovfar: when you say backup you just mean the clockworkmod one
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<G2Suser> to the internal phone storage
<Thiagovfar> G2Suser: Yes, the clockworkmod backup
<Thiagovfar> And, if you're feeling a little paranoid, copy that backup to some place, like your computer
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<frankdrey-g1> I may get to use that mac mini again
<frankdrey-g1> If not, ill beg my dad to give me my old pc back :P
<frankdrey-g1> And if that doesn't work, I'm screwed >.>
<frankdrey-g1> Attempts for the P4 have failed.
<frankdrey-g1> He said he'll give it to me completely though later
<frankdrey-g1> Probably when he gets himself a multi-core 64 bit cpu PC with twice as much ram :|
* frankdrey-g1 is sad
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<frankdrey-g1> If it comes to it, ill build my other P4 in a cardboard box XD
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<logcat> Jiangyi, thracky, codeworkx BF3 ?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-pc> oh you guys
<frankdrey-pc> have time for games :(
<logcat> i haz all the time :D
<frankdrey-pc> shut up :(
<frankdrey-pc> so, did i say im gonna put together my other P4 in a box?:D
<Jiangyi> Urgh, study for my 5 tests next week or play........ :-(
<frankdrey-pc> this one i'll make look beautiful :D
<frankdrey-pc> Jingyi, i have 1 test next week :P
<frankdrey-pc> *Jiangyi
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<Jiangyi> Actually, >5.
<Jiangyi> Math, civics, history, English, Science, Music
<Jiangyi> D-"
<Jiangyi> D-:*
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<logcat> hmm, not likt it's hard test xD
<Jiangyi> Unit tests for 3 of them Dx
<frankdrey-pc> logcat, what have you contributed to cyanogenmod?:P
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<logcat> i've helped people
<frankdrey-pc> don't you write compilers or something
<frankdrey-pc> im trying to make Nibbles guilty :P
<logcat> haha
<logcat> hahahahhahahaha
<logcat> nope
<frankdrey-pc> lol
<frankdrey-pc> oh
<logcat> he is guilty of being an asshole
<frankdrey-pc> haha
<logcat> i doubt it's the best idea