chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | If you have a problem, fill this first : | If you dont like your device, sell it. -codeworkx | Everyone get
<Thracky> The people who want it as a percentage of their customers is so miniscule they can ignore us.
<Thracky> 10 million+ s3's... maybe 50k cm10 installs :P
<chadouming> 34582 CM10 install on the S3
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<Thracky> I was just guessing, I know it's in the stats :P
<Thracky> and they've certainly sold more than 10 million s3's by now.
<Thracky> probably 15 or so
<Thracky> so super tiny percentage of users are going BAWWWWWW GIEF DOCS NAO.
<Thracky> and samsung says "OK MAYBE" and then they never will :P
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<Henrique> it's not just cm, there are LOTS of people out there who like touchwiz (go figure) but want a more custom experience
<Henrique> with extra features that can just come with open docs
<Thracky> touchwiz based roms aren't particularly affected.
<Thracky> they still use the samsung rom as a base.
<Henrique> and there are other AOSP roms
<Thracky> AOSP roms ARE affected.
<Henrique> like super nexus, I think that's the name
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<Thracky> but let's be honest, if cm10 only has 30k installs, all those other roms COMBINED will probably have 10k :P
<Thracky> and of those 40k custom rom users, how many actually are complaining to samsung?
<Thracky> probably less than 500
<Henrique> 30k intalls of people who opt-in the tracking thing?
<Henrique> installs*
<Thracky> yes
<Thracky> I doubt it's substantially larger than that :P
<Thracky> and it's statistics reporting, not "tracking" :P
<Thracky> tracking sounds like reporting your GPS location and stuff.
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<Henrique> yeah, I know, it wasn't the best word I could've used, but you got me
<chadouming> anyway, like i said, samsung is the boss in that story and we are the people who get to be fired
<chadouming> samsung is rolling around
<chadouming> then will fire us
<Thracky> well, it's samsung's property, they don't *have* to do anything.
<chadouming> true
<Thracky> you don't see people whining that apple doesn't release the A6 arch documentation :P
<Thracky> because they know it will never ever ever ever EVER (did I say EVER!?) happen.
<roniez> no
<roniez> that's not the reason
<roniez> they just to stupid to realise they should ask for it
<Thracky> lol
<roniez> they just dont care thaty they being tracked.
<roniez> that u cannot turn of the gps
<roniez> that the device never fully powersdown
<roniez> etc..
<roniez> it's just you know people who are so insited that life is what they belive and not what the media and the goverment is hidng from them
<Henrique> don't you just love this ^
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<roniez> and my english goes down the drain at 2:15am lol
<chadouming> hmm, even if people have A6 documentation, it doesnt give people IOS source
<chadouming> so wont change anythin
<chadouming> g
<Thracky> yes well we don't have samsung's app source either.
<Thracky> just kernel.
<Thracky> and no documentation on it :P
<Henrique> on an unrelated note. I was looking for HDR on my stock JB camera app
<Thracky> keep looking then :P
<Henrique> and I found out there isn't hdr in the stock jb camera app.
<Henrique> which sucks, since there isn't a single good hdr app on play
<chadouming> what about pro HDR camera ?
<chadouming> i bought it and it's kinda good
<Henrique> I'll check it out
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> KILL
<chadouming> KILL HIM
<chadouming> KILL HIM WITH FIRE
<Thracky> lol
<Thracky> putting s3 shit on nexus
<Henrique> OMG is he INSANE?
<Henrique> he also adds samsung's crapware if the interface itself is not enough for ya.
<chadouming> kinda yes
<Henrique> and what's wrong with all those people congratulating him and saying how interesting the idea is
<Henrique> jesus
<Henrique> not sure if I'm late, but ^
<Henrique> roadrunner? roadrunner.
<Henrique> what will the android version call again?
<Henrique> the 4.2
<Thiagovfar> We'll probably just call it Cyanogenmod11
<Thracky> doubtful there will be a codename bump
<Thracky> so no cm version bump
<Thiagovfar> Windows comes out at the end of the month, Ubuntu too, now Android?
<Henrique> no codename bump? sad.
<Henrique> Thiagovfar: ubuntu 12.10 comes out tomorrow iirc
<Henrique> well, if you consider that beta 2 is on code freeze, it's already out :P
<Thiagovfar> Henrique: yes, you're right.
<Thiagovfar> Misleading 25
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<chadouming> windows coming at the end of the month ? bitch please i haz windows 8 since last december
<chadouming> and has it a job since june xD
<chadouming> oh, and henrique, google told there was nothing about "project roadrunner"
<Henrique> people who are saying win8 will suck are terribly wrong IMO. it's a desktop. if you ignore the metro apps, it only brings improvements. and how come the addition of these apps while bringing greater speed be something bad?
<bbqbot> derp
<Henrique> chadouming: please don't say that.
<Henrique> chadouming: please be wrong.
<chadouming> i iz not wrong
<chadouming> and people dislike windows 8 cause there is no start menu
<chadouming> and there is a metro menu that is clearly made to be moved with finger and not a mouse
<chadouming> some people dont like the return to square windows too
<chadouming> but i like it
<Henrique> no project roadrunner. oh well, let's go to amazon buy that 4200mah huge battery that adds bulk to the phone.
<Henrique> gotta love bulk
<Henrique> chadouming: I have it for about 2 months on my main desktop, it's much more stable than 7, and don't even get me started on boot speed
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<chadouming> lol, so tell me how your windows 7 was crashing all the times ?
<chadouming> yes it has better boot time
<chadouming> but honnestly, i have seen much more BSOD on windows 8 than windows 7
<chadouming> ofc i had beta version
<chadouming> but i started with windows 7 beta too xD
<Henrique> stable not in the sense that it crashed a lot. but it has better ram management and it doesn't get slow after 3 days uptime
<chadouming> what about you reboot your computer ?
<chadouming> not good for any desktop to be kept on for long time
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<Henrique> later
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<ibloat> are the cm10 nightlies for the N7000 usable or are there any crippling issues?
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<Entropy512> ibloat: been using them for months myself
<Jug6ernaut> agreed
<Jug6ernaut> ive only been using for about 2 weeks tho lol, b4 mem leaks would drive me insane, but all seems fixed now
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<Diego> What's up guys =D
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<ibloat> just installed it, looks fine :)
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<noxxx> hello
<noxxx> oh, magic cdsesai is here!
<noxxx> cdesai:
<noxxx> sorry
<cdesai> yes?
<noxxx> cdesai: i changed dpi to 240 and now my p1 is lightning fast just like stock 2.3
<noxxx> cdesai: is it possible to have tablet interface at this dpi?
<cdesai> no
<noxxx> cdesai: nice
<noxxx> cdesai: also it looks like that Asphalt 7 works better on p1 than on i9100 - is that coz of HWC?
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<tokography> ooo an experimental build
<tokography> for the p3100
<tokography> interesting :D
<Espenfjo> *sigh* Transfixer.. Y U KILL ALL MY HOPE? :(
<bbqbot> derp
<Transfixer> :D
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<Guest44279> Hi habe seit heute ein Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 16GB Wifi und 3G
<Espenfjo> Toto: Are crashes better or worse (compared to stabilityfix or config-gcc-2) with the hsic build?
<Espenfjo> err
<Espenfjo> *Transfixer
<Transfixer> yes
<Espenfjo> better?
<Transfixer> phone? yes
<Espenfjo> ok
<Espenfjo> This issue is so odd
<Transfixer> strange is, with the debug build, more the phone was on, less crashes I had
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<Hybridesque> greetings
<Hybridesque> I'm getting really tempted to put CM10 on my SGS3...
<Hybridesque> already got it on SGS and SGT7
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<Hybridesque> hi cdesai
<cdesai> hi
<Hybridesque> thank you for your work on the SGT7 :)
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<phophus> hi
<danyasd> hey
<phophus> im not too sure how to update my cm10 jelly bean rom on my galaxy s3
<danyasd> use the cm updater
<Hybridesque> yeah, probably easiest way
<Hybridesque> I must be nuts, just put CM10 on my SGS3, only had it 7 weeks!
<phophus> my version was installed on the 24th so its doesnt have the cm updater, is there a way to update (without wiping phone) without the cm updater?
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<Hybridesque> download the update from
<Hybridesque> go into recovery/cwm to flash the update.
<phophus> sorry but im a complete noob, what exactly is recovery/cwm? as in the file explorer?
<phophus> is it possible to use rom manager?
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<Hybridesque> ROM Manager should do it.. but recovery/cwm is a mode on the phone.. phophus, did you turn your phone on into recovery mode to install cm10 in the first place or did you use odin?
<bbqbot> derp
<phophus> I used odin i believe
<phophus> So can i reboot into clockwork recovery then boot the new rom?
<Hybridesque> okay, you've done what I've just done to my phone :)
<phophus> where is a good resource to learn about this?
<Hybridesque> phopus, hold on...
<Hybridesque> let me just get gapps on my phone and I'll talk you through what I'm doing
<phophus> awesome thanks!
<Hybridesque> just feeling a little bit annoyed I cracked the corner on my flip case though... had to pull the battery after doing the odin flash
<Hybridesque> have you downloaded the update on your phone btw?
<phophus> 50 seconds to go
<Hybridesque> okay, good.
<Hybridesque> damn, the phone is so quick on CM10.. this is just ridiculous...
<phophus> yeah its nice.
<phophus> very smooth
<Hybridesque> okay, downloading latest update for the cm10 i9300
<Hybridesque> phone status is odd. it's got the wrong phone number in there.. might be because I ported my number across from what's on the sim...
<Hybridesque> just called it from another phone and it rung -shrug-
<Hybridesque> okay prophus, are you ready?
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<phophus> yep, just one quick question though, will it wipe my current setup?
<Hybridesque> no
<Hybridesque> in my case, I'm going to wipe it anyway
<phophus> ok cool, lets go
<Hybridesque> hold the power button down so you get the power menu.
<phophus> yep
<Hybridesque> select reboot
<phophus> done
<Hybridesque> it'll ask you for reboot, recovery or download
<Hybridesque> select recovery
<phophus> yep
<Hybridesque> it'll take you into recovery mod
<Hybridesque> *mode
<Hybridesque> let me know when you're in it..
<phophus> in it now
<Hybridesque> okay, you use the volume keys to navigate up and down, the menu button to select.. okay?
<phophus> roger
<Hybridesque> select the 2nd option, install zip from sdcard
<phophus> yep
<Hybridesque> then you're on a new menu, select choose zip from sdcard.
<Hybridesque> your download ought to be in the Download folder.
<phophus> ok
<Hybridesque> found the file?
<bbqbot> derp
<phophus> yep found it
<Hybridesque> okay, select it.
<Hybridesque> then you'll have to confirm the install
<phophus> ok done
<Hybridesque> it'll install now, shouldn't take too long
<Hybridesque> just a quick question, did you get gapps onto your phone?
<phophus> yep ive had gapps on there from my initial install
<phophus> thanks for your help btw
<Hybridesque> did you navigate out and restart?
<phophus> yep done...
<Hybridesque> good stuff
<Hybridesque> now, you'll have the cm updater at your disposal now... but you're no longer a recovery virgin.
<phophus> so now the updated one is running right?
<Hybridesque> yeah
<phophus> cool got the cm updater!
<phophus> so do you know if the nightly builds will be available through this?
<Hybridesque> yep, you'll have to set cmupdater accordingly
<Hybridesque> getting errors downloading apps though :(
<Hybridesque> fixed, reset my phone again
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<vagabond_> hello
<vagabond_> anyone online?
<danyasd> yep
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<danyasd-> what do you want to know?
<vagabond_> yes
<vagabond_> uhm... does the latest nightly have a tun.ko module with it?
<bbqbot> derp
<vagabond_> specifically for gt-p5100?
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<vagabond_> guess everyone is busy then
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<vagabond_> you there?
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<lodder> d
<lodder> qsdsq
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<iKillCypher> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
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<iKillCypher> Espenfjo
<iKillCypher> can you help me out here ?
<iKillCypher> MTP is unable to detect in my laptop when I have already formatted my phone using latest nightly cm9 stock kernel
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<Assid> hmm hows hetzner
<Assid> hmm hows hetzner's hosting
<cdesai> Assid: great
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<Alram> Assid, hetzner is great until you have a problem :D
<Assid> why dont they have support?
<bbqbot> derp
<iKillCypher> nvm sloved
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<Assid> cdesai: you in delhi right ?
<cdesai> Assid: na, ahmedabad
<Assid> aah
<addi> cdesai, so the income tax department took away 75 lacs from my friend, who has a diamond business in Surat xD she says "yaha koi tax poora nahi deta, har 4-5 years mein raid padti hai, hamare yaha pehli baar padi hai" :P
<Assid> cdesai: you tried out this raspberry pi ?
<cdesai> Assid: don't have one, dad says pc itna powerful hain to is chote ki kya zarurat hain
<Assid> hahaa.. but come on man.. toys are a must for us
<addi> Dads hamesha samajhdaari ki hi baat karte hai :p
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<cdesai> addi: waha nahi pure india me
<addi> yeah, that's what I was wondering, but she said it's quite normal "here" -.-
<cdesai> diamonds = lot of money
<Assid> diamonds ?
<cdesai> Assid: hire
<cdesai> pronounce that in hindi
<cdesai> hee-re
<Assid> yeah i know
<addi> Airtel launching 4G LTE here in Pune. going to bring Huawei P1 LTE for it to the market. should be cheap and powerful :D
<Assid> i didnt read addi's line
<Assid> too bad not in mumbai :(
<Assid> besides.. i cant use it.. im on vodafone
<addi> I'm on Docomo for calls etc, Idea for 3G ^^
<oxigenao> hi, maybe it was a frequently asked question but did anyone have continuous reboot on CM10 in SGSII??? any fix?
<addi> and Airtel for 3G when I go to meet my gf in Bangalore, haha
<cdesai> docomo is nice
<addi> very nice
<cdesai> 100 INR balance mahino pehle karaya tha
<Assid> i have vodafone 3g .. not bad .. ?375 for 1.5GB
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> seems to be the only one focused on the customer imo
<cdesai> abhi tak chal raha hain
* cdesai wifi
<addi> Assid, yeah, 3G rates are the same for all
<Assid> does the job ..
<addi> after Airtel dropped prices, they all did the same
<Assid> if your in mumbai.. specially south / mid mumbai your most likely on vodafone
<addi> Idea has this "45/- for 120 minutes unlimited 3G" like Airtel. comes in handy
<cdesai> Assid: you're*
<Assid> yeah yeah..
<Assid> try typing with 1 hand
<addi> Assid, what speeds do you get? on Idea downloads go up to 1 MB/s. Vodafone gave me same speeds in Bangalore, but there they are using Airtel's network, so not sure what their own network's speeds come up to
<Assid> freaking hungry
<Assid> speedtest i think showed me 2mbps
<cdesai> Assid: i'ld curl a file a few times from a server
<addi> MB/s or mbps? :p
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<Assid> who knows.. i havent speedtest in a while
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<Assid> and we got edge boosters here at work.. not 3g capable
<addi> I heard Vodafone has 21mbps network, while Idea has only 7.2
<Assid> im thinking of downgrading to edge instead of 3g
<addi> o_0
<cdesai> edge mostly does the job
<Assid> id save some battery in the bargain
<cdesai> useful for quick access
<cdesai> you have wifi at home / office - where you spend most of your time
<cdesai> now only if schools had wifi
<addi> actually, the few amount of mobile data I use, I could do with Edge as well, but nah, spoiled by 3G >.>
<addi> cdesai, and all the cafes :p
<addi> and for free u_u
<cdesai> with a password
<cdesai> set the ssid to a hexadecimal representation of something
<cdesai> "Hack me if you can"
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<cdesai> Assid: u haz rpi ?
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<syssi> i'd like to ask some hacksung-newbie question. i'm from the htc world.
<syssi> i have a i9100 running cm9. it is month ago i flashed it.
<syssi> i'm looking for "btn" (backlight notification). does cm10 for i9100 support this feature?
<syssi> i just found some blog post about i9100g (cm9) from codeworkx with btn enabled.
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<iKillCypher> backlight notification what is this
<iKillCypher> syssi
<syssi> the galaxy s2 does not have any LEDs.
<jomp16> Hey, why the tablet doesn't receive the data via USB?
<jomp16> PC > TABLET
<syssi> but the hardware keys has a backlight which can be exploited as "LED".
<iKillCypher> so it is not working for CM9 ?
<jomp16> In stock ROM, internal SD
<jomp16> P3110
<syssi> i've just recovered the galaxys2 tree on
<syssi> there are cm9 nightlies available for my phone.
<syssi> does the i9100 cm9 nightly support BTN?
<bbqbot> derp
<iKillCypher> <syssi> does the i9100 cm9 nightly support BTN?
<iKillCypher> no idea
<iKillCypher> ask the devs
<jomp16> Hey, anyone help me :(
<syssi> its about i9100g. so hopefully i9100 support it, too.
<syssi> jomp16: describe your problem. maybe somebody can help.
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<jomp16> why the tablet doesn't receive the data via PC > USB? Show a error on Linux
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<jomp16> I need root to pass the data?
<syssi> jomp16: i did not get your full question. what do you try to achieve?
<jomp16> syssi, per example, I pass a .mp4 to my tablet, but the linux says: access error, i create a folder, error again, I enter in the folder, error
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<syssi> jomp16: in another words: you connected your tablet to your linux box. the tablet is attached as usb-storage and you mounted the device?
<jomp16> syssi, Linux doesn't mount automatically?
<syssi> jomp16: it depends.
<jomp16> Ubuntu
<syssi> jomp16: if you see some content of your phone it is mounted.
<jomp16> OPen a file manager with the folder, but I cannot create a new folder, copy a file, delete, etc
<syssi> jomp16: can you open some terminal.
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<jomp16> opened
<syssi> jomp16: go to your mounted tabled (/media/somename)
<syssi> jomp16: and paste the output of "ls -l" and "id" to pastebin? the filename are not important.
<bbqbot> derp
<syssi> jomp: your username and the permission row is important to know.
<jomp16> syssi, none file/folder inside /media
<jomp16> Not mounted?
<syssi> jomp16: cat /proc/mounts
<syssi> jomp16: can you find/identify your tablet?
Entropy512_ is now known as Entropy512
<jomp16> But here open Nautilus with the name: GT-P3110
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<syssi> jomp16: please check your android settings: settings -> wireless/network -> usb setting -> mass storage (must be enabled!)
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<syssi> jomp16: the path is guessed. maybe it is not there...
<jomp16> syssi, man, please translate it to tablet UI and stock rom (4.0.3)
<jomp16> doesn't found this
<jomp16> syssi, in notification bar show this: Connected as a storage device
<syssi> jomp16: oh, okay. seems to be fine.
<jomp16> syssi, no, connected a media storage *
<syssi> jomp16: than type "dmesg" in your terminal.
<vagabond_> hello
<vagabond_> anyone knows if newest nightly for tab 2, cm10 has a tun.ko module?
<syssi> jomp16: to make it short: you have to make sure that your device is available as usb storage (not "mtp mode").
<syssi> jomp16: "dmesg" should show you some device name and if your ubuntu works properly it should be
<jomp16> syssi, only contains: Media Decive (MTP) abd Camera (PTP)
<syssi> jomp16: detected as mass storage (comparable to an usb stick).
<syssi> jomp16: okay. stock rom does not support usb storage.
<jomp16> syssi, yeah...
<syssi> jomp16: you have to play around with MTP.
<syssi> jomp16: there are some tutorials around the ne.t
<jomp16> syssi, how to connect on Linux with MTP?
<jomp16> OK, on internet
<syssi> jomp16: some people use FUSE
<syssi> jomp16: and so on.. it does not work oout of the box.
<syssi> have fun!
<vagabond_> uhm.... syssi
<vagabond_> do happen to know if the latest nightly of cm10 have tun.ko for gtp5100/
<vagabond_> ?
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<vagabond_> so back to being alone
<vagabond_> damn
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<syssi> vagabond: whats the CM10 release name of an galaxy tab 2?
<syssi> vagabond: for which exact version are you asking?
<syssi> oh, he is gone.
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<Fissurez> ooooh android event!
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<danyasd> The camera app in the lastest cm10 version @SGS3 int. is very very unstable, with flash unusable. In cm10 a few days ago it was superstable, I'm taking a 100 photos a day, no crashes or FC's in 2 weeks before.
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<weput> hello guys
<weput> i need a small consult
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<bealtine> a small insult?
<weput> lol
<weput> nice one...
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<weput_> got lost
<weput_> did you guys got my last question?
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<Transfixer> no
<weput> sorry about that
<weput> i was saying that i'm using nightly 20121014, and the gallery with picasa sync break the camara...
<weput> so i leaved galery2.apk
<weput> i was asking if new nightlies fixed that... so far that's the only issue i have
<Transfixer> no it didn't
<weput> (y)
<weput> thank you guys for your time
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<Transfixer> who aske about usb?
<weput> i did
<Transfixer> go settings->Storage->"left button"->USB computer connection
<Transfixer> there you can enable usb mass storage
<weput> nice!
<weput> thank you Transfixer
<Transfixer> yw
<weput> usb storage mode is better to transfer big files..
<weput> :D
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<Xello> biiig file
<weput> yup
<weput> as in new nightly
<weput> bunch of apps backup (zipped files) etc
<bealtine> sigh usb was removed from cm10
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<weput> need to reboot
<weput> brb
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<Ravenheart> hey guys
<Xello> hey guy
<Ravenheart> is the GPS patch from march still working
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<Ravenheart> since i upgraded from an CM9 RC nightly to CM9 9.1 final i've not been able to get GPS working
<Ravenheart> lots of people have said that fixed their gps
<bbqbot> derp
<Ravenheart> but am wondering if its good to install
<Xello> gps working here on 9.1
<Ravenheart> SGS2 I9100
<Ravenheart> won't :(
<Xello> i9300 here
<Ravenheart> i should point out, i wiped everything AFTER i installed the latest CM
<Ravenheart> gapps was still installed though
<Ravenheart> Play Store works fine, installed maps from it and it can't get a GPS lock
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<Ravenheart> gonna ty and flash the LPQ modem
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<Fissurez> BASKEY
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<Fissurez> <3
<Fissurez> Baskey: hoping for a HTC nexus based on the butterfly?
<Baskey> NAH
<Fissurez> wat
<Baskey> I want a Sony Nexus device
<Fissurez> based on htc butterfly!
<Baskey> huh, no
<Fissurez> XD
<Baskey> LAWL
<Fissurez> 1080ps
<Baskey> 1080fps
<Fissurez> that would be impressive
<Fissurez> google: "project butter was just the start, now announcing, project loob"
<Fissurez> android is now lubey smooth
<Fissurez> well, it would be if we could process 1080fps XD
<Ravenheart> that butterfly phone is a monster
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<Fissurez> indeed
<addi> HTC and Sony both have boring displays, so no thanks. SAMOLED pl0x
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<Fissurez> 1080p samoled + !
<Xello> nothx
<Fissurez> actually, i've been hearing good things about the htc LCD 2 or whatever it is
<Fissurez> 'cause it's not pentile to start at
<Xello> on screens so small the only noticable difference going to 1080p is the battery drain lol
<Fissurez> 1080p IS excessive
<Xello> wait for that foldable screen tech, then its game time
<Fissurez> foldable screens
<Fissurez> :|
<Fissurez> "watch me fold my phone"
<Xello> yeah sony and moto have flexible screen tech prototypes already
<Fissurez> don't see why you'd want to
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<Xello> what we just talked about
<Fissurez> and poor gorrila glass, they'd get effed over
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<Xello> screen you can make as big as you want? i think so
<Fissurez> although foldable screen = less likely to break?
<Xello> then 1080p is welcome
<Fissurez> Xello: that's not folding, that's expanding!
<Fissurez> /strectching
<Xello> folding and unfolding makes things smaller and larger
<Fissurez> yeahhhh
<Fissurez> but..
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<Fissurez> meh.
<Xello> thats where its going
<Xello> 2 secs while i set up my 50" screen
<Xello> whos for avatar 5
<addi> Fissurez, the only advantage I see to SLCD2 is no PenTile and high brightness, otherwise they are extremely boring
<Ravenheart> any suggestions as to what i can try to fix my SGS2 GPS, installe LPQ modem still won't lock on
<Baskey> SAMOLED is extremely boring
<addi> if they at least had comparable blacks to SAMOLED, it would be okay
<Fissurez> high contrast
<addi> Baskey is extremely boring
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<Fissurez> yeah, blacks in samoled are good
<Baskey> addi,
<Baskey> whats up dood
<addi> good? orgasmically sexy
<Baskey> oooook
<Xello> its hard to judge properties on a screen i have so little control over, but the blacks do look black
<addi> SLCD2 sucks
<addi> the thing is, Nokia has ClearBlack tech that makes blacks great on even LCDs, but others aren't really doing anything about it
<Xello> but what apps do you guys use that would make you appreciate what would appear to be such minor differences
<Xello> i mean, im all for critical viewing and getting down to the nitty gritty when it comes to a TV
<addi> I don't know, there's lots of instances where there's a black background in an app or something, and once you get used to the SAMOLED blacks, all else looks shit
<addi> take Sony's displays though, they have poor viewing angles so that even at a little bit of tilt, the display quality goes bust
<Xello> like an lcd tv?
<addi> like a normal LCD :p
<Xello> i couldn't live with that on a phone, im only looking at mine straight on half the time
<addi> seriously, Sony needs some R&D on their viewing angles
<addi> at a time when viewing angles are getting almost perfect, Sony is doing absolutely nothing to fix them
<Xello> id guess there is nothing they can do though?
<bbqbot> derp
<Xello> limitation of the display type
<addi> well, they could start by using IPS LCDs
<Xello> they dont already? xD
<addi> Apple manages to make their IPS LCDs have the best viewing angles similar to an AMOLED
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<addi> so it's not really a limitation of the tech per se, just lack of R&D :p
<Xello> i figured they all used ips
<addi> nope, Sony still using TFT LCD enhanced by their Bravia engine -.-
<addi> that's why I say Samsung, Nokia and Apple are the only ones doing something about displays
<addi> all else are just sitting it out
<addi> and if Nokia can still focus on their displays and camera tech despite going bust in business, I don't see why others cant.
<Xello> Bringing Really Awesome VIewing Angles
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<addi> no, bringing blur-free display as on the Lumia 920
<addi> deep blacks on an LCD, reduced reflections
<addi> etc
<Xello> i think its what bravia stands for
<addi> hehe
<Xello> bravia can suck it
<addi> Sony is the only one who has never used Gorilla glass on their displays either :p
* frankdrey-tab just managed to knock a transistor off his HDD :D
<Fissurez> >.>
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<frankdrey-tab> oh well
<frankdrey-tab> i duck taped it back on
* frankdrey-tab <- ghetto
<frankdrey-tab> EXTREMELY GHETTO
<frankdrey-tab> it's like 2mm big
<Xello> data loss engaged
<Fissurez> \o/
<frankdrey-tab> i really hope duck tape is not conductive...
<frankdrey-tab> oh, i probably lost the data when i knocked it off ._.
<frankdrey-tab> stupid shuttle pc cases with their sharp edges :/
<Fissurez> ah, but did you backup?
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<Ravenheart> they recently used duct tape to induce superconductivity
<frankdrey-tab> Fissurez, i don't have enough space to back up :/
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<noxxx> Hi all
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<frankdrey-tab> raid card is saying no device detected :/
<frankdrey-tab> crap
<frankdrey-tab> i may be -1 HDD
<noxxx> I watn cm12 4 sgs2
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<frankdrey-tab> noxxx....go jump off a cliff :D it'll happen :D
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<noxxx> frankdrey-tab: go jump off yourself
<noxxx> I am the developer of cm12
<noxxx> Bye
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<frankdrey-tab> looks like im gonna have to just try soldering the transistor back on
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<ernie`> Do I need BBQLog now that BBQTools is here?
<frankdrey-tab> ehhh
<frankdrey-tab> bbqtools changelog is meh :P
<frankdrey-tab> but...srsly?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey-tab> you can't decide for yourself?
<frankdrey-tab> >.>
<frankdrey-tab> anyway, i need to go solder
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<ernie`> no.. doing decisions for myself?
<ernie`> are you mad?
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<Xello> i got sol but im not a solder
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<frankdrey-g1> JOY TO THE WORLD
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* hdd-saviour solders like a boss now
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<frankdrey-g1> Oh the dissappointment :/
<frankdrey-g1> My raid card doesn't support booting
<frankdrey-g1> I'm stuck with ide for boot drive :(
<frankdrey-g1> So I soldered in vain D:
<frankdrey-g1> Oh well, Ill use this for storage
<frankdrey-g1> Hmmm
<frankdrey-g1> But I wanna boot from it D:
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<frankdrey-g1> Now that I am aware of my epic soldering skills, I'm gonna solder ram into my G1
<frankdrey-g1> Off to school...
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<ernie`> Quickmessage option in messages.. is that something new in android or is that CM?
<ernie`> I just got my mind blown
<s3> hello all. dose anyone know ho to fix the fm radio on s3 after cyanogenmod 10
<ernie`> -- FM Radio: unsupported
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<Fissurez> ernie`: quick messages are CM
<s3> is there o fix?
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<j0nnymoe> Evening
<Fissurez> s3: no, read the cyanogenmod wiki
<Fissurez> i.e. what's broken
* j0nnymoe is a soon to be sammy owner soon
<Fissurez> hah
<j0nnymoe> so i thought i would join and settle in :)
<Fissurez> j0nnymoe: wait
<Fissurez> you already bought?
<bbqbot> derp
<j0nnymoe> next friday
<ernie`> Fissurez, cool.. Ive been using a third party app.. but this is awesome
<Fissurez> j0nnymoe: that didn't answer the question :/
<j0nnymoe> Fissurez, nah
<Fissurez> you're going to buy next friday?
<j0nnymoe> yerp
<Fissurez> if that's the case, don't.
<j0nnymoe> well free upgrade on my contract
<j0nnymoe> how come?
<Fissurez> two seconds, will grab the link
<j0nnymoe> was planning on getting the SGS3 LTE
<Fissurez> you might want to wait a little bit
<j0nnymoe> cant wait much longer
<j0nnymoe> want to get rid of my HTC Ace
<j0nnymoe> ahh yea the LG nexus thing
<Fissurez> and some pretty large rumours about a variety of nexuses
<Fissurez> i.e. LG is pretty much a cert
<j0nnymoe> yeh
<Fissurez> and rumours of other manufacturers too
<j0nnymoe> rumour is HTC are doing one
<Fissurez> really?
<Fissurez> not heard that
<j0nnymoe> what i heard down the grape vine
<Fissurez> only LG and sony so far
<Fissurez> is what i hear
<j0nnymoe> cant remember where i seen that though
<Fissurez> but maybe, hopefully
<j0nnymoe> i could be talking complete crap though lol
<Fissurez> htc make better hardware than sammy
<Fissurez> it's rumours :D
<Fissurez> the S3 is plasticky imo
<j0nnymoe> I duno, i lost love for HTC now
<j0nnymoe> none removeable battery/no sd etc
<Fissurez> well, don't buy this friday :D
<j0nnymoe> looking bootloaders
<j0nnymoe> but but
<Fissurez> but nexus. j0nnymoe
<Fissurez> no locked bootloader in a nexus :D
<Fissurez> although no SD card :Z
<j0nnymoe> yeh i like the sd card feature
<Fissurez> touche
<Fissurez> i still say wait until AFTER the event ;)
<j0nnymoe> for incase i need more memory
<Fissurez> that is next friday isn't it?
<j0nnymoe> 26th october
<Fissurez> ah
<Fissurez> yeah, so you'll wait 3 more days
<Fissurez> to find out :D
<Fissurez> that way you won't end up regretting anything :)
<j0nnymoe> I will say though, I cant see the spec's being much better than the sg3
<Fissurez> well....
<Fissurez> the S3 uses a exynos quad for international
<j0nnymoe> and used a friends a while back, and really liked it
<j0nnymoe> yeh im UK based
<j0nnymoe> so i will have the exynos quad
<Fissurez> the exynos quad is only slightly better than the dual core S4
<Fissurez> soo...
<Fissurez> when the next nexus has a quad core S4....
<Fissurez> ;)
<j0nnymoe> but it is better than a tegra 3 ;)
<Fissurez> HTC also just released a 1080p phone
<j0nnymoe> yeh i saw that
<Fissurez> oh yeah
<j0nnymoe> but that will be bootloader locked
<j0nnymoe> no S-OFF
<Fissurez> nono
<Fissurez> don't get that
<Fissurez> considering how all the nexuses are likely to be the same phone w/ different boxes
<Fissurez> what if they put in a 1080p ;)
<j0nnymoe> i dont think i need 1080p on a phone right now ;)
<Fissurez> remember that the gnex had one of the first 720p screens iir
<Fissurez> :)
<Fissurez> i still say wait, that way you won't rush anywhere
<Fissurez> and you won't regret anything :
<Fissurez> specially since sammy are being pretty stingy with the dev community as of late
<j0nnymoe> main reason Im getting the s3 is because its the best phone on the LTE market in the uk
<Fissurez> only EE does LTE atm
<j0nnymoe> yeh
<j0nnymoe> im on orange
<Fissurez> and they're only in some cities :D
<j0nnymoe> im due to get it mid next year
<j0nnymoe> rather get a lte phone now ready for when 4g is in my area
<Fissurez> oh yeah, definitely
<j0nnymoe> and not get a 3g phone and wait
<j0nnymoe> another 24 months
<Fissurez> yeah
<Fissurez> good call
<j0nnymoe> was talking to a mate who has the one x
<Fissurez> one x looks nicer than gs3
<Fissurez> but...
<j0nnymoe> he was like "i really dont see the point in LTE, 3g is good enough"
<Fissurez> htc
<j0nnymoe> yeh
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<j0nnymoe> no freedom lol
<Fissurez> well, H+, which is what O2 has
<Fissurez> is called 4g in america sometimes
<j0nnymoe> yeh
<j0nnymoe> my HTC has H+
<Fissurez> but LTE is faster than my home internet so...
<Fissurez> wait.... ace is the desire HD?
<j0nnymoe> yeh
<j0nnymoe> I think its H+
<j0nnymoe> sec
<Fissurez> ^_^
<Fissurez> i know someone with one of those
<Fissurez> he had so much fun getting CM7 on it
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<j0nnymoe> my first droid
<j0nnymoe> after the first charge, i rooted it lol
<Fissurez> lol
<j0nnymoe> ahh maybe it doesnt have H+
<Fissurez> probably does
<j0nnymoe> HSDPA 7.2/14.4 Mbps
<Fissurez> meh
<Fissurez> either way
<Fissurez> i say wait until after the event
<j0nnymoe> I think if the s3 didnt come out
<j0nnymoe> I wouldnt be wanting a new phone
<Fissurez> if not for the possibility that the s3 might have it's price driven down
<j0nnymoe> free upgrade anyways
<j0nnymoe> so price isnt really an issue
<Fissurez> yeah, i guess
<j0nnymoe> might of already ordered my case for it :X
<Fissurez> XD
<j0nnymoe> and i do like the eye tracking stuff in the s3
<j0nnymoe> forever getting annoyed at my phone turning off when reading
<Fissurez> you can get that for any phone
<Fissurez> one of the dudes on here made an app called smartstay EX :D
<j0nnymoe> bet it needs a front facing camera?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> well, it wouldn't really work otherwise
<j0nnymoe> wouldnt be able to use it on the ace then haha
<j0nnymoe> tbh, when i got the ace
<j0nnymoe> stupid samsung released the s2 few months after
<j0nnymoe> was pretty annoyed
<Fissurez> hmmm
<Fissurez> hey nebkat -
<Fissurez> LOL
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<Fissurez> £100
<j0nnymoe> wonder if anyone bought it lol
<Fissurez> it appears to be a bug
<Fissurez> or an encouraging to use nebkat's app
<Fissurez> cause it links to his app page
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<j0nnymoe> ah
<Fissurez> that
<xplodwild> 100eur
<xplodwild> lu
<xplodwild> lul
<Fissurez> and it says "do not buy"
<j0nnymoe> Fissurez, you UK im guessing?
<Fissurez> @geo Fissurez
<Fissurez> ....
<j0nnymoe> coz im wondering if the EE s3 lte will have orange bloat
<xplodwild> @geo user Fissurez
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Fissurez
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1451229184,1455423487],"country":"GB","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<Fissurez> xplodwild to the rescue!
<Fissurez> hm...
<xplodwild> always
<Fissurez> yes, i am from the UK
<Fissurez> j0nnymoe: ALL THE BLOAT
<j0nnymoe> lol
<j0nnymoe> but its technically an EE phone :P
<Fissurez> EE = orange + t mobile
<j0nnymoe> yeh
<Fissurez> TWICE the bloat
<Fissurez> \o/
<j0nnymoe> not sure it will bother me
<j0nnymoe> wont be longer than 24 hours before i root it
<Fissurez> well. if you aren't flashing CM10 on that mofo then you should be.
<j0nnymoe> dont think the source for the S3 LTE is out yet
<Fissurez> :|
<xplodwild> i9305 ?
<j0nnymoe> yea
<xplodwild> they are
<j0nnymoe> and there is a CM10 build?
<xplodwild> no
<j0nnymoe> balls
<j0nnymoe> xplodwild, you built me up
<j0nnymoe> and shot me down
<j0nnymoe> :(
<Fissurez> @changelog i9305
<xplodwild> it probably wouldn't be very hard to have it running
<Fissurez> @changelog xplodwild
<Fissurez> \o/
<Fissurez> i KNEW he ran CM10
<j0nnymoe> lol
<xplodwild> but we're giving a cold shoulder to samsung
<Fissurez> and they just burn more orphans to keep themselves warm
<j0nnymoe> lol
<Fissurez> you too cody
<j0nnymoe> they just ignoring the dev's?
<Fissurez> heartless.
<Fissurez> j0nnymoe: worse
<xplodwild> j0nnymoe: they discuss with their teams!
<xplodwild> hurray!
<Fissurez> they're lying
<xplodwild> their team is probably as large as China
<xplodwild> since they took 2 years to discuss, and still ongoing
<Fissurez> "so guys... what about giving out the sauce?"
<Fissurez> "no? ok"
<bbqbot> derp
<j0nnymoe> there are one or two roms out for the I9305 already
<j0nnymoe> but only using the stock rom
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<logcat> so, samosa, seems like you hate samsung ?
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<Fissurez> mr. logcat
<Fissurez> you offended him
<logcat> why you hate it ?
<logcat> hmm
<logcat> leaving here to pm me xD
<Fissurez> bastard
<Fissurez> wait... who is samosa anyways?
<logcat> idk
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<foggyb2> is there an app that can do that?
<bbqbot> derp
<foggyb2> it shows only red pixels on phones with OLED screens, can save 50% battery life
<logcat> lol, so you want to have a monochrome device ?
<foggyb2> yeah, better than a dead phone
<foggyb2> lol
<logcat> what about get a 2nd battery ?
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<logcat> or get a black&white phone that is 400$ cheaper
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<mongi> what's happening to i9100 nightlys?
<foggyb2> i dont want a new phone, or remember a 2nd battery. esp if a very simple app can act like two batteries
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<foggyb2> also, if I bring two batteries, such an app turns them into 4 ;^)
<logcat> chainfire driver if available on your device
<foggyb2> i9100
<logcat> nvm, froyo/GB only
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<foggyb2> logcat: what about an app called "filter your screen"?
<foggyb2> is that going to turn off specific color pixels?
<foggyb2> in hardware
<logcat> you mean screen filter ?
<foggyb2> or that one
<foggyb2> should work, no? if i set screen to reddish, the blue and green pixels should be off or nearly off
<bbqbot> derp
<logcat> screen filter only dim your screen
<foggyb2> there's another one called "screen adjuster"
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