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<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: nanonote-files: wpan.nn: add option for start dirtpan (master)
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<xiangfu> hmm.. the atusb cannot build as module. because the irq_set_chip_and_handler function
<xiangfu> ERROR: "irq_set_chip_and_handler_name" [drivers/ieee802154/spi_atusb.ko] undefined!
<wpwrak> if it must be a module, then you'll have to find a way to hack around this issue
<wpwrak> in the future, with the improved driver, these things will disappear
<wpwrak> so a hack should be fine until then :)
<xiangfu> ok :)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: nanonotefiles: make inittab work with minimal config system (master)
<viric> larsc: thank you a lot for your support! I managed to send a patch upstream that 'works for me'
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: xburst: qi_lb60 select the nanonote slash screen (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: remove xburst target borken (master)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: urjtag: fix typo (master)
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<larsc> viric: nice trick reusing the existing handlers :)
<viric> it took me a while to figure all out :)
<viric> now I've a *segfault* in webkit.
<viric> hm there is a null pointer when there should not be.
<viric> who knows.
<viric> at least webkit runs further.
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<lindi-> I have been using chromium on openmoko for quite some time already
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<viric> lindi-: is that mips?
<lindi-> no, armel
<lindi-> but you probably have same bugs with unaligned accesses
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<viric> well, I was using webkit 1.4.0. Maybe a newer webkit works better. And the troubles were in the unaligned-access-emulation of mips.
<viric> specifically.
<viric> lindi-: and it's related to FPU, that the openmoko maybe does not have
<lindi-> ok
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<mth> unaligned access emulation is a horrible thing anyway; it's much better to fix the program doing the access
<viric> of course
<viric> but it becomes a matter of performance, then. Not a matter of "the program does not run"
<viric> and with an 'echo' to a debugfs file, you can make all programs sigbus, if you want, on unaligned access. It becomes up to the kernel user.
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<mth> yeah, but I think that trying to make broken programs run is not a good idea, because it decreases the chance of them getting fixed
<mth> also, the resulting system is more complex, like you found out when there was a bug in the unaligned access emulation
<viric> then maybe you'd like the sigbus behaviour to be the default, and the emulation not default
<viric> but it should not be about not having that code in the kernel at all
<viric> Imagine a super-complex package has unaligned accesses, and the producers of the package do not give a penny for your platform.
<viric> (hypothetical case :)
<mth> the emulation can be useful even if only for logging where in the program the unaligned accesses come from
<mth> but indeed I wouldn't want it enabled by default
<mth> same for floating point emulation: I'd rather have the program crash so that I know that softfloat support failed
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* DocScrutinizer05 idly wonders why /ns help in this chan and now is the old version still, while /ns help in another chan and 2h ago showed some new details >>
<DocScrutinizer05> [16.06.2012 16:43:29] [Notice] -NickServ- If a registered nick is not used by the owner for 150 days,
<DocScrutinizer05> [16.06.2012 16:43:29] [Notice] -NickServ- NickServ will drop the nickname, allowing it to be reregistered.
<DocScrutinizer05> 1h ago
<viric> I'm trying fpu code in that loongson2f... and all I compiled looks broken :)
<viric> lame has lots of nans (have to be emulated)
<viric> ffmpeg encoding with libvorbis looks quite mad too; I don't know if due to decoding an mp3, or encoding the ogg.
<viric> I wonder what other floating point code I could run to test
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<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: ASoC: JZ4740: delay activation of the DAC to work around a sound bug. (jz-3.4)
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<larsc> Ayla: that's an interresting way to implement a msleep() ;)
<Ayla> isn't it? :)
<Ayla> I actually wasn't aware of msleep()...
<Ayla> I know mdelay, not msleep
<larsc> msleep sort of does what you just implemented
<Ayla> ok, I'll edit it then
<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: ASoC: JZ4740: Use msleep() to wait before enabling the DAC. (jz-3.4)
<Ayla> mth: that means we could replace all mdelay() by msleep() on the SLCD panels code
<Ayla> so that the other threads can continue when the panel is initializing
<Ayla> that was a request reported on the kernel bug tracker
<mth> yes, sounds like a good idea
<Ayla> at which point is it better to use msleep over mdelay, or the other way around?
<Ayla> on some parts of the code, I waits only 10ms
<Ayla> s/I/it
<qi-bot> Ayla meant: "on some parts of the code, it waits only 10ms"
<Ayla> msleep() probably introduces a higher delay
<wpwrak> "only" 10 ms :-)
<Ayla> but I'm not sure it's important whether it waits longer than 10ms or not
<wpwrak> that's a pretty nasty delay, if you spend that time spinning
<Ayla> well, the panel enable function spins for like one second total
<Ayla> 510ms for the ili9325 panel
<wpwrak> mdelay ? urgh
<Ayla> yes :)
<Ayla> IIRC we use HZ=250 on dingoo, so a msleep() will last 4ms minimum
<Ayla> and msleep(10) will sleep 12 milliseconds
<wpwrak> just hope you don't have anything remotely real-time-ish on that machine :)
<Ayla> we do, sort of
<Ayla> the sound output
<larsc> which is taken care of by dma
<mth> only for the span of the current period though
<mth> the sound output is broken when the SLCD init happens
<mth> when unblanking, for example
<mth> Ayla: I think that even 1 ms is a lot of time for this CPU
<Ayla> larsc: yes, but the app that produces sound is blocked
<mth> and afaik the 4 ms time slices matter when there are multiple active threads, but it doesn't mean a single active thread has to wait for the next time slice
<Ayla> ok
<Ayla> I replaced all mdelays by msleeps, and it works good
<Ayla> now the sound doesn't stop when I un-blank the screen on GMU
<mth> zLoud will be so happy
<Ayla> heheh
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<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: MIPS: JZ4740: Delay using msleep to prevent spinning for 0.5s. (jz-3.4)
<Ayla> mth: could you mark it as done on the bug tracker?
<mth> yep, works great
<mth> issue closed
<qi-bot> [commit] Maarten ter Huurne: MIPS: JZ4740: Work around fbcon logo crash with SLCD. (jz-3.4)
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<whitequark> viric: where did you get your looooongson?
<lekernel> by the way, what's the status of the kicad patches? were they submitted upstream?
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<wpwrak> lekernel: at some point they were, and received the reply that this wasn't a good time
<GNUtoo-desktop> viric, how's the lemote?
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