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<qi-bot> [commit] Adam Wang: tssop5.fpd: TSSOP5 for NXP (master)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Adam Wang: sot23.fpd: added measurement for max. distance between pads. (master)
<wolfspraul> good morning everybody
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: ben-wpan: now ben-wpan tools also build for other targets (master)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Adam Wang: INFO: added more SOT23 info (master)
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: some tizen news around
<whitequark> what do you think about it?
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<qi-bot> [commit] Adam Wang: INFO: added DO-214 package info. (master)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Adam Wang: do-214.fpd: added DO-214AA package (master)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Adam Wang: ledsmd.fpd: added LEDSMD-0603R for right angle LED land pattern. Not include light shadow area. (master)
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<cladamw> wpwrak, in stdpass, i'd like to add a small "|" cathode marker on pad 2. Although this standard fpd is for resistor, capacitor, inductor. so for polarized capacitor or diode can also use it. how do you think ?
<wpwrak> you could make a variant with polarization mark. call it xxxxP or such. similar to how i made those -M variante
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<cladamw> yeah ~ okay. :-)
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<jivs_> Hi xian9fu
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<xian9fu> jivs_, Hi
<jivs_> i looked up the error message you got, it is coming from libgmp, possibly due to different versions being installed on the host part and the toochain part
<jivs_> But I couldn't get the same error message on my toolchain..
<jivs_> can you please check which version of gmp is being used in your toolchain
<jivs_> build_dir/host/ and build_dir/target.../
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<cladamw> wpwrak, how to convert string into number in Fped ?
<cladamw> wpwrak, with ${variable} can be string, but how to reverse it ? :-)
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<cladamw> wpwrak, no need now, just use another way to work out my case. but still can tell me if there's answer. :-)
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<kristianpaul> whitequark: i would be more interested on seeing tizen sold in a device
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<whitequark> well, I guess that's what samsung wants
<whitequark> I dunno, maybe android is too google-centric for them?..
<kristianpaul> SaaS ;-)
<kristianpaul> thus most features requires internet access, how boring...
<whitequark> what's saas? android?
<kristianpaul> google apis
<kristianpaul> yes for example
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<whitequark> well, as an android user I can say that it isn't
<whitequark> I don't use any of google's services, and I don't really have a need to
<kristianpaul> gotcha, perhaps i'm biased..
<whitequark> it's just a platform actually
<whitequark> google has a lot of nice stuff, but they don't force you to use it
<whitequark> I have my email on my own IMAP, contacts on LDAP, etc.
<whitequark> there's no implicit lock-in if that's what you are talking about
<kristianpaul> no no,(lock-in)
<whitequark> well, google's products are really nice, and they integrate well with each other and google's services
<kristianpaul> sure
<whitequark> I set them up for people who don't care that much about privacy how I do
<whitequark> but with my own setup (which obvisously took time) it's almost the same
<whitequark> and, arguably, they don't do anything to prevent me from using whatever I want
<GNUtoo-desktop> whitequark, Android is apache and google can do like android 3.0 and that scares vendors
<kristianpaul> well u use android :-)
<kristianpaul> I was talking about what and operator and manufacture offer
<whitequark> GNUtoo-desktop: yeah, they can, but if you ask me, the android 3.0 was the right thing to do
<kristianpaul> right GNUtoo-desktop
<whitequark> i.e. not overall
<whitequark> they really should have invested more resources in making what became ICS
<whitequark> to make it earlier
<kristianpaul> s/offer/have to offer
<whitequark> but I don't see that as an inherently evil thing. lots of devices with very bad UX would be worse
<whitequark> kristianpaul: vendors and especially carriers offer exceptionally bad firmwares
<whitequark> significantly worse than stock android
* GNUtoo-desktop never used carrier firmwares
<whitequark> +1
<whitequark> in Russia, carriers don't sell phones
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<GNUtoo-desktop> only replicant on Android phones (or SHR)
<GNUtoo-desktop> ok
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<whitequark> btw
<whitequark> what about replicant on sgs2?
<whitequark> how's progress coming?
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<kristianpaul> whitequark: oh wow
<kristianpaul> nice
<GNUtoo-desktop> whitequark, paulk has or will have an SGS2....
<GNUtoo-desktop> whitequark, beside there are progress on GNU/Linux port on SGS2 too
<whitequark> kristianpaul: what's nice? carriers not selling phones? :)
<kristianpaul> yup
<whitequark> yeah, there ain't such thing as sim-lock here, for example
<whitequark> nor bullshit like phone-tied contracts or, ahem, "tethering plan"
<whitequark> there is even no phrase for the latter
<kristianpaul> ;-)
<whitequark> OTOH, in Moscow there are three carriers who form a cartel and they suck a whole lot
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<whitequark> 3g? somewhere there's no signal whatsoever
<whitequark> one carrier covers entire underground (thus demonstrating the possibility), others cover only small patches
<whitequark> HSDPA? only if you're lucky
<viric> ah
<viric> that reminds me that I've a phone to "unlock"
<whitequark> voice? can be tricky, too
<whitequark> it's fucking 2012 and carriers can't get UMTS right
<kristianpaul> viric: at the corner service shop? :-)
<viric> I expected internet and google would unlock that for me
<viric> but maybe it requires some device to do so
<kristianpaul> at commands could sometimes
<kristianpaul> with right etc app
<viric> it's a very stupid phone
<kristianpaul> indeed
<viric> I doubt it does any AT
<whitequark> viric: model?
<kristianpaul> whitequark: so you have lots of HAM in russia i guess
<whitequark> kristianpaul: HAM?
<kristianpaul> ham radio*
<whitequark> ah. nope, this thing has almost faded out of existence
<viric> whitequark: alcatel OT-E220
<viric> any help appreciated! :)
<viric> I dislike throwing away hw for those reasons
<whitequark> GPRSNo
<whitequark> EDGENo
<kristianpaul> dont buy it at first place next time :-)
<whitequark> this is a REALLY dumb phone
<whitequark> Games 2
<whitequark> lol
* kristianpaul love its dumb phone
* whitequark cannot successfully navigate in this city without GPS
<whitequark> hence, only smartphones count
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<GNUtoo-desktop> kristianpaul, unless you run an osmocombb feature-phone(that's the term for dumb-phones) smartphones can have some privacy advantages
<GNUtoo-desktop> for instance if the CPU control the sound card you cannot be listened while not in call if you control the main CPU and that the modem doesn't use shared memory
<GNUtoo-desktop> or if what you run on the main CPU is non-free it can be worse from the pricvacy point of view
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<whitequark> GNUtoo-desktop: what's about privacy in SGS2?
<whitequark> does it have the same hole as S1
<whitequark> *?
<GNUtoo-desktop> ask paulk
<GNUtoo-desktop> I dno't know sgs2
<kristianpaul> hole = close source gsm band is enought? :-)
<GNUtoo-desktop> kristianpaul, that can be worked arround on some phones, on some other not
<GNUtoo-desktop> it depend on the architecture of the phone, the baseband and the phone<->baseband connection type
<whitequark> kristianpaul: on sgs2, AP routes everything from sound (alsa) to data
<whitequark> so there cannot be a "feature" which remotely turns on mic or something like that
<whitequark> schematics have leaked too
<GNUtoo-desktop> the problem is if the modem can rookit the main CPU or not
<GNUtoo-desktop> trough shared memory
<GNUtoo-desktop> like dual-port RAM
<whitequark> ah, yes
<GNUtoo-desktop> I've no idea if it's doable or not
<kristianpaul> sim -> modem -> cpu -> you :-0
<GNUtoo-desktop> or if it's done or not
<kristianpaul> tap it :)
<GNUtoo-desktop> at the sim level you can tap it
<GNUtoo-desktop> with simtrace
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<kristianpaul> bbl lunch
<vladkorotnev> hey guys, haven't seen ya for so long!
<vladkorotnev> i have stumbled upon a weird thing on my Ben Nanonote, particularly with the sound chip
<vladkorotnev> should i tell ya about it?
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<vladkorotnev> so, none is interested? okay maybe it's just mine's defect then
<Ayla> let me see
<whitequark> nn doesn't have a sound chip, does it?
<Ayla> high pitched sound?
<vladkorotnev> sort of, it's like in background of the music
<vladkorotnev> the lower the battery, the more i can hear it.
<Ayla> the noise is cyclic?
<Ayla> I mean, is that the same pattern again and again?
<vladkorotnev> it's like the music, but inverted or like that
<vladkorotnev> not pattern
<vladkorotnev> in headphones only, didn't hear it on the speaker
<vladkorotnev> and when you turn it off, it makes a sound, like a blaster shooting in a scifi movie, into the headphones, like 'pewww' :P
<Ayla> ok, that's a different bug than the one we have here
<vladkorotnev> WOOPS
<vladkorotnev> wrong window
<vladkorotnev> don't click
<vladkorotnev> better for you
<vladkorotnev> sorry
<whitequark> lol.
<vladkorotnev> you did click this, didn't you?
<GNUtoo-desktop> what is it?
<whitequark> you know this channel is publicly logged, right?
<whitequark> GNUtoo-desktop: hentai
<GNUtoo-desktop> ok
<vladkorotnev> well, fuck C:
<whitequark> not the kind of it which would make you pluck your eyes off, just regular porn
<vladkorotnev> that is just page 9 eh
<whitequark> I don't really want to know anything further
<whitequark> somehow I feel that'd make my life easier ... :)
<vladkorotnev> fucking slow internet, i have to send files over page-by-page, transaction fails if i send by one archive, could it be the recent ipv6 transition?
<whitequark> no
<vladkorotnev> it would, whitequark, it would
<whitequark> well, it could
<whitequark> if you use vista/7
<whitequark> which has teredo enabled by default
<whitequark> otherwise it's just your crappy ISP or wrong MTU settings
<vladkorotnev> probably should avoid using Cmd-Tab for switching apps when sleepy next time -__-
<vladkorotnev> it's my friend's isp
<vladkorotnev> mine is fast as hell, it fails on his side
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<vladkorotnev> afaik, i still have a white ipv4 address
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<vladkorotnev> by the way, guys, how do you think, is cli-only debian a good choice for using on a netbook? (assuming i am gonna browse the web / irc / IM / email with it)
<viric> whitequark: yes, dumb phone, but I didn't buy it. :)
<whitequark> vladkorotnev: try a tiling WM, they're awesome for netbooks
<whitequark> e.g. awesome
<whitequark> (it's a name too)
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<vladkorotnev> i am fine with tmux
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<whitequark> then why bother asking? :)
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<vladkorotnev> because maybe problems with connecting to wifi might occur?
<vladkorotnev> i mean public wifi
<vladkorotnev> at home i'm fine with entering my network settings into configs
<whitequark> ahh
<whitequark> man interfaces
<whitequark> debian has a really nice syntax even for wpa2
<vladkorotnev> i mean public open wifi, when you have to connect quick, but no password etc
<whitequark> so what? either add a line to interfaces
<whitequark> or: "iw wlan0 connect Beeline_WiFi_FREE; dhclient wlan0"
<vladkorotnev> thanks :P
<vladkorotnev> more like
<vladkorotnev> #!/bin/bash
<vladkorotnev> iw wlan0 connect $1
<vladkorotnev> dhclient wlan0
<vladkorotnev> in /usr/bin/wiconn :P
<vladkorotnev> assuming on how many people here use linux with cli, having a debian laptop would not only give you usability and stability with speed, but also make you look like a hacker lol
<whitequark> like there's something good of it
<vladkorotnev> but is it something bad? :P
<vladkorotnev> once on an IT lesson at school we were told we're free to use the internet that day, but most sites were locked. srsly, people stared at me like i was watching porn or hacking the pentagon, while i silently telnetted to vertrauen to play Food Fight lol. also means they should disable Win-R on student machines, not just remove shortcuts ;P
<whitequark> lol, win+r indeed is good
<vladkorotnev> anything with windows cannot be as good as linux
<vladkorotnev> so, remodeled my setup for my netbook in a VM: - even music is here :D
<whitequark> windows nt is a nice kernel
<whitequark> e.g. it has AIO, and linux doesn't have anything even nearly as good as NT's AIO
<vladkorotnev> i'm talking UX here :P, not kernel and stuff
<vladkorotnev> IMO, Linux has better UX
<vladkorotnev> more user friendly
<whitequark> linux is kernel
<whitequark> it cannot be user friendly by definition
<vladkorotnev> Linux-based OSes*
<whitequark> like, for example, Gentoo?
<whitequark> what a fuckload of user-friendliness
<whitequark> don't overgeneralize :)
<vladkorotnev> why not? Gentoo is when you need to have it customized, while Debian is install-and-go, depends on what you want, but not that hard :p
<vladkorotnev> well, in windows i once had this: a dialog with text "Cancel current operation?" and three buttons: "Yes","No","Cancel" - while more logical is "Cancel" and "Don't cancel", and third one is not needed anyway
<kyak> vladkorotnev: how is your FIDO addiction doing? :)
<vladkorotnev> @kyak: only on my linux box, something is broken on the nano note again
<vladkorotnev> don't wanna fix anyway
<kyak> so it's still alive..
<vladkorotnev> yep, though less active than last year
<vladkorotnev> about 100 msgs per day
<whitequark> in the whole network?
<kyak> yeah, it's nothing compared to Internet
<whitequark> erm
<whitequark> if that's "not dead"
<whitequark> them I'm "linus torvalds"
<whitequark> why would anyone ever want it at all?!
<kyak> that's what i thought.. apparently, it's still alive.. a little bit :)
<vladkorotnev> i found an even cooler thing, Hotline :P
<whitequark> well, linux still has DECnet support
<whitequark> DEC-fucking-net
<whitequark> for, I dunno, three DEC boxes left?
<whitequark> or is that four?
<vladkorotnev> around 5 usable servers, one with a fuckload of data but no people, >TB of texts and old software
<kyak> what kind of software and texts?
<whitequark> vladkorotnev: dump the latter to
<whitequark> then shutdown it
<vladkorotnev> even wrote a client for it, to use it on my iPhone, and put up a server
<vladkorotnev> they're not going down in atl 10 years, as they said to me in PM
<whitequark> what a necrophiliac
<kyak> why 10, not 15? :)
<vladkorotnev> or, for Hotline connection
<whitequark> ahhh, so it's already a www server
<whitequark> Hotline?..
<whitequark> wtf is Hotline?
<vladkorotnev> www+kdx+hotline
<vladkorotnev> SHXd is here as well
<vladkorotnev> my iHotline is listed there as well :3
<vladkorotnev> however that is a better screenshot
<whitequark> but WHY?! why would you do that?
<vladkorotnev> to revive it
<vladkorotnev> ppl are better with their iPhones than going and buying MacOS9 machines for connecting
<vladkorotnev> make it more popular, don't let it die :p
<kyak> where did they find this crap :)
<vladkorotnev> idk
<vladkorotnev> i used it only for old software
<vladkorotnev> whatchabebrowsin'inthere?lol
<vladkorotnev> fun server, isn't it?:P
<kyak> Written on July 1, 1986
<vladkorotnev> Text porn?
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<whitequark> why not?..
<whitequark> weird
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<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: modules/bat-clip-aa-th.fpd: open clip for AA batteries, through-hole (master)
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