<wpwrak> tricky. kernel apis tend to be fairly stable, but ...
<wpwrak> besides, you get some very interesting new issues when trying to link static ;-) if you want to try your luck: https://neo900.org/stuff/werner/tmp/eeshow-3c13d609.bz2
<wpwrak> compiled with: cc -static -o eeshow main.o sch-parse.o sch-render.o lib-parse.o lib-render.o file.o git-file.o style.o fig.o record.o cro.o diff.o gfx.o dwg.o text.o misc.o -lm `pkg-config --static --libs cairo` `pkg-config --static --libs libgit2` -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-all
<wpwrak> and if it runs, this is what you'll want to try:
<wpwrak> cd ee/hw; eeshow/eeshow -r neo900.lib kicad-libs/components/powered.lib 6a9f71:neo900.sch -- pdf -o foo.pdf
<wpwrak> but now .. dinner time !
<DocScrutinizer05> jr@saturn:~/Dokumente/Neo900/kicad-et-al/kicad-git/ee/hw> ~/neo900git/eeschow-static -r neo900.lib kicad-libs/components/powered.lib 6a9f71:neo900.sch -- pdf -o foo.pdf
<DocScrutinizer05> related_other_repo is no yet implemented
<DocScrutinizer05> jr@saturn:~/Dokumente/Neo900/kicad-et-al/kicad-git/ee/hw> ll foo.pdf
<DocScrutinizer05> -rw-r--r-- 1 jr users 332290 3. Aug 02:16 foo.pdf
<DocScrutinizer05> ta
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: I guess we should use another font ;-) http://wstaw.org/m/2016/08/03/plasma-desktopRZ2277.png
<DocScrutinizer05> or are those the "very interesting new issues" you referred to?
<wpwrak> that's indeed a bit unexpected :)
<wpwrak> but yes, looks like a "static doesn't mean 'compatible'" issue
<DocScrutinizer05> I don't think this is very likely to be related to static linking
<DocScrutinizer05> IOW if it was, it should show at your side as well, and then it should be fixable. If it however does _not_ show on your system, then it's an issue with my environment and I doubt dynamic linking would yield a differnt result
<DocScrutinizer05> funny enough the font is not meanigless, just rendered with an extreme "pixel"size
<DocScrutinizer05> I'm not even sure if it's in the pdf, since ... shouldn't pdf have ascii texts instead of fonts rendered to bitmaps?
<DocScrutinizer05> properties: "page size: 308 x 213 mm (unknown landscape paper size)" (!!! maybe a glitch in estimating font PTs from unknown page size?). Fonts: http://wstaw.org/m/2016/08/03/plasma-desktopVv2277.png
<DocScrutinizer05> yes, I tried in okular and evince too
<DocScrutinizer05> I'd suspect the embedded fonts are not the optimum, for some reason
<DocScrutinizer05> I had a fuzzy idea that maybe my system has a 2PT font as smallest or default fond, where yours has a larger one
<DocScrutinizer05> I also wonder ehat's a type3 font, maybe bitmap font?
<DocScrutinizer05> seems you know to edit pdf files. you could try replacing the embedded font by an external "standard" font, for a test
<DocScrutinizer05> placed my file into /stuff/paste/foo.pdf
<DocScrutinizer05> hmmm, has pdf font rendering a notion about DPI?
<DocScrutinizer05> the large fonts like "TODO" also use same grainy "pixel" blocks
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<DocScrutinizer05> sidenote: the missing pageframe is intentional?
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<wpwrak> yes,i don't use *.kicad_wks so far. another file format to parse, store, and render
<wpwrak> the rendering may simply be my static libs not quite understanding the fonts on your system. or maybe they don't even find them but have some fallback that renders something almost readable.
<DocScrutinizer05> well, properies say "embedded font"
<DocScrutinizer05> aag your renderer, yes quite possible
<wpwrak> which just goes to show that this sort of "static" build is meaningless.
<wpwrak> i'm actually surprised it didn't simply crash on you :)
<DocScrutinizer05> that would be a problem with binding, yes. Not finding the fonts on my system doesn't sound like a binding problem. Rather it might be a problem with either the lib in that blob having hardcoded paths to the fonts or my fonts simply not matching what the lib is expecting to find in the way it's used
<wpwrak> well, different locations, different ways for determining location, maybe some file format change. your system is not only a different breed but they're also years apart from each other..
<DocScrutinizer05> what was that? libpango? wild guess
<wpwrak> no, i don't use pango (yet). just the cairo "toy" fonts.
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<DocScrutinizer05> anyway this looks pretty much like the embedded fonts are bitmap fonts and they got rendered from truetype or whatever decent scalable font, based on a completely off way too low DPI
<DocScrutinizer05> funny enough it's just those embedded fonts that are the problem, since the strings themselves (e.g. "TODO") are searchable, so they must be ASCII
<DocScrutinizer05> apropos fonts: the KiCAD fonts look pretty ugly
<DocScrutinizer05> not as ugly as they've been in the old KiCAD version for Suse I tried
<DocScrutinizer05> but some details are strange
<wpwrak> at the beginning, kicad used some horrible abominations. the sort that was probably slightly behind the state of the art in the early 1950es
<wpwrak> now it used hershey fonts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hershey_fonts
<wpwrak> they're as old as i am, and pretty good, considering.
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<DocScrutinizer05> btw not that I think about it, it's probably a bad idea anyway to embed bitmap fonts into a pdf. Rather should be the original truetype fonts so the pdf reader itself should render them. No?
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<wpwrak> i don't know what the fonts are. i just tell cairo to draw some text :)
<wpwrak> and i do select "Helvetica Bold". whatever happens next is out of my hands
<wpwrak> but the proper PDF show now such issues. so chances are that something went terribly wrong with the static binary, and you're seeing the effects of some fallback mechanism
<DocScrutinizer05> cairo does pdf ?
* DocScrutinizer05 headdesks. ~/neo900git/eeschow-static neo900.lib kicad-libs/components/powered.lib neo900_SS_1.sch -- png -o foo.png creates always the same foo.png of sheet4, even when *deleting* the foo.png in between
<DocScrutinizer05> no matter which file I use for input instead of neo900_SS_1.sch
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<DocScrutinizer05> sheet4 been the first I generated
<DocScrutinizer05> ~/neo900git/eeschow-static neo900.lib kicad-libs/components/powered.lib neo900_SS_4.sch -- png -o foo.png
<DocScrutinizer05> now I rm foo.png, I check it's gone, I do ~/neo900git/eeschow-static neo900.lib kicad-libs/components/powered.lib neo900_SS_3.sch -- png -o foo.png, I check date of foo.png is correct, I look into it and... sheet4 again
<DocScrutinizer05> there must be some (hidden) temporary file somewhere
<DocScrutinizer05> or some very weird persistent state in git itself
<DocScrutinizer05> I mean no matter how fubar eeschow-static might be from linking, it can't store the file content or name in the 5th dimension, right?
<DocScrutinizer05> I guess I'm a happy user of sch2fig which just works great. How would I learn git when eeschow hides it from me
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<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: (5th dim) actually, it kinda does :) git adds at least two more dimensions: the revision and the branch.
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer05: but the most likely explanation is that your neo900_SS_3.sch is actually what you think of as "sheet 4". e.g., if numbering started with 1 = neo900.sch, then you get 2 = neo900_SS_1.sch (if it's still there), and so on.
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<wpwrak> btw, you can test the PDF fonts with sch2fig, too. e.g., sch2fig neo900.lib kicad-libs/components/powered.lib neo900_SS_4.sch -- pdf -o foo.pdf
<wpwrak> if this yields correct fonts, then the problem comes from your eeshow binary being "foreign"
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<DocScrutinizer05> no
<DocScrutinizer05> I tested with sheet1 2 3 and all show 4
<DocScrutinizer05> pls reread
<DocScrutinizer05> and I tested sheet4 as first#
<DocScrutinizer05> [2016-08-03 Wed 06:04:45] <DocScrutinizer05> ~/neo900git/eeschow-static neo900.lib kicad-libs/components/powered.lib neo900_SS_4.sch -- png -o foo.png
<DocScrutinizer05> [2016-08-03 Wed 06:06:01] <DocScrutinizer05> now I rm foo.png, I check it's gone, I do ~/neo900git/eeschow-static neo900.lib kicad-libs/components/powered.lib neo900_SS_3.sch -- png -o foo.png, I check date of foo.png is correct, I look into it and... sheet4 again
<DocScrutinizer05> [2016-08-03 Wed 06:04:45] <DocScrutinizer05> ~/neo900git/eeschow-static neo900.lib kicad-libs/components/powered.lib neo900_SS_4.sch -- png -o foo.png
<DocScrutinizer05> I rm foo.png, I check it's gone, I do ~/neo900git/eeschow-static neo900.lib kicad-libs/components/powered.lib neo900_SS_2.sch -- png -o foo.png, I check date of foo.png is correct, I look into it and... sheet4 again
<DocScrutinizer05> http://paste.opensuse.org/82342403 in between I watched and also rm'ed foo.png with file browser
<DocScrutinizer05> and no, it doesn't *magicaly* overwrite neo900_SS_3.sch neo900_SS_2.sch by neo900_SS_4.sch, at least from filesize and change date
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<DocScrutinizer05> we almost completed the long pending migration to new infra. For the duration of migration to complete completely ;o) my.neo900.org is in maintenance mode to avoid shops getting out of sync
<DocScrutinizer05> meanwhile we appreciate testers checking newbie.neo900.org
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<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: hellekin: could you please check git on newbie?
<DocScrutinizer05> we got pretty comprehensive backups of current state in /selfbackup
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: please consider any git push to rust is likely to get lost now
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<DocScrutinizer05> >>FF: 48 - several severe security issues fixed... *SEVERITY: very high*<< https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/known-vulnerabilities/firefox/#firefox48
<hellekin> actually the devuan mirror was already on newbie
<DocScrutinizer05> yes
<DocScrutinizer05> always been
<DocScrutinizer05> on rust there wouldn't have been any space or bandwidth for it
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