Topic for #milkymist is now Radical Tech Coalition :: Milkymist One, Migen, Milkymist SoC & Flickernoise :: Logs:
lekernel_ [lekernel_!] has joined #milkymist
<Fallenou> gn8
<kristianpaul> n8
<kristianpaul> stekern: the only part you replaced from the upstream SoC was the lm32?
<kristianpaul> what about conbus?
xiangfu [xiangfu!] has joined #milkymist
xiangfu_ [xiangfu_!] has joined #milkymist
<GitHub171> [flickernoise] wpwrak created direct-midi (+12 new commits):
<GitHub171> [flickernoise/direct-midi] renderer/stimuli.c: unified control input handling - Werner Almesberger
<GitHub171> [flickernoise/direct-midi] compiler.h: wrap nasty long lines - Werner Almesberger
<GitHub171> [flickernoise/direct-midi] compiler: include basic elements for unified input events in patch structure - Werner Almesberger
rejon [rejon!] has joined #milkymist
<stekern> kristianpaul: yes, only replaced lm32
<kristianpaul> stekern: no other "to replace" plans?
<stekern> naw, no such plans
<GitHub136> [flickernoise] wpwrak pushed 2 new commits to direct-midi:
<GitHub136> [flickernoise/direct-midi] compiler: update pointers after realloc() in patch_add_cvar - Werner Almesberger
<GitHub136> [flickernoise/direct-midi] midi control: added processors for encoders sending acceleration - Werner Almesberger
<kristianpaul> hmm how do clean build directory now..
<kristianpaul> make clean from flash dint work
<kristianpaul> stekern: good :)
* kristianpaul miss
<xiangfu> kristianpaul, you mean the milkymist?
<xiangfu> kristianpaul, run make clean under the root folder of milkymist same as
<kristianpaul> ahh
<kristianpaul> i missed the new Mafefile, sorry for noise :)
* kristianpaul download what it seems mico8 gcc source code
* kristianpaul is looking for a state machine replacement in software
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lekernel [lekernel!] has joined #milkymist
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n0carri3r [n0carri3r!~n0carri3r@] has joined #milkymist
<n0carri3r> morning all
<n0carri3r> was out using the M1 this weekend:
<n0carri3r> the "N" logo and the greenish-scanlines are PNG's using the new image support
<n0carri3r> the B/W house exploding is another program, however (was using a video mixer to key the signals)
<n0carri3r> hope to have better pics and video soon
<n0carri3r> gonna ask my usual question: how is USB-MIDI support coming along? :)
<lekernel> hi
<lekernel> well, Werner just implemented new patch commands to support multi-channel controllers like the Faderfox LV3
<wpwrak> yeah. and a bit of crud removal is coming soonish :) (the whole cvar business i had added. silly over-engineering)
<lekernel> n0carri3r: wow, you made that with the M1?
<lekernel> "some SRSLY FLY vizzzz for @Nullsleep by Cosmic Morning "
<lekernel> that one?
<lekernel> wpwrak: I guess you're going to remove the midiX variables too?
<wpwrak> pity that the exploding house is a video feed
<wpwrak> lekernel: i very much looking forward to their killing :-) do you see any need to keeping them around for compatibility ? i don't thing there are a lot of people using them
<wpwrak> s/thing/think/
<lekernel> wpwrak: yeah, just remove them
<lekernel> it's easy to copy and paste "midiX = ..." in any affected patch, anyway :)
<n0carri3r> lekernel: yes, that top video
<n0carri3r> will the M1 ever support animated GIFs?
<n0carri3r> would be great - then the exploding house could be on the M1, too :)
<lekernel> it can be done :)
<wpwrak> maybe just an array of images ?
<n0carri3r> really? that would AMAZING :)
<lekernel> wpwrak: yeah :)
<wpwrak> i have such a thing planned. now that the compiler is more or less under control, it won't be too hard to implement it. (the array of images)
<lekernel> which is read automatically when a GIF image is loaded
<wpwrak> do we have a GIF reader yet ?
<lekernel> no, but we probably can just compile some linux library
<n0carri3r> that would be great
<wpwrak> okay, ffs ;-) in any case, you can just do individual frames.
<lekernel> there's MNG too (which can be read with libpng) but it's lesser known than GIF
<wpwrak> (copy & paste midiX) yes, unless you rely on the MIDI settings dialog to switch between different controllers or controller configuration. but then, i realize that i may be the only one doing that on a regular basis ;-)
<lekernel> n0carri3r: your video is great! and with Nullsleep, wow :)
<n0carri3r> thanks! we're good friends - and roommates :)
<wpwrak> but i can fix that too by introducing another layer of abstraction. for now, i'll just cram everything into the patch, so it's easy to experiment with things.
<n0carri3r> the moire patterns in that video are the M1, too - using two PNG
<n0carri3r> with transparency and sine based movements
<lekernel> n0carri3r: which USB-MIDI controllers do you have?
<n0carri3r> and the "N" logo appears over top, because i found a way to jam multiple keys on the keyboards to "mix" patches - then let go of one key to allow one patch to take over
<lekernel> and plan to use with M1?
<lekernel> yeah, I added that "patch jam" feature as a little toy in the latest software release :)
<lekernel> nice to see it used :)
<lekernel> anyway, next sw should also allow you to have more pictures than 2 per patch
<n0carri3r> i plan on using the korg nanoKONTROL
<n0carri3r> its very cheap and i think many would purchase it to use with the M1
<n0carri3r> has dials, sliders, and buttons on it
<n0carri3r> oh, it seems there is a newer one, too: Korg nanoKONTROL2
<n0carri3r> but i have the previous one. i'm sure they are very similar
<wpwrak> the iCon i-creativ can also be an interesting choice
<wpwrak> still inexpensive but feels a little less cheap than the nanoKONTROL2. there's a solid chunk of metal in there, making it heavy.
<wpwrak> you can switch it between various types of controls, X/Y pad, faders, etc.
<wpwrak> now to the achilles heel: they imho stupidly and unnecessarily limited the resolution of the pad to 16x8
<wpwrak> so in X/Y mode, you only have 16 horizontal values, 8 vertical ones. if you use faders (except the analog one), then they also have only 8 values.
<wpwrak> this limits what it can do. but it's still very versatile.
<n0carri3r> yeah
<n0carri3r> whatever gets supported, i will buy it right away :)
<lekernel> afaik the nanoKONTROL2 is working (I remember wpwrak doing some tests with it). we didn't try the 1st version.
<wpwrak> oh, pretty much anything usb-midi ought to work now :)
<wpwrak> yes, i have a nanoKONTROL2. works fine. just feels incredibly cheap ..
<n0carri3r> oh, really? USB-MIDI is supported in the current software?
<wpwrak> aye :)
<n0carri3r> wow! okay, i must finish my class prep for now, or i will spend my entire day playing around!
<wpwrak> ;-))
<lekernel> it's just that we haven't sent it through the web updates yet
<wpwrak> now we need more USB ports to be able to connect a lot of devices :)
<lekernel> but we will :)
<n0carri3r> ah! so its not on the web updates, yet? ok!
<lekernel> no, it's only in the source code on github atm :)
<wpwrak> for now, i still use my PC as "midi mixer": connect all the devices to it, the then send all the traffic via OSC
<n0carri3r> i like the portability of the M1 for a live show with no laptop, though :)
<wpwrak> as long as you don't run out of USB ports, you're fine :)
<n0carri3r> i usually disconnect the mouse as soon as my "performance" is running, to avoid problems
<n0carri3r> and just use the keyboard, for now
<wpwrak> we're evaluating one of these little RF keyboard with integrated touch pad to replace the rubber keyboard in the future
<wpwrak> that would need one port less. plus, you can turn it off when not in use.
<wpwrak> and shipping weight goes down ;-)
<n0carri3r> :)
<lekernel> n0carri3r: would you have an higher-resolution version of that video?
<n0carri3r> not at the moment, but my friend emily shot the entire set, along with a few other people
<n0carri3r> when the videos surface, i'll let you know
<n0carri3r> ok, i really wanna try that USB-MIDI. is it pretty easy to update the software manually from git?
<n0carri3r> or will it be available soon via update?
<lekernel> are you running Linux?
<n0carri3r> OSX
<lekernel> hmm ... in fact, we do have OSX instructions :)
<lekernel> (just clone the "scripts" repository)
<lekernel> but this is experimental development code, you have been warned :)
<n0carri3r> yes, of course - i'll be sure to back up!
<n0carri3r> and i won't be trying it now, or i may not go to work :)
<wpwrak> experimental with known M1-crashing bugs. but they're getting fewer :)
<n0carri3r> i'm happy to say i've had zero crashes!
<n0carri3r> even with jamming on multiple keys for extended periods of time :)
<wpwrak> kewl !
<wpwrak> oh course, this is kinda bad news: now, i can only make things worse :)
mumptai [mumptai!] has joined #milkymist
<n0carri3r> ok, gotta run - take care!
<GitHub197> [flickernoise] wpwrak pushed 7 new commits to direct-midi:
<GitHub197> [flickernoise/direct-midi] experimental/T.fnp: Tornado Rain Dance variant for new MIDI control selection - Werner Almesberger
<GitHub197> [flickernoise/direct-midi] controls: removed indirection via cvar array - Werner Almesberger
<GitHub197> [flickernoise/direct-midi] renderer: keep patch_lock around and clear current_patch when stopped - Werner Almesberger
elldekaa [elldekaa!] has joined #milkymist
<Fallenou> so far : does not work =>
<Fallenou> let's find the issue :)
<wpwrak> already looks promising :)
<Fallenou> hehe thanks, looks horrible to debug too
<GitHub71> [flickernoise] wpwrak pushed 2 new commits to direct-midi:
<GitHub71> [flickernoise/direct-midi] stimuli: added processor for acceleration with an unbounded range - Werner Almesberger
<GitHub71> [flickernoise/direct-midi] stimuli: remember and update base pointer for stim_redirect - Werner Almesberger
methril|work [methril|work!~methril@] has joined #milkymist
<lekernel> Fallenou: I'd suggest you simulate it... it works with xilinx isim
<lekernel> what do you think of using normal videos instead of GIF? I already got FFMPEG compiled...
<lekernel> of course I don't expect realtime decoding from the LM32
<lekernel> but pre-decoding small 1s-2s clips during patch compilation seems possible
<wpwrak> hmm, with all the downconverting etc. you have to do on the video first, it may not be excessively useful
<wpwrak> but then, it looks good on the feature list ;-)
<lekernel> 'all the downconverting'?
<lekernel> you'd typically have to cut it already, even simply for aesthetic purposes... so resizing it at the same time doesn't sound like a big constraints
<Fallenou> you can provide scripts to change size using gstreamer or ffmpeg so that the user can do it easily without being a pro of video editing
<Fallenou> lekernel: oh simulating the whole lm32 cpu ? i didn't know it was possible
<wpwrak> what i mean that you'll already edit it heavily, so rendering the result to images would't make much of a difference
<GitHub101> [flickernoise] wpwrak pushed 4 new commits to direct-midi:
<GitHub101> [flickernoise/direct-midi] compiler: fix NULL pointer bug when running patches that don't use direct MIDI - Werner Almesberger
<GitHub101> [flickernoise/direct-midi] stimuli.c: ptrdiff_t is defined in stddef.h, not sys/types.h - Werner Almesberger
<GitHub101> [flickernoise/direct-midi] compiler: don't include \n in "cannot add stimulus ..." message - Werner Almesberger
<Fallenou> lekernel: do you have a link that gives a few intel about how to simulate lm32 with isim ?
<Fallenou> if not I will start with reading isim doc :)
<lekernel> Fallenou: you have to connect the buses to some simulated memories, with code in the instruction one
<lekernel> then the isim command is confusingly named "fuse" and it compiles the verilog code into an executable binary
<wpwrak> lekernel: are you working on adding movie support ? if yes, maybe i should merge some of my stuff into master, so we don't get a huge merge conflict later
<lekernel> wpwrak: I can add it into libpixbuf and test it a bit, then you can make use of it?
<Fallenou> lekernel: simulating wishbone accesses, I hope it won't take too much time to do
<wpwrak> sounds good. i still need to to the multi-image support anyway
<lekernel> we can simply treat the movie as one pixmap with multiple frames in it
<lekernel> and the pixmap object has a new 'frame count' field
<wpwrak> that should actually be easy now ... hmm ... but how do deal with the unfinished pile MIDI stuff ... ?
<lekernel> what 'unfinished pile MIDI stuff' ?
<Fallenou> I guess I can find already done "wishbone blockram slave"
<wpwrak> my direct-midi branch
<Fallenou> in order to plug to data and instruction wishbone path
<lekernel> Fallenou: you can try the new migen stuff to build wishbone block rams :p
<wpwrak> it's actually not that bad ... less than 1000 lines
<lekernel> wpwrak: and what's the problem with it?
<Fallenou> lekernel: I am planning on learning migen, but not now :p
<lekernel> Fallenou: this gets you a full fledged wishbone block ram with migen:
<Fallenou> oh, if it's already done, good :)
<Fallenou> awesome
<wpwrak> the problem is that, if adding multi-image support off the master branch, i'll conflict with direct-midi. and i dislike merge conflicts ...
<lekernel> wpwrak: continue with direct-midi... and we connect it to the movie-enabled libpixmap later
<lekernel> after direct-midi has been merged into master
<lekernel> I guess there will be no merge conflicts in libpixmap, right?
<larsc> lekernel: does this look ok, for the splitter control fragment? it is basically the same as for the combinator, just with a extra buffer which saves whether a output token has been acked since the last input token
<wpwrak> alight, let's do multi-image after direct-midi then. no, there shouldn't be any conflicts. i just made changes in renderer/ and compiker.
<wpwrak> well, there will be a clash in src/Makefile, but that's kinda unavoidable
<wpwrak> (and usually simple to solve)
<lekernel> larsc: n = len(self.endpoints) will count both the sources (which you want) and the sinks (which I think you don't)
<lekernel> n = len(self.endpoints)-1 ?
<larsc> yes
<larsc> i guess
<lekernel> acked = Signal(BV(n), name="acked") <= the name parameter will automatically be set to "acked" (thanks to the bytecode hack), no need to duplicate it manually
<larsc> is the bytecode hack already commited?
<lekernel> yes
<larsc> cause it didn't work here
<lekernel> are you using cpython?
<larsc> i guess
<larsc> the python form
<larsc> 3.1 though
<lekernel> $ python3 --version
<lekernel> Python 3.2.1
<larsc> it seems to work for some of the signal names, but not in this specific case
<lekernel> ah
<lekernel> you're only declaring one signal in this frame, so there are no conflicts... maybe it simply omits it during the final naming phase
<lekernel> what name do you get?
<larsc> the opcode it gets during the name lookup are STORE_NAME, STORE_DEREF
<larsc> opcodes
<lekernel> hmm maybe we need to handle STORE_DEREF too
<larsc> yes
<Fallenou> OK let's install migen then
<lekernel> larsc: other than these two details, it looks good :)
<lekernel> should I commit it?
<Fallenou> let's first install python 3.2 :/
<lekernel> Fallenou: MMU, Migen... you'll soon become the pro of experimental milkymist code :-)
<lekernel> larsc: ah, no, you must also deassert the source stb after it has acked it
<lekernel> otherwise you'll get duplicate tokens
<larsc> right
<Fallenou> lekernel: ahah yep I hope =)
<larsc> hm, ok, fixed the auto namer
<Fallenou> lekernel: that's impressive, I just generated the build/soc.v using migen
<Fallenou> very impressive what it's already capable of :)
<larsc> is there a way to get the bv of an expression?
<larsc> i guess not, unless the expression is just a signal
<Fallenou> going to sleep, gn8 !