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<Skaag> anyone here encountered a situation where suddenly /dev/ttyUSB0 is write-only?
<Skaag> I'm sending data, it is received, but nothing is coming back
<Skaag> I know the serial to usb cable is fine because it works on another machine (windows)
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<hramrach> Skaag: it can become readonly when you have wrong settings
<hramrach> write only would be probably bad contact. can't think of anything else
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<n01> mripard_: ping
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<mripard_> n01: pong
<n01> hi :) I was trying to use the watchdog IRQ. I was doing something like
<n01> now, the problem is that the irq returned from irq_of_parse_and_map is 17 (not 24)
<n01> do you have an idea why?
<mripard_> the _map means it creates a mapping between the virtual irq number (17) and the hardware irq number (24)
<mripard_> so it's actually a good thing.
<mripard_> but I have a question
<mripard_> what will you do with this IRQ?
<n01> good question ... we can do (1) nothing or (2) reset the watchdog
<mripard_> which serves nothing, because the watchdog won't reboot the machine anyway :)
<n01> yep ... actually in a lot of wdt drivers that use IRQ the handler just print a message like "ok, i'm going to die" and nothing else
<n01> without resetting the wdt
<n01> honestly I'm adding the IRQ support just to practice a bit with the topic
<n01> do you have a better idea?
<mripard_> honestly, I'm not sure it's worth adding this support, but if you do it to learn, that's a perfectly valid reason
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<mripard_> just protect it with some sort of ifdef or something
<n01> ok, thanks for your help :)
<mripard_> so that it justs behaves the same way when you don't want this debug
<mripard_> anyway, yes, it's expected to have a different number for the irqs :)
<mripard_> also, just one quick comment, it would be great if you took the reboot code out of mach-sunxi and in your watchdog driver
<mripard_> I'd like to keep the code duplication at a minimal
<n01> mripard_: yes, I was stuck on this problem but I'll add the reboot code ASAP ($work$ takes a lot of my time lately :(( )
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<Skaag> hramrach: I tracked it down to a DTR/DSR problem, which is not implemented in Linux
<Skaag> (except if you have a patch applied to the kernel)
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<vinifm> is it possible use proprietary Mali driver in Linux?
<hramrach> Skaag: that should make the connection read-only, not write-only
<hramrach> vinifm: yes
<hramrach> see the wiki
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<vinifm> but there is only library
<hramrach> the kernel part is opensource
<hramrach> does that page not make it clear how to install?
<vinifm> there is proprietary libraries, but there is not proprietary drivers
<vinifm> for linux
<vinifm> is it correct?
<hramrach> the library is the driver ffs
<vinifm> ffs?
<vicenteH> is there a cyanogenmod official version for A13?
<hramrach> vicenteH: the only 'official' image for your bord is from board manufacturer
<hramrach> these usually suck badly because they won't ever fix any issue so long as the device sells
<vicenteH> so does not cyanogenmod provided a generic image for A13, does they?
<vicenteH> agree with that
<hramrach> vicenteH: there are numerous people talking about a cm image for a13 but no idea if it's any good
<hramrach> since the android image needs to be tailored for a particular device you need *many* to have everything covered
<vicenteH> it looks like I will have to create my own customized image.
<vicenteH> thanks hramrach
<hramrach> probably
<vinifm> hramrach, library is userspace driver?
<hramrach> vinifm: in general the kernel has some buffer manager and the userspace library takes care of filling and submitting the buffers into the kernel
<hramrach> did not look at mali driver in detail so canot say what exactly the kernel part does but most is implemented in the library and is closed source
<vinifm> hm
<hramrach> lima aims at reimplementing the library
<vinifm> so libUMP and libMali are drivers
<hramrach> libump is probably part of the buffer management and is opensource
<hramrach> libmali is the driver
<hramrach> it converts the GL commands into hardware instructions, has shader compilers and such
<vinifm> ah, thanks for the explanation
<hramrach> and specifically for mali it has some graphics hardware instruction scheduler which aims at making optimal use of the accelerator
<hramrach> many desktop cards drivers don't bother much because the card is overpowered anyway and many would melt if actually used at 100%
<vinifm> but why Video performance is better in android
<hramrach> because the drivers are tested with android
<hramrach> afaik there is exactly 1 person working on video under linux and there is so much you can get done that way
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<mnemoc> you are probably comparing neon decoding (in linux) vs cedarx decoding (in android)
<hramrach> if you mean video as opposed to 3D
<hramrach> for me CedarX decoding in Linux sucks as well
<hramrach> slow, buggy, lots of artifacts
<hramrach> never tried on android so don't really have any comparison
<hramrach> maybe people working on android just have lower expectations because it's such a lame system overall
<vinifm> i tested a 720p video
<hramrach> so did I
<hramrach> it was slow, had lots of artifacts in cut screnes and the player crashed
<ssvb> vinifm: how did you test it? which video player?
<vinifm> mplayer
<hramrach> that does not do CedarX
<vinifm> and gnome player
<hramrach> so expect slow, buggy, few artifacts
<hramrach> because the mplayer softcodecs tend to be mostly correct at least
<mnemoc> iirc only rellla's xmbc has cedarx support on linux currently
<hramrach> vlc too
<hramrach> did not try xmbc since the author of the xmbc port said it's never going to vork and is giving up
<hramrach> is there any more news regarding xmbc?
<ssvb> vinifm: if we get XV extension for scaling and colorspace conversion, you may expect 480p neon decoded video playback in mplayer, and maybe even sometimes 720p (with lightweight codecs such as xvid or theora)
<ssvb> vinifm: would that be enough for you?
<vinifm> ah, now i understant because low performance
<vinifm> i dont know :)
<ssvb> vinifm: the dedicated hardware decoder (that's cedarx, not mali) needs dedicated video players, general purpose video players can't use hardware acceleration
<hramrach> generally 1080p should be the minimum any decent media player should be able to play
<rellla> hramrach: which author? gimli?
<hramrach> not because the resolution is needed on an 800x600 display but because of media availability
<hramrach> recoding movies just to view them sucks
<hramrach> rellla: don't remember. there was some thread on the ML with some link to blog post or something
<hramrach> so any more news?
<rellla> it works here, anyway.
<hramrach> does it not have the artifacts vlc has?
<hramrach> and where do I get it?
<rellla> not perfectly with all codecs/profiles but useable imo, and hardware accelerated. the problems are documented in the wiki.
<rellla> take the Frodo-branch of my repo.
<hramrach> your repo being?
<vinifm> i needed C library, like libplayer
<hramrach> thanks
<hramrach> vinifm: the vlc port has a C library for CedarX support
<rellla> if anyone has some sparetime, there should be made a cross-reading of the different cedarx-implementations, maybe something is fixed in other ones:
<rellla> i know of 4 different cedarx-using projects:
<rellla> http:/ (same as mine),,
<rellla> and there was a xbmc-port at which isn't available anymore. from what i could see, this was based on empatzeros port with own "improvements".
<hramrach> problem is that there is not info about the cedarX hardware
<hramrach> I read about some media accelerator that it is basically filterpack allowing decoding of anything so long as the driver uses it properly
<hramrach> not sure if it was teh one in exynos or cedarx
<hramrach> but you cannot make the driver use it properly when it's closed source
<rellla> luckily i cloned goland's repo before. it seems that this was used for
<hramrach> the artifacts in cedarx decoding I experienced so far seem to be some sort of lack of bandwidth - they happen at cutscenes and video start
<rellla> hramrach: there is some docu:
<hramrach> but it might be caused by the library not cleaning up something, too
<hramrach> it's guide to using the lib
<hramrach> not to using the hardware
<hramrach> sure there may be error in using that interface
<hramrach> but whan the library blows it you are out of luck
<hramrach> and I don't believe that thing is error-free
<rellla> we don't know if the error is in using that interface or if it's the library itself. so maybe cross-reading /-testing will help. problem atm is, that no one is working on optimize the implementation of the binary imo.
<hramrach> and when you can't look into the library it does not help determining where the error is
<hramrach> like vlc crashing when the screen is blanked
<hramrach> it crashes in the cedar lib, no less
<hramrach> yes no one is working on the binary lib
<mnemoc> i remember xmbc was doing the same
<rellla> you are right. but if some codec works with vlc and doesn't with xbmc, the lib must basically be ok for that. so you have to see, how xbmc speaks with it.
<hramrach> when requested fixed version from allwinner they sent the same version
<hramrach> that's how much they work on it
<hramrach> well, the crash while playing happens in vlc code
<rellla> that's the problem why no one is interested to work with a library, knowing that there will be no support from allwinner anyway
<mnemoc> cedarx lib on xmbc was also crashing, until empat0 found the right way to use it
<hramrach> FPE
<hramrach> so it might be vlc error
<rellla> mnemoc: this is what i mean. we have to find out, to use it the right way. that's the only possibility we have atm.
<hramrach> so long as there even is a right way to use it. And that is in all seriousness unlikely.
<hramrach> unless the right way includes recording videos to a format it can handle flawlessly (remember video recoding for iPods?) or reverse-engeneering what it does and do it correctly. And figure out what is between the lines of the interface spec that way.
<rellla> to complete it: <- this should be the deleted one - based on empatzero, but reworked
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<slapin_nb> just start your gdb and debug the damn thing...
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<hramrach> slapin_nb: when it crashes in a closed source library, sure ...
<slapin_nb> hramrach: you can see the backtrace :)
<libv> has anyone used a olinuxino a13 recently with sunxi-3.0?
<libv> hah, wrong stuff in script.bin apparently
<libv> nice kernel panic :(
<libv> hrm... the right wifi module for the olinuxino is not built in... nice...
<libv> man-o-man, olinuxino on sunxi needs work!
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<ssvb> hramrach: I'm somehow not surprised that VLC is having troubles, it is using a wrapper around libve which cuts some corners
<ssvb> hramrach: a no-op implementation of mem_flush_cache -
<ssvb> hramrach: a hardcoded MEMTYPE_DDR3_32BITS assumption -
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<ssvb> hramrach: well, maybe this is fine, but imho it makes sense to try debugging this stuff
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<slapin_nb> probably MEMTYPE_DDR3_32BITS is a problem for A13
<ssvb> slapin_nb: appears that people are using VLC successfully on A13 -
<slapin_nb> ssvb: never tried cedarx yet
<ssvb> cache flush is probably not a problem, but uncached memory could potentially cause some performance issues
<libv> who has a13 devices anyway?
* xenoxaos does
* slapin_nb too
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<libv> without mali, right?
<Yaku321> i thought no sata and no ethernet
<mnemoc> a13 has mali, half speed dram, and no sata, no hdmi, no lvds (just old LCD), no ethernet
<libv> as i just had to include mali_drm in the default config
<libv> and the olinuxino wifi module
<libv> and... the olinuxino.fex gives me a nice kernel panic with vga attached
<libv> on -3.0
<mnemoc> there is a pending patchset from ssvb to improve the defconfigs waiting for comments
<ssvb> mnemoc: that's a patchset from hramrach
<mnemoc> yes. don't know why my brain insists it's yours :|
<ssvb> libv: unless I' mistaken, techn_ used a13 with mali
<slapin_nb> mnemoc: are you sure about lvds?
<slapin_nb> mnemoc: and how the screens are attached on zillions of A13-based tablets?
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<grevaillot> slapin_nb: regular rgb interface ?
<grevaillot> slapin_nb: i guess. The old style DPI (24bit + syncs and clock)
<mnemoc> yes
<slapin_nb> grevaillot: never seen non-lvds 7 inch display these days
<grevaillot> well, i've no idea of what's inside the zillions of devices, but for sure, 7inch dpi panels where still quite frequent two years ago, so should be quite cheap
<mnemoc> slapin_nb: open any a13 tablet and see the part ;-)
<grevaillot> slapin_nb: and rgb to lvds bridges are cheap
<mnemoc> i think olimex coverts rgb to lvds for their panels
<mnemoc> :)
* slapin_nb can't find display module cheaper than $60
* slapin_nb needs one for a13
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<libv> mnemoc: aren't there patches coming to seriously expand the defconfigs?
<mnemoc> libv: haven't had time to look at the actual patchset, but iirc the last v starts making consistent the current defconfigs between socs/usage
<mnemoc> and then tries to expand
<Turl> woot, hardware-powered md5 \o/
<mnemoc> so we can do kernel crypto?
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<Turl> mnemoc: not yet, but now I know how to use the SS thing to do MD5 and PRNG :)
<mnemoc> :)
<mnemoc> nice :)
<ZaEarl_> mnemoc, any idea what compiler the a31-dev branch needs?
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<mnemoc> ZaEarl_: see their thing
<hramrach> Turl: can it do other than md5?
<hramrach> not sure there are many things using that still
<ZaEarl_> when I do 'ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- ./ -p sun6i'
<ZaEarl_> i get 'cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-fmin_array_alignment=4"'
<ZaEarl_> I've never seen the fmin_array_alignment option before. did they use a custom gcc?
<ZaEarl_> ah, found it in gcc 4.1
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<Turl> hramrach: it can do AES, DES, 3DES, SHA1, MD5
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<ZaEarl_> standby and mdfs makefiles have 2 weird options that my gcc-4.4 doesn't support, so I just removed the options. :)
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<ZaEarl> drachensun, didn't you compile a31? what toolchain?
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<ZaEarl> doh
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<vinifm>, instructions here are for PC or target?
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<Turl> vinifm: PC, read the last sentence before usage
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<rm> looks like something in Stage broke multi-device USB storage
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<mnemoc> rm: the only usb related change in stage is jussi's config change to have udc as built-in
<techn_> non stage has also some usb related changes
<rm> I think I got it, nvm
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<vinifm> can i edit ?
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<techn_> vinifm: sure
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<vinifm> is necessary to fix some things
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<n01> mripard_: the reset is so fast that barely I can enter in the watchdog irq handler (I cannot printk anything)
<n01> but at least it works :)
<vinifm> libmad is it needed for cvlc?
<ssvb> vinifm: libmad is a mp3 decoder library
<vinifm> yeah, so it is needed for play .mp3
<vinifm> i got this:
<ssvb> or movies with mp3 soundtracks
<ssvb> you can workaround this problem by adding -marm option to CFLAGS
<ssvb> hramrach: are you here?
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<vinifm> ssvb, thanks :)
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<slapin_nb> fixed some people's suggestions added all leyers including ground, mask and paste
<slapin_nb> looks awesome!
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