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<wingrime> mnemoc: Have seen in market F15 and E200 based reader
<wingrime> but it realy crap
<wingrime> readers with tft
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<wingrime> ssvb: are you currently here?
<wingrime> ssvb: I currently have problems with debian-unstable
<wingrime> ssvb: and your drivers
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<vinifm> Is it possible to use UART0 when linux run from SD?
<wingrime> yes
<wingrime> UART0 are different device
<wingrime> on different pins
<vinifm> in a13
<wingrime> yes
<wingrime> I have a13 and tested this\
<vinifm> are you aware of the conflict between SD and UART0?
<wingrime> vinfm: on;y if you not reconfiguread sdcard as uart
<wingrime> otherwice there is no problem
<wingrime> UART are simple debug interface
<vinifm> which pins you used to UART0?
<mripard_> uart0 isn't available on the A13
<mripard_> only uart1 and 3
<vinifm> because is there a conflict between SD and UART0?
<wingrime> vnifm: uart0 present in HW
<vinifm> they share the same pins
<wingrime> *not persent on a10
<wingrime> sorry
<wingrime> I mean
<wingrime> a10 have 0,1,2,3 uats
<wingrime> 13 have 1,3 uarts
<vinifm> hum
<wingrime> it useless try use that not presnt in hw
<vinifm> but in a13-olinuxino uart3 is busy :(
<wingrime> debug - gps - gps - bluetooth (for a10) meaning
<wingrime> vingm what wrong with uart1 ?
<vinifm> it is to console
<vinifm> 0:
<wingrime> so what do you want ?
<wingrime> uart0 simply not-exists on a13
<vinifm> but: <hno> You can boot from SD and then use UART0 if you like.
<wingrime> you can not use 0: as console
<vinifm> <hno> vinifm, you can't use mmc0 enable if you want to use uart0. You need to load everything you need from the SD into RAM, then let it switch to UART0.
<wingrime> you can try use usb gadget as consiole
<wingrime> vinifm: you can simply place root on nand or someelse may be usb flash
<vinifm> really, I'll try
<vinifm> to usb, console=?
<wingrime> don't tryed just teory , you need setup console gadget in menuconfig
<wingrime> but I loaded console gadget as module and get console
<wingrime> between
<wingrime> host and sunxi
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<vinifm> what CONFIG_ ?
<wingrime> in menuconfig
<wingrime> I don't realy remeber where
<wingrime> not debug
<wingrime> I can send mine config
<wingrime> but it for "as modules"
<wingrime> console=ttyUSB0
<vinifm> ok, thanks :)
<wingrime> it little difficuld add that stuff to menuconfig
<vinifm> do you use OTG?
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<wingrime> vinfm: as host
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<wingrime> vinfm: I just tested and fixed
<vinifm> do you use OTG or HOST?
<wingrime> host only
<wingrime> I have tablet
<wingrime> so I do it for keyboard and mouse
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<sanka> hi, we've got an A10s device on which we've installed ClockworkMod Recovery which we unluckily can't control due to the lack of hardware buttons. We've got some help in #cyanogenmod-dev and were redirected to this channel but currently we're looking at a more or less bricked device. Any help is welcome
<sanka> hi tinti ;)
<wingrime> sanka: you have only ts buttons?
<wingrime> only-ts based?
<sanka> sorry, ts-based?
<sanka> I'm providing you with some pictures
<wingrime> I mean buttons exists on same plane that screen
<sanka> I think it helps
<wingrime> "touch buttons"
<sanka> it's a tvbox device, no screen, no touch
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<wingrime> sanka: remote control:
<wingrime> ?
<ZaEarl> There some source for a touch-based recovery floating around.
<wingrime> sanka: are you have IR remote ?
<tinti> Does A10s gives priority to SDcard rather than NAND ?
<sanka> wingrime, yes we do
<tinti> because he could put a bootloader there no?
<wingrime> sanaka: you can use IR
<sanka> wingrime, no luck so far
<wingrime> you need compile kernel with IR enabled
<sanka> wingrime, doesn't do anything (except the power button)
<hramrach> or put a system on SD card and boot that
<sanka> hramrach, is that what tinti meant? That the SD has prio over the internal storage?
<wingrime> sanka: AW can be recovered any time
<wingrime> sanka: yes
<tinti> does anyone have a a10s bootloader?
<wingrime> You must make special mmc card unsing manual in wiki
<wingrime> a10s must be workable with a13_mid
<tinti> wingrime: maybe cubieboard instructions would suffit?
<wingrime> a10s look simular a13
<sanka> wingrime, please slow down a bit, I'm not that familiar with all the terms yet
<wingrime> as in same sun5i
<sanka> what do you mean by AW?
<wingrime> allwinner
<sanka> wingrime, ahum.. right :)
<tinti> maybe this could be even easier
<tinti> just to test
<wingrime> sanka try build uboot
<tinti> oops
<sanka> wingrime, that is not part of cyanogenmod
<wingrime> sanka: no it bootloader
<sanka> I assume
<sanka> k
<wingrime> uuboot our bootloader
<wingrime> you can try get it work
<wingrime> using uart
<sanka> wingrime, to get my head around the relations between the components. You, the sunxi communicty, are working to get any linux version working on the AW hardware, right?
<sanka> community*
<wingrime> something around
<wingrime> hramrach: I saw two devices with sun3i
<wingrime> in local store
<wingrime> E200
<wingrime> and F15
<wingrime> but price little overrated
<wingrime> it crap, tft ebook reader
<wingrime> it must go to trash, before store
<sanka> are there prebuild uboot images I can test with?
<wingrime> Also I saw something with a10 and "two cores"
<sanka> or do I need to compile my own version for the A13?
<wingrime> sanka: I compile a13_mid
<wingrime> also you must do serval stuff to help us
<wingrime> get you fex config
<wingrime> get you dram config
<wingrime> and make you board support
<wingrime> using this stuff
<sanka> wingrime, I don't mind compiling my own uboot btw, nor do I mind helping you guys out as well.
<sanka> I need to get experience in this field in order to fix this stuff in the future myself
<wingrime> sabka: dumping fex config is easy at all
<wingrime> you simply need few actions for it
<sanka> wingrime, I realise don't have a working device atm
<wingrime> techn__: do you have workable CM image for a13 or plans do it?
<wingrime> techn__: and have you tested 3.4 kernel
<wingrime> ?
<wingrime> with CM
<sanka> wingrime, attempt to build a CM image for the device but in the (very) early stages
<hramrach> wingrime: interesting
<wingrime> hramrach: I don't want cost money for this crap sun3i
<techn__> wingrime: yes.. I have working image.. 3.0.52 kernel works fine, current sunxi-3.0 and sunxi-3.4 branches has that USB bug
<wingrime> techn__: that bug ?
<wingrime> with ADB ?
<techn__> wingrime: after boot you have to reconnect usb cable to get ADB working
<techn__> havent had time to investigate it further
<wingrime> techn__: I suggest you just add #ifdef for andorid gadget
<techn__> I thin thats is not good idea
<wingrime> techn__: undo patch also can't consider as good idea
<wingrime> techn__: but problem extractly not here
<techn__> wingrime: yes.. I was planning to find better fix which works every gadget
<wingrime> techn__: that code.... Is are totaly crap
<techn__> wingrime: true :)
<wingrime> techn__: also I want you test performance and respone with my last patches in m git repo
<wingrime> techn__: I have feeling that last patchas in "dma-rework" branch can make andorid fly better
<techn__> After checking that code I was planning to do unify patch.. then import latest allwinner changes.. then check what is broken :p
<techn__> wingrime: yes it looks promissing :)
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<wingrime> techn__: good, I think sun5i and sun4i same
<wingrime> techn__: I need some "measurable" results with android
<wingrime> techn__: I can do myself but it requied install CM
<wingrime> techn__: and downloading and building CM with my channel and CPU cost whole day
<hramrach> techn__: I don't need to unplug cable to have working gadget on sun4i
<techn__> wingrime: here it takes half of day :p
<hramrach> so maybe looking at code difference is good idea
<wingrime> techn__: about two/one year ago I maintrain CM fork for LG GT540
<wingrime> with Qurarx
<wingrime> and I know how much time it costs
<sanka> I need to install a crosscompile toolchain to build u-boot.. any recommendations?
<wingrime> I still have core2duo and I not see any measurable progress for upgrade
<wingrime> sanka: embebian
<wingrime> techn__: don;t forget test my CM patch for cedar
<wingrime> techn__: mnemoc want someone test it befor merge
<sanka> wingrime, that is for debian.. would gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi suffice?
<sanka> (on Ubuntu atm)
<wingrime> ubuntu fine too
<sanka> wingrime, let me get the complete process straight before I continue because I'm kinda confused.
<sanka> I'm having a device which has a A10s cpu. We installed CWR but we can't control it because we don't have hardware buttons nor does it respond to IR input
<sanka> on reboot it returns to the CWR because of some bit in /misc is telling it to
<sanka> booting using u-boot will give me some sort of shell (?) which I can use to clean /misc
<sanka> does that make sense?
<n01> with the mainline kernel are u able to boot with rootfs on the MMC?
<n01> I got stuck on "Waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p2.."
<mripard_> there's no storage drivers in mainline
<mripard_> so MMC and NAND don't work
<n01> ook, so, fs in ram?
<mripard_> yep
<n01> :) mripard_ you always save my ass :D
<sanka> is there additional information about the partitions I need to create for script.bin, uImage and boot.scr?
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<sanka> what kind of partition does u-boot expect (using gParted and the default is msdos?!)
<sanka> n01, well that is quite helpful, thanks!
<wingrime> mripard: who will make mmc drivers for mainline?
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<leowt> do anyone knows if archlinuxarm is compiled with neon on armv7?
<wingrime> leowt: for me archlinux ended when thay moved to systemd
<wingrime> hramrach: make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- -j4 namespacecheck
<wingrime> hramrach: show interesting problems
<leowt> wingrime: for me it started XD
<leowt> but i prefer fedora, since most of my autobuild is made for rpm
<leowt> i want a neon friendly distro so i cant test quickly a couple of things
<n01> leowt: built it yourself with buildroot
<leowt> n01: sure! but read what i just wrote ^^
<n01> quickly? :D
<leowt> yep
<wingrime> gentoo
<leowt> -_-''
<wingrime> we have some page for it
<leowt> well, i see there is no neon friendly distro
<leowt> wingrime: gentoo is great, but taking 1 day to compile all that i want just for 30 min testing is too much
<leowt> but i see that there is no alternative
<hramrach> wingrime: I guess you need mrproper before running that
<hramrach> you get objects from drivers that were removed left behind
<hramrach> wingrime: I timed make in built kernel tree:
<hramrach> dma patches don't affect that at all
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<hramrach> heh
<hramrach> leowt: what is neon friendly?
<hramrach> so long as the kernel is built with neons upposr you can r~un neon binaries
<hramrach> and kernel is not in any distro
<leowt> hramrach: with neon flag by default
<hramrach> not likely
<hramrach> not every cpu supports neon
<hramrach> just like not ever x86 has full mmx 3dnow sse sse2 see3
<hramrach> if you want -funroll-loops you proably want gentoo, really
<leowt> hramrach: if i have a kernel build with neon, i still have to compile, for example libmpg123 with neon, to have it
<leowt> or dont i?
<n01> yes you do
<hramrach> yes, libmpg123 will likely not be built with neon to work on neon-lesss processors as well
<hramrach> but how many such libraries do you need in whole distro?
<leowt> is there any problem having a world compiled like this: -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfpu=neon?
<hramrach> bot debian and fedora provide tools for easy package rebuild
<leowt> neon is a requirement since it makes all the difference to my work with audio =P
<hramrach> *both
<leowt> hramrach: yes they do, i recompiled a couple libs with neon, and huge differences i noticed =P
<hramrach> difference for bash?
<hramrach> getty?
<hramrach> windowmaker?
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<leowt> for example
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<leowt> i noticed that in fedora arch specs
<leowt> there is armv7hnl and armv7hl
<leowt> armv7hl specify vpfv3 and no neon, and armv7hnl neon with no vpfv3 flag
<leowt> is there any issue having both?
<Turl> aren't they both used for the same?
<hramrach> on some cores mixing them causes a performance hit
<leowt> and if you where to build a world for A10's cortex-A8, what would be the perfect flags to use all of the cpu power?
<leowt> hramrach: thats what ive suspected, can you give some examples?
<hramrach> and it does not tend to be tremendously useful to have more than one float
<hramrach> no, sorry
<hramrach> it's just that vfp3 and neon are performed in different arithmetic unit
<hramrach> so if you take result of neon instruction and perform vfp on it or other way around it takes time to move the data around
<hramrach> and the time is core type dependent
<leowt> hramrach: so how do you recommend to build my world?
<hramrach> I did not profile different flags
<hramrach> you can be first to do that
<hramrach> in general neon is very fast on a8 but has to be separated well from other code, that's the theory
<hramrach> what do differnt flags in practice to random piece of software can be just tried and profiled
<hramrach> those ar quite synthetic I would expect
<n01> yeah, but it is still something
<leowt> yeah, all with neon
<hramrach> compiling eg. mpg132 x264, theora with different flags migh give different result depending on code structure and capabilities of your optimizer
<leowt> hramrach: so it would be best to stick with vfp
<leowt> and compile neon only on those nneeded packages
<hramrach> yes, it's good idea to apply exotic optimizations only to pieces of code that are actual performance bottleneck
<hramrach> and then profile the results
<hramrach> it's not nice to find a compiler bug manifesting in libpam. And it's not like that needs to be blazingly fast, either.
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<leowt> i see
<leowt> well
<leowt> thanks
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<hramrach> wingrime: I timed make in built kernel tree:
<hramrach> dma patches don't affect that at all
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<wingrime> hramrach: what you do?
<wingrime> hramrach: what test
<wingrime> hramrach: and than this is "dma-rework" branch ?
<hramrach> my test is running time make in built kernel tree
<wingrime> where
<wingrime> where you tree?
<wingrime> on what device?
<hramrach> A10
<hramrach> mmc root
<wingrime> crap)
<wingrime> hramrach: new for you
<wingrime> hramrach: *news
<wingrime> hramrach: mmc not use general dma engine
<hramrach> heh
<wingrime> hramrach: mmc use OWN code
<hramrach> awesomnes of AW
<wingrime> hramrach: dma used for wemac , sound , nand ,spi ,usb
<hramrach> axp uses OWN input code
<wingrime> axp must be simple as it i2c device
<wingrime> hramrach: test nand please))
<wingrime> or wemac
<techn__> torrent download to nand :)
<hramrach> will have to figure out resurrecting old kernel
<wingrime> hramrach: more one question
<hramrach> lame that the one device I use does not use the code
<wingrime> hramrach: what top 'git log'are you using for test
<hramrach> I cherry-picked the top pof the branch because merge did not work
<wingrime> what patches
<hramrach> sunxi:wemac .. sunxi:mmc - 4 of them
<wingrime> look agian
<wingrime> you need 5 last
<wingrime> and more one
<wingrime> I want last 2 tested "sparately"
<wingrime> I simply not very that last two generaly help, last 2 "respoce fix"
<wingrime> *responce
<hramrach> yes. missed the nand one
<wingrime> sunxi:nand: remove busy-waits form sunxi nand driver - this generaly will schedule() in "while"
<wingrime> I may help with responce / may be not
<wingrime> *it
<hramrach> hmm, modules should hopefully not be affected by the dma change
<hramrach> so just building kernels before/after should do
<wingrime> hramrach: no
<wingrime> I move cache invalidation to trans end
<wingrime> so defenetly must rebuild
<hramrach> that's all buitins except spi
<hramrach> and I don't really use that
<wingrime> dma optimizatin also in kernel
<wingrime> hramrach: I detaled readed perf outputs and make sure why aw_clock_src costs so much time
<wingrime> I relay "not" related clock speed
<wingrime> and I now know how to fix it
<wingrime> and will check it now\
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<wingrime> ssvb: are you here
<sanka> wingrime, I've tried both an home build u-boot and the latest a13_mid_hwpack version combined with a bootable debian OS image and both do not seem to load the OS
<wingrime> sanka: are you connect uart?
<sanka> hard to tell without any visual clue but the USB keyboard doesn't get any power and the /var/log images stay untuched
<sanka> untouched*
<sanka> I don't have an uart
<wingrime> sanka: there is only one (expect JTAG) know whats wrong
<wingrime> you defenetly have UART test points
<sanka> sorry I don't get what you mean
<sanka> I need to get some hardware and hook it up to the device to read the state of the A10s?
<sanka> are there any bootable OS-es available for the A10s?
<sanka> perhaps the bootloader simply works but the OS behind it fails because it expects an A10 and gets an A10s
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<wingrime> sanka: uart is "simple console" 3 wire interface
<wingrime> GND TX RX
<wingrime> you need find two of this
<wingrime> TX RX
<wingrime> and get some UART-USB adapter
<sanka> with this I can read the state of the chip?
<wingrime> you will read text output from loader
<wingrime> and kernel
<sanka> are there off the shelf solutions for this you can recommend?
<sanka> or is it custom for the hardware?
<wingrime> uart are universal over manydevices
<wingrime> all phone have hidden one
<wingrime> it used for debug output
<sanka> but then it is the question where is it located on the board
<sanka> I have some pictures
<sanka> perhaps you can have a look?
<wingrime> golden rounds
<sanka> lots of those ;)
<wingrime> near CPU
<sanka> is it A?
<wingrime> look like
<sanka> uboot can't write the log to the SD card?
<sanka> less ideal but workable
<wingrime> uboot can crash before he load sdcard driver
<sanka> (and no blocking due to figuring out how to get, build and hookup the uart)
<sanka> mkay makes sense
<wingrime> Connection mode: RX to TX; TX for RX; Ground-to-ground (GND to GND)
<sanka> that is helpful, thanks
<sanka> do you happen to know if there are minimal linux distros with a kernel that supports the A10s?
<wingrime> also, you can test stock kernel
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<wingrime> If ours not workable you can use kernel from android
<sanka> just replace the kernel in the image installed on the SD card?
<wingrime> yep
<wingrime> If u-boot works
<wingrime> you will get results
<sanka> like a kernel panic on the screen ;)
<sanka> but more serious, if you have the time please follow my reasoning for a bit
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<sanka> guess not
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<hramrach> sanka somthing like dots A LM or CD looks promising
<hramrach> what's on the other side ofthe silver dots below N?
<hramrach> either way you need only the TX of board / RX of serial TTl adaptor
<hramrach> so connect gnd and try to boot the board touching RX to one of the testpoints
<hramrach> B is a big connector so it can include the serial output too
<hramrach> also there are two dots next to the card connector
<hramrach> nice bottle ;-)
<sanka> hramrach, and I need to buy some hardware to connect using uart
<sanka> so I'm gonna toy a bit with different A10s kernels and distros (or attempt to build my own) to get something booting
<sanka> all this to get to the point where we attempt to install CWR versions with keyboard / IR support
<sanka> it's going to be a long ride
<xenoxaos> can you get any kind of terminal program on the os that came with it?
<sanka> xenoxaos, well it came with android
<sanka> and we had some terminal on there
<sanka> but we flashed the recovery partition and we can't get out of that :)
<xenoxaos> finding serial is fun then... while true, echo "something" >/dev/ttySwhatever
<xenoxaos> oh
<xenoxaos> did you happen to save your fex file?
<sanka> didn't know about the fex file until a few hours ago
<sanka> and I still don't know much about it
<sanka> so.. no :)
<xenoxaos> pretty much it tells the deive what is connected to the SoC....
<sanka> deive?
<sanka> device?
<xenoxaos> device = whatever you have in your hand...the thing you bought
<sanka> xenoxaos, yeah I know what a device is.. was a bit confused by the typo
<sanka> perhaps time to got to bed
<sanka> go*
<sanka> g'night!
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