leowt changed the topic of #linux-rockchip to: Rockchip development discussion | http://linux-rockchip.info | http://irclog.whitequark.org/linux-rockchip
<naobsd> hehe
<naobsd> oh my English is too bad, "my small code may be taken from some secret things" word is not true, I just wanted to say "someone may think so"
<naobsd> bye
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<hipboi> Astralix, ping
<Astralix> here!
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<Astralix> hi fonix
<fonix232> morning
<fonix232> was just looking back the last nights talk
<fonix232> the "private" git is not private because we have something to hide
<fonix232> it is more of a safety backup backup
<fonix232> IF we get access to Rockchip's git, I want to clone the whole goddamn thing to us
<fonix232> and keep it in sync
<Astralix> hipboy could you check PN?
<Tsvetan> fonix232 I not sure Rockchip would even consider to open thir git
<fonix232> well
<fonix232> they are considering
<fonix232> and given that all their SDK has been leaked in less than 6 months after release to partners
<fonix232> I don't see what would they lose
<Tsvetan> :)
<Tsvetan> something like linux-sunxi repo on GitHub is the way to go
<Tsvetan> then many ppl can participate and contribute
<Tsvetan> allwinner sends me regullary SDK for their processors on DVD and I make them available to linux-sunxi developers so they scan and extract what is useful then update on GitHub
<Tsvetan> this way the code on GitHub is clean GPL code and no one can have claims for it
<Tsvetan> basically these SDKs replace the missing documentation
<Tsvetan> you read the code and figure out what and how is working
<fonix232> well yes, but Allwinner does not see the SDK as a source of income
<fonix232> RK does
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<Tsvetan> allwinner also sell their SDKs but in pair with their EVB i.e. they give you the SDK if you buy the EVB
<fonix232> yes
<fonix232> but RK sells their SDK separately
<hipboi> yes
<hipboi> i paid 10000rmb for it
<hipboi> but their technical support should be good
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<tonikasch> hi
<hipboi> tonikasch, hi
<tonikasch> so do you think RK will switch to a business not based on selling SDKs nor source code?
<tonikasch> I would love that to happen, but I'm still reluctant...
<hipboi> RK's business is selling chips...
<Astralix> If you check the R-BOX SDK you can see a directory rktools
<Astralix> if you unpack these tools there is one that makes it possible for you to just take a fixed update.img, extract it, put you company, device type, boot logo and boot animation and some extra apk inside and repack it
<fonix232> FWFactoryTool
<fonix232> just received an updated version of it
<Astralix> so finally it is an option just to sell ready to use binary image and give away not any line of source code
<fonix232> this tool existed for the past two years :)
<fonix232> the earliest I have is about that old
<fonix232> at least by its changelog/build info
<Astralix> I just tell it as it makes something possible that is the total opposite of open-source
<fonix232> and is stupid
<fonix232> this crappy tool extracts an ext4 file system on Windows!
<fonix232> and uses a crappy build of their tools in a cygwin environment
<fonix232> by the way where did you find it in the SDK?
<fonix232> I cannot get it anywhere
<Astralix> in the R-BOX SDK there is a folder rktools
<Astralix> and that one I tested was available for windows an linux. I tested the linux version and it gave some error while extracting the latest tronsmart image.
<Astralix> Ok, have to leave now... see you all later
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<fonix232> I don't have that one
<fonix232> can you please upload it?
<tonikasch> fonix232, Astralix has left
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<fonix232> I know
<fonix232> but his bot is still here
<fonix232> so he will read it later
<fonix232> chances are that I'll have to leave for the evening too, pretty soon
<tonikasch> ok
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<PiyushVerma> hipboi: Long time not see :)
<PiyushVerma> does 10K Sdk contain linux support or android only and does that contain source ode of VPU & GPU LIbs
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<hipboi> PiyushVerma, android only and no source code for VPU
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<leowt> heyy
<leowt> whats up?
<leowt> yeah im still alive
<leowt> xD
<leowt> Astralix1: you cool?
<leowt> naobsd: whats up?
<leowt> any news on sources for 3168?
<leowt> ive been veeery away
<leowt> =P
<tonikasch> 3168?
<leowt> yup
<tonikasch> mmmm, I've read somewhere that 3188 sources also include default configs for 3168 devices
<tonikasch> Proyectos/rk903_bcm40183/ftp/platform/RK3066/RK3066_R-BOX_ANDROID4.2.2-SDK_V1.0.0/RK3066_R-BOX_ANDROID4.2.2-SDK_V1.0.0.tar
<tonikasch> ups
<tonikasch> not that
<tonikasch> rk3168_86v_defconfig rk3168_LR097_defconfig
<tonikasch> rk3168_ds1006h_defconfig rk3168_tb_defconfig
<leowt> yeah, but not some clocks .h
<leowt> specific 3168
<leowt> the first thing i did was to try to build those sources
<tonikasch> :(
<tonikasch> what files exactly? perhaps we could search them
<tonikasch> on google xD
<leowt> already did dat
<leowt> that
<leowt> ;)
<tonikasch> that way I found my side that 219 ftp
<tonikasch> aps
<leowt> but i dont remebmer what that was
<tonikasch> mmmm, the source of the leaked rk3066 sdk
<tonikasch> which repository were you trying to build from?
<tonikasch> a new rk3188 and rk3168 sdk has been found, containing kernel sources for these models (well, not everything, but the same as what we've got by now for rk3066)
<tonikasch> leowt,
<leowt> when ?
<tonikasch> mmm, perhaps a week or two ago, I don't know well
<leowt> ok, gonna try l8r
<leowt> tnks
<tonikasch> I know omegamoon's one is ok for rk3188 with wifi, but linux-rockchips' has been updated fewer days ago
<tonikasch> so it's your choice :)
<tonikasch> have to leave, bye
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<tonikasch> leowt, any progress?
<leowt> tonikasch: didnt try it yet
<leowt> mayb later
<tonikasch> ok
<leowt> tonikasch: what is the newer 3066 sdk
<leowt> ?
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<tonikasch> do you know which wifi chip does mk888b integrate? I haven't still received my unit so I cannot look into it... :(
<leowt> ake[1]: *** No rule to make target `arch/arm/mach-rk30/clock_data-rk3066b.o', needed by `arch/arm/mach-rk30/built-in.o'. Stop.
<leowt> tonikasch:
<tonikasch> ouch!
<leowt> there is mach-rk3188 but no 3168
<leowt> well, in this sources i see some files rk3168 in mach-rk30
<leowt> but no clock_data
<tonikasch> but some are missing, like that clock_data-rk3066b.c
<leowt> yeah
<tonikasch> mmm
<tonikasch> but that's for rk3066...
<tonikasch> well, I have to go now
<tonikasch> sorry
<tonikasch> cu
<leowt> ;)
<tonikasch> obj-$(CONFIG_ARCH_RK3066B) += clock_data-rk3066b.o
<tonikasch> oh, rk3168 is 3066b?
<tonikasch> mmm, don't know
<tonikasch> sorry!
<tonikasch> bye
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<leowt> it seems like that
<leowt> ;)
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<JochenKauz> @tonikasch, if you nee clock_data-rk3066b.c look at our rk3x_kernel_3.0.36 repo
<JochenKauz> need
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<tonikasch> @JochenKauz, thanks, I'll take a look
<tonikasch> @leowt, https://github.com/crewrktablets/rk3x_kernel_3.0.36 <--- take a look at this, has clock_data-rk3066b.c