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<fonix232> morning
<fonix232> good news
<fonix232> Hi [redacted], Thanks for your suggestions, we will discuss “Ambassador program” internally. Could you please let me know which community are you working with or you are working alone? BY the way, what do you mean by “The generic SDK would be made public”? Regards FEI
<jeremb> good news
<jeremb> anyone with enough CSDN credit to download this: http://download.csdn.net/download/zmg1005/5272530 ?
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<jeremb> great!
<Tsvetan> :-)
<hipboi_> jeremb, i have CSDN credit
<jeremb> hipboi_: do you think the file is worth downloading?
<hipboi_> jeremb, i have that file on my computer
<hipboi_> if you need it, i can send to you
<hipboi_> maybe Tsvetan consider setup a file server
<Tsvetan> I will if I know how :)
<hipboi_> :O
<Tsvetan> linux-rockchip hosting have no shell but panel
<hipboi_> oh...
<Tsvetan> there are tons of ready to install packages but I have no idea what they do
<hipboi_> ok
<jeremb> hipboi_: thanks, I don't realley need this for myself but it was for the community so yes it will be better to upload it somewhere
<Tsvetan> but I definitely can upload these manually
<hipboi_> jeremb, yes
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<hipboi_> jeremb, i will do that
<jeremb> hipboi_: thanks
<Tsvetan> if you want some files to be uploaded just give me link or send by e-mail and I will put them in some directory
<jeremb> Tsvetan: are you the one taking car of linux-rochchip.info hosting ?
<Tsvetan> yes
<jeremb> Tsvetan: ok, is it a paid hosting?
<Tsvetan> sure its paid :)
<jeremb> so you pay for it by yourself :(
<Tsvetan> IIRC it was 30GB and unlimited traffic
<Tsvetan> its not big deal
<jeremb> ok
<hipboi_> Tsvetan, so it's no a vps
<Tsvetan> its virtual for sure as they run many such services on one machine
<hipboi_> Tsvetan, i mean you can not control it
<Tsvetan> I had no much time to look in it
<hipboi_> Tsvetan, i see
<Tsvetan> yes, you have hundreds of software made to install with single click - email server, wiki, wordpress etc
<jeremb> In France, we have really good and cheap dedicated servers
<Tsvetan> I guess this is good way to deal with average idiot users :)))
<Tsvetan> user with no glue and shell can make lot of damage
<hipboi_> i have bought a vps from linode
<hipboi_> setting up the website for the new board
<hipboi_> fonix232, from rockchip's email so they are going to open source
<jeremb> they said "We'll consider" I hope they will really do it
<fonix232> yes
<fonix232> the two e-mails really convince me that they realized the leaks will happen no matter what
<fonix232> and they better off leading the market by releasing sources
<Astralix1> you tell that that leak was intentional?
<fonix232> no
<fonix232> it was definitely not intentional
<Astralix1> ah, ok
<hipboi_> leaking is just a matter of time
<fonix232> what I'm saying is, they see that the stupid OEMs are stupid
<fonix232> and they fuck up shit, making RK lose money
<fonix232> so why not get around the problem, provide the SDK to developers, and they even get back things (e.g. release beta features via git - get them fixed, bettered in no time)
<fonix232> for example, if they release multi-windows source, I'm pretty sure some of us would hop on the chance to add our own stuff
<fonix232> hipboi_, is there any chance you can set up a git server (gitlab, for example) on that VPN? A secure copy of the SDK would come handy
<hipboi_> fonix232, i think no problem
<Astralix1> Oma already built cROMs with multi window interface
<hipboi_> fonix232, what do you mean by secure copy of the SDK
<Tsvetan> Astralix this is cool :)
<fonix232> I mean an always in sync copy of the git of RK
<Astralix1> But I agree too. If rockchip gets more open, we improve development and then Rockchip can take wht we developed
<fonix232> when they give us access (it is just a matter of time)
<fonix232> oh and Astra, don't forget, you get credited
<Astralix1> I mean, they didn't understand our way of GPL handling.
<fonix232> millions of little chinese boys and girls will see your nickname in their tablet :D
<Astralix1> We like to get open source code, so we can improve open source code and they can take open source code
<Astralix1> lol
<fonix232> this is the same with every company
<fonix232> you would be semi-working for them
<fonix232> they release the code
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<fonix232> the code that was developed by paid developers at RK R&D
<fonix232> so basically they throw a good bunch of money out the window
<fonix232> so the community can prosper
<fonix232> of course they take back some changes and get them mainstream
<fonix232> that's the goal
<Astralix1> I worked for both, small company with 30 people and large companies with 10.000+ people
<fonix232> make the stock Rockchip firmwares usable
<Astralix1> in both I used GPL and / or BSD code and I always splitted open source and local IP
<Astralix1> so I could give back to open source what I took from it
<Astralix1> keep your code clean and easy and it is only thinking a minute or twice and youre done with commiting back to external or internal repositories
<cnxsoft> Maybe I'm a pessimistic, but too me that email actually means they won't push the SDK to github... They just said they are "considering" it to give themselves some fresh air.
<jeremb> cnxsoft: agreed, I understand their email just like you
<cnxsoft> hipboi_ not need to use your credits. The file is available at http://www.beianx.com/Csdn/dx/?i=695052725305481&s=983a37c56e9b15a2fc4f8944c839d19a
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<cnxsoft> It's a partial doc (12 pages). Nothing to see.
<jeremb> :(
<Super-noob> well, at least they would get a hugh of positive response and would be recieve a better perception then allwinner if they would actually contribute to linux-rockchip
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<fonix232> cnxsoft, I wouldn't be so sure they are just trying to stall. Fei seems quite cooperative too, and seemingly they understood that the damage is done, and they are most probably trying their best to limit it. And this is the best way to do so.
<_hipboi_> gitlab source code is hosted on github...
<fonix232> yes
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<hipboi> gitlab is online
<hipboi> git.linux-rockchip.org
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<Tsvetan> what is the difference with github?
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<hipboi> Tsvetan, it's private
<hipboi> and i can keep update with the rockchip sdk
<naobsd> is it better than github?
<hipboi> naobsd, almost the same
<naobsd> private = no public read access?
<hipboi> naobsd, yes
<hipboi> and can be public with one click
<hipboi> naobsd, do you want have a look
<naobsd> I worried about server load if it's open for world ;)
<naobsd> hipboi: well, yes
<hipboi> 1m
<Dan68_> hipboi: mmm, server load isn't too bad on gitboria, although it is modified to allow easy public access
<Dan68_> Gitboria is a gitlab instance btw
<hipboi> Dan68_, can not find what's the difference between them
<hipboi> naobsd, checkout your email
<naobsd> hipboi: thanks. it's working
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<fonix232> hi again
<fonix232> hipboi, activated my user on the git server, already made the repo, and currently trying to push the source
<fonix232> if I get another "pack too large" message I will seriously smash this shit to pieces
<naobsd> fonix232: what source are you trying to push?
<fonix232> latest SDK
<fonix232> it seems to be working
<fonix232> finally it can write objects
<naobsd> RK3066 and/or RK3188 4.2.2 SDK?
<Astralix1> and wich one? 1.0 R-BOX?
<Astralix1> or 1.1 or newer?
<fonix232> afaik only 1.0 R-BOX was released
<fonix232> plus there's no 1.1, according to Redmine
<fonix232> but it is the rk3066 r-box 1.0
<naobsd> well, I already got RK3066_R-BOX_ANDROID4.2.2-SDK_V1.0.0 and RK3188_R-BOX_ANDROID4.2.2-SDK_V1.0.0, then I already have same as you, right?
<fonix232> yep, apparently
<fonix232> what's the diff between the generic and the R-BOX version?
<fonix232> latter would be meant for HDMI sticks?
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<hipboi> i have this one RK3188_ANDROID4.2.2-SDK_V1.00_20130425
<hipboi> it's for tablets
<_Thomas> Did any of the docs for the RK3188 leak yet?
<naobsd> I wonder why they prepared whole SDK for every target...
<tonikasch> i have read that k-r42 ethernet is supported through rk vmac driver, do you know if that's true?
<naobsd> there is device/_vendor_/_device_/ dirs ;)
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<_Thomas> I know the main tech. doc for the RK3188 is leaked, but does anyone know if there's docs describing those components refered to from the main doc?
<_Thomas> (2D blitter, video PU, etc)
<naobsd> hmm, FFPlayer/librkffplayer are only in RK3188 SDK...
<tonikasch> perhaps we'll see that soon
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<hipboi> i guess never...
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<tonikasch> well , we'll have to search for other ftps like that, or encoraje sellers to publish source code
<tonikasch> touch, encourage
<tonikasch> well spell checker
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<fonix232> pushed the rk3066 R-BOX 4.2.2 SDK V1.0.0
<fonix232> will tag it appropriately
<fonix232> if someone can send me the other leaked RK3066 SDK TARs, I can make different tags for them too
<naobsd> is it public? private?
<fonix232> just made it public
<naobsd> hmm. it needs login...
<naobsd> oh, big single repository...
<naobsd> fonix232: are you planning to push source code which can't be open? e.g. NDA-ed
<fonix232> nope
<fonix232> if I sign an NDA, I will not publish it
<naobsd> I see
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<naobsd> I'll fork repositories from AOSP & push changes by rockchip, and manifest for it
<naobsd> on github
<naobsd> (repositories which doesn't have any change will not be forked/pushed)
<naobsd> I tried to see diffs aosp <> rk already, it will not so hard work, all I need is free time ;)
<naobsd> I hope I can do it on this weekend
<naobsd> I like "use aosp repo as a base" style, it's easy to fetch only difference...
<fonix232> yes
<fonix232> you just need to find the matching base
<fonix232> from where rockchip made the changes
<naobsd> base is android-4.2.2_r1
<fonix232> yes
<fonix232> but who knows which further commits did RK pull in before their changes
<naobsd> no need to know
<naobsd> difference between android-4.2.2_r1 and RK is the thing all I want to know
<fonix232> okay
<naobsd> I think I'm sure such a thing. I did it as much as possible for diffs pushed in linux-rockchip-3.0 branches.
<naobsd> but I never saw any other repos which did similar work. I guess many people don't care such a thing...
<naobsd> (if there is a repo which gives better history than mine, sorry)
<naobsd> good night
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<tonikasch> hey does linux-rockchip have a private get repository ?
<tonikasch> s/get/git
<tonikasch> I'm contributing to the wiki and would like info to be open :-)
<fonix232> the private git right now is to store the SDK
<fonix232> the main work will be on github :D
<fonix232> and we'd like to keep a git just for the pure RK sources
<tonikasch> oh ok :-D
<tonikasch> thanks, fonix232
<fonix232> that way we have everything even if RK shuts us out later on (if they open up)
<tonikasch> yeah , good idea
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<naobsd> mmmm
<naobsd> to make myself clear...
<naobsd> currently I'm not a member of any private project (if it exist. I don't know)
<naobsd> surely I got account for private gitlab yesterday, but it's just... said hello to hipboi's workspace ;)
<Astralix> ??
<naobsd> well
<Astralix> do you wait for a job offer or what do you want to tell?
<naobsd> someone may warry about something may be kept secret on hipboi's private gitlab
<naobsd> no, I just talk about "I got account of hipboi's gitlab server" only
<naobsd> I read log
<Astralix> ah ok. Big trouble in little china
<Astralix> I am in background again, bashing some GPS problems...
<naobsd> fonix232 explained to tonikasch, as like "we(fonix232) stored SDK on private gitlab"
<naobsd> I just talked I'm not one of "we"
<naobsd> and I heard that SDK was same as leaked/mirrored
<naobsd> even if "RK shuts us(not me)", it is already copied on public net
<naobsd> maybe someone will have private things on private workspace(on the net), as same as you may have your own private data on your private server.
<naobsd> I may mentioned something on hipboi's private gitlab, but I'm still doing for community on public e.g. pushing source to github
<Astralix> I don't take part at these discussions. I have my public repo and I contribute to open source.
<Astralix> I don't see any reason to put someone elses sources open source or to leak something that I don't understand or even can't use.
<naobsd> sorry for boring talk :(
<Astralix> If I find interesting things in these leaks I will learn and then implement it in my way in my repos
<Astralix> open source is not copying, it is contributing your work.
<naobsd> on here, fonix232 talked to me things like NDA, closed group with RK (ambassador something)
<Astralix> And again... Another bulk of big bunches of code do not help. Rockchip could help much more by providing good and verified documentation
<Astralix> yes, I saw it
<naobsd> I just want to say I'm not a member
<Astralix> for me it doesn't change anything if you are or not.
<naobsd> yup
<naobsd> thanks
<Astralix> For me there is no commercial interest
<Astralix> and it isn't a qualification if someone has this or that. The qualification comes from if he understands what he has
<naobsd> but someone may misunderstand/worry I will make something secret ;)
<naobsd> or my small code may be taken from some secret things
<Astralix> lol
<naobsd> (I forgot "someone think")
<naobsd> so I talked "to make myself clear"
<Astralix> If you modified open source code in a matter that it works better than before, you
<Astralix> just filled life to GPL
<Astralix> who cares where this idea comes from as long as you did not steal it from SCO :)
<naobsd> lol
<Astralix> I mean half of the fixes and updates in our github is coming from the 50 source codes I have on my drives, and some of them came from datasheets I have.
<Astralix> So what is the problem?
<naobsd> in the past I got some trouble, it seems I have some secret thing in private. I never know source code on github can be called as secret ;)
<naobsd> ah, my dirty code may be some kind of crypto...
<Astralix> I did hardware near software development for 20years now. I have folders full of secret things and a folder full of NDAs. That is normal life of a developer.
<naobsd> ah, of course.
<Astralix> And sometimes I unpack a good idea I had years ago and try that one on another project.
<naobsd> well, for example... I made/put on public some open things like as CM, CWM clones, some guys asked "how to made it?", I just answered "as usual"
<Astralix> That is not a leak of anything and not stealing.
<Astralix> yes, I know
<naobsd> it seems it sounds I like secret ;)
<naobsd> I posted links to github on my thread as usual...
<Astralix> That is a usual problem we have. All of them want to get the same you have. But they forgot that you not have a bunch of lines of code but lots of experience.
<Astralix> So they fail and bash you to put scripts and documentation and sources and datasheets...
<Astralix> So at one point you can only do 10% coding but 40% documentation and 50% fighting
<naobsd> writing well described document will be delayed in most case ;)
<Astralix> the documentation is in the cod
<Astralix> code
<Astralix> if you're lucky
<naobsd> I think so but... ;)
<Astralix> else the documentation is the code
<naobsd> surely, recently I'm lazy to push source code to github
<naobsd> because many people want only "working image for his device"
<naobsd> I have some amount of source code to push github, I want more free time to do it... they are not commited even on my working machine ;)
<naobsd> they are still dirty to answer many request 1st ;)
<naobsd> well, it's time to prepare my real work
<naobsd> I will leave soon...
<Astralix> I will leave for bed
<Astralix> it is already far past the point
<Astralix> Yes there is a misunderstanding in open source: One is doinf the work and all others cry gimme gimme gimme
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