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<ajayr> abrasive, I have built and installed for-upstream last weekend, next I installed jas' xubuntu-12.04, after that added jas' gk802-4.0.0 kernel and now the dongle has been running for the last 3 days, cpu temp is 55 deg C
<abrasive> is that good? :)
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<ajayr> yes very good so I went and bought a dell st2220 monitor for my study so that I can have serial port hookedup with video out at the same time
<ajayr> now i need to clear some space and set it up
<ajayr> i think the 55 C is nice since with 1.1.0 kernel cpu temp was always over 80 C
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<hste> ajayr: Do you know what CPU rev u have? I have rev 1.1 and with 4.0.0 Mine is cooler than jas that have 1.2, But mine also gives max freq of 800Mhz and not 1Ghz as jas have on his rev 1.2
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<dgp> Would be interesting to know if it's cooler while it's stressing the GPU too..
<hste> dgp: Mine was running tests with heavy gpu load and I got temp up to 78, while jas got temp problems when he ran same tests. We both used a bigger heatsink
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<dgp> hste: I'm using a bigger heat sink now but it still gets crazy hot.
<hste> dgp: what cpu rev do u have?
<dgp> 1.2 I think
<dgp> the part number starts with SC
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<hste> dgp: sounds like u have the same as jas. Mine starts with pc.
<dgp> I have two with SC parts on them
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<ajayr> my cpu is TO 1.2
<ajayr> that is from dmesg
<ajayr> I could open up the dongle and get a pic if you want
<hste> ajayr: have u tried some GPU tests?
<ajayr> yes the tiger es_gears etc
<ajayr> the device is up now if you want me to try stuff I can
<ajayr> root@bugs:~# ./cpustats
<ajayr> CPU temp in deg C 55
<ajayr> CPU scaling curr freq Hz 996000
<ajayr> CPU cpuinfo curr freq Hz 996000
<ajayr> CPU current freq governor performance
<ajayr> [ 0.000000] CPU identified as i.MX6Q, silicon rev 1.2
<ajayr> root@bugs:~# uptime 15:59:31 up 4 days, 3:50, 4 users, load average: 0.11, 0.07, 0.06
<hste> what fps do you get if u run turturial7?
<ajayr> hang on i will run it now
<ajayr> 155 fps
<ajayr> root@bugs:~# ./cpustats
<ajayr> CPU temp in deg C 64
<ajayr> CPU cpuinfo curr freq Hz 996000
<ajayr> CPU scaling curr freq Hz 996000
<ajayr> CPU current freq governor performance
<monkeyiq> is cpustats packaged somewhere?
<ajayr> #!/bin/bash
<ajayr> echo -n "CPU temp in deg C " `cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp` ; echo
<ajayr> echo -n "CPU scaling curr freq Hz " `cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq` ; echo
<ajayr> echo -n "CPU cpuinfo curr freq Hz " `cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq` ; echo
<ajayr> echo -n "CPU current freq governor " `cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor` ; echo
<hste> ajayr: I have about 400fps on mine
<monkeyiq> excellent! thanks
<ajayr> ahh OK now lets see what is wrong with my setup?
<ajayr> my u-boot is abrasive for-upstream branch
<ajayr> kernel is from jas gk802-4.0.0 branch
<ajayr> cross compiler is gcc version 4.7.2 20121105 (Red Hat 4.7.2-2.aa.20121114svn) (GCC) )
<hste> ajayr: what sort of cooling do u have on your gk802?
<ajayr> cat /proc/cmdline
<ajayr> console=ttymxc3,115200 fixrtc rootwait root=/dev/mmcblk1p1 rootfstype=ext4 vmalloc=192M fbmem=28M video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24
<hste> ajayr: I did test mine with 1280x720. That could be why the fps results is diff
<ajayr> it is in the case I have added a small copper shim to improve the contact from the pad to the case and I have strapped a P4 CPU cooler without a fan to the case
<hste> can u try running es2-gears at same time as running tuturial7 and check temp?
<dgp> I think the p4 heat sink might have something to do with the temp..
<dgp> copper shim is good idea for the stock case
<ajayr> i saw the copper shim stuff over here
<ajayr> es2 was 500 fps and now tut 7 is running fullscreen
<ajayr> CPU temp in deg C 77
<ajayr> dgp can I have a link to your android - I would like to see if with this cooling setup antuto 3d runs to completion
<dgp> yeah sure, one sec
<ajayr> tut 7 is 146 fps now
<dgp> I have all the 4.0.0 kernel patches except the GPU stuff btw
<ajayr> how do I bring es2gears to the foreground
* dgp wonders how well the imx6 tablets run
<ajayr> i will make more photos when i stop this to change sdcards and os
<ajayr> CPU temp in deg C 80
<ajayr> this is with both tut7 and es2gears running still
<ajayr> so about 10 min to go from 60 - 80 C
<hste> ajayr: I guess with more stress you get some temp warnings in dmesg
<ajayr> so that is 30 min of both es2gears and tut 7 at the same time - max temp is 82 C
<ajayr> es2 is 500 fps and tut 7 is 145 fps
<dgp> are those pretty simple tests? like a single object spinning around?
<ajayr> es2 is like 3 gears red blue and green spinning
<ajayr> tut 7 is more complex - its like 2 toroids twisting and turning with color and light reflections changing at the same time
<dgp> antutu has a full scene for its benchmark. It think thats more likely to get the heat up
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<ajayr> dgp - antutu did not finish
<ajayr> it rebooted during the opengles2 test
<ajayr> cpu temp 72
<ajayr> screen seems hard coded to 720p - is there a way to bump it to 1080p without pulling apart bootimage.img?
<dgp> ajayr: am display-size might work
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<dgp> the newer android source from freescale doesn't have the bits to do the on the fly resolution and overscan stuff
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<dgp> The really weird thing with the heat for me is that it could run the antutu benchmark all the way through with the heat pad and a thin heat sink I took out of a mk808 taped to it.. but now with a 2cm x 2cm x 2cm alu sink properly attached to the top of the die on the chip it can't manage it
* dgp reckons that blue pad has some magic in it
<ajayr> i saw some replacement heat sink pad on aliexpress - maybe some of that will be useful?
<dgp> I think a thick copper shim would be better
<ajayr> also funnily enough the 72 is when then ambient has dropped a bit its tarted raining
<ajayr> Oh also antutu flipped the screen during the test - maybe in frameworks you need to add a patch for no g sensor?
<dgp> I have my gk802 in a box with a lcd panel and stuff so it gets pretty toasty in there
<dgp> I took all of the sensor stuff out.. I'll try it again later
<ajayr> adb shows some log errrors like init use {name} etc trivial fixes
<ajayr> you can also set rild off in init
<dgp> yeah, there is a bunch of stuff like that
<dgp> I was going to clean it up but if I think about doing it seriously I might as well just start with 4.2.2
<ajayr> also you could turn off all wifi debug in drivers/net/wireless/rtl8192cu/include/autoconf.h
<ajayr> just comment out DBG_817X and DBG_8192
<ajayr> macros
<dgp> maybe one day ;)
<dgp> there is a bunch of stuff in the kernel that gk802 users don't need.. like NFC support.
<ajayr> i did pull down the boundray devices android tree to take a look but it was very different from the nook tablet tree that i am used to playing with so i just gave up
<dgp> I should really split it up so there is a build config for a standard gk802 image but I'm not too fussed
<dgp> I used the wandboard source as a base. I couldn't be arsed with applying all of the patches to turn AOSP into AOSP + freescale
<ajayr> actually the boundary guys publish a manifest and its very easy to get started
<ajayr> all you will need to add is u-boot, kernel, and device-tree
<dgp> yeah, I found that after I already had it booting ;)
<dgp> the android kernel doesnt use device tree
<dgp> it's 3.0
<ajayr> they have a ssh git for all the propritary bits
<ajayr> i mean android device def
<ajayr> device/freescale/gk802...
<dgp> the device directory tree is a bit of a mess for the imx6 devices
<dgp> bits all over the place. That could have been the wandaboard guys though
<ajayr> in fact if i remember corrctly it was fairly easy on the nook tablet to get from 4.1 to 4.2
<dgp> it should be fairly easy to get 4.2 running but stuff like "roll back libion to 4.1" etc in the patches put me off touching it for now
<ajayr> but then there is no easy template for this stuff for a clean and consistent starting point
<ajayr> true i always favor doing just enough to get the job done
<dgp> thats what the current image I have is ;)
<dgp> we needed a tv stick that we had the source for the kernel and android to integrate a bunch of stuff
<ajayr> its vastly better than what the manuf has made!
<dgp> the stock image is a hacked up version of their tablet version I think
<ajayr> a look at the so called 1.70 version from shows that its a "kang" - in xda slang.
<dgp> kang?
<ajayr> files randomly added to the image
* dgp isn't a xda homie
<ajayr> when you dont compile and add files into a zip and call it a rom
<dgp> thats like most of the tv stick roms
<dgp> yeah, I know of it. I just don't have the time for forums ;)
<dgp> most of the so called rom hackers out there just take the stock image and remove/add system apks
<ajayr> but most of the phone and tablet roms have proper source so if you want to you can study and learn from their sources
<dgp> lucky to get the kernel source for any chinese SoC based machine :(
<ajayr> yest those are the kangs - but guys like hashcode in the Kindle Fire forum are very helpful
<ajayr> but he is an expert in omap4 stuff
<dgp> most of the problem with porting android isn't the hardware.. it's all the undocumented stuff you need to get it to do anything
<ajayr> i cut my android teeth on the nook tablet buy making unbrick sd and the first recovery to work on both 8/16GB devices etc all by taking the trouble to learn how to compile from source and reading the errors in dmesg/logcat etc
<dgp> like you would think if you only have linux experience that it would just use v4l for cameras.. nope
<ajayr> stagefright gives me the heebie-jeeies
<dgp> I haven't needed to touch any of that yet. getting the input framework to talk to the touchscreen we're using was massive pain the in ass
<ajayr> god the way the various manufs gimp their products is crazy - the nook tab has a 10 touch capable screen but BN chooses to put a 2 touch fw on the eeprom
<dgp> can it be replaced?
<ajayr> yes with a lot of hacking and searching a guy called mik_os did it
<ajayr> now its a 10 touch in CyanogenMod and 2 touch in the stock os
<ajayr> the advantage with TI/Freescale/Qcom is the SoC vendors have fairly decent docs as a starting point
<ajayr> while Mediatek/Alwinner/RockChip have absolutely nothing
<dgp> yeah. From experience though the code for those chips is going to crazy awful
<dgp> so even if you had access to all of it you would still be thinking WTF
<ajayr> our wifi 8192 is a case in point - reading the source makes my head spin ...
<dgp> They love that debug output too. I get the feeling they debug via printk instead of with kgdb
<ajayr> woot the cubox seems to have completed the vlc build!
<ajayr> its taken 7 hours!
<dgp> distcc + lots of arm machines :)
<dgp> or just one x86 machine with debian and all of the arm libs installed.. :)
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<ajayr> now that a box that I like for themal design its on 24x7 for months on end and never a problem so far
<ajayr> the sheevaplug before that blew power supplies..
<ajayr> again since Marvell has never pushed the docs and sample android there has never been a proper androin on any of the marvell plugs
<dgp> my SH4 machine has been running for 250+ days
<ajayr> hmm .. what fun here in india we have power cuts for anwhere between 1 -4 hrs a day - so if they are too close together my home ups will shut down the longest uptime ive had at home is 60 days in nov-dec when there was no power cuts
<dgp> we had that here when they tried turning the electric off in the evening after the fukushima thing
<dgp> they would turn it off for 30 minutes, back on for a bit and back for a few hours.. like they couldn't find the right switch
<ajayr> unfortunately thats our daily routine - atleast here in the cities its a max of 4 hrs out in the vilages its anywhere from 16-20 hrs of no electricity a day
<dgp> Do people have generators then?
<dgp> or do they just go without?
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<ajayr> in the cities yes we use UPS or diesel generators in the villages no
<ajayr> so there is demand for devices which sip power and do some work
<dgp> being able to put the machine into a really low power mode when the mains cuts out would be good
<dgp> you can run a beaglebone off of a super cap for enough time to shut it down safely :)
<ajayr> but that implies that te device knows mains has gone - we are taling about stuff like gk802 drivern by a lead acid battery which is charged off a solar panel
<ajayr> for solutions like that the cubox/sheevaplug style devices are very nice
<dgp> yeah, you would need to have something wired up to a GPIO to trigger it
<ajayr> i started with the gk802 since i wanted hdmi out for a primary health center
<ajayr> for some info displays
<ajayr> but we have moved on to the cubox for that solution
<ajayr> so i have a pair of gk802s that i tinker with intermittantly when ever i have the mood/time ...
<dgp> you can add hardware to the gk802 to do the graceful shut down and stuff. the i2c port opens up a lot of options
<dgp> but I don't think the imx6 is great on the power consumption side of things. it must be using a lot of juice to get so hot
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