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<abrasive> yawn.
<abrasive> how are things going for everyone?
<projectgus> abrasive: things goind for me, just turned the corner on a board design (or so it feels)
<projectgus> and my GK802 is pushing 10 days of uptime, hasn't crashed yet, so that's good too
<projectgus> s/goind/going good/ brain losing vs keyboard
<abrasive> excellent!
<abrasive> what's the board?
<projectgus> now trying to decide between doing more work this afternoon or going to bask in the sun
<projectgus> it's for freetronics, idk if i can tell you what it is in irc :/
<projectgus> i found out my other gk802 was probably the victim of a postal contractor who has since been sacked
<projectgus> which explains why it never showed up
<projectgus> which is why i haven't done any gk802 hacking lately, the only one i have is in proper use
<projectgus> abrasive: what's new with you?
<abrasive> oh, ouch
<abrasive> man, auspost's contractors are awful.
<abrasive> one of mine likes to chuck mail in the garden bed
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<dgp> At least they leave your stuff somewhere near your house.. the guys in the UK fill in the "you weren't at home slip" and don't even knock on the door
<projectgus> dgp: they do that here too
<projectgus> until recently (presumably until this guy got fired) that slip would say "come tomorrow after 4pm" on it, too
<projectgus> so you'd order some express, next day delivery
<projectgus> next day you'd get the note, even if you were home
<projectgus> but you couldn't pick the parcel up until the day after
<projectgus> and I live <8km from the CBD of Melbourne
<projectgus> (Australia's second largest city)
* projectgus grumpy with the local post office if you can't tell
<dgp> Here the little old postman always comes to the door and he always says "it's the post" just incase it's my wife here. She doesn't open the door to people
<projectgus> aw, that's nice :)
<dgp> and then he goes "oh, I have something for daniel-san, is that you?"
<dgp> he's only done that about 50 times..
<projectgus> ha
<projectgus> the crap postal service in australia is apparently mostly australia post's fault, from what I understand they outsourced all delivery and pay contractors nearly nothing.
<projectgus> hence they do things like sign for registered parcels themselves and just chuck them under your mailbox
<dgp> yeah, outsource it and pay people nothing then wonder why it goes to shit
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<hste> yes postal service is strange. It cost more to just send a package inside norway than buying some stuff in china and get it delivered to my postoffice. Ok it takes some weeks before it arrive but still...
<dgp> It cost more to buy Japanese made parts like caps etc in Japan than it does to buy them from Europe or the US and get them shipped back to Japan..
<dgp> because the shipping for a few grams of stuff is always $6+
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<monkeyiq> dgp: shoving a power meter on the gk802 gives a small indication why you might be seeing heat issues
<monkeyiq> using all 4 cores during make -j 4 wants 6.6 watts. the effect2d glmark2-es2 test wanted 7.6 watts
<monkeyiq> gl can be power hungry
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<projectgus> monkeyiq: did you happen to do both at once?
<monkeyiq> projectgus: nup. A good idea though!
<projectgus> :) thanks for posting the measurements
<projectgus> my boss has an inline USB current meter, i just remembered I want to buy one :)
<monkeyiq> no problem at all. I was using a belkin wall wart meter. the inline one sounds like a great buy
<projectgus> maxes out at 2A though
<projectgus> which may be too low for some of these silly gadgets
<projectgus> monkeyiq: oh, so you're measuring current draw from the AC side, through the power adapter that came with it?
<projectgus> interesting...
<projectgus> FWIW I understand those wall wart meters can be pretty bad at measuring switchmode supplies
<projectgus> although obviously the relative measurements are probably ok
<projectgus> bbl :)
<monkeyiq> yeah, there are some grains of salt that come with those measurements.
<dgp> I'm running my gk802 off of a step down DC-DC converter at the moment.. not sure it's drawing 2A through that
<dgp> monkeyiq: does you gk802 get hot just when it's just idle?
<monkeyiq> dgp: just plugging it back in
<monkeyiq> its back in its original config, full shell
<dgp> do you have the original android image handy? I would be interested if it can run the antutu benchmark without crashing
<monkeyiq> antutu wasn't in play store for me :(
<dgp> I'm sure mine has gotten hotter since I pulled in a bunch of stuff from the latest freescale stuff
<dgp> monkeyiq: do you want to try out android 4.1.2?
<monkeyiq> dgp: I was tempted when you mentioned an image the other day... is it public?
<dgp> you can share it around etc there is just zero warranty for it
<dgp> if stuff don't work it don't work ;)
<monkeyiq> zero warranty is ok :)
<dgp> monkeyiq: you should have a link
<monkeyiq> dgp: yep got it :)
<dgp> Doing android roms is basically asking for a headache.. I had a guy harassing me on youtube to make the rom work with his webcam and skype and give him the result.
<monkeyiq> heh, don't worry about that from me. unless I have a patch for you too
<monkeyiq> dgp: ok, gk802 has been idle for a while. warm, not hot
<dgp> I think it's the same as mine then. It gets warm idle and too hot to touch when running 3D stuff
<dgp> It doesn't seem to get too warm when playing video back though. I guess thats down to hardware decoding
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<jas-hacks_> hste: Any chance you can read the part number of your CPU? You would need to take the heatsink off :(
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