I already have tons of plugins and hacks installed on the regular discord client
probably not gonna change that
ronsor: I don't disagree wrt perf
I disagree that this is worth the trade
What's the advantage here?
A higher degree of cross-platform compatibility?
code portability is #1
IMO that's not the way to go about it
WASM is an *ISA*
I'm working on an IR-based solution
Probably using e.g. QBE
(Not actual QBE, but something heavily based on it with an emphasis on portability)
The idea is to have a compiler spit out the IR, then have systems finish compilation as part of the install process
This results in similar compatility gains *without* the performance cost
This in fact ends up being *faster* than native code currently
could probably be more performant
Since it allows -march=native to use
be used*
truly native optimizations
that idea kinda reminds of TinyCC
It basically shifts the compiler backend to the install process, leaving only the frontend and generic optimizations for the release process
Best part is it should be 100% compatible with existing kernels
No kernel-space tricks needed
e.g. you could make a Linux distro, or patch FreeBSD to support htis
If you make it, I'll add support
To what?
my OS
heh, the programs would be double-portable
Snektron: 👋
This would really just be a specialized package manager
Hell, I could probably make it a Gentoo repo
Have the server preprocess ebuilds as part of CI, producing IR
On `emerge`, it only has to finish compilation from IR -> native
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... Hell, I could have a proof-of-concept *really* quickly using LLVM as a test
On the IR, you mention emphasizing portability. How are you going to handle things like sizeof()?
Snek killed snek
One option is to produce per-architecture IR, then deduplicate it
So you have a common base file, plus per-architecture `diff`s to apply
But this is still POC
may not even need per-architecture
Real portability would come from a better IR
possibly just 32-bit/64-bit
LLVM would be the proof-of-concept stage
ronsor: not quite
alignment is an issue also
alignment is usually the pointer/register size AFAIK
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ronsor: not qutie.
RISC-V mandates two-byte alignment for all functions; Intel CPUs work best with 32 *byte* alignments for functions; etc
I didn't know that
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is there any way to save comptime type information to be used at runtime? i'm sending a pointer (could be any zig type) to C, and when I get it back I'd like to get the declarations back
I don't *think* there's a builtin function for that, but you could write one
@typeInfo should make that easy
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gruebite, zig doesn't provide you runtime type information, but you can expose that information to yourself via comptime code
andrewrk: is there a good pattern for mapping types to some sort of id?
I guess comptimehashmap?
or is e.g. @typeName guaranteed to be unique?
I know it's not a direct answer to your question, but I think that's a smell, trying to get a type id at runtime
true. can probably rethink of a way to do it at comptime
one thing I've been meaning to propose/write is an argument to e.g. std.json.parse where you provide per-type overrides
e.g. "when parsing into a `Foo` for *this* parse operation, do X instead of Y"
this would allow people to specify how to parse into a Foo without modifying Foo to have a jsonParse method.
makes sense to me
You can do this wth a comptime closure
the problem I hit last time I tried this was how to mass that is as an option
at the moment `ParseOptions` isn't comptime-known I think?
I wouldnt recommend this but its possible
(similarly you could copy some type info instead of keeping a counter, take back a runtime usize and return the runtime type info struct that corresponds to the index)
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howdy, all.
using the latest master and unable to cross-compile to windows from macos...
...complaining on: const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
error: unable to evaluate constant expression
.x86_64 => asm volatile (
known issue? unable to locate in issues list.
fwiw, this builds fine: std.debug.warn("\n", .{});
epmills, hmm did you perhaps put the stdout as a global and not a local variable? on windows getStdOut() has to do something at runtime
andrewrk: that was it. i'd declared it above main. moving it into main fixed. thx for the insight - live 'n learn.
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welp, caught at least one regression in llvm 11
oof found another one
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Rewatching the last stream. That incremental compilation is really really neat
oh shoot I still didn't go over ifreund's wasm design thing
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andrewrk: I'm a little confused, decls are toplevel things like functions or globals right?
the types section only lists function signatures, which currently are the only types in wasm that can be user defined
you are totally right that we can use unreferenced types for padding and wrap the section in an allocator-like interface
and yeah I haven't give all that much thought to multi-threaded friendliness
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so I think each decl has either 0 or 1 entry in the types section
wow, FPGAs are desperately in need of higher level languages
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ifreund, yes decls are toplevel things like functions or globals. it's also the unit of memory lifetimes in stage2. each decl has an arena where all the allocations go that are related to analysing the decl
point being the operations the incremental compiler needs to be able to handle is: add a new Decl, update an existing Decl, delete a Decl
so it will be the most straightforward if you organize the binary file data in accordance with those operations
good night
makes sense, I think my plans may have suffered a little from lack of familiarity with the rest of the stage2 codebase
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Fuck. I think I exactly missed the window of Zig & zls versions that work together.
zls master seems to fail with a zig compiler error
What compiler error do you get? I don't see any changes that could break it
Zig also outputs a `NUL` file into the directory which is very cumbersome to remove :/
I picked a really catastrophic release to do this with
oh fun
Oh wew
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Hey guys, I have a pretty basic question, but one that has been gnawing away at me for a while
Suppose I am designing an API that wants to consume strings (I know we don't really have a proper string type yet), and I want to support the maximum range of operations on it
I'm wondering which would be the best signature for a string input in that case? []const u8 ? *[]const u8 ? *[] u8? [] u8 ?
In some of these cases, I can pass in a static string like "foo", for others I will have to use "foo"[0..] etc.
[]const u8
well, it totally depends on what the function does
I want to allow the greatest flexibility in input
if you don't want mutable data (no write-back)
and []u8 when you want writeback
resizing is not possible in both cases
but yeah, in unless you want to mutate the string passed to you, []const u8
antaoiseach: what do you mean by "flexibility"?
say I want possibly mutation, and will take care of the invariants even if I don't mutate it
your algorithm either mutates the data or it does not
if it does mutate the data: []u8
if it does not: []const u8
ikskuh: to be more precise, say I have var foo = "hello", and const foo = "world" and I also want to pass in "hello, world" to the function directly along with foo and bar
that's all "non-mutable data"
and make it so that the user does not have to do anything special with the input - &foo or foo[0..] etc.
it's all []const u8
if you don't mutate the data in the algorithm, use a non-mutable slcie
everything else is less flexible
string literals have type [:0]const u8 if you're not aware
ifreund: not correct!
ikskuh: ifreund: thanks for the inputs ... sort of goes back to my original choice of [] const u8 I suppose, but I had some irksome user-experience cases ...
ikskuh: what???
string literals have the type "*const [_:0]u8"
which coerce to []const u8
this part is where Zig seems to be getting a bit all over the place
urgh yeah and that coreces to what I said
not very clean :(
antaoiseach: zig has the most clean pointer experience i ever used
you probably didn't grasp a concept of zig yet ;)
which forced you to work around certain (reasonable) limitations in the type system
but string literals are const-pointer-to-array-of-u8
which coreces to a bunch of things including []const u8, [:0]const u8, and [*:0]const u8
oh yeah, i forgot the 0 terminator…
in C you have only a single pointer type and have to "just know" that your pointer happens to be a pointer to one item or a null terminated string or whatever
Okay, having the type []const u8 copies the argument, right? So if I make the argument type *[]const u8, then why can't I do foo(&"hello")?
zig brings necessary granularity to pointer types, which greatly increases type safety
[]const u8 is a slice
a slice is a pointer + a length
the data being pointed to is not copied when you pass a slice
So, if I wanted a pointer type for the arg and wanted to pass in a static string, how would the signature look like?
a slice is a pointer type
what's your goal here?
you can think of a []const u8 as a struct { ptr: [*]const u8, len: usize }
(you are even allowed to access and change .ptr and .len!)
antaoiseach: if you pass a pointer to a slice, that would roughly be "char ** slice_ptr" in C
Okay, let me present a use-case like so. In Rust, if I have an API like so: fn foo(s: &[u8]), then I can call it like so: foo(b"hello");
or like let message = [b'w', b'o', b'r', b'l', b'd'];
or even like let mut another_message = [b'w', b'o', b'w']; foo(&another_message);
that's all "[]const u8"
const message = [_]u8{ "a", "b", "c" };
could also be var no problem
and if I wanted to modify it then I would need to use []u8 instead, right?
and then you pass it with foo(&message)
that would be a "mut" slice in rust
Okay, so I would not be able to pass in something like "baz" in that case, right?
since that would remove the constness?
right, literals are const
Okay, thank you guys, ikskuh and ifreund ... this has been a very useful session for me. Cheers!
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hmm, does var x = "foo".*; give you a mutable array on the stack?
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how i can i check if a std.fs.Dir is the root directory?
i would like to find build.zig in the current project tree similar to git finds .git or zig build finds build.zig
probably just traverse up until you find the file/dir indicating the root no?
could also look how zig finds build.zig
<ifreund> probably just traverse up until you find the file/dir indicating the root no?
i don't see a possibility to check for this with the current API
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uh, itereate over the contents of the dir and compare name/type of each item?
and how do i find out if i'm at the root dir?
look for a build.zig file or .git file?
.git dir I mean
that's not the problem ;)
the problem is finding "/"
the end
oh, / doesn't contain a ..
it does D
if you have a ./.. dir, you can traverse upwards
[felix@denkplatte-v2 ~]$ ls /../../../
bin dev etc
what is this madness
main.cpp does it by path manipulation, not by using directory handles
maybe that's the way do do it
The way I solved it in my Git implementation is by traversing up and using std.fs.path to check the current directory. I hold a count if I pass the same dir twice (means I entered root?)
i was just about to say that
/../../ will be the same fd as /
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ifreund, is there some way I can help with #5985 ? want me to go over your other sections ideas and give feedback?
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andrewrk: Would definitely appreciate more feedback on #5985. I haven't had time to make more progress on it yet today but plan to sit down this evening for another round of planning, possibly sketching out an implementation
ok you got it
I think that overall I need to tie things more closely to the lifetime of decls
We may actually be able to treat most of the sections as allocatable memory, it seems like that might be good pattern to follow
it gets a little weird in the details of the restrictions on the padding, but it should be workable
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that sounds about right
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Hi everyone, so when will Zig become popular?
i think zig is quite popular for its current state
I asked my crystal ball; the answer is 5
Jokes aside, I think there's quite a nice community going already.
I’m happy where Zig is right now. Not too overhyped :P
^= this
Seen quite some comments of people who said they're coming back in a few years when it hits 1.0, so possibly that brings in alot more 'popularity' for w/e that may mean :P
Yeah, I don't develop anything in Zig right now anyway
Only made one library
it's popular enough that we have some income to fund development. but not too popular that it's falling over its own weight
besides, a lot of people won't have/see a usecase for it
yeah i think community momemtum right now is near-perfect
a big milestone is going to be fast compilation + package manager working well
I think we'll see an explosion in the community growth at that point
also the syntax finalizations
#1717 is still looming :D
when we can rely on zig that our code won't break because someone found out that "a" is better than "b" :D
I mean that won't really happen until 1.0
well, syntax and semantics are quite different things
zig is already good enough to build real software with
finalizing the syntax is probably a good first step for the spec though
we should be able to get the planned syntax changes all done by 0.8.0 I think
(not the upcoming 0.7.0)
andrewrk: btw, i wanted to ask it on the last showtime, but i think the question didn't get through:
i heard rumors that you don't like #1717 personally, but you still accepted the proposal. why?
it's consistent with the rest of the language
I see it as anon functions are a thing we want, and "one way do things" is important
#1717 follows naturally
are functions really first-class though?
yeah, i think they are
but you don't have runtime closures
closures would be truly first-class, but functions, imho, are special because they can only be toplevel
ifreund: same thoughts on that
companion_cube: they don't have to be toplevel atm
with #1717 they won't even need a helper struct anymore
honestly, without closures it's hard to do anything functional :p
companion_cube: i still think we can make awesome closures with #1717 and comptime
a bit more explicit than in c++, but still with the same feature level
Is Jemalloc actually faster than C allocator? I tried to benchmark them, it's seems like it was slightly faster, but I'm not sure if my benchmark is even good.
closures would be structs, not functions, ikskuh
I mean, I can't see how they'd be functions
heh... just investigating zig and was going to ask about closures.
protheory8-new-m: depends on your OS' malloc
Assuming Linux with glibc and GNU userland in general
companion_cube: closures are a combination of struct and function... so ;)
in the end, it does only matter in language theory, but the code that will be executed is the same
C allocator is just an interface. Some OSs like FreeBSD use jemalloc
ikskuh: so I'm not sure how #1717 is relevant
companion_cube: it makes the language more consistent
less cluttered with struct { fn x() void { } }.x
hu, in what way?
you just write fn() void { }
instead of that thing
ah, for anonymous functions?
a lot of zig already uses function pointers
implementing interfaces will be nice as well
fengb: glibc
I thought you were talking about toplevel declarations
i'm talking about #1717 in general ;)
as you can init your interface impls directly in the instantiation of the vtable instead of introducing functions for wrapping
I think I like the distinction between functions and closures that rust makes :s
it's very clear what's a function in it
it looks like #1717 has been accepted?
i think zig will be super-clear as well
philtor: a long time ago
* ikskuh
is waiting for ages! :D
andrewrk: have you read the idea of function "label" vs function pointer distinction already? what do you think of it?
yeah but I'd have to refresh my memory and read it again. I also discussed it with thejoshwolfe and he explained the situation in a way that made a lot of sense. I want to double check with him before proceeding
sounds good :)
i really like the idea, as it's the best way of distinction for exportable symbols :)
Sahnvour, I was thinking the same thing :D
I've been planning to use tracy for some time but didn't yet, I bet it has some frame-based analysis tools that would be a great fit for this use case
ikskuh, thanks
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I've just realized what Zig's error handling reminds me of! (the idea of its `error.*` types, that is)
It's Erlang.
For example, `badarg` is returned for bad arguments, or `{try_clause,Value}` if Value does not match a `try` clause.
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Did "anytype" turn into "any" when I wasn't looking?