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<shcv> if all members of a union have a field, does the union also have that field?
<shcv> I guess that wouldn't help in my case anyway, so nvm
<pixelherodev> I mean, not really
<pixelherodev> There's no way to access it without going through the direct parent
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<andrewrk> hmm alright so I have allocated registers for operands of an add instruction, and a register for the result. now I have to do instruction selection. should be fun, I've never done this before
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<aerona> items.len is the proper way to retrieve the length from an ArrayList right?
<aerona> when i append to the array list the len gets incremented to 2 but later during a test it's only set to 1
<aerona> funnily enough if i manually change the len to 2 in my test i can retrieve the other. though it's the same value as the first element
<andrewrk> aerona, that's right
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<pixelherodev> andrewrk: instruction selection?
<pixelherodev> You mean determining which add variant to use?
<pixelherodev> Oh, and what type of register allocator?
<pixelherodev> Is the register allocator platform-specific?
<andrewrk> so far the register allocator is architecture-agnostic, so it doesn't require reimplementing for new architectures
<andrewrk> yeah determining the add variant. looks pretty similar to the problem you solved for setting registers
<pixelherodev> hmm
<pixelherodev> I think I have that for c3 already...
<pixelherodev> That works, but is probably not 100% efficient
<andrewrk> nice, thanks!
<andrewrk> wow this looks nearly identical to what I'm about to do
<andrewrk> One Way To Do Things, eh?
<pixelherodev> :)
<pixelherodev> Let me know if yours differs seriously
<pixelherodev> I'll update mine ;)
<andrewrk> the register allocator is going to differe seriously. I believe you have actually implemented a solution to the problem that is reasonably fast at runtime, whereas I came up with something that maximizes compilation performance and compromises runtime perf
<andrewrk> I think it will do just fine though, it still takes instruction lifetimes into account
<pixelherodev> Uh, no? My register allocator was chosen for the opposite of that
<pixelherodev> My register allocator was explicitly chosen because it has nearly no compile time overhead
<pixelherodev> Rather, it provides decent runtime performance at minimal comptime / translation-time cost
<andrewrk> oh, interesting. I thought you were implementing an academic paper or something
<pixelherodev> It's based on one, yes
<pixelherodev> One which was explicitly designed to be low-cost :)
<andrewrk> cool
<pixelherodev> Mind pushing to a branch so I can take a peek? :)
<andrewrk> sure. btw how did you get rid of the `try`s in your add.zig code?
<pixelherodev> ... uh
<andrewrk> are you able to figure out how much of a memory buffer to allocate ahead of time?
<pixelherodev> Ah right
<pixelherodev> It requires the caller to preallocate the full buffer
<pixelherodev> I have a builder, not just assembler
<andrewrk> how does the caller know?
<pixelherodev> It builds the full block before assembling
<pixelherodev> It does instruction selection :P
<pixelherodev> I need to rework that a bit
<pixelherodev> The builder should store the form to use as well, which will make the assembler marginally faster
<pixelherodev> or I should copy you, and break each form into its own enum tag :P
<andrewrk> I would love to get rid of all the `try` in codegen, I think it would speed things up. but it's tricky to know an upper bound on how much machine code will be generated
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: how do you feel about me working on a C backend over other, more... productive things?
<pixelherodev> :P
<andrewrk> no prob. might need a lot of coordinate at first, but once things are basically let up it should be smooth sailing
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: we don't need to get rid of it *everywhere*
<pixelherodev> We can do it for source with known sizings
<andrewrk> yeah good point
<pixelherodev> Hmm, what's more fun, C *backend*, or C *frontend*?
<pixelherodev> C backend would be awesome because it'd mean potentially replacing stage1 with a one-time dump (as you've mentioned as, how did you put it, "just an idea, not an actual plan"?)
<pixelherodev> C *frontend* would be awesome because it'd allow removing the Clang dependency entirely
<pixelherodev> and it could potentially be used for stage1 too
<andrewrk> C backend is a smaller scoped project
<pixelherodev> The same way that e.g. translate-c is used in stage1
<pixelherodev> I know
<pixelherodev> But C frontend is more rewarding IMO
<andrewrk> idk, replacing stage1 seems like a pretty big reward
<pixelherodev> Reduce our dependencies with lighter, faster, simpler code which we control and which won't break on Clang 11 or something :P
<pixelherodev> True, but it would still mean depending on Clang
<pixelherodev> Simpler bootstraps versus replacing stage1 earlier...
<pixelherodev> Hmm
<andrewrk> simpler bootstraps is not a pressing issue
<pixelherodev> I know
<andrewrk> I'm just voting :)
<pixelherodev> But I'm also thinking in terms of what bugs me the most about Zig right now
<pixelherodev> Bootstrapping / LLVM / Clang bothers me more than the fact that stage2 isn't actually done yet
<pixelherodev> Ooh, here's a thought
<pixelherodev> ... nah never mind
<leeward> not me
<leeward> I'm bothered more by missing features that depend on stage2.
<pixelherodev> CBE should be simple too
<leeward> If we're voting, I'd rather have a stable implementation than a fast/lightweight one.
<pixelherodev> No reason I can't do both
<pixelherodev> leeward: I don't consider stage1 stable
<pixelherodev> precisely because it depends on clang + LLVM
<leeward> Sure, but if it builds stage2 who cares?
<leeward> I mean, obviously you do.
<pixelherodev> Stage2 depends on stage1.
<pixelherodev> Not at runtime of course
<pixelherodev> But any code needed for stage1 is needed for stage2
<pixelherodev> Which means any instability brought by LLVM / Clang affects stage2 too
<leeward> So stage2 doesn't get to use all the bells and whistles, but it means my code, which is built by stage2, does.
<leeward> And LLVM is a large, well-funded project. The fact that they have issues doesn't deter me from depending on them a bit longer.
<leeward> Maybe (definitely) I don't understand all the issues, but that's my high level view.
<andrewrk> to be clear I personally am working full steam ahead on stage2, regardless of what pixelherodev decides to do with his time
<leeward> I gathered that.
<leeward> but thanks for being explicit
<pixelherodev> ^ that's very true
<pixelherodev> Personally, I'd rather do the frontend, but the backend is definitely more useful to the Zig project, so I'm doing that first
<andrewrk> C frontend => C backend would be amusing
<pixelherodev> Could be useful, actually
<pixelherodev> If we did lazy evaluation and such ;)
<pixelherodev> As a sort of sanity check; any input for which the output doesn't semantically match should be looked over
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<pixelherodev> andrewrk: you said you want to lock down ZIR as an implementation detail, right?
<pixelherodev> Explicitly don't let people target it from other projects?
<andrewrk> I'm fairly certain it's going to remain an implementation detail
<pixelherodev> Good
<pixelherodev> It causes some minor inconvenience to me right now, but I think it's worth it
<pixelherodev> anywho
<pixelherodev> CBE work coming soon TM
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<pixelherodev> :)
<aerona> so i picked up zig-toml again and rewrote in a recursive style so it should be easier to add the rest of the toml spec
<aerona> i also added support for array of tables
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: did you push your changes to a branch?
<pixelherodev> ... hmm, CBE is going to take more work than I thought
<pixelherodev> `arch` isn't defined
<pixelherodev> Unless the CBE produces arch-specific C, which would make sense I suppose
<pixelherodev> but that defeats the purpose
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, oops. ok it's pushed to the register-allocation branch
<andrewrk> yes it would produce arch-specific C
<andrewrk> that's not even a question
<andrewrk> no that doesn't defeat the purpose
<pixelherodev> Wait, really?
<pixelherodev> Why?
<pixelherodev> That means we need to know all the details of every possible target
<pixelherodev> With agnostic C, we can require stripped-down details (pointer size, for instance) and leave that to the C compiler (or, eventually, our C frontend :P)
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<andrewrk> zig's semantic analysis does know all the details of every possible target, that's the point
<pixelherodev> let's say I'm targeting, for instance, $NEW_HIP_ISA
<pixelherodev> There's a new microcontroller ISA, it's obscure, Zig has no details
<pixelherodev> What I'm basically envisioning is you just give it the bare minimum, and let the C compiler handle the rest
<pixelherodev> Or let's use SDCC as an example
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<pixelherodev> SDCC supports some esoteric targets, like Padauk
<pixelherodev> Programming Zig to know every detail of every target means more work for every target
<pixelherodev> Why should we need to care about the target if we're emitting C?
<andrewrk> good question, let's examine how it would work if c replaced the architecture in the triple
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<pixelherodev> ?
<andrewrk> e.g. instead of riscv64-linux-gnu it would be c-linux-gnu
<pixelherodev> Right
<pixelherodev> Is that what I should use for the initial implementation?
<aerona> also here's a mustache renderer if anyone has need for such a thing
<pixelherodev> Actually, would the ABI matter?
<pixelherodev> The C compiler should tackle that
<pixelherodev> It would be c-$OS I think
<pixelherodev> Or c-$OS-none
<andrewrk> one problem would be how many bits to make the pointer size
<pixelherodev> Not necessarily
<pixelherodev> There's a definition for pointer-sized-ints, no?
<pixelherodev> uintptr ?
<andrewrk> zig code: if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) foo() else bar(); // zig cannot compile this code without knowing at compile time what the pointer size is
<pixelherodev> ahh, right
<pixelherodev> Gotcha
<pixelherodev> c-$os-ptrsize?
<pixelherodev> Have ptrsize replace the ABI?
<andrewrk> ok so I gave you only 1 example
<pixelherodev> True
<andrewrk> however this problem is basically present with every single thing that is specific to an architecture
<pixelherodev> Could have those specified elsewhere?
<pixelherodev> Rather
<andrewrk> so.... there's a really convenient way to specify these things
<pixelherodev> --target c-$os-platformfile
<pixelherodev> Have a file passed as part of the triple which specifies all of it
<andrewrk> in fact it involves doing nothing new! just pass an actual architecture
<pixelherodev> What's wrong with doing it this way though?
<andrewrk> "platformfile" would have exactly all the details that are encoded by the architecture part of the triple
<andrewrk> we already have this problem solved
<pixelherodev> Honestly, I don't think i can think of anything other than pointer size that needs to be specified
<pixelherodev> Hmm, vectors and SIMD, so some CPU features possibly
<pixelherodev> for intrinsics
<pixelherodev> I'm probably missing other things too
<pixelherodev> Okay, so `arch-os-c`?
<andrewrk> making it one of the C ABI enums could be an interesting idea. I'm not against it
<pixelherodev> alternately, we can decouple it from the triple
<pixelherodev> detriple it?
<pixelherodev> --target blah --c
<pixelherodev> Are comments included in the AST parser?
<pixelherodev> Thinking ahead a bit :P
<pixelherodev> yeah, they've got to be; that's how docgen and zig fmt work
<aerona> one last thing before i go to bed, an orm i've been working on in my free time
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<andrewrk> pixelherodev, why is it u7 instead of u8? if ((try std.math.absInt(IMM)) < std.math.maxInt(u7))
<pixelherodev> Sign
<pixelherodev> We don't care about the sign
<pixelherodev> It's a signed 8-bit value stored as u8
<pixelherodev> ... Rather
<pixelherodev> Sorry, that was completely wrong
<pixelherodev> Because it *isn't* signed, but it *will* be
<pixelherodev> Notice the absInt
<pixelherodev> We're going from a signed number to unsigned
<pixelherodev> But the final encoding is effectively i8
<pixelherodev> That should probably be <= though
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: was the remotely clear? :P
<pixelherodev> Let's say we have, -100, and 244
<pixelherodev> absInt(-100) => 100, which is less than maxInt(u7), and thus okay, and encodable
<andrewrk> so the cpu sign extends the immediate
<pixelherodev> absInt(244) => 244 - it can be encoded as u8, but - exactly
<pixelherodev> That should probably be in the comments, yes
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<pixelherodev> andrewrk: so what's the conclusion?
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<pixelherodev> I want to get to work on CBE *today*, but I want to make sure that I'm doing it in a way that benefits the Zig community, which means that I need to know the desired behavior before I get to work :)
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<scientes> pixelherodev, what is CBE?
<alexnask> C backend
<alexnask> (I think)
<scientes> pixelherodev, you can't just cut off the signed bit
<scientes> pixelherodev, because of that sneaky value of MIN_INT
<pixelherodev> C backend, yeah
<pixelherodev> scientes: doesn't matter.
<scientes> it always becomes an unsiged number of the same number of bits that went in
<pixelherodev> Why would that change anything?
<scientes> try MIN_INT * -1
<pixelherodev> ... again, so?
<scientes> and experience a fun SIGFPE
<mq32> scientes: this should not throw a SIGFPE :D
<mq32> it's integers
<pixelherodev> ^
<scientes> mq32, try it
<scientes> the really strange thing is that % -1 can also throw SIGFPE
<scientes> but only on older hardware
<pixelherodev> Plus, That's with / , not * I thought
<scientes> because it uses division in the back-end
<scientes> ahh yes, the multiplication just winds-around
<pixelherodev> `If integer math results in a signal being delivered, POSIX requires it to be SIGFPE`
<scientes> and you get MIN_INT as the output
<scientes> which is pretty strange
<scientes> MIN_INT * -1 == MIN_INT
<mq32> scientes: yields a warning, runs fine
<pixelherodev> Again, why is that an issue?
<pixelherodev> Let's say the value is 10000000
<scientes> pixelherodev, because you can't cut off the signed bit in abs()
<pixelherodev> Wait, wrong value
<pixelherodev> scientes: ... again, why not?
<scientes> or else that edge-case does not work
<mq32> division works as well
<pixelherodev> Talk to me like I'm a child :P
<scientes> abs(MIN_INT)==INT_MAX+1
<pixelherodev> Why is there an issue here
<scientes> ^^^
<pixelherodev> and?
<mq32> scientes: where's the problem?
<scientes> so if you cut off the bit you can't fit that value
<mq32> it's not possible to abs() MIN_INT
<mq32> because the value is not representable in int
<scientes> MIN_INT8== -128
<pixelherodev> Yes
<mq32> which isn't representable in a INT8
<scientes> so if you cut it from a i8 to a u7, then you can only it 127
<scientes> *fit
<pixelherodev> And that's supposed to be... wait hmm
<pixelherodev> I think I see your point.
<pixelherodev> Yeah, I realized that with 10000000
<pixelherodev> That's -128, not "-0"
<scientes> exactly
<pixelherodev> Wait
<pixelherodev> is it?
<pixelherodev> ... yes
<scientes> it is
<pixelherodev> I'm just tired
<scientes> 11111111 is -1
<scientes> and 10000000 is -128
<pixelherodev> Right I got that
<pixelherodev> (I know how two's complement works, but I should be asleep rn :P)
<scientes> my point is you cant cut off the signed bit because of that corner-case
<pixelherodev> No I got that
<pixelherodev> I mean
<pixelherodev> `or == -128`
<pixelherodev> :P
<pixelherodev> That's probably the most efficient way to do the check
<scientes> pixelherodev, you just multiply by -1 if < 0
<pixelherodev> Hmm, what's the best Ziggy way to say "if this fits in a signed int"?
<pixelherodev> That's not any better though, is it?
<pixelherodev> That's still just 128
<scientes> pixelherodev, that's fine
<pixelherodev> "if this fits in signed int of type blah"
<scientes> abs() should CHANGE the type
<pixelherodev> `if (val_as_i32 fits in i8)
<scientes> but keep the bit width
<pixelherodev> That's the problem though
<pixelherodev> abs(i7) cannot always fit in u8
<pixelherodev> -128 is valid i7 but 128 isn't valid u7
<scientes> abs(i7) can always fit in u7
<scientes> i7 is -64 to 63
<pixelherodev> Ah right
<pixelherodev> abs(i8) rather
<scientes> can always fit in u8
<scientes> but NOT u7
<pixelherodev> ahhhh, gotcha
<scientes> because of the minint case
<pixelherodev> Wait
<pixelherodev> I'm not cutting the sign bit though
<pixelherodev> I mean, it's using an inefficient form sure
<pixelherodev> (for that edge case)
<scientes> its a little tricky to do this conversion in place
<scientes> when you are changing the type
<pixelherodev> time for std.math.fitsIn ? :P
<scientes> no
<pixelherodev> if (i32 fits in i8)
<scientes> you should just do it without any standard lib at all
<scientes> its simple enough
<pixelherodev> what's the best way to do that
<pixelherodev> arguably you should do that for e.g. max too
<scientes> > the obvious approach, r = (v < 0) ? -(unsigned)v : v,
<scientes> just do that
<pixelherodev> but that misses the point
<pixelherodev> this is a conditional
<scientes> the compiler is smart
<pixelherodev> if val_as_i32 == 128 then it's not valid.
<scientes> it uses llvm's isel
<scientes> pixelherodev, yeah it works fine in C
<pixelherodev> If val_as_i32 == -128 then branch a is taken (fits in i8)
<pixelherodev> If it's 128 then branch b is taken
<pixelherodev> `if (blah) a else b`
<scientes> I guarantee you that it uses llvm's isel
<pixelherodev> So?
<scientes> select()
<pixelherodev> That implies it's semantically incorrect
<pixelherodev> That would set r to 128 for both -128 and 128.
<scientes> that is what you want
<pixelherodev> Which means behavior should be 100% identical to current.
<pixelherodev> No, it's *not*.
<pixelherodev> We're going from i32 to i8.
<scientes> you can't do that, you don't have the info
<scientes> you can only go from i32 to u32
* pixelherodev facepalms
<scientes> you don't have the value until it is run
<pixelherodev> Yes, I can do it
<pixelherodev> i already am
<pixelherodev> it's just missing an edge case
<scientes> pixelherodev, paste some code
<pixelherodev> I linked it earlier lol
<scientes> < std.math.maxInt(u7)
<scientes> needs to be <=
<pixelherodev> I know
<pixelherodev> i said that here earlier lol
<pixelherodev> and it needs an `or == -128`
<scientes> I see
<scientes> do <= 0b1000000
<scientes> i actually like the absInt cause it explains what you are doing
<pixelherodev> scientes: that's ambiguous.
<scientes> try std.math.absInt(IMM)) < 0b1000000)
<scientes> and why does absInt throw a friggen error?
<scientes> that makes no sense
<pixelherodev> That'd be u7 < comptime_int
<pixelherodev> I didn't mean "the compiler complained, I tried"
<pixelherodev> I mean that's not readable.
<pixelherodev> It's not obvious that that's going to do
<pixelherodev> scientes: overflow
<pixelherodev> if input to absInt == minInt(@TypeOf(x)) it overflows
<scientes> pixelherodev, that is why I avoid stdlib when I can
<scientes> that is idiocy
<pixelherodev> send a patch.
<scientes> I will, but I generally avoid it because I get too much bike shedding
<pixelherodev> To paraphrase: "if you don't vote [by contributing], I don't care about your complaints about the current system"
<scientes> that is a good attitude
<pixelherodev> scientes: you actually planning on patching that?
<pixelherodev> I'll do it if you don't want to
<pixelherodev> huh
<pixelherodev> mq32: 'The Single Unix Specification defines SIGFPE as "Erroneous arithmetic operation". It's confusingly named after floating point, but in a normal system with the FPU in its default state, only integer math will raise it'
<mq32> lol
<mq32> didn't happen in my case though
<scientes> yeah you have to use divide
<scientes> 64/32 will also trigger it, but you can't call that from C even though the hardware can do it better
<pixelherodev> And be on x86
<pixelherodev> and POSIX
<pixelherodev> and other platform details
<scientes> i think arm will throw it too
<pixelherodev> Nope
<scientes> then what does it return?
<mq32> funky
<mq32> you __have__ to use explicit runtime variables
<mq32> otherwise gcc will just remove i /= -1;
<pixelherodev> Also depends on optimizations
<mq32> pixelherodev: on arm qemu: uncaught target signal 4 (Illegal instruction) - core dumped
* pixelherodev shrugs
<pixelherodev> never mind then
<scientes> arm does normalize NaN which is nice
<scientes> makes NaN packing much easier
<scientes> yeah I don't like patching stdlib either because the way it is put together everything depends on everything else
<mq32> scientes: that's the nature of a "stdlib"
<scientes> not really
<scientes> its egregious
<scientes> like you can just do @import("std")
<scientes> but no, everything does @import("../../std.zig")
* mq32 googles egregious
<mq32> scientes: you know the image of a snake biting it's own tail?
<mq32> you cannot do @import("mypackage") in package "mypackage"
<scientes> you can in std
<scientes> it works fine
<mq32> huh?
<scientes> std actually makes sure that it works and will throw an error if you don't do it
<scientes> *if it doesn't
<mq32> last time i checked it wasn't like that
<scientes> its been that way for years
<scientes> os.zig: assert(@import("std") == std); // std lib tests require --override-lib-dir
<mq32> it's only in some places
<mq32> but should be patched out imho
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<gonz_> fengb: Neat talk. The realest wisdom was the importance of making an informed choice based on the actual use case(s) you have, IMO.
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<fengb> I agree. Zig is one of the few languages that enables this idea
<fengb> Making it easy and more direct
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