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<pixelherodev> Brilliant idea: `pun` -> `pub fn`
<pixelherodev> Or `punk`
<pixelherodev> `public func`
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<scientes> how do i build zig with asan?
<scientes> if i add -fsanatize=address then the link fails
<Amun_Ra> you have to add libasan too
<scientes> where?
<scientes> if i do -fsanatize=address -lasan I still get missing symbols, and all the docs say the only way to get those symbols is to link with clang, not lld
<scientes> got it
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<scientes> yeah I can't get the glue to work. I've got this bizaare crash from getContext()
<scientes> which makes no sense
<mikdusan> scientes: are you rolling your own llvm/clang build?
<scientes> no
<scientes> stock ubuntu llvm10
<mikdusan> make a skeleton main.c; do `clang -o main main.c -fsanitize=address -###` to show you command line args. try without -### to see if it even links. the args will tell you which libaries. maybe `libclang_rt.asan-x86_64.a` ?
<scientes> I got asan to build
<scientes> didn't help
<mikdusan> doesn't ubuntu llvm10/clang have asan?
<scientes> ***correction: got zig to build with asan
* mikdusan shrugs. I have no idea what /usr/lib/libasan is and why you would need it for clang -fsanitize
<mikdusan> oh wait. you're building stage0/stage1 with gcc. ah. ok
<mikdusan> I see this on gcc 10.1 link line when using -fsanitize=address: `<snip>/../lib/libasan_preinit.o -lasan <snip>`
<mikdusan> scientes: I used stock archlinux, gcc-10.1 and asan was already installed; used this diff to build zig0 and seems to work fine. gives me leaks just doing `zig0 --help` and a ton of leaks with building .zig stuff.
<scientes> but the path to the crash I am seeing had no asan errors
<scientes> or valgrind (except the crash itsself)
<mikdusan> maybe I misunderstand; sounded to me like using -fsanitize=address was giving you the crash and without it, no crash
<scientes> yes you did
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<scientes> Yeah I don't think I can do this
<scientes> there is just too much to think about at the same time
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<cren> has anyone made a TUI (text/terminal user interface) library for Zig yet?
<ifreund> not to my knowledge, but you could almost certainly use a C one
<cren> yeah that's true
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<KoljaKube> G'day
<KoljaKube> Is there a way to cast away const?
<ifreund> KoljaKube: pretty sure @ptrCast will let you do that
<KoljaKube> That's what I expected, but I get "error: cast discards const qualifier"
<KoljaKube> In `@ptrCast(*vec3, a)`
<KoljaKube> (a is a *const vec3)
<ifreund> hmm, maybe not then
<ifreund> well, @ptrToInt and @intToPtr would probably work
<KoljaKube> `@as` didn't work either`
<KoljaKube> That sounds ... hacky?
<ifreund> casting away const is hacky
<ifreund> ideally you should never have to do this
<KoljaKube> Not my fault, the library I'm trying to use just doesn't use const for readonly parameters
<KoljaKube> But I can see in the source that nothing is mutated
<ifreund> ah
<ifreund> yeah that's kinda annoying
<KoljaKube> I know that it should not be done without a very good reason, but I would have expected that there still would be a language feature for it
<KoljaKube> You are right about the int casting by the way
<ifreund> cool
<ifreund> if this is a C library you could probably modify the generated bindings to make the function take a const pointer
<KoljaKube> I guess I can use that for now
<KoljaKube> Is there documentation on how to do that in a way that survives deleting zig-cache?
<KoljaKube> Although I don't know how much that would help, since the in-only parameters are not marked in any way
<KoljaKube> Submitting a const-patch upstream would probably be the same amount of work
<ifreund> I haven't actually tried this myself yet, but the idea is that you'd call `zig translate-c` manually, put the output in your repo, and use that as a package
<ifreund> yeah sending the a patch upstream would be a good move
<KoljaKube> By the way, is `*const i32` a const pointer to an int, or a pointer to a const int?
<KoljaKube> It kind of seems to be both?
<ifreund> pointer to a const int
<ifreund> if you are taking that as a paramter, it will be a const pointer to a const int since parameters are always const
<ifreund> in zig you just read right to left, unlike C where you usually read left to right but sometimes add some loops
* KoljaKube facepalms
<KoljaKube> I should think before I write, of course I can't reassign a pointer I declared `const` :D
<ifreund> hah
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<ask6155> Hello!
<KoljaKube> Hi
<cren> hello
<ask6155> Hey, has someone made a zig cheatsheet yet? The documentation is long (And that's good) but I'd like to get in quickly.
<cren> I was thinking of writing a "Getting started with Zig" article but I don't know enough about Zig yet xD
<ask6155> Is there a video quickstart by someone?
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<ask6155> Is it possible to have a dynamic array?
<ifreund> ask6155: you want std.ArrayList
<ifreund> in general there is no allocation built into the language, it's all userland
<scientes> except the stack
<scientes> ask6155, it is short
<scientes> and there are two sets of general documentation
<pmwhite> What languages do have allocation built-in?
<ask6155> yeah so I pass it a type and it gives me a var?
<scientes> all garbage-collected languages
<scientes> but even C
<pmwhite> How-so with C? I wouldn't count malloc, since that's the stdlib, and Zig also has a stdlib allocator.
<ifreund> c++ has new/delete
<leeward> The difference between Zig and C here is that C libraries assume you're going to use malloc. If you want to use a different allocator, you have to play games with the linker. Zig bumps that up a layer. It's either a minor irritant (everything takes an allocator) or super handy (everything lets you specify an allocator) depending on your use case.
<gonz_> It's infinitely easier to see what allocates if everything that allocates has to make it obvious.
<leeward> True facts.
<gonz_> So it'll always be super handy. People who complain about having to make things more obvious when it's something so important should get some perspective.
<pmwhite> leeward: that's more the culture and ecosystem than the language, though.
<pmwhite> ifreund: good point, it's been a while since I've used C++, so I didn't even think of that.
<leeward> pmwhite: True. I don't agree with scientes's statement about even C having an allocator bulit in.
<ifreund> libary design is kinda part of language design tbh
<ifreund> how people use languages is very much defined by how the major libraries are written
<leeward> It is, and the ecosystem is important, but Zig comes with allocators in lib/std.
<pmwhite> It would be interesting to make a libc alternative with custom allocators.
<pmwhite> ifreund: true, I'm thinking of what you said with how Zig allocation is user land, which is also the case for C, and both have allocators in their standard libraries..
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<leeward> I've worked on systems where malloc was a pool allocator.
<fengb> malloc is unfortunately global and pervasive so it’d be hard to make other libraries work like that
<ifreund> pmwhite: yeah, hence my point about the design of libraries, in particular standard libraries, being part of language design
<fengb> Compilers generally let you swap the malloc implementation but not per unit
<ifreund> allocation is userland in C, but practically it may as well not be
<leeward> I don't know about that. Lots of embedded systems just assume malloc doesn't exist.
<ifreund> ok, yeah that's very true
<pmwhite> Have there ever been discussions toward removing parens around the condition of control flow blocks?
<fengb> It’s for disambiguation
<ifreund> well then you can't do `if (thing) 1 else 2;`
<companion_cube> pmwhite: lots of discussions, but it ultimately clashes with `{a;b}` not being a value-returning expression
<companion_cube> (cause if you remove () you want to add {})
<ifreund> yeah, i think zig has pretty much made its choice on the `if thing { a } else { b };` vs `if (thing) a else b;` decision
<pmwhite> What prevents if thing a else b?
<companion_cube> how do you delimit `thing`?
<pmwhite> It's an expression. Zig doesn't allow juxtaposition of expressions, so it's not ambiguous.
<companion_cube> I don't think it would work with a simple grammar
<companion_cube> (ie no lookahead)
<pmwhite> You would need parens for complex conditions without braces, but you wouldn't when you do use braces.
<companion_cube> almost all conditions are more than an identifier, I think :)
<pmwhite> companion_cube: hmmm, perhaps that's true.
<ifreund> imo you loose in readablity by dropping the parens without adding curlies too
<ifreund> s/oo/o/
<fengb> Wow somebody using lose correctly
<fengb> Or mangling the to
<ifreund> :D
<ifreund> it's the former, i didn't ad a g at the end
<ifreund> s/ad/add/
<pmwhite> companion_cube: almost all conditions are followed by curlies, though, right?
<companion_cube> imho they should
<companion_cube> syntax is to be bikeshed to death :D
<ifreund> i've been dropping them a lot recently
<fengb> #5076
<ifreund> if (condition);
<ifreund> pretty readable imo, you see it a ton in the std as well
<companion_cube> ifreund: too close to goto fail; to me taste :s
<fengb> Goto fail is on the plate for a syntax error
<companion_cube> because of indentation?
<ifreund> yep
<ifreund> also zig fmt already fixes it
<ifreund> though making it a compile error is even stronger
<scientes> shedbike
<pmwhite> Okay, better idea. Make the parser pluggable so that people who are sufficiently peeved and motivated can make their own syntax.
<companion_cube> :DDDD
<fengb> I think that’s built into our tooling. I think it’s called a “fork button”? 🙃
<companion_cube> call the fork "zen"
<companion_cube> oh wait
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<pmwhite> Lol, that brings a load of other issues with it. If the std lib comes with an AST printer, then I guess it really is not that harder to transpile a custom syntax to Zig.
<fengb> With ZIR being a thing, I don’t think it’d be too hard to develop a separate frontend
<companion_cube> fragmentation of syntax isn't something I'd wish on a small community
<fengb> If you’re not bikeshedding semantics, it should be pretty simple to maintain a different syntax
<fengb> Then all variants of #5076 can be a thing!
<companion_cube> maybe you could comptime set what parser you use at the start of the file 🙃
<companion_cube> parsers are just packages
<leeward> sounds like something Haskell would do.
<companion_cube> meh, haskell has a pretty minimal syntax
<companion_cube> but in OCaml we have that, in a way: ReasonML
<companion_cube> (and there's a bit of a cultural fork of the community around that)
<companion_cube> (webdevs vs old timers)
<pmwhite> I don't think fragmentation of syntax is actually that bad of a thing. For one thing, each project will probably enforce one syntax. For another, Zig programmers would learn to be better at learning new syntaxes. Then again, it might just be a bunch of extra cognitive burden to switch between different syntaxes.
<gonz_> Racket has more of what fengb is talking about. Racket is a platform/language for making languages that can run on that platform.
<companion_cube> well racket is designed for that, yes
<companion_cube> pmwhite: what I'd fear is that tooling would have trouble keeping up (say, zls)
<leeward> See also: Erlang/Elixir, all the JVM/.NET languages.
<pmwhite> Ideally, reading and writing code are decoupled enough that one person can write in one syntax, and another person can read the same code in their own preferred syntax.
<companion_cube> the jvm langs are pretty distinct, it's not just syntax
<leeward> fair
<pmwhite> Just like how tabs are!
<leeward> Coffeescript...
<fengb> Isn’t Racket just Scheme taken to the extreme? Make your own DSL and call it a separate language
<fengb> JavaScript is the ultimate language platform :P
<companion_cube> racket is a proper research language on how to make an extensible language
<companion_cube> (and the compile to go with it)
<companion_cube> it's much more advanced than normal scheme afaict
<gonz_> This would depend on how you define what a separate language actually is.
<gonz_> And yes it is.
<gonz_> At the top of your file you usually specify which language the file is written in: `#lang datalog`, etc.
<gonz_> Of course, you can also have `#lang sicp`. Is the difference to Racket huge in that case? No.
<companion_cube> but you can mix and match within one project, righT?
<gonz_> Yes.
<companion_cube> so that's pretty nice.
<companion_cube> I'd take a `#syntax rust` at hte beginning of the file, I must say :p
<companion_cube> replace const with let, mandatory {}, and no need for labelled breaks :p
<pmwhite> It would fit with the "decentralised community" idea.
<fengb> I don’t understand this attitude
<gonz_> Which one? There are so many in the thread. :D
<fengb> The one I linked directly
<fengb> “Go doesn’t need to be fast”
<fengb> Like... wat
<gonz_> I can sympathize with people wanting better compile-times and giving up optimization for it, but I'm not sure I see the point for release builds.
<leeward> Yeah, I think that person doesn't understand Go's design goals.
<gonz_> I'd like to have the dumbest compiler ever for dev builds, or just real degrees with which to control optimization.
<gonz_> I think Per Vognsen's response to "How do you make a sophisticated compiler that's fast?" was pretty on point in the Twitter thread I linked last time we talked compiler speed a few days ago
<gonz_> "You don't make it sophisticated"
<gonz_> It's completely valid
<companion_cube> fengb: it's already reasonably fast
<fengb> Fast, sophisticated, pick one?
<companion_cube> I think people who say that are comparing it to python
<fengb> It’s fast but it can go faster
<companion_cube> but it'd probably make compile times worse
<fengb> And I don’t know why you’d ever have the attitude “oh... we don’t care about speed”
<fengb> In any language, not just Go
<companion_cube> because you can make something that ~works in 1 week instead of 2, I imagine
<companion_cube> or so I hear
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<gonz_> fengb: I think for the kinds of compiler speeds I want, yeah, you probably can't have it do much.
<gonz_> Just emit the code, move on, etc.
<fengb> “Does it really, though? Go really isn't meant for number crunching, or any CPU-bound code, really.”
<leeward> In the speed/cost tradeoff, most of my code has the slider set all the way to cost.
<companion_cube> fengb: yes that's also realistic
<leeward> If something's not fast enough, measure it and find out what, then make that part fast enough.
<companion_cube> syntax sucks for number crunching anyway, people expect operator overloading these days
<fengb> Um... Java runs fast and doesn’t have this attitude
<fengb> Took quite a bit of effort but still
<companion_cube> java starts slow though, they optimized for different things
<companion_cube> and memory usage is… not the best 🤷
<fengb> My point is this is a shit attitude
<gonz_> Big picture Java doesn't run that fast and realistically speaking can't, though.
<fengb> “Oh just don’t use Go”
<gonz_> For what it's worth I agree
<fengb> But it can run fast. HFTs commonly use Java
<gonz_> But also see where people are coming from when they don't want to give up something they have for something they don't know they'll have or enjoy having.
<companion_cube> Go can occupy some niches java is terrible at
<companion_cube> like CLI tools
<companion_cube> gonz_: yeah the "no need for generics" kills me every time
<fengb> I feel like a lot of Go is just cultists
<companion_cube> (or, and it's not even on their radar, the lack of sum types)
<leeward> I really like Zig's solution to generics.
<fengb> “I have this so sucks to be you”
<fengb> I get it’s about trade offs
<fengb> But let’s talk about trade offs instead of saying “that’s not the Go way”
<fengb> Feels like Go people love to pigeonhole their language into “it’s made the perfect trade offs already!”
<leeward> fengb: The language designers did talk about tradeoffs when they decided to exclude them. Can't really stick the users and fanboys with the job of defending language design decisions.
<fengb> Yeah I’m mostly fine with the designers. They’re still sorta wanting to include generics without compromising the language too much
<fengb> But then you got the fanboys going “generics are dumb!”
<companion_cube> rob pike was also like that, tbh
<leeward> That happens with any language that gets popular.
<gonz_> Rob Pike gets let off the hook even though he's arguably a big catalyst for a lot of dumb stuff in the general discourse around lack of certain features, yeah.
<fengb> Like syntax highlighting? 🙃
<leeward> If things work out, some day there will be Zig fanboys saying that...(variadic functions) are dumb and useless and should never exist. (placeholder for feature of your choice)
<companion_cube> generics are dumb, except for the few custom types Go designers wanted
<companion_cube> leeward: at least Zig has a good alternative to that :p
<ikskuh> companion_cube: not yet, though
<fengb> I liked Go for being simple and pragmatic :(
<leeward> companion_cube: Go has an alternative to generics: write more code.
<ikskuh> right now zig replaces "variadic functions" with "code bloa"
<ikskuh> *bloat
<fengb> go generate
<companion_cube> ikskuh: I thought the tuple solution was good? am I missing something?
<ikskuh> yes: every tuple makes the funtion generic
<ikskuh> and creates it's own copy
<companion_cube> oh I see what you mean.
<companion_cube> how are varargs normally passed to a function, in C? idk anything about the call convention
<leeward> It's an array.
<leeward> Also: it's awful.
<ikskuh> no, it's not an array
<fengb> How do you have an array of heterogeneous items?
<ikskuh> it's passed via the stack
<leeward> it's a va_list
<ikskuh> a function with void(int,int) is the same as void(int, ...)
<leeward> Sure, not actually an array, sorry.
<ikskuh> when you pass another int
<ikskuh> internally it's pointer magic
<companion_cube> that also seems awful…
<ikskuh> in the standard, it's defined that you have to use va_list
<fengb> But... what if you have (int, struct, char)
<ikskuh> well
<fengb> How do the values line up?
<ikskuh> that will still call the same function
<leeward> man 3 stdarg
<ikskuh> and it will just yield invalid code :D
<fengb> Oh I think I read about a bug that manifested where someone passed a long instead of a short
<ikskuh> yep, that will happen
<companion_cube> you also lose all type safety
<companion_cube> I mean, are variadic functions that common? outside of format?
<leeward> companion_cube: This is C we're talking about, right? What type safety?
<companion_cube> I know, but how to adapt it to Zig? :p
<gonz_> I was gonna say, for such an unimportant feature there's a lot to pay for it.
<fengb> format() is pretty bloated once you start using it heavily
<fengb> And not at all obvious
<ikskuh> yep
<ikskuh> it also duplicates a lot of code
<ikskuh> i think that andrew has a solution for that up his sleeve but i'm not sure
<fengb> Copy-paste reuse is the best kind of reuse
<ikskuh> well, i think zig can do something about it
<ikskuh> but not sure how it should work as every format function has a different signature
<ikskuh> and has hidden overloading
<companion_cube> ikskuh: the solution to template-like bloating is to pre-specialize templates ;)
<companion_cube> as is known in C++
<shakesoda> i'm really getting those "when this happens you've already lost the battle" vibes here
<shakesoda> as usually happens when generics and templates and code generation come up
<ikskuh> shakesoda: i don't see a solution right now
<shakesoda> zig's solution to such things is the most reasonable i have encountered and yet still ends up pretty regularly in scary places
<shakesoda> ikskuh: nor do i
<ikskuh> problem right now is probably that the formatting thing is a bit *too* generic
<ikskuh> it should be possible to make it non-inline the formatting functions itself
<ikskuh> so
<ikskuh> warn("{},{}", .{ a, b} ); will just get
<ikskuh> printFormatted(a);
<ikskuh> printraw(",");
<ikskuh> printFormatted(b);
<ikskuh> and force-inline and force-unroll the formatting
<ikskuh> which will then also compile to very small code
<ikskuh> as every formatting function for a type is only generated once
<ikskuh> and the formatting itself is inlined
<ikskuh> which is okay as it's in 95% of all cases special to that place anyways
<ikskuh> only thing that is needed is some kind of type enforcer
<ikskuh> which converts `*[N]T` to `[]T`, same for const
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<scientes> this is like pulling teeth
<scientes> I have no idea what is going on
<fengb> People get paid good money for pulling teeth
<scientes> and values just drop out
<scientes> fengb, hahahaha
<companion_cube> fengb: and they may even get good job satisfaction
<scientes> this is what I have. The algorithm code works great, but I can't get the glue to work.
<scientes> the target_value llvm value just turn out null
<scientes> and I have no idea what clif it is falling off of
<leeward> companion_cube: I hear dentistry has a very high rate of depression, as carreers go.
<leeward> er, careers
<scientes> and NO usage
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<scientes> there is a type, but no value
<scientes> which is strange
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<pixelherodev> Anyone able to look into the leak in #5514?
<pixelherodev> If not, it'll be a while
<pixelherodev> I'll have to set up VSCode / MSVC in a VM or something, which will be at least a week
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<FireFox317> pixelherodev, still need help with #5514? I have a Windows box here
<pixelherodev> FireFox317: that'd be awesome
<pixelherodev> I'll have to set up a VM at some point
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<FireFox317> brb
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<FireFox317> andrewrk, for some reason windows CI is passing, but when I build it locally and run tests it does not pass. See
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<Cadey> andrewrk: do you think the zig translate-c is good enough to handle things like dwm?
<Cadey> translate-c functionality
<ifreund> Cadey: try it an see, i don't know anything that would make translating dwm in particular not work
<pmwhite> Is there a Zig toml library, or do I need to make one?
<ifreund> pmwhite: there is, but it may be out of date/incomplete
<ifreund> might help to get you started at the very least
<pmwhite> Oh, last change six months ago...ancient.
<ikskuh> TOML was improved ini files, right?
<ifreund> yeah, though it can also replace yaml as better human readable config
<ifreund> i kinda hate the yaml indentation thing
<ikskuh> i hate yaml by heart
<ikskuh> it's not really readable
<fengb> Just because Norway gets parsed to false doesn’t mean it’s bad
<companion_cube> toml also sucks if you want nesting
<ikskuh> unpopular opinion: xml is quite human-readable for nested data
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<companion_cube> give me sexps or bust
<companion_cube> xml is too verbose
<ikskuh> i don't think s
<ikskuh> *so
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<ikskuh> i tried using json, but it's not made for humans
<ifreund> companion_cube: not really, it doesn't have to be "flat" you know
<ifreund> I agree, xml really isn't bad
<ikskuh> companion_cube: can you make a nice sexpr example for a simple config with more complex strings
<ikskuh> for example with multiline strings, which are easy in XML
<fengb> “Easy” but not well defined
<fengb> Do those spaces count? Who knows!
<ikskuh> i usually take content verbose :D
<ikskuh> so: yes, they do!
<ikskuh> and: wow
<ikskuh> TOML isn't an epitome of "simple"
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<ifreund> agree, it trades simplicity for readability
<ifreund> though I don't find it hopelessly complex
<ikskuh> yeah, true
<ikskuh> most applications use it as INI anyways :D
<companion_cube> ikskuh: I don't know, what do the multiline strings look like in xml?
<companion_cube> if you want proper strings in sexps, do like json, escape the \n I thin
<companion_cube> k
<ifreund> <tag1> string with line breaks </tag1>
<ikskuh> multiline is just … multiline
<ikskuh> no escaping for anything except < and > necessary
<companion_cube> but can you still indent? or is whitespace undefined, as fengb pointed out?
<ikskuh> i would say it's "implementation defined"
<fengb> Depends on how you parse it. The spec doesn’t help so you’ll have to tune the parser to match the document
<companion_cube> so that's not very useful
<companion_cube> xml is good for documents, I think (like… html)
<ifreund> honestly toml does this better than xml
<companion_cube> where whitespace doesn't matter
<ifreund> just """ to start and end a multiline string
<ikskuh> ifreund, ah, markdown way :D
<ikskuh> is """a included in the string though?
<ifreund> except well specified
<ikskuh> well, commonmark is well specified as well
<ikskuh> but sadly complex
<fengb> That’s because markdown was ambiguous and underspecced:(
<fengb> Commonmark was the compromise to fit what parsers actually did
<ikskuh> yeah
<ifreund> ikskuh: looks like you can escape with \" in """ strings
<companion_cube> and the original markdown author actively resisted standardization :/
<ikskuh> problem is that people added too much features
<ifreund> they also have ''' strings though which have no escapes
<ifreund> "literal strings" is what they call them
<ikskuh> what about zscl ? :D
<ikskuh> i really like the idea of zig multiline strings
<ikskuh> they don't need escaping
<ifreund> yeah they're really good
<fengb> I really like how the Zig grammar has evolved to remain unambiguous
<ifreund> i love the fact individual lines are context free
<ikskuh> yeah that's great
<ikskuh> has anyone here looked at the gemini project? i know pixelherodev did
<ikskuh> it has it's own markup language, text/gemini
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<CommunistWolf> gemini is most excellent
<ikskuh> has semi-line-independent parsing and you only have to look at the first three chars of a line to determine it's type
<ikskuh> yeah, i really like the project
<ifreund> that's the one that's supposed to be halfway between www and gopher right?
<ikskuh> yeah
<ikskuh> have written a semi-good client in zig
<ikskuh> and writing a visual client with Qt atm
<ifreund> oh? very cool
<ifreund> hah, great name
<companion_cube> ikskuh: gemini looks fun
<ikskuh> thanks
<ikskuh> it is!
<ikskuh> it fits the zig spirit really well
<companion_cube> could be a nice small web free of ads
<companion_cube> I've installed castor last week
<companion_cube> might do a simple client at some point, idk
<ikskuh> hehe
<ikskuh> maybe you want to try Kristall then? :D
<ikskuh> it's more stable then castor already *grin*
<ikskuh> and has tabs and a semiish browsing history :D
<companion_cube> oh?
<ikskuh> yeah :D
<ikskuh> wanted to do some hacking tomorrow to finish up back/forward navigation
<companion_cube> it's not on AUR though, I'm lazy
<ikskuh> it has no handling for certificates atm though
<ikskuh> lol :D
<ikskuh> you have qt/qmake installed?
<CommunistWolf> I've been withdrawing from the web over time, so gemini is most welcome
<CommunistWolf> someone get wikipedia on it
<ikskuh> git clone repo; cd repo; mkdir build; cd build; qmake ../; make -j4;
<companion_cube> CommunistWolf: probably not easy since you'd need to modify the pages so that links are standalone :s
<companion_cube> it is a good stress test though!
<CommunistWolf> todo es posible
<companion_cube> the web is still nice if you do your own thing with basic html
<ikskuh> guys, join the ML and join
<ikskuh> i started co-hosting this in both gemini and web
<ikskuh> web part is rendered from text/gemini
<companion_cube> what's the port for that?
<ikskuh> gemini? 1965 :D
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<companion_cube> nah,
<ikskuh> ah
<companion_cube> 6667 seems to not work (unless it's no ssl?)
<ikskuh> 6697/TLS
<companion_cube> ah thanks
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<pixelherodev> ikskuh: gemini :)
<pixelherodev> =
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<Xavi92> any pointers on how to provide an implementation of std.fs.openFileAbsoluteZ() for a new OS? Is it needed to modify the standard library from zig sources?
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<arekishi> yes
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<Xavi92> thanks, arekishi
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