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wow that's long
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he livestreamed making it
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Should the functions in std.math be made to support comptime_int and comptime_float arguments when possible?
That's the plan (I believe)
there are a few issues open for things not accepting comptime values and evaluating at compile-time
IntoxicatedHippo: which function do you need that doesn't work right now?
daurnimator: right now the only one I need is floor.
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How do I use the ANSI clear escape code? (\033[2J)
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andrewrk, forgive my lack of git understanding, which is still on the level of "I'd better google how to branch again", what does it mean to re-organize my commits (I don't think I have a problem with this)? More importantly, is there anything I can do in the future to make this easier for you?
MajorLag, well first let me maybe help you with something that could save you some trouble
It looks like when you want to synchronize your branch with master, you've been making a github pull request through the UI yeah?
that's fine - but here's how to do that from the command line
this is equivalent to what you've been doing
there is another thing you can do which is a little more advanced - and I recommend it only when your branch is only a little bit behind
which is: git fetch upstream && git rebase upstream/master
this is kinda the same thing, except instead of two branches merging together, it just undoes all your commits, merges upstream/master, and then re-applies your commits on top of that. it makes all the "merge branch ..." commits go away
it also rewrites your history. so you have to force push if you do it.
and if there are conflicts, then git becomes in an in between state, and you should look at the instructions that `git status` prints to see what your options are
(which are, fix the conflicts and then `git rebase --continue`, or give up by doing `git rebase --abort`)
does that all make sense?
I think so.
in answer to your question, the thing you could do is the rebasing thing, before making a pull request - that's the reorganization I'm asking permission to do on your behalf
I don't have a problem with that, and I'll make a note to do that in the future. Why is that not recommended if I'm more than a little behind master?
for example in my copy elision branch, a rebase would not make sense. it's 75 commits ahead of master, and I've resolved merge conflicts a dozen times
a rebase would mean solving these conflicts over and over again
Ah, I see.
My process has been to get whatever I'm working on in a state I'm more or less happy with before I even touch git. Then I would merge master into my fork, add my stuff, make sure I didn't break anything as best I can, the push it and make a pull request. I'm wondering if there isn't a better way?
to be clear, I don't think you need to change your workflow, if you're happy with it, and you don't mind me massaging the commits as I merge them into upstream
I have no attachment to the commits.
cool :)
to help you understand the rebasing thing - it's equivalent to, if you did your workflow, but instead of merging master into your work, you made a fresh git clone, and then overwrote all the files with your modifications
that's what rebase does, except with your git commits
rather than with files
Which is more what I actually want in my workflow anyway, so that'll work out I think.
An exception might be if I decide to tackle a std.fmt rewrite or something else with breaking implications throughout the codebase.
well, the stdlib codebase
in other news, I'm close to having "hello world" build in copy elision branch
which is harder than you'd think, if you consider that it involves std.fmt.format, and the default panic handler which supports stack traces
then it's time for test case whack a mole
and then we're going to have a fresh set of bugs to look forward to...
I'm excited for copy elision. It'll be worth it in the end.
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andrewrk: That's nice to hear
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Is it possible to get zig to *not* use in-built functionality and instead make use of libc?
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daurnimator: could you give an example?
presiden: e.g. if you want to use pthread_mutex_init to back std.Mutex.....
If you don't import std anywhere, I believe none of it will get used. As long as you link to libc, I don't see why not
or pthread in the case above
So I'm thinking about using zig where C is currently assumed
And what might break
daurnimator: that might make a neat demo or blog post, making a zig executable with no std. it's probably easier than doing it in rust
There's a few classes of "changes" I can see:
1. internal calls that people are used to catching via LD_PRELOAD. malloc comes to mind.
2. libc plugin architectures, e.g. NSS
3. "special" kernel interfaces, e.g. set_robust_list
4. other plugin architectures where loaded libraries assume libc pthreads are used for all threading
That's my list for now....
Really interesting list of gotchas
oh, 5. things that assume libc stdio. -> e.g. zig stdin has it's own buffer in zig-land rather than the one out of C.
So I was thinking these things; and thought of one "simple" solution: favour libc over zig stdlib.
which might not be a bad thing ..... libc has had a *lot* of optimization effort go into it over the years. By not using e.g. C's stdio, which is sometimes written in optimised assembly, then we may be throwing away performance....
is it like, writing your own alternative std, e.g. const std = @import("mystd");
and everything on mystd use libc
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whats everyone working on?
I'm still playing around with OpenGL, you? :)
just finished touching up my pull request
Nice, for what?
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changing some the remaining A functions from the std for winapi
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Is it possible to generate structs on compile time? I want to make a little helper for interfacing with shaders on a type-checked basis
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forgot-password: yes. just return them from a function.