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andrewrk: what minimal windows do you plan on zig targeting? I was considering doing the windows portion of std.mutex and was reading over the various api to use.
its looking like for winxp: CriticalSections; for winvista-win7: SRWLocks; and for win8+: WaitOnAddress since its the closest thing to a futex. But those I have found before digging into documented/undocumented winnt stuff.
i was working on porting std.Muted to windows, but i didn't consider the different versions of windows
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re: the pointer subtraction issue: how do you get the "array size" of a type in zig
e.g. if an object has size 3 but alignment 2. then it takes up 4 bytes per item in an array, right?
arrays don't have "specially" aligned elements. @sizeOf(u24) is 3, and @alignOf(u24) is 4. @sizeOf([10]u24) is 40. You can't declare [10]align(2) u24, it'll be a compile error.
oh, interesting. andrewrk: this violates the @alignOf(T) <= @sizeOf(T) rule.
as stated anyway, I'm pretty sure it is doing what's intended, it just isn't documented correctly?
emekoi_: what api were you going to use for it?
MajorLag: huh? isn't the rule the other way around?
MajorLag: from @alignOf docs: " The result is a target-specific compile time constant. It is guaranteed to be less than or equal to @sizeOf(T). "
right, and @alignOf(u24) is 4, but @sizeOf(u24) is 3. 4 > 3.
MajorLag: would depend on the system. some probably have 1, some will have 2, others may have 4
right, but the fact that it violates the rule on any machine means the guarantee is not a guarantee.
so sounds like we need to do work there
going back to my question though: how *do* I get the array index of an item given a pointer to it and the base??
`const item_index = (@ptrToInt(item_ptr) - @ptrToInt(base_ptr)) / @alignOf(ItemType);` I guess? Since you can't have a custom alignment of array items, @alignOf() will be the "natural" alignment.
MajorLag: even though the docs say align might be < sizeof?
boy, having to add a math.max in there...
isn't not even math.max
wouldn't it be the lowest multiple of alignOf larger than sizeOf?
yeah, I guess it would be.
In C we solve this by using pointer subtraction :P but here I'm trying to emulate pointer subtraction in zig.
MajorLag: is it valid in zig to do base_ptr[1] if the array is only 1 long?
or are you saying to do it on the base ptr case to [*]?
well, I'd do elem_size using a comptime block, so I'd just create a length two array in there to do it with.
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"section" changed to "linksection". I can see that this better clarifies what it references, but was there some particular case that this helps with?
I know that's probably not much help, sorry
haven't really used the C export functionality yet
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daurnimator: you'll need to use an 'extern struct' the struct returned by makeThing to ensure it is c-compatible
also you'll probably need an opaqueType here on the inner node else it may be easier to simply use opaqueType for the makeThing and do a ptrCast in the c function boundary
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let say I wanna write a function that takes an array and modify it
darnumator, in 1748 you ask for a way to ignore the issue. Are you aware of @alignCast? If not you might want to clarify what you're asking for.
^ that didn't work right, since a is const in this case
fn foo(a: *[10]u8) void { a[0] = 42; }
It works like passing structs does. If you pass it straight the compiler is free to choose if it is passed as a pointer or a copy, which means it has to be const.
ah, so it's pointer to an array of 10 element
yes, a pointer to an array of u8 with a comptime-known length of 10. As far as I'm aware, you can treat a *[N]T just like [N]T, so you shouldn't need to change anything else.
thanks MajorLag
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andrewrk: re: @sizeOf(): another thought occurs. If I have a u24, I expect that it would fit in a mmap of length 3.
do you mean actual mmap? because that requires allocations of at least page size
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andrewrk: isn't that a linux-specific thing?
* daurnimator
not sure. just another case I was thinking about
andrewrk: either way, sizeof not being the actual size of something is... weird
I also have no idea how zig does bitfields yet
I wouldn't put bitfields into any modern language...
I'd prefer them over composing flags for lots of system APIs
I don't think they offer any real advantage
but I should find the time to write the mixin proposal since that would somewhat address the c&p overhead of non-bitfield designs
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daurimator: zig uses packed structs. `const BitFields = packed struct { b0: bool, b1: bool,, b2: bool, b3: bool... b7: bool };` will be a single byte. In my experience, this is actually harder to work with that consts because you can't use bitwise operators on them.
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at least from the cfe experience, they also often result in bad performance
and large code
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