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And then @offsetOf(PinCnf, "drive") returns 0
what would you expect it to return?
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maybe it should be renamed to @byteOffsetOf
Hmm, I haven't tested it enough, seems I get the same if I set dir/input/pull to u2 as well
oh, there's an extra byte in here I didn't see
it should return 1 for drive
oh wait, I know what's going on
ok so if you walk over the fields 1 by 1 and notice when you hit a byte boundary
there's a byte boundary at offset 0
then we see 1 bit (bit offset 1), 1 bit (bit offset 2), 4 bits (bit offset 6), 4 bits (bit offset 10), 3 bits (bit offset 13), 2 bits (bit offset 15)
none of those are on a byte boundary
so the whole thing is represented as a u16 and masking/shifting is done to load/store
so the offset of all the fields is 0, which is the offset of the u16 where the bit fields are inside
if you explain what you need to use @offsetOf for, maybe I can suggest the best way to accomplish your goal
Odd, but I guess that makes sense in a way
OffsetOf is little help with packed isn't it
I wasn't really after byte offset anyway, I was just trying it out. What I'd really be interested in is bit offset
we could have that
maybe we rename @offsetOf to @byteOffsetOf and add @bitOffsetOf
jjido, yes, the problem is you need a special kind of pointer to point to a bit field - a pointer that has the bit offset from the address in the type
But hopefully, if packed structs are implemented well enough, you wouldn't need it. But if it's possible to specify all of a microcontrollers register with packed structs, it would be nice to be able to get their offsets from there, instead of having to define a whole bunch of constants in addition
Just in case
I see
yeah, that would make sense, and it's a straightforward builtin function to add
FYI, I got a piece of Zig code to run on the micro:bit / nRF51822 on monday.
You could have offsetOf and an additional bitShift (relative to offset) for packed struct
awesome! what cpu arch is that?
Although I had to use GCC to link.. some issue with the linker script and LLVM
ARM Cortex M0
I'd be curious to reproduce the linker issue - I could get a bug report filed for the LLD project. it's pretty active
I could also try it with llvm6 which has a lot of LLD improvements
I can put up my example on github.. it's quite small, so should be useful for reproduction
I'd appreciate that
And I hope I can make a decent example and writeup to illustrate how Zig could be useful on microcontrollers. Not sure if I should wait for 0.2 or not though.. depends on what issues I find
I'm interested to work with you on working out all the major issues you run into, such as this linker thing
Ah yeah, like i wrote in the Github comment, specifying the type for enum tags would be great
the enum tag type should be reasonably easy to implement too
Then I could generate a really nice struct definition of the registers from the XML spec
there was some confusion on that issue, but now I know how to proceed
cool. I was worried that the packing was incorrect, but since it's not I can continue to play around with mapping registers to struct, but without enums for now
i would like to play around a bit with io and fmt over UART as well, before I publish anything. That might lead to some valuable feedback