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zig/master 4f8c26d Andrew Kelley: fix enum sizes too large...
andrewrk: do you have a minute to talk about #538?
i'm a little confused by what you mean with the msvc compiler driver
msvc doesn't expose an interface to use c1.dll / etc
dimenus, right, so one of the features of zig is the build system. build.zig and such. and one of the use cases we want to support, is using zig instead of e.g. cmake to build cross platform projects
even if that project is written in C, and not zig
ok, that sounds good. do you plan on utilizing msvc to compile this code then
rather than llvm?
in this particular test
(still not getting a stack trace in llvm6)
looks like its hitting the panic in debug.zig
yes, zig build's addCLibrary/addCExecutable is supposed to use msvc on windows
hey andrewrk i have noticed that you like sound, hehe is there a good read on the subject of generating sounds+formats+filters+synths+code, i dont know the jargon so i dont know what to look for
I don't know of a good introductory reading, but maybe a DSP course on coursera
how for example impulse tracker , i love that piece of software, ill like to know how it works
after lunch ill file the issue
ill look into that course
it's really difficult. I have tried to take it multiple times and have not gotten past lesson 2-3ish
I think I need more discipline
i just want to play with samples generate synths notes with code
zig/master 52521d5 Jeff Fowler: fix typo on darwin lseek (#602)
andrewrk: for 538, the existing compiler code doesn't produce a valid import lib with exports for MSVC to digest
if you can see the difference if you objdump an import lib created with mingw-clang vs zig
or if you're using msvc, dumpbin
dimenus, I think there is some misunderstanding because #538 has to do with using msvc's binaries - cl.exe and link.exe - and not using LLVM/clang/LLD
538 has nothing to do with zig creating import libs
we invoke lld-link to create the dll first and then cl to compile the full executable
no, for 538, we only use zig to run build.zig, and we just act as the build system for msvc tools
llvm/clang/lld don't enter into the picture, except to run build.zig
passing --verbose-link to that build emits an LLD call though
thats the output of the parsec on #include <uv.h>
ltr_, yeah, and you can see how it incorrectly generates `pub const uv_connect_t = struct_uv_connect_s;` twice
andrewrk: that leads me to some more ish, let me see if I can unravel it I'll brb ty
ltr_, it's a bug in parsec.cpp
i can look into it
i really want to deploy a microservice in production here in zig lol
andrewrk: oh wait! got it.
pr coming
ltr_, sounds like we need concurrency and networking :)
ltr_, oh, or libuv like you're doing :)
++ concurrency and networking :)
jfo, I'm going to be working on those things very soon
i i know just throwing in my ++ !
here in my job they are spending a lot of money in AWS cos of bloated crap like spring boot to do simple selects and transform em to json, 150mb just to start the vm.
it is just too painful to watch
ltr_, if you get something working and your company likes it, see if they want to do a sponsorship with a banner on
[zig] jfo opened pull request #605: Fix Stat include in darwin land (
looks like the only discrepency is `st_birthtimespec: struct_timespec`
jfo, rdev: u64 is wrong
let me double check it on my mac
bbiab dinner time.
jfo, I have the same output as you. so I translated the struct incorrectly. so we can use the values for the struct that you obtained just now
ltr_, it seems to matter whether you use -> or . correctly
ltr_, oh, did you compile clang in debug mode?
i think not
you'll probably have to do that if you want to use gdb usefully
Cannot resolve function decl_name to any overloaded instance
ok it passes twice for some reason on typedefs
andrewrk: so I've broken 538 (the dll creation part) into a minimally reproducible example
and if i do build-lib on mathtest.zig it produces no exported symbols
I found the LLVM function to specify the DLLStorageClass but when I add it, it's now exporting a lot of other symbols as well that I wouldn't expect to exist
ex, w/ clang if i have a math.c file with just add(int x, int y) in it, it produces a dll with one function
where as zig adds mempy, memset, floor, fmod and a lot of others
this is expected
should i just file a new issue?
what's going on is that clang is expecting to link with libc, which provides all these functions
llvm generates calls to these functions
shouldn't we assume if we're creating a dll that we shouldn't explicitly export other symbols that we're not using
dimenus, when we build a zig executable or library that does not depend on libc, first we build 2 things: compiler-rt.o and builtin.o. then we produce yourliborexe.o and link them all together
we always must have compiler-rt.o and builtin.o. unless we link with libc, which has all the symbols.
but now the calling application can't link with libc
because we've duplicately defined symbols
it can, the symbols are private to the library
hmm, then I need to find another flag
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I know it is possible. worst case scenario, we have to submit a patch to llvm to rename the symbol dependencies it generates, to add a namespace to them. But that should not be necessary
is there a flag on a given function decl if it's 'export' in zig?
yes, it's the `export` keyword
sorry, not the zig keyword
context has an 'export_visib_mod' enum attached to it
if i knew that a given function was export, I can fix this example
oh, FnTableEntry::linkage
anything other than GlobalLinkageIdInternal means that the symbol is exported in the .o file
i used that originally, which was what caused the duplicately defined symbol issue
running another test now
ideally we would end up with a .dll that did not expose stuff from builtin.o and compiler-rt.o
yep, just exposing add in this case
this is weird, the debugger stops at parsec.cpp:2580 if strcmp((*typename)->list.items, "uv_connect_t") == 0 but if i continue to line 2610, but never reach 2611
ltr_, in my experience, it's not helpful to use gdb unless everything is compiled in debug mode
its weird cos the second time it reaches that line
clang only generates IR for the add function where as we output almost 2400 lines
which one do you think is not necessary?
in this situation, everything except add
I can explain everything
the implementation of add, when llvm codegens, emits function calls to builtin.o and compiler-rt.o. so we must have these. Notice that they are separate compile units they can be cached.
we also generate code for panic. if we never call panic, all this code gets deleted when you do --release-fast or --release-safe
or if the user provides their own panic implementation
at the end of the day, when compiled with --release-fast, our DLL will be as slim as clang's
and clang's depends on libc, otherwise they would have the same problem as us
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andrewrk: oh yeah of course. 1 sec
dimenus, if you use `zig build-obj` you can see it only generate code for the add fn
then the only thing is the panic implementation, and you can make it generate less code by adding one like this: `pub fn panic(msg: []const u8) -> noreturn { while (true) {} }`
sorry, I'm not getting that behavior
if i call build-obj mathtest.zig --emit llvm-ir
i get 144k worth of IR
I haven't tried --emit llvm-ir yet. tiehuis added that. try this