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<promach_> have anyone had "warmup failed" error using yosys-smtbmc ?
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<ZipCPU> Warmup failed means that your assumptions are self-contradictory
<ZipCPU> If you get the error, typically you need to bisect your assumptions until you find the two that contradict
<promach_> bisect the assumptions <-- ?
<ZipCPU> Yes, because the problem exists within your set of assumptions, and you need to find the ones that contradict
<ZipCPU> So the way to find an error like this is to go through your list of assumptions, turning them off until you no longer get the warmup failed message
<ZipCPU> At that point, you should be able to identify which assumptions are contradictory and why
<ZipCPU> By "turn them off" I mean commenting them out
<promach_> ok
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