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<Forty-Bot> does the icestorm toolchain support PLLs?
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<awygle> Forty-Bot: yes
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<Forty-Bot> cool, the arachnepnr readme said it didn't, but it also doesn't seem like it's been updated recently
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<ZipCPU> awygle: I restarted this morning, and made it through 28/30 steps of induction. Only difference was switching from yices to boolector
<awygle> Daaang
<awygle> Solvers really matter I guess lol
<awygle> Hope it doesn't fail :-P
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<sensille> hm, my first run of yosys on my sources: "ERROR: Unsupported expression on dynamic range select on signal ..."
<sensille> source line is: step[gi] = c_step[stepdir_routing[gi]];
<sensille> am i unknowingly using some fancy systemverilog feature here?
<sensille> (it works in vivado)
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<shapr> I have this feeling I'll want an ECP5 sized beaglewire soon enough
<shapr> for a crazy softcore designed in 2010
<sorear> so it seems like the beaglewire only has interesting advantages if you have a beaglebone already, and a bunch of pmod parts
<awygle> shapr: there's the flea Ohm, which is an rpi 3 hat iirc
<shapr> hrm, I'm gonna need the biggest ecp5
<awygle> ah. Well I'm working on a SO-DIMM module
<shapr> looks like fleaFPGA has the 24k gate model, I may need 115k gates
<awygle> Not compatible with any arm boards that I know of tho
<shapr> sorear: ok, I won't send you one :-P
<awygle> ECP5 only goes up to 85k LUTs, but LUTs aren't gates
<shapr> oh
<shapr> I know this reduceron softcore fits onto the DE2-115
<cr1901_modern> reduceron is 100k gates?!
<shapr> cr1901_modern: from what I read? but I am not qualified
<shapr> cr1901_modern: correct me?
<cr1901_modern> The paper on it is utterly fascinating even if on a personal level I am very resistant to change
<shapr> "Shrink to fit mid-sized FPGA kits (eg. DE2-115 and BeMicroCV-A9). DONE!"
<shapr> because of graph reduction?
<shapr> or how much can be done in fewer clocks?
<shapr> or other reasons?
<cr1901_modern> reduceron is a CPU optimized for functional programmers (particularly Haskell, IIRC)
<shapr> yup
<cr1901_modern> I'm... ideologically opposed to "no mutable state"
<cr1901_modern> in my programs
<shapr> heh, ok
<shapr> I'll have to ask you about your ideology at some point :-)
<shapr> in my opinion, mutating a variable is a garbage collection decision, and I'm not smart enough to make perfect decisions in that respect
<cr1901_modern> My ideology is, basically: "I want abstractions that map cleanly to hardware we can physically implement." I don't have the bandwidth to elaborate
<shapr> cr1901_modern: is that the fascinating part?
<shapr> that covers a bunch
<shapr> I understand that.
<cr1901_modern> And the idea that we as humans are "too stupid to manage memory, so let the magickul GC pretend the problem doesn't exist" doesn't really sit well with me.
<shapr> It is a trade-off
<cr1901_modern> (exception: Henry Baker did a real time GC for Lisp that I like a lot. But you lose half the address space in exchange.)
<shapr> ah, I swapped some emails with him a few years back
<shapr> he's a frickn smart dude
<awygle> the rustlike approach is still my favorite of what I've seen
<qu1j0t3> i think henry baker is from this town.
<awygle> in a lot of ways it's basically "c but composable"
<qu1j0t3> oh, no
<shapr> cr1901_modern: I had a webpage of unicycling programmers, found a pic of him unicycling and sent him an email.
<qu1j0t3> maybe i'm thinking of henry spencer
<cr1901_modern> shapr: Lol, nice
<cr1901_modern> shapr: Relevant paper
<awygle> ... isn't Henry Spencer a white supremacist?
<shapr> He told me he often saw Claude Shannon unicyling through the infinite hallway at MIT
<cr1901_modern> Also not useful for virtual memory systems :(
<awygle> Maybe I'm bad with names...
<cr1901_modern> (Though for my use case that's not a problem)
<cr1901_modern> awygle: Richard Spencer is the white supremacist
<awygle> cr1901_modern: thank you
<cr1901_modern> His face is very punchable
<qu1j0t3> i was right, though. Henry Spencer is from Toronto and helped save the Usenet archive
<shapr> cr1901_modern: so, not a fan of generational GC?
<cr1901_modern> Dunno enough about it, but probably not
<awygle> generational gc isn't too bad (I write a lot of C# these days) but I don't see it being different philosophically
<shapr> I still want to know what you find interesting about the reduceron papers, but I realize you may not have the bandwidth at the moment.
<awygle> (also our code base takes a LOH/Gen2 pause every 700 ms and I don't know why)
<cr1901_modern> shapr: I appreciate the fact that someone is actually creating hardware optimized for functional languages
<shapr> ah yeah
<shapr> though from what I remember, it needs even MORE memory bandwidth
<shapr> I should go through those papers again
<awygle> something something that one guy. symbolic machines. koppe? Something like that
<cr1901_modern> rather than simply creating abstractions that are good for FP, but don't map well to physical reality
<shapr> yah, Haskell compilers are a miracle
<shapr> it's amazing Haskell works at all on what we have
<cr1901_modern> I know someone w/ the handle symbolics_lisp
<cr1901_modern> he's in this room even
* shapr looks at qu1j0t3
<shapr> still, the lispm wasn't quite the same thing
<shapr> cr1901_modern: thing is, I'm going to ICFP in a coupla weeks
<cr1901_modern> awygle: It's funny, Rust's complexity has made me doubt "this can't be worth 'no GC'" at times. It's just a sad state of affairs all around to just "shape the world- i.e. the address space- as I see fit"
<shapr> and I've heard of some failed PhD theses around the Reduceron in the past few years
<shapr> so I figured I'd ask around, see what's new
<shapr> sometimes the failures teach me more than the successes
<awygle> cr1901_modern: I didn't quite understand that last sentence
<qu1j0t3> awygle: Kogge. "The Architecture of Symbolic Computers"
<cr1901_modern> awygle: Zero order approx: I don't want the borrow checker telling me what to do.
<awygle> qu1j0t3: *thank* you, that was driving me nuts
<shapr> I still think of the borrow checker as having linear types for memory. I realize that's not correct, I need to write enough rust to have an intuitive understanding.
<qu1j0t3> awygle: pretty amazing book that i haven't yet read all the way through. But that book started me on the FP journey, about 13 years ago when I found it in a goodwill, and quickly realised i'd need more math to understand its prerequisites.
<awygle> cr1901_modern: okay fair enough. I wonder if you might enjoy unikernels or library operating systems...
<shapr> exokernels?
<awygle> qu1j0t3: I have it, I've read like... Half.
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