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<t0m> hey if anyone has a minute, i'm running into a python syntax error i can hunt down, but I can't load the twitter_wallaroo_app module,i tried just adding in another computation, but i don't know if i need to read the docs or remember more python.
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<slfritchie> t0m: I see a spelling error on line 55 but not sure if that would create a python syntax error. What line is Python complaining about?
<nisanharamati> missing colon after the function def, and the following two lines should be indented
<nisanharamati> likewise, looks like it should be part of a function
<nisanharamati> err. That whole block (lines 33-48) should be indented, and a colon should be added at the end of line 32
<nisanharamati> @t0m ^
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<t0m> i tracked down all my poor typos (many thanks btw); the python error i'm getting is just that import wallaroo fails with no module named wallaroo
<t0m> i had word_count running about 30 minutes or so ago
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<nisanharamati> @t0m did you remember to add wallaroo to the PYTHONPATH? (`export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:.:$HOME/wallaroo-tutorial/wallaroo/machida"` in the examples, but path may depend on how/where you set things up)
<t0m> i added it, but am pretty sure that's going to be where my issue is
<t0m> i'm hitting the same wall `echo $PYTHONPATH` returns `:/home/wallaroo/wallaroo-tutorial/wallaroo/machida:..:/home/wallaroo/wallaroo-tutorial/wallaroo/machida:.`
<nisanharamati> is there a `` file in that path?
<nisanharamati> in `/home/wallaroo/wallaroo-tutorial/wallaroo/machida`
<t0m> there is
<nisanharamati> hmm
<nisanharamati> I'm having trouble reproducing this error after cloning the project repo
<nisanharamati> I do get a different one, though
<nisanharamati> That's because `def encoder(self, data):` should be `def encoder(data):`
<t0m> let me git status quick just to make sure everything is up to date
<t0m> i changed the encoder, thanks for that
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