[scopehal-apps] umarcor opened pull request #355: Use make install on Windows (MSYS2) - https://git.io/JsEdb
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[scopehal-apps] bvernoux commented on pull request #355: Use make install on Windows (MSYS2) - https://git.io/Jszrr
[scopehal-apps] bvernoux edited a comment on pull request #355: Use make install on Windows (MSYS2) - https://git.io/Jszrr
[scopehal] bvernoux edited pull request #481: Add support of PicoScope3000 MSO (16chan option) - https://git.io/Js0o0
bvernoux: why SERIES_UNKNOWN? add a new enum for 3000 series
because in fact it is not used for PICO3000
it is for FlexRes stuff
It's used for other stuff too
and such feature does not exist on any Pico3000
ha ok
We still want to know what the model is
so Yes I will add SERIES_PICO3000 to be checked
also we will have to do things like gating channel enabling by sample rates
if 3000 is anything like 6000, at max sample rate you can't use all analog and digital channels at once
you run out of ram bandwidth
yes the SERIES_XXXX shall have a definition to understand how it is used
so it has to know the available BW to determine whether a channel can be turned on
in CanEnableChannel()
IIRC Pico3000 is not affected by that
but anyway it will be required to manage the BW
so far there is no hurry to merge my PR anyway
I will try to create some SERIES_XXXX for different cases of PICO3000 options ...
I'm also afraid PicoOscilloscope.cpp/.h will requires major refactoring
as it will be harder and harder to maintain it if we add the different Picoscope ...
Why do you think it will need major refactoring?
in the worst case: there are not that many picoscopes :D
there is tons of Picoscope ;)
in fact the most refactor will probably appears in pico-bridge
I got suckered into producing results for One Last Paper this week hence me kind of vanishing again :p
but I will after that bother people into lending me some other picos and see what it looks like with those, I think honestly it will end up pretty clean to support
the challenge is to have guys with different Pico to test ;)
as it is typical code which cannot be tested with Unit Test ;)
Yeah there's not THAT many different families
the good point is Pico5000 and Pico3000 are very similar the only diff is FlexRes for Pico5000
Pico has already offered to send a 2000 series to anybody who wants to test them
i dont think anyone is working on 4000 yet but i'm sure we'll get to it soon
I doubt Pico2000 is interesting anyway IIRC they are USB2.0 so they will be slow to refresh ...
I doubt someone is interested to use an oscilloscope with something like 2WFM/s ...
except to say look it works ;)
you just reduce the buffer size
Still, a cheap scope is nice for some purposes
the super-cheap picos have tiiny buffers anyway
8kS :(
noopwafel, yes on Pico it could be a good point if it is not like Rigol or other scope which are in all case not >2WFM/s ...
It'll still be faster than a rigol with the same memory depth lol
yes clearly
there are basically two models of pico2k
anyway basic support shall be quite fast to add I think if the API is not too different from Pico3000
Especially when Pico3000 will be well supported with MSO...
I doubt Pico2000 have MSO in fact
the low-end one with the tiny buffers which cap out at 1MS/s anyway, and the higher-end one with large buffers and which can come closer to saturating usb2, 30MS/s or so
ha yes they have MSO option ;)
so I know quite a few people who have them just so they always have a scope with them on the go
Pico2000 USB streaming is 1MS/s max or for the big version 9.6MS/s ;)
the hw can do faster
(the specs are for the gui)
oh the sdk specs are there too
search for 'sdk / api'
it is limited by USB I think
it is spec about the USB streaming
so if you can make it fast enough, then 8kS buffers is not a disaster as long as you can trigger well outside that
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol dlopen used by debian/glscopeclient/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libscopehal.so found in none of the libraries
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol dlsym used by debian/glscopeclient/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libscopehal.so found in none of the libraries
so it seems a dependency on libdl is missing
which isn't a big problem because gtk pulls it in anyway
Lack of a man page is definitely a problem, someone has to write one
I have no idea how to do that but let me file a ticket and mark it as a release blocker
[scopehal-docs] azonenberg opened issue #29: Write a man page - https://git.io/JsgIz
binaries are untested as of yet
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #356: Desktop file lacks a main category - https://git.io/JsgIP
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #356: Desktop file lacks a main category - https://git.io/JsgIP
[scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #482: Linux builds should link against libdl for dlopen/dlsym - https://git.io/JsgIh
[scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #482: Linux builds should link against libdl for dlopen/dlsym - https://git.io/JsgIh
#9 0x00007ffff7160e1d in ffts_execute_1d_real () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libscopehal.so
that will be interesting
GyrosGeier: interesting indeed. Especially because ffts does JIT code generation
part of the problem will be that ffts is linked into a shared library
so it needs to be built with -fPIC itself
And was it not?
oh wait
0x00007ffff7160e1d in ffts_execute_1d_real () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libscopehal.so
not libffts.so
that seems to imply it was linking to static ffts
there is no shared libffts
but that shouldn't be the entire story
amd64 usually works around non-PIC code in shared libraries
well if we're packaging libffts separately it should be distributed as shared
So fix that and if it still crashes investigate then?
but it has no stable ABI
It also hasn't been updated since like 2017
it's stable by virtue of being stagnant :D
I've filed a bug "please declare the ABI stable"
I think it's abandoned, the developer hasnt been on github in years and his website is a parking domain
Not even sure if he's still alive
but it works and, well, it's a math library, not like math changes
to trigger this, I just started, and set up a "demo" device with "null" transport named "scope" and address "asdf"
At some point i plan to fork it and add AVX/AVX512 code generation and we could declare that a new major version that's not ABI compatible
But for the near term and the v0.1 release, the current version on github is the way to go
you can pick that commit hash explicitly if you want
there is an explicit [disable-shared] in configure.ac :P
well, I can just override that with --enable-shared
Yeah that's what our build instructions in the docs do
can you reproduce the crash with the "demo" driver?
#9 0x00007ffff7160e1d in ffts_execute_1d_real () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libscopehal.so
#10 0x00007ffff715907c in TestWaveformSource::DegradeSerialData (this=0x5555569199d0, cap=0x7fffd0000e00, sampleperiod=20000, depth=100000, lpf=true, noise_amplitude=0.00999999978) at /build/glscopeclient-0.0.20210518+git6b1e125/lib/scopehal/TestWaveformSource.cpp:347
No. I'm using dynamic ffts and everything works fine
#11 0x00007ffff7158aa1 in TestWaveformSource::GeneratePRBS31 (this=0x5555569199d0, amplitude=0.899999976, period=96969.6016, sampleperiod=20000, depth=100000, lpf=true, noise_amplitude=0.00999999978) at /build/glscopeclient-0.0.20210518+git6b1e125/lib/scopehal/TestWaveformSource.cpp:233
#12 0x00007ffff70cbbb3 in DemoOscilloscope::AcquireData (this=0x555556917000) at /build/glscopeclient-0.0.20210518+git6b1e125/lib/scopehal/DemoOscilloscope.cpp:473
I suspect it has to do with the static ffts
I was just thinking maybe nobody really uses the demo driver because everyone who uses the program now has a scope :P
No the demo driver works fine
i actually use it all the time along with the channel emulation filter
the "unit step" output combined with channel emulation lets you view step response of arbitrary S-parameters
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/Jsgs1
[scopehal] azonenberg cf69d7e - Fixed various invalid YAML formatting in serialization
[scopehal] azonenberg 524f9ec - Added libdl reference to libscopehal on POSIX. Fixes #482.
[scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #482: Linux builds should link against libdl for dlopen/dlsym - https://git.io/JsgIh
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±4] https://git.io/JsgsF
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 63162d9 - Added missing keys to waveform metadata files so they're valid YAML. See #156.
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 3e9523c - Fixed various YAML elements in scopesession files with missing keys. Fixes #156.
anuejn: iirc amd64 is sse2 unless it's some really oddball components
oops, azonenberg
it's annoying that it generates SSE code in non-SSE mode
Yeah but i think enabling sse in the amd64 build unconditionally is fine. like i said sse2 is always present in amd64
I will have to add a bit of logic for the other architectures though
and/or runtime switching
at least libdl pulls stuff from subdirectories according to feature flags first, so I can have /usr/lib/i686-linux-gnu/sse2/libffts.so or something such
it's annoying because it's work
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JsgdS
[scopehal] azonenberg a62b0be - WAV files, and CSV without a time header, now use file mod time as the waveform timestamp in history. Fixes #426.
[scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #426: CSV import: if no header with timestamp, use file modification time as timestamp for history view - https://git.io/JO9sr
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I'm trying to rebuild latest code from scopehal-pico-bridge\src\ps6000d\ScpiServerThread.cpp
but I have some error related to min()/max()
ScpiServerThread.cpp:1069:54: error: no matching function for call to 'max(int64_t&, long int)'
In file included from C:/msys64/mingw64/include/c++/10.3.0/memory:63,
from C:/msys64/home/Ben/scopehal-pico-bridge/lib/log/log.h:29,
from C:\msys64\home\Ben\scopehal-pico-bridge\src\ps6000d\ps6000d.h:33,
from C:\msys64\home\Ben\scopehal-pico-bridge\src\ps6000d\ScpiServerThread.cpp:110:
strange that you do not have thigs error with GCC
It's not gcc
so in theory I have implemented Pico3000A MSO stuff ;)
it's windows vs linux
in particular on windows long is 32 bits and long long is 64
on posix, long is 64
So 0L is 32 bits on windows and 64 on posix
ha yes because mingw64 use some windows cheat ...
and std::max is a templated function that due to annoying quirks of C++ doesn't promote
so if it sees max(int64, int) it won't promote the int to int64
it just fails to compile
This has bit me before and i thought i fixed all of the cases of it
clearly missed one
This is why I try to avoid using "int" and "long" as much as possible and prefer stdint types
yes good explanation I was not aware of that
note that the common C min/max using macros is unaffected by this
only the templated C++ STL implementation
ha ok I see ...
the most annoying so far is the support of %zu it is really bloated with tons of warnings with mingw64 ...
even if that work fine in fact ;)
and also the mess with gtkmm redefinition ...
which seems very specific to mingw64 too
I'm implementing SERIES_3XXXX right now
in PicoOscilloscope.cpp/.h
I'm also checking how to improve those settings
Yeah those are defaults for 6000E series
they are coded and does not work fine for Pico3000
So just have a switch on the series and pick the max rate that works for all channels to start
I think those will be better with a dedicated ScpiServerThread.cpp command
as I do not really like to check that in PiscoOscilloscope.cpp which is like an abstraction
what do you think to add a default command in the bridge ?
which could be called in PicoOscilloscope::IdentifyHardware()
that will move lot of specific stuff to bridge
and it will return m_series
as there is clearly redundant stuff between bridge & PicoOscilloscope.cpp today
PicoOscilloscope has to have default stuff
because state is clientside
it's not a cache, the server has no read functions
you need to set every configurable attribute in the constructor so the client knows what the state is, and to flush any old state from the last connection out
The bridge is intended to be a very thin wrapper around the API that has as little intelligence as possible
And there is not much redundancy because most of the validation of legal channel configs etc is all clientside
The server just calls the pico api and if you give it bad input, it will error out
i was seeing the client side more like a high level pico in fact
to avoid checking anything too specific
and so using server command ...
especially to manage correctly the setting for
From my perspective the bridge does two things
which are clearly specific to each Pico
it converts from the pico APIs for different models to a single common interface
and it bridges that interface out to scpi commands
but it's still pretty much a 1:1 mapping
it's intended to be as thin as possible
All intelligence is in the PicoOscilloscope class
There has to be logic in there already to know what combinations of sample rates, memory depths, enabled channels, FlexRes modes, etc are legal
It's the proper place for it
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so the hard coded values
shall be computed in PicoOscilloscope
depending on hardware
those parameter shall come from GUI in fact
as it shall be configured by user
but as those GUI stuff are not implemented today we shall just find good default value with a simple algorithm
No, those are not coming from the gui
ha ?
This is default values set *when you first connect to the scope*
it has to have *some* sample rate before you change anything
but after it shall be configured by users
Yes, if you double click on the timeline you get presented with the list of sample rates and memory depths
Those are pulled from the bridge via RATES? and DEPTHS?
ha ok
I will test that
But before you do that the first time
it has to have some settings
Which is what that default is for
Doesnt matter what it is, as long as it's legal for the current instrument
so I will just implement GetDefaultSampleRate() & GetDefaultSampleDepth()
You could make a function out of it but it seems a bit pointless as it's only ever used in the constructor once
yes maybe just keep it simple with a good default value for any Pico3000
May not be possible because the available rates are different for each series. And for a 6000 series it makes sense to have the default be fast-ish
Just have a switch statement, what's the problem?
if you think this is bad you haven't seen the lecroy driver :p
eye pattern decoder crashes as well
this will take a while to get stable
Very interesting how you're hitting so many problems
in things that have been very stable for everyone else
what's the crash location etc?
and is it an immediate crash or after some time?
immediate, when I forget to set up the clock source
works fine otherwise, it seems
hitting problems is kind of what I do normally :P
Lol. File a bug against scopehal and the v0.1 milestone, i'll look at it
All of the filters *should* gracefully degrade if inputs aren't configured
if the eye crashes when not given a clock that's a problem
also, I tried to see if I could recover a clock from the PRBS
apparently, no
You should be able to
It's 10.3125 Gbps
the 8b10b is 1.25
ah yes
now that works
is there anything special I need to do to use the 8b10b decoder?
I mean, I can apply it to the recovered clock, which is a bit silly
but for the actual waveform it's greyed out
8b10b is a digital protocol. You have to apply it to a digital signal, not an analog one
Which typically means applying a threshold filter
Longer term we plan to add some glue that will automatically infer a threshold filter when you try to perform a decode that wants a digital input and give it an analog signal
and pick 50% or some other reasonable level
But right now it has to be created by hand
That's i think on the v0.2 feature list
and is one of the hundreds of things i want to improve on the UX side that i can't because there's one of me and hundreds of tickets to work on :p
right click on the threshold output gave segfault
* GyrosGeier
attention channel, GyrosGeier is officially our senior test engineer :p
Pico3000 MSO works ;)
bvernoux: you got the digital channels up? great
I'm still working on adding trigger-on-mso-channel support
That will hopefully be in some time tonight or tomorrow
right now if you try to pick a pico mso channel as a trigger source it will probably just crash, or maybe it just won't show up as a valid input
yes I have digital channels
and nothing crash ;)
let's put something on digital channels to be sure the state are good ;)
also I have changed default sampling rate to 125MSPS for Pico3000
as it is the good value when all is enabled
strange things why I have 2WFM/s ;)
also the freq is wrong
on analog chan
It's almost certainly related to timebase stuff
the set-timebase function might use a different base frequency in 3000 than 6000
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ON and OFF seems to work anyway on digital chan
Pause/Start does not work also on Pico3000
need to change the trigger
I do not remember is that was working before ;)à
azonenberg, that does not explain why now I have only 2WFM/s ;)
something is broken
bvernoux: Unplug and replug it
seriously, something gets stuck in the usb stack on 6000 series sometimes and it seems to fall back to usb2 speeds
ha ok maybe ;)
something is broken ;)
speed is slow
If i just revert my small modifications in PicoOscilloscope.cpp
I have 11WFM/s now on 4 Chan
hmm just doing a moving avg on 1000pts slow down from 14WFM/s to 2WFM/s
a moving avg on 4x1Mpt shall not be so slow
in fact it is only on 1 chan so on 1Mpts
a 1000 point average window is a lot of math
that's processing 4GB of sample data per waveform
And i don't think the moving average filter is vectorized either... the FIR is
what do you do in your moing average ?
as a basic moving avg is just doing sum of n points then divide by n point
ok yes I have missed the window ;)
A 1K sample moving average means each output sample is the average of 500 samples left and 500 right
so that's 1K multiply-adds per point
I need to continue the "use FPGAs for OpenCL" work I did for that startup once
a CycloneIV GX with DMA access will likely be good at applying FIR filters
Before we get too far into the OpenCL side of things i need to do major work on memory management
in particular if you apply one OpenCL filter to the output of another
ok I have found what does this 2WFM/s
right now there's an unnecessary GPU -> CPU -> GPU copy
it is the SetSampleRate(125000000L);
What's probably happening is that when you ask for a sample rate that's not valid, it picks something super slow
or underflows or something
What happens if you pick a reasonable sample rate, like 100 Msps or something? have you validated the actual timebase settings in the bridge against the pico API?
like i said hours ago, fix that before wasting time looking for other problems
Treat behavior with an invalid sample rate as undefined
yes it shall be debugged deeply ;)
I doubt the commands was working
I will add explicit trace for each command with answers ...
as the settings are definitively broken
it was by luck that with 625MSPS it was like working fine ;)
as anyway it cannot set such speed on Pico3000 with 4chan which is limited to 125MSPS
it seems to corresponds as I see a x5 factor in fact for the 1Khz I see 5KHz
Like i said, look at the API and see what the timebase values are
hmm the command "RATES" is not called ...
hmm and DEPTHS is buggy ;)
It's only called when you open the timebase properties dialog
And DEPTHS requires a sample rate to get the memory depth
I hard coded 1.25 Gsps for 6000 series
You need to use other values for other models
If you actually read the comments in the bridge you'd see this :)
yes I need to review everything in fact ;)
those parts was already coded and are not working correctly
might have been noopwafel then
I didnt touch anything in 3000 series
but i thought i clearly commented all of the spots that made assumptions about sample rates etc
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/Jsaf7
[scopehal] azonenberg 07f92da - eSPI: fixed bug causing extra data to be appended to a split transaction in the protocol analyzer view
[scopehal] azonenberg synchronize pull request #481: Add support of PicoScope3000 MSO (16chan option) - https://git.io/Js0o0