<fsedano> @azonenberg just noticed channel 1 cant be disabled. It can be on the GUI, but the driver never receives the request
<fsedano> Is that intentional?
fsedano: what is the trigger set to?
Channels are reference counted and only switched off when they have no open references
<fsedano> That channel.. Let me see what happens if I move the trig to a different one
Trigger counts as a reference because on some scopes, like Pico, you can't trigger on a disabled channel
<fsedano> hum.. how can I change trigger from UI?
<fsedano> ah found sorry
yeah setup|trigger. There might be a toolbar button or something added for that in the future
<fsedano> ok that was it
Yeah, there might be room to optimize somehow to not download waveform data if the channel is only used for trigger, but it has to be enabled in hardware
and honestly it's not THAT common to be trigger on on an invisible channel unless it's ext trig
to be triggering*
<fsedano> another Q -what should be the correct behaviour when on AcquireData() we don't have data for a particular channel?
<fsedano> I.e. channel is enabled but there's no data.
<fsedano> If I just skip updating that channel I get UI artifacts
<fsedano> meaning headers disappear, previous sample is erased, etc
If the channel is enabled but there's no data? set it to null
not sure how that would happen but that's what e.g. filters do if they encounter a situation where they can't proceed
if you don't update you'll get issues because the history window claims that waveform and moves it into the archives
and having it simultaneously on screen and in history would probably cause problems
<fsedano> set to null like:
<fsedano> //AnalogWaveform* cap = new AnalogWaveform; //cap->Resize(0); //pending_waveforms[i].push_back(cap);
<fsedano> ?
literally null
don't create a waveform object at all
interesting so all channels disappear not just that one?
<fsedano> I get no reading on all of them
<fsedano> Look at the traces
yeah that should not happen
<fsedano> I'd rather just completely skip the update so I keep old trace on screen
I've got some stuff to do for work but will take a look shortly and see if i can reproduce using some patches on the demo driver
So in that case just have AcquireData return false
and don't touch any of the current state
azonenberg: >70 is annoyingly controlled here
xzcvczx: yeah I use 70, although it can be corrosive to copper unless you add some sulfuric. (But this discussion is a bit off topic, probably better for ##sillycon?)
my bad
[scopehal] fsedano opened pull request #466: Skip adquiring if no data from scope - https://git.io/J39S3
[scopehal] fsedano edited pull request #466: RS driver: Skip adquiring if no data from scope - https://git.io/J39S3
Incidentally, this is one of the problems i have with the scpi polling methodology
it sometimes does have race conditions like this
Welp i got hit by an annoying bug in my lecroy waverunner that happens every so often
It's not 100% reproducible but hits me often enough to be bothersome
basically, when you disconnect an active probe that has offset control, sometimes it gets confused as to what the real offset is
the blood starts spraying out of the USB ports? yeah, mine does that too.
in this case i had an RP4030 plugged in that had a -1.2V offset configured so i could probe a 1.2V power rail
Removed it, plugged in a passive probe
and ot was showing the signal 1.2V below where it was supposed to be
Because it was adding -1.2V to the scope's internal offset thinking that the probe was providing that
and somehow forgot that the probe wasn't plugged in
it didnt show up, i could actually switch to a different active or passive probe and it would be detected fine
but it still was convinced there was -1.2V of magical external offset
Reloading MAUI doesn't help, the only fix i've found is a full power cycle of the scope
hmmmm ok now i am really confused
i rebooted the scope and it's still showing an offset on channel 2
Only in 1meg mode too
in 50 ohm or active probe mode it's fine
The offset generator isnt broken, i can move the trace around
everything is electrically fine it's just showing the trace displaced
This is new to me, a reboot normally clears it
* azonenberg
does a full powerdown of the scope
What the actual hell
I shut the scope down and removed all power
With nothing connected to the input in 1meg mode it measures -1.57V
ok yeah this is not that bug, this is looking like a hardware fault
as i move the offset around the position of the trace changes
and i see offset when it's in ground coupled mode too
In AC1M i see offset too
This is starting to smell like a hardware fault
D: !
It's only one channel and only in 1meg mode at least. So not nearly as bad as it could be
But i just had the scope cal'd so i'm mad. and i have no idea what could have caused it
Near term I stuck a warning label on that channel to not use the 1meg mode
I'm probably going to end up sending it back to lecroy, and paying for service since it's out of warranty
still within the warranty period?
I dont think so at least
let me check when i got it
I got it 7/8/20 actually. So i should still have a few months of warranty
I'll give Jon a call on monday to confirm then have a chat with Carrie about getting a RMA
I wish i knew what happened though
i've only used active probes on that channel the last few weeks. the last time it was used in 1meg mode was probably when it was calibrated
i hope the cal guy didnt put some setting on his standard wrong and blow the frontend or something
that would be brutal
and they would never accept responsibility
I know the date and time of the cal lab visit
If the scope logs show an overload around that time...
azonenberg: image the drive :3
But yeah i forgot this scope should still be within warranty. I was thinking the date I bought the 1 GHz one
this one is 4G and they look exactly the same so glancing at old lab pics its hard to tell
i had to check tax records to see when i got the 4G
As far as responsibility, that would be between them and the manufacturer
If it's within warranty lecroy should still fix it
are the cal guys licenced/certified by lecroy?
They're an independent lab but are ISO 9001 and 17025 certified among other things
ah ok
In other news i'm starting to play with digital channels on the picoscope
I plugged the first digital channel into the probe compensation output on the waverunner and i'm not seeing a signal, so trying to figure out what i screwed up
and it's working now so no idea
Anyway, i now have a test digital signal source i can start playing with in scopehal
triggering on digital channels doesnt seem to work right in their software, i have to debug that
(they let you pick the digital channel it just never actually triggers)
Oh that's convenient
pico released the 6000A api docs a while back
i apparently didnt notice
i'm no longer using an undocumented api woo
that's cheating
So it looks like there's a separate function to enable digital channel banks. You can set thresholds uniquely per channel, but hysteresis is set per bank. which doesn't fit into scopehal's model well
it expects either global threshold+hysteresis per bank or per channel for both
the most flexible, if confusing, option is to expose each channel as having independent settings, but silently change hysteresis for all sibling channels when you change one
Since that's what the hardware does
Longer term we should think about how to model this in the API (some settings per bank and others per channel)
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azonenberg, yes you need a flexible model for glscope
I think a major milestone will be to support the cheap LA with 8chan
like that lot of guys could provide feedback as such type of LA cost less than 20USD ...
bvernoux: That's on the v0.1 feature list
It's one of 31 open tickets against libscopehal though
yes I know ;p
It is just a popular things to bring log of new guys which does not have expensive scope
Yeah, I'm just trying to focus my own efforts on
But that will bring also lot of bad issue from beginner ;)
1) things that I need for work
like how to power the board ;)
2) things I need for my own projects
3) writing driver code for companies that gave me free stuff
yes it is good points
If you wanna write a fx2la driver, you can do so at any time
For me it is clearly not a priority
so far I use PulseView or DSView which works fine
and I never use the cheap LA as they are too slow for what I'm doing
I use DSLogic U3Pro16 for everything now
for digital stuff of course like fast SPI ... ;)
I'm looking forward to using the picoscope for digital stuff
yes it is nice but the PicoGUI is awfull
their decoders suxx
it is why I never use it ...
Yeah the software is bad but i dont use it :p
they can sample surprisingly fast, up to 5 Gsps
or I convert it in paste to use the data with PulseView
On the MSO channels
And you can get super deep memory
yes their HW is very good they only lack good SW
I have seen they have new Pico6000 also up to 1GHz BW
but they are expensive
I've known about that for months but was asked not to say anything about it :p
I think their price point is too high for the 1GHz BW scope
especially with their crappy GUI which is always the same since more than 10years
How much is it? It didn't seem unreasonable although i wish they had more sample rate
it is more than 12KUSD
Do you know what a 1 GHz scope from keysight costs? :p
yes but keysight are not resonable ;)
they are just crazy on prices
I think they shall change their mind related to price
Rigol/Siglent will hit them very hard soon ;)
even if Rigol/Siglent SW are often very buggy ;)
4chan Pico6000E 8/10/12 (6426E) cost is 14955USD
glurps ;)
I think the flexible resolution 8/10/12 is fake too
to be considered as 8bits++
No it's real inside the ADC, I asked about it. There's an undocumented extra resolution mode similar to how the HMCAD1520 lets you trade res vs sample rate
yes you have slower sample rate
i forget the exact part number but it's a Teledyne E2V 4x 1.25 Gsps 8 bit base sample rate
it's not just taking two samples and averaging them i mean
so 12bits is probably 200MHz BW (with 1GSPS)
if not less
Let me run a check...
still better than SW decimation
as they have like 1bit per LSB per div/2 instead of 0.5 bits in SW decimation
I think they achieve something like that in their ADC
Such scope will be amazing for half the price (let say 6KUSD) anyway ;)
especially with their actual PicoGUI
which is very bloated and not comparable to even my RigolMSO5000 which is 10x better faster to use
It is maybe why they have offered a free HighEnd scope ;)
debug with a lecroy and capture with the pico :p
But it will be even better if they could contribute on glscope source ;)
I think Pico could sell to actual price with a decent GUI like glscopeclient
it is their main drawback as their hardware is very good and compact
their API is not bad and have decent performance in fact their only drawback is their Picoscope 6 GUI/SW ;)
a bit like their VNA with their awfull Visual Basic GUI ;)
And why do you think they're throwing free scopes at me hoping i can fix their software problems? :p
azonenberg, Do you think Keysight will provide you a free high end scope (let say 5GHz+BW) one day ? ;)
Lol we'll see
They do not have any PC sw in fact maybe they will think about it
glscopeclient should be auto-scaling the voltage range based on the GUI, right?
Ok so, this is my 500 MHz picoscope 6824E with a leobodnar SMA pulse gen fed into the input
noopwafel: v/div of the scope should track the gui, yes
azonenberg, you have the famous 8/10/12 flex res ?
set to 12bits ?
This is 8 bit to start. at 5 Gsps
could you show the same with 8bits?
ha ok
noopwafel: The gui will send arbitrary v/div so that the min/max range of the scope exactly fills the display. If the instrument can't support exactly that range, round up as needed
bvernoux: I'm getting there :)
yeah, I updated the code for this on the bridge side ofc
azonenberg, after it will be interesting to check with Intermodulation ;)
azonenberg, a bit like we do the test on RF for TOI
it seems better but hard to say if there is really 2bits more
https://www.antikernel.net/temp/rise3.png now here's still 10 bits but sample rate backed out to 2.5 Gsps. Rise time suffers a bit due to aliasing at the lower sample rate
I thought frontend relay click was at 5V but apparently at 2V, fine.
I am not seeing any evidence of reduced bandwidth, other than effects from reducing the sampling rate
really not getting great speeds though
noopwafel: in terms of WFM/s or what?
48.35WFM/s is very nice ;)
it is the good point as i'm not convinced by the 8/10/12 bits flex stuff
There's definitely extra resolution
especially they sell that option for >2KUSD
and now I get 14 (EFAULT?) on the write, wth
Yes there is but it is not so clear
Whether I'd pay $2K for it is indeed another question
But in some circles i could see it being helpful
it will be interesting to check on power measurement
or on RF test signal ;)
to check TOI and IM3
When I get my VSG60A I will definitely have some fun playing with rf performance of my scopes
But right now i dont have an rf siggen... only the AWG on the picoscope, the leobodnar pulse gens, and a 1 GHz crystek sinewave SAW oscillator
that i use as a phase noise/jitter reference
the best will be to have 2 outputs (independant)
for TOI test
it is mandatory
WInfreak have one which is very compact
azonenberg, a good things I'm searching is a good ultra wideband noise generator
azonenberg, like the old HP/Agilent which go to 18GHz+
but they are still expensive
it is a must have to check the phase noise with help of a good Spectrum Analyzer
as a Signal Analyzer price is totally crazy ;)
ah this is another mutex thingy
exposing what I guess is another bug
(also BTW I'm working on implementing MSO support in the bridge. It shouldnt change any of the code you're working on, just adding some new scpi commands and such)
in any case, if we conflict we conflict
I don't have an MSO scope here to play with alas
I do have a question
how do you intend g_captureMemDepth, g_memDepth and g_memDepthChanged to work
I tried patching it up in one place, but actually it just doesn't make much sense to me
I would expect the WaveformServerThread to do 'g_captureMemDepth = g_memDepth;' when it reallocates the buffers
and then g_memDepthChanged is just 'g_captureMemDepth != g_memDepth'
(right now I never ever get any buffer reallocations, which explains my low WFM/s..)
So, memDepthChanged might be best to rename to "reallocation needed" or similar. As it's also set when changing flexres config and some other stuff
g_captureMemDepth is the memory depth that was set at the time the capture started
g_memDepthChanged indicates that the memory depth is not the same as it was last time the scope triggered
so you have to call SetDataBuffer again
so g_memDepth should be the current/old depth?
because right now, DEPTH changes g_memDepth (and doesn't set anything)
Correct. Because I don't want to change the depth under a currently armed capture
Maybe it might make sense to stop and restart when you see DEPTH happen
actually you know i think you just found a bug
wait nvm
But yeah, it might not be unreasonable to do
after updating depth in the DEPTH command
[scopehal-pico-bridge] noopwafel opened pull request #10: Always send numSamples waveform data - https://git.io/J3QGJ
I mean, the current code is definitely broken
because I never ever get the buffer realloc path
just trying to understand what is intended
[scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/J3QGn
[scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg 4064552 - Added PRESENT command to check for presence of MSO pods. Began work on enabling/disabling MSO pods.
also that pull request fixes my memdepth thing
that's kind of a symptom of the code being a mess, but I think it's worth making the change anyway
Hmm yeah that might be a race condition if memdepth changes there
[scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/J3QGw
[scopehal-pico-bridge] noopwafel 3a9d91c - always send numSamples waveform data
[scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg 3a8a531 - Merge pull request #10 from noopwafel/numsamples Always send numSamples waveform data
I seem to be hitting all of the races :)
so I already added a check for PICO_NO_SAMPLES_AVAILABLE in my tree, because we can actually *stop* the scope in between the IsReady call and us trying to grab the data
Yeah there's races in the driver, the same is true in the opposite with the 6000 series
you can call stop but it isnt actually stopped
then when you call runblocks it says it's still capturing
this is our race I think
because we drop the mutex in the waveform thread because you don't want the lock_guard<> in scope when you sleep
and the only downside is that sometimes, the scope is not actually ready because the state changed while the mutex was dropped, and this seems fine
Makes sense
and thanks, StartCapture clause is exactly what I needed there, wasn't understanding
yeah this is very new code still that i'm still figuring out myself
so there's not much in the way of documentation and commenting compared to libscopehal which is a fairly mature decade-old codebase especially in the core classes like Oscilloscope
the code at the end of WaveformServerThread probably also needs a rethink, where it takes a lock it already has, and checks if(g_captureMemDepth != g_memDepth)
but for now I'm just trying for a minimum viable product for 3000 :)
It does not have the mutex already
that's what the curly braces before stopping the trigger are for
We only hold the mutex when acquiring the data
oh damn you're right
then release it when doing socket stuff
well that definitely explains why the numSamples thing broke :|
Yeah that was a legitimate bug
race if stuff was changed while not holding the mutex
ok, that makes a lot more sense then! the state copies to globals because, it might change.
in fact, that was the point of numSamples, a local copied version that was guaranteed to be consistent even if stuff happened in the scpi thread
i just derped and didnt use it evrywhere i was supposed to :p
somehow I'm still getting <4WFM/s with 1MS depth
We used to have a sign on the wall at work
but it's because it's only triggering 4 times a second
"You must be this tall to write multithreaded code" with a big line
taped just below the ceiling
noopwafel: is it faster with the pico tool?
yeah, way faster
Check right now
is it slow?
i've seen weird cases of the usb3 connection degrading to usb2 until i unplug and replug the cable
havent figured out how that happens yet
so the thing is that I get a usb reset anyway when I start any app
because it does a port reset when it switches to usb power
[scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/J3Qcl
[scopehal-pico-bridge] azonenberg 499cb6b - ON and OFF commands now support MSO pods.
ah ok you are probably fine then
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/J3Qca
[scopehal] azonenberg 61faae0 - PicoOscilloscope: can now detect and enable MSO pods if present. No support for configuring threshold or hysteresis. Cannot yet download actual waveform data. See #457.
so my hacky bridge was using rapid block mode, and arming the scope before pulling the data
while right now I'm not arming the scope until after the data transfer is done, like your 6000 code
but I would .. still expect much better performance than this
hm, I guess also the socket write is done before the scope arm, I wonder if that's a bottleneck for some reason
Yeah that can be improved
clientside, i'm not vectorizing the int16 to fp32 conversion yet either
i have a ticket for doing that but wanted to refactor some stuff so i could have only one shared implementation in the Oscilloscope class for that
right, that's indeed the culprit
ran the client with --debug and my old friend 'Queue is too big, sleeping' :) well that's good nws
So that means you're giving glscopeclient waveforms faster than it can process and render them
my plan is to have a preference for three different shader configs
full intensity grading all the time, like we have now
intensity grading always disabled, like the picoscope software (just solid colors)
or using a timer to select one or the other based on measured FPS
so it will intensity grade until FPS drops too low then switch to the fast but less pretty path
is it not truncating what gets handed to the shader based on what's on the screen?
So it depends on where the bottleneck is. It always copies the entire waveform to GPU memory but that is normally not the issue
(this allows much faster scrolling once you pause a capture)
The actual rendering shader is essentially doing a whole bunch of 1-pixel wide alpha blended rectangles
For each pair of samples that crosses a given pixel, it finds the min and max Y coordinate of the line segment between them
then fills between those coordinates with the selected alpha value
compositing in a local buffer with 32 threads for each X coordinate sharing one common working buffer processing different samples
So you can get fill rate limited if you have say a 128M point waveform all on screen
so I will have to install perf, but it looks like most of the time is spent in OnWaveformDataReady
writing to shared memory
The non intensity graded version will just do a running min/max reduction then one fill at the end
hilariously, if I hit ctrl-c at a bunch of random points in gdb, it always hits at the code deleting old wavefirms in HistoryWindow
and i am a huge fan of vtune, that's what i've used for all of my performance work
and yes, the non-intensity graded shader would be a real plus
That, and some tweaks to the intensity graded one, are top of my list once i finish MSO support in the pico driver
13% of runtime spent in those deletions :)
Lovely. I remember having optimized some other stuff around there but maybe there's more room to tune
I'm constantly running glscopeclient under profilers and tweaking stuff
but usually i'm focused on a particular driver or rendering path or filter
File a ticket against scopehal-apps tagged performance, include your profiling data, and just make a generic "look into seeing if we can make this faster"
tag it as v0.2 for now
another 17% of time is spent in Resize() inside PicoOscilloscope::AcquireData, and the rest is omp or gpu. will do.
The MapBuffers() stuff might be possible to improve, i think it might be possible to avoid constantly creating and destroying mappings and just have one long lived mapping instead
but i will have to figure out how to make sure everything is cached and flushed properly
the only changes I made to scopehal are to add a new model for the 3000-series, but SERIES_UNKNOWN is fine too
going to try this on a more powerful machine now, but first have to fix up the dependencies etc
noopwafel, does it is stable ?
my PC is clearly not a beast too so it will be interesting ;)
well like i said the cpu usage of the pico driver is going to be massively improved soon
it seems pretty reliable but it doesn't cope well with disconnects
It's supposed to recover from disconnects but that's not well tested
GeforceGT 650M + CoreI7-3630QM Asus
after some fixes I will ask for a review and we can maybe just push this
it's a very small diff
ha ok if there is just issue with disconnect it is usable my question was just to know if when it is launched it does not crash after 500WFM (like it was with RigolMSO5000 because of Rigol bugs/workaround not applied in paste)
the only other thing I had in my bridge, was better triggers
so I might give that a go next week, since it's probably interesting
ha yes more advanced triggers will be interesting but I think just basic trigger is already very nice if it is fully usable
well let me try fixing this debian install
and then I can leave it running for a bit
Yeah triggers still need work. MSO support i wanted to get done first as triggers are reasonably self contained
yes MSO support will be very very nice ;)
as I have bought Picoscope for that in fact to have synchronized Scope chan with MSO
noopwafel, do you have MSO option on your Pico3000 ?
ha ok
it is also only 100mhz 4ch
ha ok
I can probably bully someone into lending me an mso-capable 3000 if it helps
when I have time I will try to help with mine which is full option
it was a refurbished Pico3000 ;)
but with full warranty from Pico
A demo product IIRC
Bought mainly to break AES things at start but planning to use it with API for other stuff ;)
atm I am still penniless phd student, so this was already kinda out of my budget, but it's nice to have for SCA
would've been nicer if I'd actually had any time at all over the last few months, hence my disappearance from online, but that's dealt with now.. :P
to correlate IO with power consumption for synchro and to recover AES key later (with lot of traces)
[scopehal-apps] noopwafel opened pull request #339: default to Release cmake build - https://git.io/J3Qwq
yeah, I can imagine it is nice :)
definitely worth supporting
<wintermute> what's the min bandwidth that you need for SCA?
Depends on how fast your target is
<wintermute> something like 4x faster should be enough?
4x what though
<wintermute> like, 4 samples/target clock
I would want bandwidth at least equal to double the target clock (internal clock, which might be a PLL multiple of the external input)
probably more
and sample rate obviously has to be double BW per nyquist but more would be preferable
for 8MHz Target I use 50MSPS which is largely enough
guys at Pico use quite a few SMA pulsers for scope testing
As a data point, i havent broken this yet but am looking at a board with 48 MHz core clock for work. I'm sampling at 1 Gsps on a 4 GHz scope with a 200 MHz bandwidth limiter in the frontend
<wintermute> yeah I had something like that in mind, like, I played with SCA in python with lescar, and it has a simulation engine for samples
<wintermute> and by default it gives something like 7 samples per target clock
for 48MHz core clock 500MSPS is enough in fact depending on the leakage ....
And there are strong frequency components in my FFT out to 375 MHz
but more is better as with decimation there is some precious lsb recovered ...
it is why 12bits is very welcome for SCA in some case
<wintermute> yeah I imagine it's super sensitive to noise
<wintermute> very cool
I plan to be adding more useful SCA features to glscopeclient longer term
but the key factor is to power the target with an ultra low noise LDO ;)
but right now i don't yet know what i don't know yet :p
and after that even with a 8bits scope you see lot of things ;)
This was my first attempt at doing any power analysis work and i havent figured out all the details yet
with a diff Probe like the one provide with Chipwhisperer it is very good for the price
<wintermute> I don't own any scope, the closest I have is a saleae logic 8
as they do not protect from glitch attack or clock attacks ...
<wintermute> and sometimes the manufacturer fucks up
especially when they hide what the boot is doing ;)
NXP is famous for that but also ST
<wintermute> yeah, that should be illegal
I do not know why they do not want to publish the boot code source
(because it is not done very wellà
I think ST are the most open anyway
I reversed LPC4370 BL years ago
what a mess inside ;)
full of hidden peripherals
<wintermute> D:
this MCU was clearly a beast compared to all other MCU
so the bad news is that on my desktop, I'm also getting <10WFM/s
it was designed for Medical usage in fact ;)
it is why it is the only one to have triple ADC 12 bits at up to 80MSPS ;)
you can search there is no any MCU or CPU in world with such feature ;)
<wintermute> oh wow
in addition the ADC is very good even with 3 core running with USB HS 2.0 and tons of IO/Peripherals
better than external 12bits ADC ;)
<wintermute> 12b at 80MSPS is much more than HS 2.0 can handle
so I guess maybe this is simply the limit
yes to reach 80MSPS can be used only with their SGPIO
with the wait for the transfer
and requires an external FPGA in fact ;)
noopwafel: i'm hopeful we will see a speedup when i vectorize the processing
<wintermute> super cool chip
but i guess we'll see
azonenberg: I don't appear to be cpu-limited now
ScopeThread is <50% cpu
yes even today it is a beast (after more than 8 years) when other MCU do always the same stuff with crappy slow ADC ;)
oh noo I forgot the openmp env
<wintermute> it could be the base of a very cool SDR
<wintermute> 80MHz bw is enough to cover all bluetooth channels
nop, still at ~9.8WFM/s. that's not bad though (and I mean you can get much much higher if you go below 10MS).
and I expect it'd be much better in rapid block mode, will try this at some point.
noopwafel: using less cpu though?
I mean. 9.8 WFMs * 10M points is 98 Msps, or 1.56 Gbps of sample data
you're not maxing out usb3 yet, but it's not *bad* either
try with more channels, see how throughput scales?
much worse, alas
I'll add some debug later to confirm my suspicions
glscopeclient is *lovely* to use on a machine with enough hw though
can I reset the stats somehow?
it also occasionally stops triggering, so I guess the logic there is still bad somewhere
bvernoux: http://noopwafel.net/tmp_pico_wfm.png <- it made it to >20k WFMs while I was changing v/div and depth and speed etc, so I guess it's stable enough
ha great !!
also you obtain 10WFM/s but with 10Msamples
I think it is same perf as Lecroy
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[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 3 commits to master [+38/-0/±5] https://git.io/J35m8
[starshipraider] azonenberg d9a1d9a - SMA test simulations
[starshipraider] azonenberg c3b6324 - Lots more simulations for sma-test board
[starshipraider] azonenberg 1a034b9 - Final version of sma-test board for fab
<mubes> Hmmm...did something change in glscopeclient? Thresholding a 10MS analog channel hangs the GUI...well, slows it to an unusable point, at least
<mubes> (Repeats) #13 0x00007fffb6e8d5c6 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvidia-glcore.so.460.73.01 #14 0x00007fffb6b2e7d9 in () at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvidia-glcore.so.460.73.01 #15 0x00005555558064bc in ShaderStorageBuffer::Map(unsigned long, unsigned int) (this=0x555557a0e9b0, size=40000000, access=35001) at /home/dmarples/Builds/scope/scopehal-apps/src/glscopeclient/ShaderStorageBuffer.h:79 #16 0x0000555555802df4 in
WaveformRenderData::MapBuffers(unsigned long, bool) (this=0x555557a0e990, width=1278, update_waveform=true) at /home/dmarples/Builds/scope/scopehal-apps/src/glscopeclient/WaveformArea_rendering.cpp:84 #17 0x0000555555803a5a in WaveformArea::MapAllBuffers(bool) (this= 0x555556c7d000, update_y=true) at /home/dmarples/Builds/scope/scopehal-apps/src/glscopeclient/WaveformArea_rendering.cpp:323
<mubes> I'll pull everything and do a clean build, just in case
<mubes> still the same 😦
mubes: interesting, because i recently made some optimizations to a couple of shaders but on my 2080 they almost doubled performance
gimme a minute
it's possible i introduced a regression
<mubes> Well, for 'normal' manipulation of a waveform it certainly feels faster
yeah i bet i broke something for digital waveforms when i did the analog optimizations
<mubes> Just tried again and it didn't lock this time, but didn't create the thresh'ed wave either
<mubes> I'm on a Quadro P1000
Ok i just reproduced. Apparently sparse digital waveforms are fine but dense packed ones have a regression
<mubes> Don't rush on my behalf, I'm experimenting with early nights for a couple of weeks 🙂
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/J35RM
[scopehal] azonenberg 43578be - DemoOscilloscope: set dense pack flag on generated waveforms
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/J35Rp
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg f6d7f1f - Found a few more spots we should have cleared persistence, but didn't
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 602a811 - WaveformArea: Fixed regression causing failure to render dense packed digital waveforms
mubes: fixed
<mubes> @azonenberg tested 🙂
<mubes> bril, thx!!
tl;dr i optimized out a memcpy too aggressively
the shader still tried to use the value but i wasn't writing it
so the shader read uninitialized memory and Bad Things (tm) happened
The long term fix is to produce a version of the digital rendering shader with the same optimization and remove the copy for that case too
but short term this produces correct results, just a little slower
<mubes> Well, It's certainly an improvement from previous...it's still a bit painful at high zoomout on a 10MS waveform, but it seems better than it was.
Yeah there's definitely still more tuning happening. On my 2080 Ti, I can render a 128M sample waveform at about 6 WFM/s
6 FPS*
with all of it on screen at once
Intensity grading uses a lot of GPU power. I plan to make a speed-optimized renderer without all of the pretty shading that can be selected in preferences
<mubes> This is not a fast card in comparison
and then probably also add various other stuff like decimation, as well as general optimization
Once nvidia comes out with a version of VTune where the shader profiler supports OpenGL, i expect to make more progress
Their current profiler can view overall perf counter stats across the entire shader which is good for roughly determining what you're bottlenecked on
but it can't do line by line run time stats in GL, only for D3D and... vulkan?
and those are in beta
so presumably GL support is coming
sorry not VTune, I meant NSight
mixing up my profilers :p
I use vtune all the time, but it's for CPU
<mubes> A few too many MIPS for me, I tend to be optimising on CORTEX-M, which is pretty much at the other end of the spectrum.
I've done dev for cortex-M but havent tried to do anything compute heavy on them
I've been squeezing performance out of things since I write an SSE2 optimized matrix math library for a game engine I was writing in high school
<mubes> Mostly not compute heavy, mostly trying to get them to go to deep sleep most frequently and for as long as possible
ah so power optimization
Totally different problem domain
<mubes> but yeah, I like the optimisation game
I'm used to trying to crunch GB of data in the least time possible
<mubes> sometimes the constraint is cycles or speed, or task responsiveness. It does vary a lot.
<mubes> ...but thats why we're building Orbuculum, I want more tools to do it better.
I remember when I was taking my computer architecture class freshman year of college the prof gave us a recursive C function for solving the Towers of Hanoi puzzle on an exam and asked us to port it to x86 asm
<mubes> Why did I never get to that sort of Uni???
The hint was "If you go much over 30 instructions you're probably doing something wrong. Equally, if you think you're done after 20, you either missed something or you're better than the compiler and should think about starring as Neo in the next Matrix movie"
This was of course a challenge to my manhood :P
I implemented it in about 23 or 24 on the exam, fairly conservative but i knew it would work and I didn't remember the syntax for the bitfield in the shufps instruction off the top of my head
The next day I walked into office hours with a printout of a 19 instruction implementation
Just to prove it could be done
<mubes> You were born into a different age...Z80 and 6502 you could keep all the useful side-effects in your head. Good luck to anyone trying to figure that code out in future though!
<mubes> Right, bedtime. Night.
Yeah the x86 instruction manuals are massive. I'm familiar enough to know what to look for, but i always have an instruction/intrinsic reference on the other screen when I'm writing vector code