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ok this is nice, pushing an update shortly
vastly improves performance on high-latency connections or slow scopes
full closed-loop feedback system that tries to poll 2-3 times between triggers
before, on faster connections you'd be hammering the scope with 50+ polls between triggers and it would mess things up
in particular, it would dominate the scope's processing power / connection bandwidth and you'd have less time for things like querying settings
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/fjlMw
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 9e9b3a4 - Major refactoring of poll management in ScopeThread
interestingly it seems to have the opposite effect on fast-triggering scopes with high-latency connections
the delay drops to rock bottom because one round trip time is less than the trigger delay
so by the time you get your request to check trigger status out to the scope, it's already triggered
I have two good polar opposite platforms to test on, a relatively slow wavesurfer on a low-latency lan link
and your rigol over a WAN link
limited by cpu and network respectively
azonenberg: still using the scope?
I did a test about 2 minutes ago but if you need it, i'm not actively on it right now
i wanted to do some work on the write side still
this last test was focusing on general performance on high latency connections
nope, i don't need it, just wondering if it needs to stay on
I'd appreciate it if possible
i wonder if it will stay alive if i put something through the fan blades
is it too noisy for you?
if you're trying to sleep or something, i can go do something else
it's not super urgent
i did the test i really wanted to do
it's not very noisy but i don't like this kind of noise specifically
and no i just woke up
anyway, keep using it for now
it's more of a long term thing
Yeah understood - i mean, once i get the driver written i wont need access to it anymore :)
That said, it is a good testbed (specifically your scope in russia with me outside seattle) for seeing how scopehal/glscopeclient handles really slow links
honestly i might just stuff it somewhere i don't have to hear it and leave it on
i don't plan to use a scope in short term fuutre
[scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #67: Figure out how to handle scopes without 50 ohm input better - https://git.io/fjlMF
[scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #67: Figure out how to handle scopes without 50 ohm input better - https://git.io/fjlMF
azonenberg: i looked through the list of issues
what do you plan to use as DUT e.g. for 25C flash?
i can give you a shell with a flash, a glasgow, and a saleae logic
or i could hook it up to my ac701 or any of a dozen other targets - that's not the problem
it's time to write decoders :)
Working two jobs and building a house while occasionally running off to rescue people doesnt leave a lot of spare time
the only reason i'm here doing this right now is that i'm bottlenecked waiting for a sim for $sidegigclient and it's too late at night to run power tools
The rigol is seriously helpful, because there's high demand for it and i dont have a ds1104z
But i have a saleae at work, plus a bunch of other random fpga boards etc
custom sniffer boards for usb and ethernet
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anyway the issue i was debugging most recently is that when i try to change a channel from dc to ac coupling nothing happens
probably some subtle error in command formatting
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