Need to tweak the backoff algorithm a little bit, but i think this should work better with high latency scopes
whitequark: can you connect your rigol again?
azonenberg: moment
Basically, some profiling suggested that i was spending a ton of time polling the trigger
to the point that that thread was jamming out almost everything else
especially on slow scopes
azonenberg: should be up
azonenberg: one thing i don't yet quite understand
and do you have any signal sources or triggers hooked up yet?
is why the Y position of the trace affects the range that is actually being captured
re signal sources, give me a moment
Because legacy oscilloscope UIs are designed to be used on a single grid where everything is one set of scales
think back to analog scope era
no, i mean
to move a trace you literally feed an offset voltage into an analog addition circuit
and offset the signal
To make it bigger or smaller you adjust AFE gain
that's actually quite interesting
because it makes the range higher
possible range that is
DSOs kept this same paradigm despite not being actually necessary in hardware
you still want gain and offset control
but there's no requirement that the gain and offset map 1:1 to the pixel position of the signal
i.e. it should be possible to have a signal with huge gain that you just render small
so it's precise data, but doesnt take up much screen space
In glscopeclient i'm trying to decouple these a bit, the rendered Y axis always shows the full range of the ADC
azonenberg: i hooked up 1 khz source
All plots in a given viewport are equally sized regardless of the actual amplitude (i will eventually support stacking two traces in a single plot if you want an overlay for some reason)
and offset just moves the numbers on the Y axis of the plot without actually moving the rendered trace
and yes with an 8-bit scope you need this
imagine you have a DC to 5V input range for the sake of discussion
That's 19 mV per LSB
Which is not a ton of resolution for seeing weak traecs
weak signals*
meanwhile if you have DC to 500 mV range you have 1.9 mV per LSB, but then you have to attenuate strong signals
whitequark: also can you zoom in a bunch? i want a short capture, only a few hundred points, to test something
(and i havent implemented setting the timebase lol)
the 250K point captures spam wireshark pretty badly when i'm trying to do profiling
azonenberg: ok sec
azonenberg: 120 pts now
perfect thanks
that's 120 points total apparently
because i am seeing 30 per channel
which is totally fine for my test
now it says 30
azonenberg: oh
it depends on the amount of selected channels
it makes sense
So the memory depth is shared across all channels?
i think it's just because of sample rate?
i.e. if i see 120 and i have 4 channels enabled i should actually have 30 points per channel
when i selected only ch1 it said 120
when you selected all 4 channels it said 30
Then what happened?
because i am seeing 120 per channel right now in my pcaps and UI
is that what it's actually doing?
that's because i just switched it back to check it out
oh, ok
try again
should be 30
So i'm parsing the results correctly, thats what i needed to know
yeah i am seeing 30 per now
So we're good
Have to go do something for a client but i want to get back to adding write calls to the rigol driver in a bit
can you leave the scope up for a couple hours or are you gonna have to go somewhere etc?
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azonenberg: it's up for now
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bvernoux: FYI the v0.2 probe shells shipped from shapeways ETA monday to my lab
still waiting on the PCBs
ha good
oshpark's estimate when i ordered was shipping a week from today