havenwood: Oh, didn't realize that. Nice find! It's probably the cause. Let me try it out.
You become blind after staring at the code for too long, haha.
havenwood: It works! Nice catch. I even checked that all headers were strings before but somehow missed the fact that it was a symbol key.
Can I define different methods for each instance of a class?
Depending on the type
Because this way it gets defined for all the instances of the class
Or what would be a better approach if you have any suggestions?
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we talking instance methods? that should definitely be possible. but you wouldn't want to do self.class there if you wanted it to be an instance method
&>> class A; def initialize(s); if s; def self.a; :a end end end end; [A.ne
stderr: -e:5: syntax error, unexpected `end', expecting ']'... check link for more (https://carc.in/#/r/9qeg)
oh no
&>> class A; def initialize(s); if s; def self.a; :a end end end end; [A.new(true).a, (A.new(false).a rescue :failed)]
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AndreYuhai: I don't see a define_method call in there.
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apotheon, oh sorry, define_attr_reader does that, here I pasted https://dpaste.org/0bsr. It works fine this way if what I am doing is not wrong.
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AndreYuhai: Just catching up, but I don't like setting class methods from an instance. Have you considered using Singleton module?
havenwood, using define_singleton_method instead? Would it do the job?
havenwood, if I wanted those on the class is there any short way like that instead of doing self.class.define_method?
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AndreYuhai: It seems like a real anti-pattern for an instance to define a class method like that. What's the reason to do it? Why doesn't an instance method suffice for accessing instance variable state on the instance?
havenwood, oh I was just wondering. But if we just use define_method inside the class then that would be okay?
AndreYuhai: Class methods should be shared by all. They're global to the class. Instance methods are particular for an instance. You *can* do anything, but it's good practice to follow convention.
AndreYuhai: Yeah, it's fine to define methods on each instance. I'm curious if that's really the best thing to do?
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AndreYuhai: Dynamically defining methods at runtime has performance implications. You may want to have a single method that exposes access to the settings.
AndreYuhai: (It busts the method cache.)
havenwood, Basically I am initializing with a hash and setting all the keys and values as instance variables.
havenwood, oh that's probably why https://github.com/sferik/twitter was using an attrs hash instead of declaring them all as instance variables.
AndreYuhai: You still get a nice interface, but you don't bust the method cache and less back-bending code. :)
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AndreYuhai: If you know what the possible keys are up front, consider making the struct up front.
havenwood, Oh I will probably switch to that haha. I will just have a hash with all the attributes and they may vary.
Maybe there aren't method cache concerns? I need more coffee.
AndreYuhai: Turning a hash of attributes into a struct might be nice.
AndreYuhai: Or leave it as a hash, depending on how you want the interface to be.
AndreYuhai: Making it a Struct might have advantages if they're called frequently. It has a nice method-chaining interface. You create one less object if you leave it a Hash. There are tradeoffs.
havenwood, I don't think it would be of concern haha but anyway it's always nice to learn new things.
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AndreYuhai: Structs are nice. I look forward to the new Struct literal in 3.0 (assuming it gets merged).
havenwood, never used those in Ruby. :D
havenwood, what's the difference between writing a Struct and Class in Ruby?
AndreYuhai: Not much.
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What's wrong with this one https://dpaste.org/kHAd ? A class inheriting from ActiveRecord::Base and I've overwritten the initialize method but I still get argument errors
And it throws different argument errors in different order depending on whether I called ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection
AndreYuhai: In your case, tailer `super` to what you need.
AndreYuhai: And make the arguments to your initialize work with the anticipated ones.
havenwood, oh so I can not pass two objects at the same time? What I am trying to do is that I've got two different objects with different information and this table has all the columns from both objects.
havenwood, so this is how I would combine them but apparently not. :D
AndreYuhai: Are these fields backed by a DB?
AndreYuhai: This ^ talk shows how to make a Rails model that isn't backed by a DB. They can be backed by an API, a text file, something in memory, whatever as long as it is CRUD.
AndreYuhai: It's hard to know how to advise without more context.
AndreYuhai: Maybe if you say a bit more about what you're doing and why someone in the channel will have a best practice to recommend.
* havenwood
goes in search of more coffee
havenwood, So I've got a database table with all the necessary columns and the information comes from two different objects so I would like to combine them and create a DB row.
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AndreYuhai: Do you know how to ask the two models what they're attributes are and how to merge them?
their* attributes (yikes)
* havenwood
tries hard to wake up
AndreYuhai: (That ^ talk actually mentions how and why it works.)
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havenwood, I tried to call attribute_names.each and then checking whether any of the two objects respond to any of those attribute names.