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<havenwood> _blizzy_: What are you trying to do?
<havenwood> _blizzy_: Err, what's the context rather?
<_blizzy_> I'm listening to a websocket, so I was using EventMachine so it could loop.
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<toretore> _blizzy_: gist some code, it's much easier to give advice that way
<radens> baweaver: havenwood I installed xcode, I think the command line tools are installed too
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<havenwood> radens: Open up XCode once if you haven't already.
<radens> yep
<havenwood> radens: Double check: xcode-select --install
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<havenwood> radens: Confirm already installed ^
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<radens> code-select: error: command line tools are already installed,
* Radar is shocked, SHOCKED, that the blog post hasn't been linked yet
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<jasonw22> I'm trying to 'gem install ffi' on yosemite, failing with a 'install development tools first' error even though development tools are installed via 'xcode-select --install'. gem_make.out is here: https://gist.github.com/jasonw22/20204fd1762de35f6e44 and mkmf.log is here: https://gist.github.com/jasonw22/55f310a0c6176221e419 any ideas?
<Radar> jasonw22: Gists can contain multiple files FYI
<havenwood> Radar: :)
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<Radar> Oh I see the problem, ".rvm"
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<havenwood> jasonw22: Install XCode.
<jasonw22> Radar: is that a problem?
<Radar> jasonw22: imo, yes
<jasonw22> havenwood: XCode is installed
<Aeyrix> Radar: We can never remember which order those words go in so
<Aeyrix> :^)
<havenwood> jasonw22: xcode-select --version
<Aeyrix> You could add it as a bot command?
<havenwood> jasonw22: xcode-select --install
<jasonw22> havenwood xcode-select version 2339
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<havenwood> jasonw22: Good, that's latest.
<havenwood> jasonw22: And tools already installed?
<jasonw22> yes (as noted above)
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<jasonw22> havenwood: yes
<havenwood> jasonw22: Is there an "Install XCode" in your Applications folder?
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<Radar> jasonw22: Do you mind going through http://ryanbigg.com/2015/06/mac-os-x-ruby-ruby-install-chruby-and-you/ and letting me know if that fixes the issue for you? Implode your RVM install first (rvm implode)
<havenwood> jasonw22: (I expect this will all check out, just confirming.)
<jasonw22> havenwood: no. xcode is installed. used it this morning
<havenwood> jasonw22: Reinstall the Ruby with RVM or as Radar suggests.
<radens> havenwood: I have xcode, I installed ruby with rbenv, I still can't get the ruby devel headers
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<Radar> radens: Can you go through the guide I linked to as well? Remove your .rbenv install.
<Radar> Remove your .rbenv install first*
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<havenwood> radens: Just curious, but confirm?: xcode-select --print-path
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<radens> havenwood: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
<havenwood> radens: All good.
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<mizaki> hello :) Could anyone help me out with something regarding heroku and puma installation?
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<havenwood> mizaki: Ask away.
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<jasonw22> Radar, havenwood: same issue using system ruby: https://gist.github.com/jasonw22/20204fd1762de35f6e44
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<_blizzy_> please ignore the messy code. it's not on github yet for a reason. :P anyway, https://gist.github.com/NotBlizzard/1bd57d2f533cf574b0d3, I'm trying to run multiple instances of Battle (line 116 has 1) without them blocking each other. like in go, go has 'go function()'
<Radar> jasonw22: Ok, can you please try the blog post that I linked to?
<_blizzy_> ho would I achieve this in ruby.
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<jasonw22> Radar: sure, sorry, I didn't see the link?
<jasonw22> Radar: sure, sorry, I didn't see the link?
<Radar> [10:06:53] <Radar>jasonw22: Do you mind going through http://ryanbigg.com/2015/06/mac-os-x-ruby-ruby-install-chruby-and-you/ and letting me know if that fixes the issue for you? Implode your RVM install first (rvm implode)
<jasonw22> ah, just now seeing the link, sorry i missed that
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<Radar> no worries
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<_blizzy_> I'm curious to how I would achieve concurrency in ruby 2.2
<_blizzy_> without blocking.
<mizaki> When I try to install puma it gives me a message that says that it couldn't create makefile because of some issue with headers
<_blizzy_> mizaki, puma won't install friendly on windows.
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<_blizzy_> that's if you're running windows.
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<mizaki> well what do I do in order to work with heroku since it's default is puma
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<jasonw22> hmm, ruby-install is failing with 'clang version 3.0 or later is required'
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<havenwood> jasonw22: Open XCode and check the selection under XCode < Preferences < Locations < Command Line Tools.
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<jasonw22> havenwood: Xcode 6.3.2 (6D2015)
<jasonw22> havenwood: Xcode 6.3.2 (6D21015)
<jasonw22> havenwood Xcode 6.3.2 (6D21015)
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<havenwood> Yeah, that's latest stable.
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<havenwood> jasonw22: gcc --version
<jasonw22> Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
<jasonw22> weird, also got a traceback from that
<havenwood> jasonw22: Next line?
<olso> if 1 is Fixnum, and 1.0 is Float; why is 1.0 == 1 true? (same with ===)
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<olso> are Fixnums just aliased Floats?
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<jasonw22> and clang --version only returns the traceback (same traceback)
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<havenwood> jasonw22: And `which -a gcc` and `which -a clang` just show the /usr/bin locations?
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<havenwood> [Errno 35] Resource temporarily unavailable
<havenwood> mm
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<jasonw22> havenwood: i also have /usr/local/bin/gcc
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<jasonw22> but that's symlinked to /usr/bin/gcc
<havenwood> jasonw22: brew unlink gcc
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<jasonw22> no such keg
<olso> is_a? says the right thing
<havenwood> hrm, where'd that gcc come from?
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<havenwood> olso: Fixnum and Floats are both Numeric.
<jasonw22> shrug. it's kind of a meaningless symlink, i'd think
<havenwood> jasonw22: I just wonder where that gcc even came from if not Homebrew?
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<havenwood> jasonw22: ohh, gotcha - i thought you meant symlinked the other direction
<_blizzy_> ugh, my script keeps blocking
<jasonw22> $ ls -la /usr/local/bin/gcc
<jasonw22> lrwxr-xr-x 1 root 12 Jun 22 11:08 /usr/local/bin/gcc -> /usr/bin/gcc
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<havenwood> jasonw22: It's acting like you're exceeding maximum number of open file descriptors or something.
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<havenwood> jasonw22: remove that symlink
<jasonw22> havenwood: ya. which is odd because resources usage is low. but i should probably reboot, perhaps
<havenwood> jasonw22: It seems turning it off and back on again is a deep magic.
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<havenwood> Usually works. ;)
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<jasonw22> definitely can be magical for releasing borked resources
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<jasonw22> but i'm gonna try ruby-install again now that i've removed the symlink, and if that fails, reboot (and fix my IRC client while I'm at it)
<havenwood> ?pry olso
<ruboto> olso, Pry, the better IRB. Includes easy object inspection via `ls`, `history`, docs view with `?`, source view with `$` and syntax highlighting, among other features (see `help` for more). It can also be used for easy debugging by putting ’binding.pry’ directy in your source code. Visit https://pryrepl.org/ or get it now with gem install pry pry-doc
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<havenwood> olso: Compare `ls 1` and `ls 1.0`. Also take a peek at `1.ancestors` and `1.0.ancestors`.
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<havenwood> Oops, I mean `1.class.ancestors` and `1.0.class.ancestors`. **
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<havenwood> olso, ah, left before I could explain Comparable: http://ruby-doc.org/core/Comparable.html
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<havenwood> mizaki: You can just use WEBrick in development, yeah?
<mizaki> WEBrick?
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<havenwood> mizaki: It's an alternative to Puma that ships with Ruby.
<mizaki> I'm just setting my stuff up for my class next semester and this is what it's telling me to do and I can't
<passbe1> im in irb, ruby 2.2.1. have a method which is calling exec() and after this method runs irb drops me to my shell prompt, not back to the irb shell. the method should return true, ideas ?
<mizaki> Will WEBrick work with heroku?
<mizaki> or should I just go ahead and get unbuntu
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<havenwood> mizaki: Yeah, WEBrick works fine with Heroku though it's performance isn't great. You can also use a different webserver in development than you do in production. Unfortunately Ubuntu doesn't ship with latest stable Ruby but Brightbox does maintain packages for Ubuntu.
<havenwood> mizaki: Are you familiar with any particular GNU/LInux distro?
<havenwood> mizaki: If you're comfortable with Ubuntu I'd vote Brightbox package ruby2.2.
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<mizaki> not at all
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<mizaki> I'm new to the world of programming...
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<havenwood> mizaki: Fedora, ArchLinux and other distros ship with a nice latest stable Ruby available via the package manager.
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<havenwood> mizaki: Vagrant can be a quick way to get going: https://www.vagrantup.com/
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<havenwood> mizaki: If you want to just explore, I think you'll be fine using WEBrick on Windows. For the long run switching to a BSD or GNU/LInux box will probably be an easier and more fruitful path.
<jasonw22> havenwood: same Errno 35 after reboot :-(
<havenwood> passbe1: exec replaces the process, so there's no old process to go back to
<havenwood> jasonw22: eek
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<passbe1> havenwood: ahh ok, so inside my method should i use the backticks method or something else ?
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<havenwood> passbe1: Yeah, if you just need stdout Kernel#` sounds good.
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<passbe1> havenwood: ok cheers, will give that a whilr
<passbe1> whirl*
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<havenwood> passbe1: If you want stdin and stdout there's IO::popen or for more options see Open3.
<quazimodo> if I have class Foo < Hash
<quazimodo> how do I prepopulate it with data in def initialize
<quazimodo> def initialize; self[:zed] = "zed", self[:bar] = "bar"; end
<quazimodo> ?
<havenwood> passbe1: Open3 lets you do stdout and stderr separately or merged. Lots of options.
<quazimodo> or do we have some sort of @object
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<effeeee> Hey,
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<effeeee> how bad of an idea would it be to pass along state in an exception? for example have an exception, that holds a list with all errors, that occured during a computation
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<passbe1> havenwood: i really just want to know if it fails or not which is why i was chasing the boolean return type of exec
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<havenwood> passbe1: Kernel#system
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<quazimodo> idno
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<passbe1> ah thats what i want! cheers havenwood
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<havenwood> _blizzy_: So is the Faraday requests you want to make in parallel?
<havenwood> is it the*
<_blizzy_> havenwood, actually, I figured it out. :P thanks for the earlier help.
<_blizzy_> it was something completely different to my question.
<havenwood> _blizzy_: Ah, what was it?
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<_blizzy_> havenwood, well, I figured out I didn't need to use threads or fibers.
<_blizzy_> when I could just store things in a hash.
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<havenwood> _blizzy_: Typhoeus is great if you haven't checked it out. It's one of the adapters Faraday supports: https://github.com/lostisland/faraday/wiki/Parallel-requests
<_blizzy_> havenwood, thxs for the link.
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<havenwood> _blizzy_: Yeah, a Hash is threadsafe in CRuby because of the GVL but for non-GVL implementations you'll want to synchronize Hash read and write access with a Mutex lock.
<havenwood> Or use a Queue.
<_blizzy_> havenwood, oh ok. thxs. :)
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<havenwood> _blizzy_: You're welcome. I keep forgetting you're using websockets... Interesting idea! Just use Faraday and drop RestClient.
<_blizzy_> havenwood, ok.
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<havenwood> _blizzy_: If you want an adventure, implement the same with DRb and Rinda::TupleSpace from Ruby's stdlib.
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<_blizzy_> havenwood, hmm.
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<_blizzy_> thxs for the links, havenwood.
<havenwood> _blizzy_: de nada
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<jasonw22> havenwood: I've managed to narrow my problem down to this traceback: https://gist.github.com/jasonw22/192cd980c2a0addbf08a
<jasonw22> basically 'clang --version' starts up hundreds of Python processes until it can't fork any more and fails
<jasonw22> any use of clang does the same thing
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<havenwood> Python zombie processes?
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<jasonw22> Python processes. dunno why clang is forking them. they die when the traceback happens
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<eam> jasonw22: what does "file" tell you about the clang binary?
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<jasonw22> eam: file /usr/bin/clang
<jasonw22> . /usr/bin/clang: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
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<eam> what about /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang
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<jasonw22> it says: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang: a python script text executable
<eam> so there's your problem
<eam> what's in it?
<eam> that *should* be a Mach-O 64-bit executable
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<havenwood> jasonw22: Where clang once was a snake now resides.
<jasonw22> first three lines of the python script are
<jasonw22> #!/usr/bin/env python
<jasonw22> # This is just clang proxy. Actual clang is in clang.backup
<jasonw22> # == CLANG_PROXY ==
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<eam> so you've got something funny installed - probably reinstall xcode
<eam> figure out why something installed a clang proxy on you (which doesn't work)
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<havenwood> Zombie snakes!
<jasonw22> how irritating
<jasonw22> but thank you eam, much appreciated
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<eam> the tipoff is that the python error mentioned line 92 of bin/clang
<eam> which means the python interpreter thought it was actually running on that file (and it probably knows what it's talking about)
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<havenwood> quazimodo: class HashIsh < Hash; def initialize; self.merge!({zed: 'zed', foo: 'bar'}); super end end; HashIsh.new
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<havenwood> >> class HashIsh < Hash; def initialize; merge!({zed: 'zed', foo: 'bar'}); super end end; HashIsh.new
<ruboto> havenwood # => {:zed=>"zed", :foo=>"bar"} (https://eval.in/385874)
<jasonw22> eam: that script turns out to be dyci-clang.py which comes with XCode Dynamic Code Injection plugin, which i ended up installing as a result of playing with http://audiokit.io/playgrounds/
<jasonw22> mystery solved
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<eam> aha
<havenwood> quazimodo: You might also want to allow an #initialize default argument we well. Without parens the arg and any block will be passed to super.
<havenwood> as well*
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<havenwood> Was up one row and to the right one column on my keyboard. >.>
<havenwood> Back in line fingers!
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<Derasi> I'm looking for help with Devise. Should the Devise user model handle profile pages for each user, or should a separate model be created for handling profile pages?
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<pontiki> hi
<zacts> ruby my dear
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<freedrull> rack 1.6.3 and 1.6.4 were both released on june 18th? there's nothing in the HISTORY.md about it https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/master/HISTORY.md
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<havenwood> quazimodo: class HashIsh < Hash; def initialize object = nil, &block; merge!({zed: 'zed', foo: 'bar'}); object ? super : super(&block) end end
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<havenwood> ?rails Derasi
<ruboto> Derasi, Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ HELP
<freedrull> havenwood: oh thanks i see it now....
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<postmodern> anyone familiar with ruby's debug?
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<mark[oz]> postmodern: I've used it
<mark[oz]> best to ask a specific question
<postmodern> mark[oz], why don't my break points break on methods i directly invoke
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<postmodern> mark[oz], while within the debug console
<mark[oz]> yeah, not sure.
<postmodern> not the specific answer i was hoping for :(
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<flughafen> MOIN
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<[k-> that's a really bad way to abbrev...
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<Radar> not really
<[k-> for this case, that is
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<Radar> It really isn't.
<Radar> isn't it french for morning or have I got my wires crossed again?
<[k-> but I'm not french!
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<Aeyrix> flughafen: moin
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<krowv> Anyone have a good recommendation for a site to get freely available icons for a ruby gtk application?
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<Radar> krowv: Could you pick out the icons from font-awesome?
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<krowv> Possibly
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<krowv> Radar, checking that sight out
<krowv> Aeyrix, I'll check that as well
<Aeyrix> :)
<krowv> I'm looking to make big buttons. like 90x90
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<Sypheren> Attention everyone
<Sypheren> The game
<Sypheren> This is all
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* sevenseacat just lost the game
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<Sypheren> sevenseacat, you hang out on #ruby too?
<sevenseacat> yep.
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* [k- loses too...
<Sypheren> Figures XD
<[k-> I wish I didn't know the game
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<sevenseacat> I was winning for a long long time
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<Sypheren> One does not win the game
<Sypheren> One only postpones losing
<Sypheren> Only those who never heard of it can truly win
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<[k-> >;)
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<[k-> you must announce your loss each time you think of The Game
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<[k-> and I just lost again
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<Sypheren> At some conventions this becomes a problem
<Sypheren> People screaming it
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<[k-> The Game is up
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<ddv> [k-: seriously that was funny in 1999 not in 2015 anymore
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<abyss> [k-: on ruby 2.2 works excellent. Thank you.
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<[k-> okiedokie
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<arturaz> Hey there. I'm encountering this weird bundler error where the versions are the same. Anyone has encountered it? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8a5e618c874d461c2d80
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<arturaz> nevermind, solved, it was that I was using ruby bundler, not jruby bundler
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<ljarvis> moin
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<flughafen> moin ljarvis
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<adaedra> moin ljarvis und flughafen
<ljarvis> i need new speakers
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<yorickpeterse> morning
<flughafen> yo adaedra
<flughafen> ljarvis: what kind of speakers
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<zenspider> arturaz: that's a _confusing_ error message. Ugh.
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<zenspider> bundler has been my enemy all day
<arturaz> yeah, ruby isn't my favorite these days
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<flughafen> arturaz: you take that back!
<arturaz> why?
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<zenspider> bundler != ruby
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<zenspider> ruby isn't the problem, bundler is
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<Ikares> Hey, I was wondering, does @ mean a local variable and does $ mean a global variable? I'm used to TorqueScript
<heftig> Ikares: $ are globals, @ are instance variables (associated with the current self)
<heftig> Ikares: locals have no sigil
<Ikares> Ah, thanks
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<heftig> Ikares: identifiers starting with [a-z_] are locals or method calls; they're locals as soon as the parser encounters them on the left side of an assignment
<jhass> there are also @@class_vars though their usecases are rare
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<heftig> they're terrible
<jhass> finally Constants are starting with [A-Z]
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<jesterfraud> jhass, don't class level hooks etc. use @@vars?
<jhass> what do you mean?
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<jesterfraud> like before_action :blah
<jesterfraud> has to store those somewhere, right?
<jesterfraud> (Rails example)
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<apeiros> doesn't need to be @@cvars
<jhass> yes, typically you'd use class level @ivars
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<jesterfraud> and they'd carry over to each instance of that class?
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<jesterfraud> if so, what IS the legitimate use of @@cvars?
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<ljarvis> they're accessed outside of any instance of the class. You refer to them directly on the class itself (which, is an instance of Class)
<jesterfraud> right
<jesterfraud> I obviously need to read up a bit more
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<yorickpeterse> welp, TIL I still have 3 weeks of holiday time left unclaimed
<yorickpeterse> <bosswoman> so Yorick I've checked your contract stuff for the renewal next month, you still have 3 weeks of unclaimed holidays
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<yorickpeterse> guess that will be 3 weeks of FOSS at home :D
<jesterfraud> :D
<yorickpeterse> or taking off Friday for the next 15 weeks
<yorickpeterse> the possibilities are endless
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<yorickpeterse> well, I still have like 7 days for this year
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<tbuehlmann> yorickpeterse, I'm gone for 3 weeks in august, you could have my flat :p
<yorickpeterse> why would I have yours? I have my own
<yorickpeterse> mine even comes with a cat
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<tbuehlmann> well, I could ask, why would you go to south korea? going places
<yorickpeterse> yeah but you don't live in South Korea do you?
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<tbuehlmann> right, it's just germany
<yorickpeterse> meh, Netherlands > Germany
<tbuehlmann> and SK > Netherlands? :D
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<yorickpeterse> Cuisine wise, yes
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<yorickpeterse> Also the women are better, but that might just be my hormones talking
<tbuehlmann> :)
<adaedra> .
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<avat> What is the best tool to schedule a job 10 days later? I'm looking for simplest tool which won't loose scheduled jobs on restart
<bnagy> cron
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<chris2> at
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<avat> But I have to store this particular job details somewhere for 10 days. Should I use Redis?
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<chris2> in the command line you pass to at :P
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<jhass> if you like redis and already have something like resque or sidekiq running, there are plugins for them that do that
<avat> Any tutorial how to use at with Sinatra?
<chris2> if you have a certain frequency of jobs, probably use some "real" queue
<chris2> but you asked for the simplest tool :P
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<avat> OK I guess I will need something more then :)
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<jhass> maybe describe your actual usecase
<avat> Currently I'm using rufus-scheduler, but I will loose all jobs on update (beacuse I need to restart sinatra server)
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<avat> Or when admins do some maintenance and they will restart a machine. So I guess I need something which stores queue and after restart picks it again and runs a job when time comes
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<avat> Resque then?
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<jhass> you didn't give your usecase, we can't make clear recommendations
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<avat> Here is my current code snippet: https://gist.github.com/ZyzioZiom/e2630bf20a031dbe593e
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<jhass> do you need it that precise?
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<jhass> I'd setup an hourly job that goes over the Trials, filters them by created_at <= now-10d and does the check
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<jhass> that way you'll never loose jobs and never overrun any queue
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<avat> It doesnt need to be very precise. Thanks jhass, maybe I'll try this way
<workmad3> jhass: I'd be tempted to do it daily personally... so Trials are activated at, say, 7a.m EST 10 days from then
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<workmad3> but yeah, cron jobs or clockwork is a good way to handle timing-insensitive jobs like that, without the mechanics of a queue providing more points of failure
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<effeeee> how bad of an idea would it be to pass along state in an exception? for example have an exception, that holds a list with all errors, that occured during a computation
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<jhass> always has the sound of doing flow control with them to me
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<Fluent_> Recommendations on what to change?
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<Fluent_> Seen here: http://repl.it/tlc/2
<adaedra> variable names should not begin by a capitalized letter
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<Fluent_> That's a constant
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<Fluent_> It doesn't change
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<workmad3> Fluent_: what exactly are you asking?
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<adaedra> Cards change at l3 and l57
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<adaedra> and 53 too
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<Fluent_> What
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<Fluent_> That doesn't change it
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<Fluent_> workmad3, I was just looking for constructive criticism is all
<adaedra> That changes the content
<adaedra> also, l57, you use map without getting the content back, I think each would be more appropriate
<Fluent_> line 57 is a method call, it doesn't change any value
<workmad3> Fluent_: not sure I can provide constructive criticim on it :P
<workmad3> *criticism
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<Fluent_> Well it does, but it doesn't change any of the constants
<Fluent_> It changes a global variable
<adaedra> meh, lines are not numbered the same way in your second link
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<Fluent_> Yeah, I'm on the github
<Fluent_> line 57 changeCard
<Fluent_> Doesn't change a constant's value
<adaedra> so 4, 58 and 54
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<Fluent_> That's a hash
<Fluent_> and it changes the key value pair
<adaedra> yes
<Fluent_> I think I could define it different
<Fluent_> Just make the hash global
<Fluent_> not a constant :D
<workmad3> Fluent_: it's all pretty poorly structured, your code is shouting out for a class to handle things, it's very 'scripty', makes odd use of top-level ivars...
<Fluent_> Good point
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<Fluent_> Hmmm, what are ivars?
<adaedra> IMO a constant could be frozen at its declaration – constant
<workmad3> @ivar
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<Fluent_> I should wrap it up in a class
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<Fluent_> Oh, globals?
<workmad3> Fluent_: no, an ivar is not a global
<adaedra> and a x? method should return true or false, not do something on its own and return something – even if I see what you do
<Fluent_> I just call those things global variables
<workmad3> Fluent_: a global is $global
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<Fluent_> @var = 'foo'
<Fluent_> Ahh
<workmad3> Fluent_: you're wrong in your terminology then :P
<Fluent_> Yes, I am
<adaedra> (Yeah, that's nitpicking, I know)
<[k-> changeCard is camel case
<Fluent_> I think I recall that $global now
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<Fluent_> That it is
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<Fluent_> I ride le camel
<Fluent_> You suggest _'s, right?
<adaedra> Same way, you use #select at l41 but don't use its return, you want #each
<workmad3> Fluent_: if I was writing a quick, write-only script to handle a specific class, it might look like your code... but I'm guessing you're not looking to have quick & dirty code to handle simple automation tasks, you're wanting to write good, well structured ruby code, yeah?
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<workmad3> Fluent_: snake_case is idiomatic ruby for methods and variables, CamelCase is reserved for class names and sometimes constants, and sometimes constants are written as SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
<Fluent_> Well, I just threw this together. I have no need to write well structured code, but I was more curious of what the transition process would be like from a scripted piece of code to something professional in nature
<Fluent_> I see
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<adaedra> mmmh, \r\n
<Fluent_> https://github.com/ninjex/confabulation This is probably the most 'professional' code I have wrote lol
<Fluent_> and it's still meh
<workmad3> Fluent_: well, to answer your original question then - what I'd change to write it as a cleanly structured piece of ruby code is "everything" ;)
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<Fluent_> lol
<Fluent_> Thanks
<workmad3> adaedra: yeah, good point... no need to do \r\n in ruby
<workmad3> ever
<adaedra> If i read changeCard correctly, you treat o as no and s as yes, right?
<Fluent_> Yep, that would do it
<Fluent_> Not a perfect solution, but I did that quickly to accept any input from that is inside 'yes'
<Fluent_> so if the user types: 'y' or 'yes' it works
<adaedra> That disturbs me for two reasons: you ask explicitely for y/n, and in my mind, o is yes
<adaedra> but I see your point
<Fluent_> o is not yes o would be no
<adaedra> maybe use start_with?, which would accept y, ye and yes, and n and no
<workmad3> Fluent_: o as in 'ok'
<Fluent_> Oh, in your mind
<adaedra> o as in oui :p
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<Fluent_> o is yes, I read that wrong
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<workmad3> adaedra: ah yeah, weird foreign languages too :P
<Fluent_> There is a start_with method, I didn't know that
<Fluent_> Nice
<Fluent_> I'm definitely going to be using that
<adaedra> workmad3: that's what I'm used too ([o/n]), but ok works too, didn't think of that.
<workmad3> adaedra: [o/c] would be more typical when using ok (as in ok, cancel)
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<adaedra> you have an extra set of parenthesis on line 5
<Fluent_> Thanks for the tips guize
<yorickpeterse> usually CLIs use [y/n]
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<yorickpeterse> or [yes/no]
<Fluent_> You are my new best acquaintances
<workmad3> yorickpeterse: I want to write one that using '[cancel/continue]' now, just to break a `starts_with?` call :D
<workmad3> *uses
<adaedra> :D
<adaedra> Abort, Retry, Ignore?
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<Fluent_> I don't know if it's just me, adaedra but I like to wrap my mathematical operations in parenthesis like that
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<workmad3> "This will make your computer explode. [C]ancel or [C]ontinue?"
<adaedra> Also Fluent_
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<adaedra> If I enter nothing at your prompt, it asks me again, right?
<adaedra> (still changeCard)
<[k-> the difference between good code and bad code was demonstrated yesterday... 160min reduced to 5 seconds
<Fluent_> I could do: rand(0..hash.size) -1 I just think: (rand(0..hash.size) -1) looks neater
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<adaedra> I'd remove the external parenthesis and put a space before the 1
<Fluent_> If you input nothing, it will not
<Fluent_> It will go with 'no' basically
<workmad3> Fluent_: hash.keys.sample would be nicer still
<adaedra> Yet the y is capitalized in your prompt, which leads me to thing yes is the default option
<[k-> you can show the default option using "(N) >"
<workmad3> Fluent_: e.g. WinningCard = Cards.keys.sample <-- no need for WinningCardIndex anymore
<Fluent_> workmad3, nice :D
<Fluent_> Thanks for the tip
<Fluent_> Which eliminates more code
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<workmad3> Cards = %w(K Q A).shuffle.zip(['n'] * 3).to_h <-- that also eliminates some code
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<Fluent_> That will make my brain hurt
<Fluent_> Time to see what that does
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<Fluent_> #=> {"Q"=>"n", "A"=>"n", "K"=>"n"}
<Fluent_> Nice
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<Fluent_> Should I use the .between? method too?
<Fluent_> for if @userIndex < 1 || @userIndex > 3
<workmad3> Fluent_: you could also probably make your code much simpler if you did `Cards = %w(K Q A); WinningCard = Cards.sample` and had users choose K, Q or A, rather than a 'face down' card with 1, 2 and 3
<adaedra> you could
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<Fluent_> Then the user will know the card they are choosing, workmad3...
<Fluent_> If I choose A, I know I get A, I don't want that
<workmad3> Fluent_: yes, but they don't know which card is the winner
<workmad3> Fluent_: seeing as you randomly choose a card to 'win', knowing the card isn't actually any detriment
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<workmad3> Fluent_: at the moment, you're basically doing "Pick a number, 1 2 or 3, one of which is randomly the 'winner'" but pushing it through a mapping of 1,2,3 => 0,1,2 => random_order(Q, K, A)
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<workmad3> Fluent_: so you're basically doing 2 levels of indirection to map a random 'winning' number onto a random 'winning' card, which makes your code correspondingly more complicated for no actual gain
<Fluent_> Hmmm
<Fluent_> I see
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<Fluent_> You guys are awesome
<Fluent_> Time for some coffee
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* flughafen fetches tea
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* adaedra throws tea in the harbour
<ttilley> heh
<[k-> ah, the sea is so refreshing today!
<workmad3> adaedra: VIVA LA REVOLUTION!
<adaedra> VIVE*
<workmad3> heh, close enough... it's not like anyone cares if I spell french words correctly anyway ;)
<ttilley> my irc client displays that animated gif inline in chat
<ttilley> it's glorious
<[k-> é*
<workmad3> adaedra: drats, I was also hoping I'd used the wrong gender pronoun for revolution :(
<[k-> É*
<adaedra> yes, é
<[k-> wait a minute, what is bonjour
<adaedra> Hello
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<adaedra> You can replace T by SS to be even more wrong
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<workmad3> [k-: the french word, or the apple network discovery protocol?
<[k-> anyone actually uses try_convert as suggested in rdocs?
<[k-> the french word, hello
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* flughafen throws adaedra into harbour to fetch tea.
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<effeeee> how bad of an idea would it be to pass along state in an exception? for example have an exception, that holds a list with all errors, that occured during a computation
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<flughafen> or maybe i should demand adaedra boil the ocean to make me a big tea.
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<workmad3> flughafen: it'll be an interesting cuppa... are you normally fond of whale poop in your tea?
<[k-> you'd kill the corals!
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<flughafen> workmad3: loaded with antioxidants
<jhass> flughafen: workmad3 #ruby-offtopic misses you ;)
<[k-> think of the shark fins!
<shevy> think of the children
<[k-> there are aquariums for those type of people
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<shevy> freedom for fish! humans into the aquariums
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<workmad3> shevy: screw that, the fish already have 2/3s of the earths surface for their playpen
<shevy> we are at war with them
<workmad3> jhass: I can't think why... anyone would think that discussions of whale-poop tea aren't relevant to ruby...
<jhass> right... my bad I guess
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<shevy> fish would code in ruby, if they'd have an underwater computer
<shevy> it also probably has to be a touchscreen rather than a keyboard interface
<[k-> no they won't, they need java first
<shevy> no please
<[k-> EnterpriseShit first
<shevy> no fish would want to code in java
<shevy> perhaps EnterpriseFish like that puff fish
<[k-> then the fishes won't advance
<shevy> that's why we declared war on them
<shevy> they just don't wanna evolve
<[k-> oh.
<shevy> we know of duck typing but have you ever heard of fish typing?
<workmad3> shevy: I have... it's when duck typing is particularly smelly
<yorickpeterse> I'm more a fan of cat typing
<[k-> ducks are fish!
<shevy> haha
<adaedra> >_>
<flughafen> [k-: is that because they float like wood?
<shevy> [k- ducks eat fish!
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<[k-> hurhur
<yorickpeterse> if the fish quacks like a duck and walks like a duck it probably is a duck
<workmad3> witches weigh as much as a fish!
<shevy> and bread
<[k-> fish eat fish!
<shevy> I always wondered why ducks eat bread... it's not a natural food for them now is it?
<shevy> but people through bread pieces to them in a pond
<shevy> *throw
<workmad3> shevy: it's not like it's a natural food for us either :P
<yorickpeterse> shevy: Yeah it's not
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<shevy> workmad3 true
<yorickpeterse> They can't digest it properly either
<workmad3> shevy: and yet sandwiches are delicious!
<yorickpeterse> so feeding them too much can actually cause health problems
<shevy> our natural food would be fruit... and fish :)
<yorickpeterse> and animals
<shevy> yeah
<yorickpeterse> take that vegans
<shevy> we use their energy so that we can code more ruby
<yorickpeterse> cows go in, code comes out
<workmad3> and root veg... and insects... and whatever else we could get our grubby little hunter-gatherer hands on!
<shevy> lol
<shevy> cows go in... code comes out... life of a programmer
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<flughafen> shevy brings fish to the ducks
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<[k-> code go in... more code comes out
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<workmad3> shevy: I'm personally very happy we're not stuck with 'natural' food... duck in hoi-sin sauce is too delicious to give up!
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<adaedra> I'm sure ducks prefer zsh
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<workmad3> [k-: Programmer - A machine for turning caffeine into bugs
<[k-> lel
<yorickpeterse> adaedra: not Fish shell?
<yorickpeterse> :>
<adaedra> that's the joke
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<workmad3> adaedra: how is it funny to state the simple truth that Zsh > *?
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<adaedra> Come discuss that in offtopic :>
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<yorickpeterse> workmad3: that's what separates humans from the beasts: we have fine cuisine, they don't
<shevy> hmm
<shevy> some animals eat one thing, then something else
<yorickpeterse> I also have yet to find an actual use case for zsh
<shevy> like meat first, then vegetables
<yorickpeterse> or any shell that's not Bash
<shevy> or if they are sick due to foot, eat some plants that may help there
<shevy> the fish shell is quite interesting, at least it tries to do things differently. like those fancy colours
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<shevy> as you type :)
<shevy> zsh has RPROMPT so that makes it superior to bash alone
<shevy> but bash is simpler!
<flughafen> shevy: are you using zsh?
<shevy> nope, bash still
<workmad3> kill ruby<tab> | menu of all ruby pids to tab through and select
<workmad3> ^^ there we go, why I use zsh
<shevy> due to laziness; I acknowledge that zsh is the better shell, but I am the lazier person
<flughafen> i tried zsh for a little while, but i don't remember why i went back to bash
<izzol> https://gist.github.com/wolfedale/55d44396e1010aba4669 - anyone know what is wrong ? I'm trying to use rspec-dns but probbaly I'm doing something wrong :(
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<shevy> yeah somewhat similar to my case flughafen :)
<shevy> I think it had to do with the fact that I use ruby to generate my aliases
<shevy> it became unwieldy, and for some reason, the syntax for bash is not 100% identical to zsh; I get some strange errors, and I was too lazy to fix them
<flughafen> shevy: what are you using/
<shevy> aliases_rc:2246: bad option: -l
<shevy> aliases_rc:4133: no matches found: 256_colours=find /lib/terminfo /usr/share/terminfo -name *256*
<shevy> things like that
<jhass> ?ot shevy flughafen
<ruboto> shevy, this seems to be off-topic. Please move your discussion to #ruby-offtopic, to keep this channel free for Ruby related problems. Thanks!
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<yorickpeterse> shit the police is here
<shevy> how do I invoke ruby
<shevy> I use bash
<flughafen> quick hide the weed
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<chris2> lol shevy. still have your 5kloc aliases file?
<izzol> ok, nevermind, I found the problem.
<flughafen> see jhass izzol figuure it out on his own. it's good that we burried his question
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<izzol> flughafen: ;-)
<txdv> shevy: can you upload your alias file? :D
<jhass> izzol: share the solution though!
<izzol> jhass: I just deleted '.' on the end ;-)
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<jhass> ah
<jhass> bug IMO :P
<flughafen> izzol: make a pr for your gist, and then we'll review it
<jhass> the . is valid part of the name, most software just supports omitting it
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<izzol> jhass: that's correct, but somehow rspec-dns is not supporting it
<jhass> izzol: I'd open an issue ;)
<jhass> or even look into fixing it
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<izzol> jhass: yes, good idea
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<shevy> chris2 I am approaching 40.000 aliases!
<chris2> i'll buy you a sixpack of beer if you show me that file :P
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<flughafen> shevy: huh?
<flughafen> is it in your github?
<shevy> look
<shevy> if it were made available
<shevy> you'd just laugh
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<shevy> I can already see your curious grin
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<jhass> isn't it beautiful if people laugh?
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<flughafen> shevy: has your alias taken off yet? nope?
<shevy> flughafen hmm
<shevy> flughafen that's a good question actually... if it's an alias I use a lot, there is a "return of investment"; but if I barely use an alias, then the time it takes to define it, like let's say 8 seconds or so, wouldn't be worth the investment
<flughafen> i make aliases or scripts for a lot of things.
<txdv> shevy: how can you have so many aliases
<txdv> how do they look like?
<flughafen> even ssh'ing to a machine
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<shevy> txdv they are just aliases
<txdv> do you have aliases for "iwantapizzawithsalamiat5oclock"
<shevy> txdv hmm nah, that would usually happen through a ruby script then
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<Vardan> hi all
<shevy> like I have a clock/alarm bell in ruby
<Vardan> people is it possible to run code on class load?
<yorickpeterse> I once wrote a script that would start VLC at 08:00 to play music because I was having problems with my phone's alarm
<jhass> Vardan: well, you can always reopen a class at any point, when would you consider a class "loaded"?
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<shevy> Vardan well you tend to load a .rb file; but you can put code into the file; and methods into your class which you can call
<shevy> yorickpeterse I tend to use mplayer
<jhass> mmh, I once had a cronjob doing the same via mpd
<shevy> to start my alarm, I do like: "at 07:33:24" and it'll start then to play loud music
<adaedra> yorickpeterse: I had a script which put the computer to sleep, then, on time, woke it up and ran mpc play
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<shevy> I once had my computer crash due to an unrelated problem, and did not wake up and missed an early schedule, which sucked :(
<Vardan> ok, I want this, I have class A and class B, class B extends class A now I want that on class B load it do some code which in real written in class A :)
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<jhass> Vardan: "load", you need to elaborate on what you mean by that
<shevy> Vardan yes put the code in that second file
<jhass> Vardan: do you want to run code when A is subclassed perhaps?
<shevy> you can check for direct-call, like through the commandline, via something like: if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME; or you could make it integrated into the behaviour of the second class, like a class method, and invoke that
<Vardan> in real I don't know what I mean by load :) be cause it is class in Rails app/models folder and I don't know how Rails load them
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<shevy> aha
<jhass> Vardan: then remove the abstractions
<jhass> Vardan: explain what you want to do, with your real classes and why
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<Vardan> I think you know how rails generate class and instance method from DB table, now I want to have the same but own :)
<jhass> ideally illustrate with some code on gist.github.com
<Vardan> don't have any code yet :)
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<shevy> matz is such a funny guy, look at the after-talk discussion near the end of the talk :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqWBB8-iEac
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<jhass> Vardan: I think you want the inherited hook (in case of a parent class) or the included hook (in case of a included module). Also take a look at ActiveSupport::Concern
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<jhass> shevy: btw all your friends are in #ruby-offtopic now ;)
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<shevy> ack
<shevy> they play unicode hangman :(
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<shevy> though it's interesting to see that the hangman games have not stopped
<shevy> they just moved to another place :D
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<flughafen> ;)
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<[k-_> we will do this until there is something to do
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<livcd> anybody has good Ruby/Rails rss feeds to share with me ?
<ponga> livcd: there is a seperate channel for rails
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<ponga> i guess you'd get better answers from there
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<c355E3B> livcd: rubyflow is ok
<IceDragon> I LIVE
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<livcd> ponga: well i have asked about Ruby as well
<ponga> ah hah
<ponga> sorry
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<abyss> I have a file, there is a pattern like: patternline1\n patternline2. I'd like to check each line and if line == patternline2 then check previous line and if previous line == patternline1 then delete patternline1. How I can achieve that? Any help?
<abyss> I'd like to remove each line before update if that line (before) contain set insert_id
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<[k-_> abyss: that looks like a nonsensical request
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<[k-_> abyss: i recommend a parser instead of regexp in this case
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<IceDragon> abyss: Iterate the stream using String#each_line and store the previous line
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<abyss> IceDragon: yeah, but I have to back to last line somehow to delete it, yes?
<IceDragon> abyss: previous_line = nil; "patternline1\npatternline2".each_line { |s| check_line_for_match(s); previous_line = s; }
<IceDragon> oh in that case just use a result list, in which you push each line unto the list and pop it to remove the line
<[k-_> .each_line.each_with_index
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<[k-_> oh, poping works too
<[k-_> much more elegant than [-1]
<[k-_> :P
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<[k-_> /^(?<prev>)blahblahblah$/ would also work
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<jhass> if you read the entire file into memory
<[k-_> actually it wouldn't
<[k-_> /\A(?<prev><newline>)blahblahblah\Z/m would also work
<IceDragon> jhass: I guess you could stream it, I usually just read whole files into memory and be done with it, never messed with IO too much :(
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<[k-_> does .each_line stream it?
<jhass> IO#each_line should
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<[k-_> then it does
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<abyss> IceDragon: you mean that I should put whole file to array? And check if then line[-1].pop?
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<[k-_> abyss: you dont pop a string
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<abyss> [k-_: yeah, I mean I should put whole file to array and iterate that array and if find my example then array[-1].pop?
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<[k-_> read the code again
<IceDragon> abyss: lemme gist an example; https://gist.github.com/IceDragon200/17999d51f1b34294846e
<[k-_> reason about what it does
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<IceDragon> [k-_: What did I miss, disconnected there a bit
<[k-_> array[-1].pop
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<[k-_> ^ the code he thinks he should write
<[k-_> IceDragon: unused last_line
<IceDragon> I forgot to use it
<[k-_> u have to!
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<shevy> to have u!
<[k-_> you must check if it matches pattern 1
<IceDragon> [k-_: I did it now
<IceDragon> Do I get a cookie?
<IceDragon> *~*
<abyss> [k-_: exactly is that I said, the whole file to array, yes?
<[k-_> I think someone should have an interactive session with him
<abyss> ;)
<[k-_> abyss: evaluate array[1]
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<IceDragon> [k-_: touche`
<[k-_> what does it return
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<IceDragon> I saw what you did there
<[k-_> what did i do?
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<[k-_> turdurrrr https://codebunny.io/
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<abyss> lol
<[k-_> now someone should start a session and guide him along :D
<IceDragon> [k-_: Ah, I took it as an http joke off my cookie statement
* IceDragon read too far into the conversation
<IceDragon> orz
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<[k-_> you read very far
<abyss> [k-_: nevermind I did it in awk;p But I was just curious :)
<[k-_> dont you have some ruby to learn
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<abyss> btw [k-_ I've learnt ruby an half an year ago but because I didn't have any chalanges or whatsover I forgot a lot. Do you have an advice how to practise? Where or something - I'm not a programmer, I'm just an admin
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<abyss> ok "a lot" I forgot almost all;)
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<IceDragon> abyss: I write ruby everyday, for everything, downloading cat pictures, randomly regenerating text documents, moving my audio samples around, deploying code, everything and anything, also games, which was my main motivation to use ruby
<workmad3> abyss: you could use ruby and chef to automate your sysadmin stuff ;)
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<IceDragon> 3:
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<IceDragon> I should shoot myself for using ansible...
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<abyss> workmad3: I'm using puppet:)
<ljarvis> IceDragon: building games was your main motivation for using Ruby?
<IceDragon> Yah, I started out with RPG Maker VX
<IceDragon> And got hooked on ruby immediately, but my thirst for pretty gems didn't stop ;-; I WANTED MORE
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<workmad3> abyss: also uses ruby under the hood ;) write more modules (or whatever they're called) for puppet without using their DSL :P
<IceDragon> So I switched to linux to get more out of ruby
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<IceDragon> and here I am today ;3
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<[k-_> you ruby too much
<abyss> IceDragon: :)
<[k-_> time to learn something new!
<workmad3> IceDragon: start learning elixir!
<[k-_> yay functional!
<IceDragon> [k-_: I do C and C++, also Go, I have clojure on my list of things to learn also uggh JS..
<ljarvis> workmad3: everything should be done without their DSL. Puppet makes me want to tear my face off
<abyss> start learning assembler;p
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<[k-_> ?how2describeproblem
<ruboto> I don't know anything about how2describeproblem
<workmad3> ljarvis: my experience with puppet is limited to an attempt to set it up with VMs about 6 years ago that failed
<IceDragon> I do! describe it in code!
<[k-_> but abyss fails at that :@
<abyss> :D
<flughafen> workmad3: salt!
<IceDragon> workmad3: Try again?
<[k-_> so is anyone guiding him through his problem?
<abyss> [k-_: fails with what?
<workmad3> IceDragon: I switched to chef and never worried about it again :P
<[k-_> :@
<ljarvis> workmad3: +1
<abyss> [k-_: yeah, IceDragon described both my problems;)
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<workmad3> and I don't need to touch any sysadmin stuff in my new job
<IceDragon> yay!
<IceDragon> sysamdin is evil :x
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<IceDragon> And no one ask why, I have nothing to backup my statement
<[k-_> so no one uses codebunny.io? ;-;
<abyss> ;)
<workmad3> IceDragon: when in doubt, point to Sendmail and rest your case ;)
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<IceDragon> [k-_: Um, nope, I learn code by looking at other people's code, reading api docs and banging my head against the desk all alone in a corner
<IceDragon> especially banging my head against the desk
<IceDragon> workmad3: I'll keep that in mind 3;
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<abyss> IceDragon: any books?
<abyss> I've read one but I forgot almost everything;)
<maasha> So hash keys are default in the input order. Can you insert a new key/value pair after a particular key?
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<IceDragon> abyss: The pickaxe that used to ship with ruby back in 1.8
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<IceDragon> maasha: Splice the hash together, split it after a certain key, merge the key/value pair you want and then merge the other half back unto it
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<ljarvis> maasha: hashes are not supposed to be ordered
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<IceDragon> ljarvis: in 1.9+ they are 3:
<[k-_> that was a mistake
<ljarvis> that doesn't change my statement
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<[k-_> many people raged because they didnt like the behaviour
<[k-_> look at the forums!
<workmad3> IceDragon: implementation wise, they have a deterministic order to keys now, but that doesn't make it right to then rely on a specific order as hashes are semantically unordered
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<IceDragon> [k-_: ;-; I'm terrified of forums, people say mean things!
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<IceDragon> workmad3: ah! point taken
<[k-_> look no speak
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<[k-_> i think thats where the line comes from
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<IceDragon> [k-_: dayum, ;x
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<[k-_> i dont even forum
<[k-_> i look through some sometimes
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<[k-_> but never write
<IceDragon> [k-_: forums eat up time ;-;
<IceDragon> time we don't have
<[k-_> "time we don't have"
<adaedra> Is there a simple way to get a random date between two?
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<[k-_> a... random date?
<IceDragon> adaedra: Grab 2 points in time, use the difference as the variance and add it back to the first date?
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<[k-_> get a random day
<[k-_> random month
<adaedra> IceDragon: good point
<[k-_> random year
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<[k-_> if not in between, reject
<workmad3> adaedra: date1 + rand(date2 - date1)
<[k-_> o that works too!
<IceDragon> [k-_: you are wasting precious cpu time! /performance critical
<adaedra> yeah, [k-_ solution is inelegant
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<adaedra> sorry [k-_ :(
<[k-_> i tried my best!
<[k-_> (date1..date2).sample
<[k-_> tada!
<[k-_> (date1..date2).to_a.sample
<workmad3> hehe
<adaedra> Did you try it, [k-_ ?
<[k-_> convert to epoch?
<[k-_> wait is that what i mean?
<workmad3> [k-_: probably not... that's times, not dates
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<adaedra> and if I have to choose in a 10y timespan, it means allocating 3650+ elements
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<[k-_> (date1..date2).to_a.lazy.sample
<[k-_> tada!
<IceDragon> [k-_: Still nope, to_a makes an array, regardless
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<workmad3> [k-_: the .to_a will create the entire array
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<workmad3> hehe
<[k-_> 12102014..30122999
<ljarvis> adaedra: i'd use rand with upper/lower bounds yyyymmdd
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<[k-_> (date1..date2).lazy.to_a.lazy.sample
<[k-_> does this work T^T
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<adaedra> ljarvis: as string? it may give you 20109876
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<workmad3> [k-_: you have an IRB console, right?
<IceDragon> [k-_: I believe that would be even slower...
<adaedra> [k-_: you can't .to_a a date range, anyway
<workmad3> adaedra: yeah you can
<ljarvis> adaedra: what why?
<adaedra> ah
<IceDragon> Anything Enumerable can be #to_a-ed
<adaedra> oh, it's time I have here
<[k-_> ^
<[k-_> yay
<ljarvis> that's even easier
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<workmad3> adaedra: so, the question is - what bits of information do you have? start date + end date? start date + interval range?
<adaedra> start date, today
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<ljarvis> >> require 'date'; Time.at(Date.new(2015, 1, 15).to_f - Date.new(2015, 2, 15).to_f * rand + Date.new(2015, 2, 15))
<ruboto> ljarvis # => undefined method `to_f' for #<Date: 2015-01-15 ((2457038j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)> (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/386243)
<workmad3> adaedra: and do you need a random date or a random datetime?
<ljarvis> time etc
<IceDragon> Time.at(start_date + rand(today - start_date))
<[k-_> cant iterate time ;-;
<adaedra> workmad3: and I want a random date between the two
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<IceDragon> [k-_: You'd need intervals or steps
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<adaedra> I tried with Time the first time, it may have been my error :x
<[k-_> does ruby even support steps
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<ljarvis> adaedra: do you have times or dates? :|
<adaedra> dates
<ljarvis> convert them to times
<IceDragon> [k-_: Integer#step
<ljarvis> Time.at(from + rand * (to.to_f - from.to_s))
<[k-_> pls, using range here
<IceDragon> >> enum = 1.step(10); [enum.next, enum.next, enum.next]
<ruboto> IceDragon # => [1, 2, 3] (https://eval.in/386246)
<workmad3> adaedra: also, is start_date in the future or the past?
<adaedra> ljarvis: ok
<adaedra> workmad3: past
<IceDragon> I think step has a second argument...
<ljarvis> shouldn't matter
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<workmad3> adaedra: ok, so start_date + rand(Date.today - start_date) will give you a random date in between the two
<IceDragon> >> enum = 1.step(10, 3); [enum.next, enum.next, enum.next]
<ruboto> IceDragon # => [1, 4, 7] (https://eval.in/386249)
<IceDragon> yep
<IceDragon> 3:
<IceDragon> [k-_: ^
<workmad3> adaedra: but yeah, as ljarvis said, it shouldn't matter tbh, rand will produce negatives as happily as positives
<IceDragon> >> rand(-10)
<ruboto> IceDragon # => 6 (https://eval.in/386251)
<IceDragon> >> rand(-10)
<ruboto> IceDragon # => 3 (https://eval.in/386252)
<IceDragon> >> rand(-10)
<ruboto> IceDragon # => 0 (https://eval.in/386253)
<IceDragon> >> rand(-10)
<ruboto> IceDragon # => 3 (https://eval.in/386254)
<IceDragon> Gentlemen, we've hit a road block on that
<ljarvis> IceDragon: you have an irb console too ;)
* [k-_ deletes ruby
<[k-_> now i dont!
<ljarvis> ?experiment
<ruboto> Please use your local irb or pry (see ?pry) to experiment, ruboto's eval functionality is for demonstration purposes only.
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<IceDragon> Ah, k
* IceDragon crawls back to his cave and tinkers with his local irb
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<IceDragon> rand y u no gib negatives ;-;
<ljarvis> IceDragon: -rand
<adaedra> yay it works
<adaedra> thanks kind strangers *_*
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<jhass> [k-_: wrong channel ;)
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<ljarvis> ?ot
<ruboto> this seems to be off-topic. Please move your discussion to #ruby-offtopic, to keep this channel free for Ruby related problems. Thanks!
<IceDragon> ljarvis: dats cheating ;x
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<ljarvis> IceDragon: psh, is it though
<IceDragon> ljarvis: I guess you could make a different rand method, one that handles negatives
<[k-_> def negativerand(*args); -rand(*args);end
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<IceDragon> ;3
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<IceDragon> def rand_of_awesome(n); rand(n) * (n <=> 0); end
<ljarvis> >> a = -10; a--------------------------a
<ruboto> ljarvis # => -20 (https://eval.in/386262)
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<adaedra> def real_random; 4; end # Chosen by fair dice roll. Guaranteed to be random
<[k-_> def negativerand(*args); a=rand(*args); a % 2 == 0 ? a : -a ;end
<ljarvis> I've seen that in the wild adaedra :(
<[k-_> really?
<adaedra> That's an xkcd, iirc
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<ljarvis> yep it is
<IceDragon> adaedra: shiiiiet, I can't argue with the dice roll...
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<[k-_> but it's used in the wild?
<ljarvis> I worked on some code which had a method like "next_number" and it returned a static number
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<ljarvis> the tests failed when they changed it so they left it
<ljarvis> go figure
<IceDragon> ljarvis: makes sense in the case of tests I guess
<IceDragon> ljarvis: That or they shoudl have used; random = Random.new(seed)
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<_mh_> I wonder, can a regular expression be modified after it's been created?
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<[k-_> yes
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<_mh_> [k-_: how would one go about this? Particular use case is having to prepend \A to a precompiled regex
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<IceDragon> _mh_: /\A#{regex.source}/
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<_mh_> aaah! Well, should've guessed that.
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<_mh_> Thank you :)
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<IceDragon> _mh_: np
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<cubicool> I feel dirty.
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<cubicool> I've been using Python for years professionally. I paid off all my debt in life with Python gigs. I have tons of Python side work in queue...
<cubicool> ...and lately all I do play around with ruby.
<[k-_> ruby is not dirty
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<cubicool> I certainly USED to think so.
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<_mh_> There's language choices based on preference and language choices based on need. Also language choices based on 'better suited for the job'. I don't see many languages I'd call dirty or bad, but many that are not well suited for the job.
<IceDragon> cubicool: YES, YES, WE NEED MORE LIKE YOU
<IceDragon> python converts!
* canton7 thinks java is dirty and bad :P
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<_mh_> canton7: The army of java programmers out there likely agree with you, yet they still make a lot of money with it ;)
<canton7> your argument is sound, but there are still languages that are fundamentally flawed imo :P
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<canton7> heh, I never said you couldn't make money from them
* canton7 is one of those java programmers
<_mh_> heck... PHP... yes, I didn't say there aren't ones that are really bad.
<IceDragon> money trumps happiness?
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<canton7> I'm a consultant, so what the client wants trumps everything
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<_mh_> IceDragon: Well, for the general programming community, apparently... otherwise I can't explain those gazillions of people doing java.
<canton7> luckily java only needs to be rolled out of storage occasionally
<IceDragon> Or is it a case where Happiness === money but money != Happiness
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<canton7> the langauge choice isn't typically made by the programmer :P
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<_mh_> of course not, but I've met more people that _willingly_ submit to the pain of java for the money, so...
<_mh_> (or PHP for that matter)
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<canton7> sometimes they do actually like it
<IceDragon> _mh_: Because there is so many libraries that do the job already, you just need to piece em together
<canton7> I've got one of those in my office
<IceDragon> somehow..
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<IceDragon> in a huge unreabable mess...
<IceDragon> orz
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<IceDragon> /experience with java
<_mh_> IceDragon: yes, that's the common argument :). Just glue them together, it's _easy_.
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<canton7> not when your dependency management tools suck ass ;0
<_mh_> Enter SomeObscureLibraryInflectorInterfaceFactoryInstance
<canton7> even C# how has something bundler-esque (with recursive dependency resolution, a lockfile, etc)
<IceDragon> _mh_ You forgot teh name spaces!
<canton7> *now has
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<IceDragon> canton7: C# is Java done better
<IceDragon> __common_argument__
<canton7> now I think enterprise architecture is something different. people who go around bashing the *concept* of things like factories typically haven't had to maintain buge codebases
<canton7> not that java culture doesn't tend to overdo those sorts of things....
<_mh_> to be fair, the idea of having a language that can run on any platform is a good one and the JVM has some pretty powerful stuff to offer, the language just fails to use it
<IceDragon> Cookie cookie = CookieFactory.Make();
* IceDragon eats the cookie
<IceDragon> x_x taste like java...
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<IceDragon> _mh_: Its a case of the language sucks but the vm rocks
<canton7> nah, you need to use the factory to create a builder, and use that builder to build a cookie
<_mh_> canton7: I don't have a problem with the concepts, the java community just often goes overboard with them.
<IceDragon> canton7: Dahell, I just want a COOKIE!
<canton7> agreed on that, _mh_ :P
<IceDragon> Cookie cookie = new Cookie();
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<canton7> yeah, but what if you want a fake cookie for testing?
<IceDragon> better yet, C++ cookies
<IceDragon> Cookie cookie();
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<IceDragon> Cookie cookie(REAL_COOKIE);
<IceDragon> 3:
* IceDragon eats the cookie
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<IceDragon> x_x taste like templates...
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<IceDragon> canton7: Use inheritance, or composition for the cookie I suppose? new ExperimentalCookie() or cookie = new Cookie(); cookie.properties.push(new ExperimentalTrait());
<_mh_> In the end of the day, it more matters on the skill of the person writing the code what you get in the end... some communities just don't seem to care about the results of their overengineering of things.
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<_mh_> And you sadly can overengineer in just about any high level language.
<havenwood> Less code the better.
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<[k-_> ^
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<workmad3> havenwood: there's a limit to that... see perl :P
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<_mh_> exactly.
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<havenwood> Factory smactory!
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<_mh_> And sometimes the little longer, but more readable code helps more (esp. in a multi programmer environment)
<canton7> IceDragon, well you'd typically use DI - so either inject the cookie, or inject a factory that can create cookies on demand
<workmad3> canton7: can I get a cookie injection plz
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* canton7 injects cookies into workmad3's bloodstream
<workmad3> canton7: double-choc-chip by preference
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<_mh_> canton7: wouldn't you need an AbstractCookie first, just in case someone wants to make their own cookies?
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<IceDragon> _mh_: See, this is why we use composition!
<IceDragon> Just create CookieProperties
<IceDragon> 1 cookie with hundreds of flavours
<IceDragon> o.o
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<lloyd_> er forgot /; sorry.
<havenwood> lloyd_: Success! You're here.
<lloyd_> thanks! :)
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<athos_diddy> rails
<havenwood> ?rails athos_diddy
<ruboto> athos_diddy, Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ HELP
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<_mh_> IceDragon: memories... bad ones. Nightmares... the pain!
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<canton7> _mh_, nah, you typically wouldn't expose a base class to the consumer
<canton7> Cookie would be an interface, which could either be a CookieImpl (for production) or MockCookie (for testing)
<canton7> now you could have ChocChipCookie and PlainCookie, which share a common AbstractCookie base class
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<canton7> but that's implementation, and not exposed to the consumer
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<[k-_> or ICookie
<[k-_> CookieFlavourFactory
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<[k-_> and you need an Ingredient
<athos_diddy> mmmm
<[k-_> a Recipe
<canton7> ICookie is a C# convention, not a java one
<[k-_> so if you want a choco chip
<athos_diddy> canton is that subtype polymorphism
<canton7> which bit?
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<[k-_> i dont know how
<athos_diddy> Cookie being interface then sharing it with your productiong and testing Cookies
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<[k-_> why do you need a cookie interface
<[k-_> silly people
<[k-_> a cookie is already an object
<[k-_> it does not need silly interfaces
<athos_diddy> so you can have different cookies with different return values
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<athos_diddy> but the same functions but can return different values
<canton7> [k-_, we're talking in the abstract :P cookies don't do anything, but imagine they did
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<canton7> athos_diddy, yeah, although subtyping is a term generally applied to inheritance rather than interface implementation
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<athos_diddy> ahh ok
<[k-_> but interfaces needs higher abstraction than just a cookie
<athos_diddy> ty
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<[k-_> you cant really use Food as an interface too
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<[k-_> maybe Edible
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<[k-_> but not cookie or food
<athos_diddy> what do you mean higher abstraction? you mean extend a native class?
<canton7> read back to the beginning of the conversation :P it sorta built out and out from cookies
<canton7> none of it was supposed to make sense :P
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<[k-_> why would i read up
<[k-_> .-.
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<athos_diddy> i want to read the whole thing but i just logged on. ugh i hear people are using cloud based irc clients specifically for this purpose
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<canton7> as in... bouncers? heh, would call that a "cloud-based IRC client" :P
<canton7> *wouldn't
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<[k-_> public abstract AbstractFood implements Edible { blah blah }
<[k-_> public abstract AbstractCookie extends AbstractFood implements Edible {}
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<yorickpeterse> the 2nd implements wouldn't be needed as AbstractFood already implements it
<[k-_> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<yorickpeterse> :D
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<[k-_> s/Edible/Flavorable
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<[k-_> now we can have different flavours!
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<_mh_> nice creation.
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<_mh_> you theoretically would also need to specify ingridients...
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<[k-_> No, its not a cookie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkOcm_XaWrw
<dudedudeman> this is a shot in the dark question, but does anyone know of any examples of a to-do app written in ruby using TDD as the backbone?
<maloik> that should be an easy google
<maloik> if you want something a little more specific, look up the "stringer" app on github
<dudedudeman> swanson/stringer?
<maloik> it's an RSS reader type app in Sinatra, and it's pretty well written last time I checked
<maloik> yes I believe so
<dudedudeman> ah yep, ok
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<dudedudeman> maloik: i'm just struggling to get a solid grasp on testing, so i'm looking to maybe peep some code that is testing within the same context as what i'm working on
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<jrl> hi. if I use #{s.split[3]} to get the 4th word in a string, how to i get 4th to last word?
<havenwood> jrl: -4
<maloik> jrl: use [3..-1]
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<workmad3> jrl: s.split(4).last
<maloik> oh... well depends on how you understand the question :-)
<workmad3> or s.split(4)[3]
<[k-_> wat does the question even mean
<jrl> "I went to ruby channel on freenode" I want to get -> "ruby channel on freenode"
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<maloik> split(" ")[3..-1]
<[k-_> str.split will do
<[k-_> ^ maloik
<maloik> yea
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<[k-_> i wished we could do [third..last]
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<[k-_> that'll be maximum expressiveness!
<havenwood> >> "I went to ruby channel on freenode".partition(' ').last
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<ruboto> havenwood # => "went to ruby channel on freenode" (https://eval.in/386276)
<workmad3> [k-_: def third; 3; end; def last; -1; end
<workmad3> [k-_: there you go :P
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<havenwood> jrl: I vote partition.
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<jrl> maloik: s.split[3..-1] => ["ruby", "channel", "on", "freenode"]
<jrl> can i get just "ruby channel on freenode"?
<havenwood> jrl: Look at my example above.
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<workmad3> >> "I went to ruby channel on freenode".split(" ", 4)[3..-1]
<ruboto> workmad3 # => ["ruby channel on freenode"] (https://eval.in/386281)
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<jrl> havenwood: I just want from X to last, yours somehow has 'went to' in?
<jrl> ok
<workmad3> >> "I went to ruby channel on freenode".split(" ", 4)[3] # better
<ruboto> workmad3 # => "ruby channel on freenode" (https://eval.in/386282)
<havenwood> jrl: Ah, I haven't had coffee and totally missed the X part. >.>
<jrl> and this is the simplest way to just get X to last? ;o
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<maloik> workmad3: I don't like that last version, it's less obvious to me
<maloik> although if you do go that way, .last would be even better
<workmad3> maloik: .last will give you stuff even if there's less than 4 words in the string
<maloik> hmm, good point
<workmad3> maloik: and [3..-1] gives back an array that you then need to access or .join to get the string again
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<maloik> yea in the end it all depends on what you need, I didn't think of it as a sentence per se
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<[k-_> lol workmad3
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<[k-_> in haskell, this might look better
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<unshadow> Does Ruby's OpenSSL lib uses an imbeded openssl librery or the systems librery ?
<jhass> it should link to the system one afaik
<momomomomo> yep
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<brotspinne> hello. is there a better way of writing this? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/c089ef0de05ef3634b7d
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<[k-_> no
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<centrx> brotspinne, I like that style
<brotspinne> really? I mean that = is ambigous
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<[k-_> you can add more code and we will suggest!
<[k-_> brotspinne: it's fine
<centrx> brotspinne, It is possible to use an inline/postfix if for if-assignments, but that can be confusing/misleading
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<centrx> brotspinne, You can put the assignment on a separate line
<centrx> new_variable = compute_some_value('foobar')
<centrx> puts 'hi' unless new_variable.nil?
<Pwnna> when you send a sigterm to a ruby process that has a trap, does it send some signals to any child processes that it has spawned?
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<[k-_> the dreaded *unless* is back
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<brotspinne> yeah the obvious alternative is https://gist.github.com/anonymous/00a97114d54c87561e32 but it just looks verbose
<Pwnna> i have a tar operation running via popen3 and I want to gracefully abort when encountering a SIGTERM (that is, it will finish the tar operation before exitting)
<Pwnna> but it seems like when I send a sigterm and trap it, the tar operation pauses or something like that
<jhass> brotspinne: some style guides suggest to disambiguate with if foo == bar and if (foo = bar), but I hate that style
<brotspinne> centrx: there will be more than more statement if new_variable is not nil
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<brotspinne> more than one
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<centrx> brotspinne, Using a single = in if-statements just requires developers with attention to detail
<jhass> I tend to do your second variant
<[k-_> if compute_some_value returns false, it wont run tho
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<centrx> brotspinne, It's less problematic than a == turning into a =
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<[k-_> jhass: while line = socket.gets is what everyone does!
<jhass> "tend"
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<brotspinne> jhass: yes I agree that adding parenthesis is not solving it
<jhass> I'm only dogmatic about where to put spaces
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<[k-_> sometimes i wish ruby was more expressive
<jhass> heh
<shadoi> haha
<jhass> I see you didn't try many languages yet
<[k-_> however, it is already reaching its limits
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<brotspinne> ok here is the question: is there another way than "foo = 42" to create a local variable?
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<[k-_> i only have a little java, ruby, and a little haskell
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<[k-_> brotspinne: no afaik
<[k-_> eval("foo = 42)
<[k-_> "
<shadoi> that's not a different operation
<[k-_> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<jhass> brotspinne: none you want to know :P
<brotspinne> this would be nice actually https://gist.github.com/anonymous/3c5d071fb0aa69d7a94f
<brotspinne> (no real code though)
<[k-_> rspec uses let
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<shadoi> Feel free to define let so you can write that, but please don't make anyone else maintain it. :)
<[k-_> let should take an arg, which could be a block as well
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<[k-_> the block can also take an arg
<brotspinne> shadoi: no I'm not going to do that :)
<[k-_> which is the name of a variable
<jhass> >> if /(?<foo>bar)/ =~ "bar"; foo.upcase; end; # only other besides = I know
<ruboto> jhass # => "BAR" (https://eval.in/386292)
<[k-_> but you must go deep into the internals to modify scope outside
<brotspinne> jhass: heh
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<[k-_> ruby does that now?
<[k-_> woah
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<unshadow> How can I tell ruby to use an OpenSSL lib from a specific location ? (ie . require './locallib/opensll.h)
<[k-_> require_relative?
<[k-_> wait no
<[k-_> thats not what you mean
<havenwood> >> this = binding; this.local_variable_set 'foo', 42; this.local_variable_get 'foo'
<ruboto> havenwood # => 42 (https://eval.in/386294)
<apeiros> require accepts absolute paths. but that won't work for .h files
<apeiros> @ unshadow
<[k-_> unshadow: you have to set it at compile time
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<[k-_> >> binding
<ruboto> [k-_ # => #<Binding:0x415a0348> (https://eval.in/386295)
<unshadow> [k-_: I see... good thing I have rvm :)
<[k-_> ;O
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<[k-_> >> binding.pry
<apeiros> important re lvar_set:
<ruboto> [k-_ # => undefined method `pry' for #<Binding:0x41bac32c> (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/386296)
<apeiros> >> this = binding; this.local_variable_set 'foo', 42; foo
<ruboto> apeiros # => undefined local variable or method `foo' for main:Object (NameError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/386297)
<havenwood> apeiros: shh, i'm cheating! ;)
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<baryha> ! Raa Lynx games, and you know its football game. Lowers ram against each other, the Super Bowl, everything but thing but this stupid football. After they go boyer!
<baryha> Stop lawyyer moyer royer coyer moyer! Brucesht, boyer and that's a fuckers, Cornhuskers, Cornhuskers, Cornbuck fuck cornhusk. Fuck fuckers, Cornfuck buck cornhuskers, Cornhusk. Husk Husk, cornbuck.
<baryha> Juni Jonn Joans Football game it's a soccer game, it's a fucker game, it's a football makes me, it's a soccer game it's a fuck a duck. Fuck fuckers, Cowboys, Ravens, Cornbuck a duck.
<baryha> Juni Jonn Joans Football or long Saturday after the football makes me say oh my eye queue one notch, and than football game. It is the worse this garbage here. Lowers my eyes it more teams like they show its football. Afternoons. No!
<havenwood> !mute baryha
<apeiros> what a lame spammer
<[k-_> many fucks were given
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<bayfet> ! Raa Lynx games, and you know its football game. Lowers ram against each other, the Super Bowl, everything but thing but this stupid football. After they go boyer!
<bayfet> Stop lawyyer moyer royer coyer moyer! Brucesht, boyer and that's a fuckers, Cornhuskers, Cornhuskers, Cornbuck fuck cornhusk. Fuck fuckers, Cornfuck buck cornhuskers, Cornhusk. Husk Husk, cornbuck.
<bayfet> Juni Jonn Joans Football game it's a soccer game, it's a fucker game, it's a football makes me, it's a soccer game it's a fuck a duck. Fuck fuckers, Cowboys, Ravens, Cornbuck a duck.
<bayfet> Juni Jonn Joans Football or long Saturday after the football makes me say oh my eye queue one notch, and than football game. It is the worse this garbage here. Lowers my eyes it more teams like they show its football. Afternoons. No!
<havenwood> !mute bayfet
<yorickpeterse> that worked really well
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<bubafett> ! Raa Lynx games, and you know its football game. Lowers ram against each other, the Super Bowl, everything but thing but this stupid football. After they go boyer!
<bubafett> Stop lawyyer moyer royer coyer moyer! Brucesht, boyer and that's a fuckers, Cornhuskers, Cornhuskers, Cornbuck fuck cornhusk. Fuck fuckers, Cornfuck buck cornhuskers, Cornhusk. Husk Husk, cornbuck.
<bubafett> Juni Jonn Joans Football game it's a soccer game, it's a fucker game, it's a football makes me, it's a soccer game it's a fuck a duck. Fuck fuckers, Cowboys, Ravens, Cornbuck a duck.
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<bubafett> Juni Jonn Joans Football or long Saturday after the football makes me say oh my eye queue one notch, and than football game. It is the worse this garbage here. Lowers my eyes it more teams like they show its football. Afternoons. No!
<bubafett> The worst sport everything on during. Most people are runna ma naes.
<yorickpeterse> you might just want to ban the hostname
<bubafett> It's a fucker game. It's no lie it's about football.
<bubafett> Nothing but football is the worst sport everything on television. Nothing on television is college football or long Saturday afternoons. Nothing worst sport ever my eyes it more teams like this stupid football! Brucest boyer coyer! Boyer! Brucesht, boyer! Brucesht! The worst sport ever. nothing paint dry. Lynx game, it's a soccer game, so they show it sucks ten rears. Rum-dum-dum-foot ball.
<bubafett> The worst sport ever moyer! Brucest boyer my lord, what is college football. Nothing but this stupid foot ball is good. Except when I can't watching prime but the worst sport everything but the Jaguars, so bored, makes me say oh my eyes it sucks ten rears. Nothing prime time time but football game. Lowers ram against each other, the Jaguars, Cornhuskers, so bored, makes me say oh my lord, what
<jhass> !kick bubafett Please use https://gist.github.com
bubafett was kicked from #ruby by ruboto [Please use https://gist.github.com]
<brotspinne> what do you think about this? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/b653b12a8f2b9ed346da
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<bubafett> Nothing prime time time but the Nebraska Cornhuskers, Cornbuckers, so boyer football is they show its football game, so the Nebraska Cornhuskers, so the Jaguars, College football game it's a soccer game. When he football makes me, it's a soccer game, so they go brucesht boyer royer royer! Brucesht, boyer coyer! Brucesht! They show it more. Nothing but football. Nothing on during but as watching
<bubafett> but thing but football. Nothing worst sport everything on television is good. Except when he football game. I'm swearing on during. Most people are runna ma naes. It's a soccer game. It's a lynx game! Raa Lynx game. Lowers my eyes it more teams like than football. No!
<jhass> !mute bubafett
<havenwood> jhass: ha
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<centrx> So...how bout that local sports team
<apeiros> somebody with two arms make that mute a bit better please
<yorickpeterse> which one, Cornbuckers?
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<apeiros> I still wonder how mushy your brain has to be to spam like that
<havenwood> suuuper mushy
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<apeiros> IMO IQ < 40
<apeiros> probably needs a reminder to breathe
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<[k-_> lol please use gist
<Aria> It's really not about intelligence. Just entitlement and indifference to other people.
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<apeiros> sh, I'm insulting the spammer
<jhass> somebody catched if they use the same gecos?
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<athos_diddy> hey apeiros
<brotspinne> so in general you guys say assignment in if condition is fine?
<athos_diddy> hey jhass
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<[k-_> yes
<apeiros> brotspinne: I avoid it
<[k-_> why ||=
<brotspinne> it might make clear that == is not intended
<brotspinne> just an idea
<[k-_> nah
<[k-_> stick with =
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<jhass> meh
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<brotspinne> ok
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<[k-_> is that why #rubyonrails require registration?
<havenwood> [k-_: Please discuss channel policy in #ruby-community.
<yorickpeterse> I wonder how effective spamassassin would be in an IRC bot
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<apeiros> yorickpeterse: the problem lies with being only able to act after the fact
<apeiros> but I'd guess it could be quite effective aside from that
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<apeiros> and it's something I'd love to experiment with
* [k-_ does not want to discuss policies
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<apeiros> training can be done using logs
<apeiros> [k-_: yes
<[k-_> no
<[k-_> i know it's your favourite thing
<apeiros> [k-_: that was the answer to your question ;-)
<[k-_> oh
<apeiros> :-p
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<dudedudeman> .....
<dudedudeman> require './app' works fine in irb. change a migration, and now the require does not work
<dudedudeman> what did i break
<jhass> using relative requires
<apeiros> and that my friend, is why using relative requires is a bad idea
<jhass> if you can't be bothered to fix up $LOAD_PATH instead, use require_relative
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<jhass> lol
<apeiros> . is working directory
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<[k-_> require ./app?
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<[k-_> cant u just require app
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<dudedudeman> [k-_ that's what i was doing, and now it no longer works
<[k-_> whatever a migration is, it is not safe!
<dudedudeman> activerecord. i can assure you they are safe
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<[k-_> -> rails
<dudedudeman> nope
<dudedudeman> just using it for my ORM
<[k-_> but you did a migration and it broke stuff!
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<dudedudeman> clearly the migration didn't break anything, i broke something
<dudedudeman> or, rather, i did not set myself up for success
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<[k-_> so you phrased the question improperly
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<dudedudeman> ?
<Senjai> Good morning ruby
<[k-_> morning
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<dudedudeman> because i'm an idiot, irb wasn't taking my require because i wasn't in my root dir.
<dudedudeman> i have my ROOT_PATH and $LOAD_PATH set up in my rakefile... am I doing that wrong?
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<[k-_> .___.
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<[k-_> but you are requiring "./app"
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<dudedudeman> yarp
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<ljarvis> dudedudeman: I don't see how setting them up in your rakefile make any different to irb?
<[k-_> i cant help you with this :/
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<dudedudeman> ljarvis: it probably doesn't. i was just attempting to load my app from my /db directory, and not root
<ljarvis> ah right
<dudedudeman> which i think is what jhass and apeiros were alluding to earlier
<jhass> yes that's why require "./foo" is bad
<dudedudeman> where should my load path be setup, jhass? directly in my app.rb file?
<jhass> at the entry point of your application or even on invocation
<jhass> ruby -Ilib, irb -Ilib
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<dudedudeman> ah. thanks dude
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<Senjai> Is anyone doing anything cool at the moment
<Senjai> I'm doing tediousness atm
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<dfockler> Senjai: same here
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<shevy> Senjai not really... I am trying to find out why mplayer does not want to play audio files
<Senjai> shevy: Ah, I've been meaning to get that setup with tmux
<shevy> hehe
<Senjai> Get a nice status line thing setup for it
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<shevy> I don't have too many cool things going in ruby either
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<shevy> I am stuck in maintenance, or rewriting mostly
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<Senjai> I'm adding a feature that's.. crappy
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<Senjai> s/crappy/involved
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<dfockler> I'm thinking of doing a gem a week blog, where I go over a gem and explain architecture, tricks, or other unique parts of the gem
<Senjai> dfockler: Good luck finding a well written gem after a month or so ;)
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<Senjai> Celluloid isn't the best for that, but its stil worth talking about IMO
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<Senjai> Also the rails rendering stack.
<dfockler> I'm also playing with the Frappuccino gem
<[k-_> yes do speak about celluloid
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<Senjai> Celluloid is a great example of how to manage complexity, not saying the code is perfect though
<dfockler> I like Celluloid, I've been reading through the DCell source
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<shevy> dfockler pick a gem that has potential
<shevy> not an established gem such as prawn
<Senjai> Also going through a thing that wraps an external program, like resque with redis
<Senjai> might also be interesting
<dfockler> Yeah the Celluloid code is kind of tricky
<Senjai> dfockler: It is suuper tricky
<Senjai> [k-_: Just because I have a quota for making happy people meh, I'm going to mention EventMachine for you.
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<Senjai> K I'm done
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<dfockler> It's very indirect and uses the weird parts of ruby that most people don't know about
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<William|i7> looking for some help with a belongs to many datamapper, cant seem to fetch all posts attached to categorys, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Askedio/Simple_Ruby_Boostrapped_Blog/Decent_Blog/models/post.rb
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<Senjai> dfockler: I would approach it from the "Implimenting erlang in ruby" approach ;)
<[k-_> (pinging [k- is fine)
<dfockler> Senjai: what do you mean?
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<dfockler> To read celluloid code?
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<Senjai> It impliments many of erlangs concepts
<Senjai> that's where supervisors and stuff come from
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<phat4life> how about a gem that generate its self
<dfockler> Senjai: ahh ok
<phat4life> a quine gem
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<jhass> boring, go through at least 5 languages/package managers
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<jhass> gem -> cpan -> npm -> pear -> cargo -> gem
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<Senjai> Eh, that'd be nice
<Senjai> gem that is
<Senjai> stay away from that npm shite
<Senjai> <3
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<Aria> Hey now.
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<Senjai> A wild Aria appears
<Senjai> xD
<Aria> Just because node modules form a tidy little DAG...
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<phat4life> write a gem that is a wrapper around webpack
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<Senjai> Aria: Mostly that its javascript
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<phat4life> (we use webpack for our react front end, which is react, and its less than ideal)
<adaedra> <jhass> gem -> cpan -> npm -> pear -> cargo -> gem
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<adaedra> this lacks some pip
<jhass> "at least"
<adaedra> some bower
<jhass> and some shards
<Senjai> phat4life: We went with browserify
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<Senjai> adaedra: Isn't bower just like curl asset_file_here > to this file
<phat4life> do any of you use slanger or pusher?
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<Senjai> phat4life: I've used pusher
<phat4life> slanger just straight up stopped working
<adaedra> Senjai: more like git clone, iirc
* Aria does her part to put out the fires of language bigotry.
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<Senjai> phat4life: we haven't had an issue with pusher
<phat4life> er, slanger works in dev, not in prod
<Senjai> phat4life: I found that it causes people to be lazy though.
<Senjai> phat4life: go ask support
<phat4life> Senjai: pusher?
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<phat4life> how does pusher/slanger make people lazy
<havenn> hex and nimble
<Senjai> phat4life: Instead of making actual endpoints, or doing certain things properly with websockets or polling, they will opt for pusher.
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<Senjai> phat4life: Slanger is a standalone server ruby implementation of the Pusher protocol. It is not designed to run inside a Rails or sinatra app, but it can be easily installed as a gem. <<
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<Senjai> Honestly, go with elixir, or even node for something like that :P
<puppeh_> any1 using requirejs-rails gem?
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<Senjai> puppeh_: #RubyOnRails
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<phat4life> sails4life
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<phat4life> have any of you used sails?
<Senjai> ?use
<ruboto> Don't ask "does anyone use <thing>?". It's better to just state your problem and if anyone has used <thing> they will most likely answer.
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<phat4life> aka sails, the rails of node
<Senjai> If I used node, I wouldn't use it to solve the same problems as rails. I'd use rails
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<phat4life> the problem is websockets with rails, i am not sure how to do it properly
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<Senjai> phat4life: You dont. You use a language meant for it
<Senjai> phat4life: Elixir, Go, or even Node
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<Senjai> phat4life: #besttoolforthejob
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<Senjai> Elixir/erlang is probably the best solution out there
<Senjai> Due to the BEAM vm
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<phat4life> sails is interesting though, as its a node mvc framework, farily similar to rails in concept
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<shevy> sails
<shevy> who picks such a name
<phat4life> its meant to be like rails
<Senjai> shevy: Javascript developers :P
<[k-_> sliar
<shevy> I'm gonna create a gem called sailormoon and then I will make my new framework
<shevy> sails on sailormoon!
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<[k-_> ...
<shevy> ruby on rails
<shevy> php on poop
<[k-_> java on walking sticks
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<havenn> Be nice.
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<phat4life> i think i am going to take a break from ruby for a while
<Senjai> phat4life: :(
<phat4life> i miss c++ :(
<Senjai> wat
<Senjai> :P
<phat4life> i know right
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* Senjai is going back to work now :P
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<|work> shevy: D on D
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<shevy> hmm
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<shevy> [k-_ java on jeroids
<[k-_> esy
<[k-_> wat*
<shevy> python on ShshShshSzhshshsh
<[k-_> ruby on track
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<shevy> hehe
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<[k-_> pun intended
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<phat4life> i have to learn java, any the lack of duck types, how do i adapt blah
<phat4life> *and
<[k-_> interfaces
<shevy> you just lower your head, accept your fate shamefully, and learn it phat4life
<shevy> or perhaps you can get a good book that is fun to read
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<phat4life> i have ruby design pattern books
<[k-_> > you cast to a interface
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<arcanez> is there a difference in performance/gc for "foo = 'bar' << baz << 'quux'" vs "foo = 'bar' + baz + 'quux'" vs "foo = "bar#{baz}quux"" (where bar & quux are strings and baz is a variable that has a string)
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<arcanez> I know there is for += vs << vs #{}, but not sure about just +
<[k-_> yes
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<shevy> arcanez + will create a new object, << will not
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<[k-_> if you already have strings, u can use << or #{}
<[k-_> but if you dont, use #{}
<shevy> + occurs in both situations btw, += just is a shortcut for: bla += 'hi' bla = bla + 'hi'
<[k-_> is #{} a method call?
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<shevy> don't think so; but it will call .to_s
<Senjai> It will call to_s on the result between the braces if it is not a string
<Senjai> same goes for normal concatenation
<Senjai> Actually, I'm pretty sure it uses coerce
<arcanez> + will create new objects based on the number of +s right?
<shevy> number of what?
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<shevy> what means +s
<arcanez> foo+bar+baz+quux+this+that
<GarethAdams> a + b + c will perform two #+ method calls, yes
<arcanez> creates more objects vs foo+bar+baz
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<[k-_> youshouldbefunctionalanddonotembracesideeffects
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<shadoi> don't embrace them, just give them a little side-hug
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<[k-_> if you have variables, use #{}
<[k-_> if you just want to add hard coded strings, use ""
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<[k-_> if you want formatting, use %
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<[k-_> if you want to modify, use <<
<[k-_> no need for +
<shevy> arcanez oh yeah, because more calls to the .+ method
<[k-_> "a"+"b" -> use "ab"
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<shevy> lol
<shevy> great hint!
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<shevy> >> "a""b"
<ruboto> shevy # => "ab" (https://eval.in/386323)
<shevy> LOOK
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<shevy> ruby stole two '"'
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<Senjai> is performing set intersections notably faster than with arrays?
<Senjai> E.g. is it worth converting an array to a set to run an intersection
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<[k-_> if your array is not uniq, no
<[k-_> wait
<[k-_> it doesnt matter
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<[k-_> for the uniqueness, that is
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<BrianBoyko> Howdy again. I'm ... kinda up poop creek. How do I make a ruby app that I can call from the command line?
<[k-_> i think so
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<[k-_> BrianBoyko: use the #!
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<[k-_> #!/usr/local/bin/ruby
<[k-_> then you can just type the file name without having to type ruby <file name>
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<[k-_> Senjal, i think it would be worth it
<[k-_> you could do a benchmark, it would benefit the community :D
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<Senjai> aye will do in a bit :)
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<shevy> BrianBoyko you just have the .rb file in question ok? that file can either have all the code, or call to the code that you wish to invoke
<shevy> if you have a proper #shebang line, you can omit the leading "ruby" invocation component
<[k-_> you can also use a shell script
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<shevy> you can alias make an alias, like "alarm" as alias to "/tmp/alarm.rb", then youc an invoke via alarm; or you structure it like a gem, then you can put a bin/ file that will invoke it
<BrianBoyko> That's right. I am running bash
<shevy> that is how e. g. "rackup" works
<shevy> I can not type well today
<shevy> my left pinkie is injured :(
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<[k-_> :(
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<dfockler> 09:45 shevy: ruby on rails
<dfockler> 09:45 shevy: php on poop
<dfockler> lol I just read these
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<shevy> :)
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<shevy> it's harder to come up with frameworks for other languages
<shevy> erlang?
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<shevy> nim? lua?
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<dfockler> Erlang on Monads
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<dfockler> Nim on Omin
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<dfockler> Lua on the Moon
<BrianBoyko> Hmm... I think I might be screwing this up. I'm trying to write a program that, when executed, will write a CSV file from the database. But the error I'm getting is that my method isn't defined. https://gist.github.com/brianboyko/25736f9efde4de320b57
<[k-_> Elixir on drugs
<Senjai> BrianBoyko: Databases typically can dump CSV's by themselves
<Senjai> have you considered that?
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<dfockler> BrianBoyko: usually through an export function
<Senjai> [k-_: Honestly, heisenburg would be a great library name for an elixir library
<BrianBoyko> Senjai - yes, but in order to do that I'd need to log into the database and export it from there.
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<BrianBoyko> What I want to do is create a publically accessible CSV file.
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<BrianBoyko> and run it every 10 minutes or so.
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<shevy> dfockler I like the latter two
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<[k-_> Elixir's heisenburg
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<shevy> Erlang on Monads, isn't that haskell?
<[k-_> errr exposed!
<[k-_> run!
<dfockler> BrianBoyko: you can just have your ruby db handler do postgres' COPY function
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<BrianBoyko> conn.exec("COPY donors to 'output.csv' header") - like that?
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<dfockler> yeah basically
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<sanjivupadhyaya> so
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<[k-_> so?
<jhass> so!
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<xxneolithicxx> hi all
<[k-_> good morning how are you on this fine day
<xxneolithicxx> anyone know of any good open APIs I can use to do practice dev
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<xxneolithicxx> im quite grand
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<xxneolithicxx> dont really care what the data it returns is, just looking for something thats well documented and free
<jhass> github
<shevy> datahub!
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<shevy> xxneolithicxx work on some json data perhaps?
<BrianBoyko> ugh, I'm completely stuck
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<[k-_> did you know, defining #call will automatically allow you to use instance.(args) syntactic sugar?
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<shevy> BrianBoyko always try to bring down things to a simpler level
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<[k-_> we should have a ?tip
<[k-_> and we spread little ruby tidbits
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<BrianBoyko> Okay. basically this: How do you build a progress bar app?
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<[k-_> ideally, cli gems will have you covered
<kaleido> very carefully and with well thought out plans
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<[k-_> or you can use jruby and use the awful swing progress bar with a gui
<BrianBoyko> I can build the bar, I just need the number.
<BrianBoyko> How do I have my website (running Jekyll on Github Pages) grab info from the Postgres database on heroku?
<Aria> Progress of what?
<BrianBoyko> I'm trying to build a crowdfunding app.
<[k-_> won't that be your source of numbers
<jhass> write a small API that your JS can query
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<jhass> or setup a cronjob to regenerate it
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<BrianBoyko> Unfortunately, I can't run psql locally on the heroku machine.
<BrianBoyko> so I can't so things like output to CSV
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<jhass> wat, heroku?
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<jhass> ah, right, that's you
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<jhass> go with the API
<jhass> add a route that returns json with the current amounts
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<BrianBoyko> Is this *something* like what I'm looking for? https://gist.github.com/brianboyko/103bf136b75532c8eb24
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<jhass> I don#t see how that could work
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<jhass> you're completely mixing the DSL of sinatra with the pg gem here
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<BrianBoyko> jhass - I just can't wrap my head around this right now. I'm going to crash, I'll be back in a bit.
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<olas> is there a way to query how many bytes are in a c type on your system? (for example: how many bytes in a uint64_t on centos7)
<olas> with ruby
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<jhass> mmh, maybe ffi has something
<adaedra> a uint64_t is always 64 bits
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<shevy> hmm I have some scripts that generate some files
<shevy> ruby scripts
<shevy> it takes a bit too long for my taste though
<shevy> 4 seconds in total perhaps
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<acovrig> Is there a way to append an item to an array in a hash on the fly (so I don’t have to have a var_name[:hash_item] = Array.new just before the loop)?
<shevy> how should one go about trying to optimize it for speed?
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<apeiros> acovrig: hash = {key: []} before the loop is the best choice IMO
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<apeiros> but you can do `hash[:key] ||= []; hash[:key] << item`
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<apeiros> or `hash = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] }; …your loop… hash[:key] << item`. note that this variant creates a new array on *lookup* already.
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<acovrig> apeiros: thanks, I’m new to ruby (coming from PHP); I’m guessing I would need to use a class to be able to do something like dev.size (https://gist.github.com/acovrig/82aed87de4f563aea484)?
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<apeiros> acovrig: generic tips:
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<apeiros> a) snake_case method names: get_devs
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<apeiros> b) no get_foo, set_foo, or is_foo. we use foo, foo=, foo? instead
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<apeiros> c) use {} instead of Hash.new, use [] instead of Array.new
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<apeiros> re your question - you mean e.g. at line 17? `devs.size1.push(dev)` instead of `devs[:size1].push(dev)`?
<shevy> get_devs
<shevy> does this give me new devs?
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<atmosx> yes
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<atmosx> 5 USD/hr each
<atmosx> for ruby/ror
<atmosx> lol
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<centrx> shevy'll do it for $4.99!
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<apeiros> I doubt shevy would ever do rails
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<acovrig> apeiros: not exactly, but it makes me think differently; with either method, wouldn’t I end up with devs = {:size1=>[dev], :size2=>[]} if there isn’t any of size2, and if so how would I remove the empty array if it is empty?
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<apeiros> acovrig: I don't follow.
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<atmosx> apeiros: why not?
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<atmosx> shevy: why no rails?
<apeiros> atmosx: regarding shevy?
<atmosx> apeiros: yes
<apeiros> just ask them about their opinion on rails ;-)
<acovrig> apeiros: just understood the ||= message above, it seems to work well
<atmosx> shevy: What do you think of the highly acclaimed ruby-based programming framework called rails? lol
<dfockler> I don't understand why it's called rails
<dfockler> or Ruby on Rails for that matter
<apeiros> dfockler: because there isn't a lot for you to decide on
<|work> dfockler: Because extending the metaphor.
<dfockler> Ruby Train!
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<apeiros> I'm not kidding btw., afaik that's the reason. rails is (or was) opinionated. so it took many decisions away from you. i.e. you were "on rails".
<apeiros> (and hence could focus on your "real" tasks)
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<atmosx> Guys, is there any website listing ip and domain names of all the sites that someone would wanna "block" (porn, torrents, etc.?). I've seen only phishing websites listed.
<dfockler> Ruby in Handcuffs
<|work> Ruby ala DHH.
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<dfockler> atmosx: might check out some antivirus sites???, or just ask the UK gov't
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<atmosx> dfockler: I've got the UK's "official" list from wikipedia. Well probably the 'public' one... I'm not sure how does one feel living in the UK, privacy-wise. Today I've read that 'Ghost' blogging platform is migrating it's infrastructure to the Netherlands, due to privacy concerns.
<atmosx> There other UK online services moving abroad too. I'm afraid that in a decade you won't be able to purchase online services from foreign countries
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<dfockler> atmosx: yeah I just read about that stuff
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<atmosx> dfockler: govs and marketers are killing the internet as we know it. My twitter timeline is full of 'promotion' messages and my 'friend requests' are mostly by bots.
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<centrx> Twitter? What's that?
<dfockler> I read twitter on the cli, so I don't see anything but words
<atmosx> dfockler: what client?
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<dfockler> rainbowstream
<atmosx> and why do you do that btw?
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<dfockler> so it doesn't look like I'm browsing twitter at work
<atmosx> ah
<atmosx> smart
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<shevy> atmosx no I meant because apeiros was calling a get_devs method ... <apeiros> a) snake_case method names: get_devs
<atmosx> it kills the experience but whatever...
<dfockler> atmosx: It's like 70% of the experience, and without ads
<slash_nick> shevy: that only returns your current devs... to get new devs i think it's get_devs!... or you can just disable dev caching
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<shevy> hehe
<shevy> dev caching... do I store them in the cellar or what
<slash_nick> cellar is okay... not your wine cellar though, you know devs
<Aria> Prune your twitter lists. Block followers who are spammy or who don't interact like human beings. Block the jerks. Follow people unlike you but who can see nuance. Block people who won't see nuance.
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<Aria> You'll have a very different experience.
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<atmosx> dfockler: you writ eon terminal at work, emacs/vim?
<atmosx> dfockler: well the without 'ads' is a good one. Don't spread the word around because twitter will find the way to inject adds on clients too in the long run.
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<dfockler> slowly adopting vim, although it's a little 'much' for doing CSS/HTML
<atmosx> Aria: hm, a reason I don't miss my FB account is that I "had" to follow many peoplw I didn't care... It was depressing.
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<shevy> dfockler don't let it play with your brain!
<atmosx> dfockler: hm, well if you use a shortcut to load the browser on the fly, it's okay.
<Aria> Indeed. Private lists that are your 'real' attention are even better.
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<Aria> That way you can 'follow' for social lubrication but not actually pay attention
<Aria> likewise muting
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<atmosx> dfockler: I use vim and espresso for my CSS. But I'm an amateur.
<atmosx> Aria: I muted only 2 people.
<atmosx> Aria: also,I'd like my timeline to be less about politics and more about programming but even that apparently, it's hard to achieve. Anyway, twitter is not a real 'problem'.
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<shevy> social lubrication
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<atmosx> jhass: you were right, adding bs=1m and usind /dev/rdisk improved my r/w speeds considerably, I just copied 8 GB really fast.
<shevy> interesting word combinations are created here!
<slash_nick> dfockler: if you become proficient with vim, i doubt you'll keep that feeling that it's too much (even for html/css)
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<dfockler> slash_nick: probably, I like it, I just don't yet have all the skills that I do in sublime
<Aria> Heh. If only we could separate the politics from programming, but it turns out our actions as programmers have social consequences. And hence we can't ignore politics.
<atmosx> slash_nick: I hate the copy/paste I mean yank/paste even registers are kinda tricky, too long combinations.
<dfockler> Aria: politics is a part of humanity, like it or not
<atmosx> I need to optimize that... I mean registers are awesome but having a 'combo' instead of a quick shortcut is a pain
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<Aria> Indeed. Politics is literally what happens when humans interact in groups.
<Aria> (I don't actually want to separate them. I've got more specific goals.)
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<atmosx> Aria: I would like to be more patient and state my opinion in less aggressive ways (especially when I strongly disagree).
<Aria> Indeed. It takes practice to do so.
<Aria> (And is worth every moment of that practice)
<atmosx> I'm reading a sort of thesis about why people seem so unreasonable when talking about politics/social topics. It's kinda interesting although not very convincing (so far)
<atmosx> Aria: well, I need to try harder apparently heh.
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<atmosx> cool, the new RPi seems to be way faster then the old one.
<adaedra> The B2?
<adaedra> or there another new one?
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<dfockler> what's the best way in ruby to standardize various date formats?
<apeiros> dfockler: too vague
<apeiros> string input?
<havenn> dfockler: What do you have and what do you want to end up with?
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<dfockler> yeah I have a date strings in various formats, and need them in a single format
<apeiros> strptime IMO
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<apeiros> but depends on the (undisclosed) details
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<Or1on> I'm thinking of working a sort of capslock manager on ruby as a learning project. I'd like to use caps+w to popup a list of opened windows that I can switch to by typing the name. I also want to use caps+hjkl as arrows keys, sort of like a vim mode. Which libraries could help me with this?
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<Or1on> I think there is a way to use autohotkey with ruby... maybe I could use gtk or qt for the window list... I'm not sure how I can get a list of opened windows from a linux windows manager or OSX/ windows from ruby
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<atmosx> adaedra: CPU: ARMv7 Processor [410fc075] revision 5 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d ... well no idea I think it's widely known as RPi v2
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<atmosx> adaedra: 1G RAM, armv7
<adaedra> yeah should be that
<adaedra> I'm pondering about getting one
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<atmosx> well it's fast.
<atmosx> the only complain I've found around is the micro-sd ... everyone would like a faster throughput there
<atmosx> but it's ok, generally speaking
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<pehlert> Hey all! Maybe someone can explain this to me.. I have a rake task which spawns a couple of threads to fetch data via net/http. The remote ends are extremely slow, so most of the time should be IO wait. However, I don't have the impression that the threads really execute in parallel (e.g. netstat shows only one connection at a time).. I know there is the GIL, but shouldn't a thread still yield back when ther
<pehlert> e is IO wait?
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<jhass> yes it should, thus
<jhass> ?code
<ruboto> We can't help you without your code, please post it to https://gist.github.com
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<pehlert> jhass: http://pastie.org/10255445 - sorry, took a sec to preparte
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<pehlert> The code is too complex to post it all, but this should be the gist of it
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<jhass> well, nothing obviously wrong about it, maybe there's a hidden lock somewhere?
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<pehlert> jhass: Possibly, but I really have not idea where..
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<pehlert> jhass: Are there any othzer ways to lock than Mutex.new.synchronize?
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<jhass> no, but it can be hidden in Monitor/MonitorMixin
<prinsen> I have a .so dynamic module that I have generated with Swig. Is there any way to generate documentation for it, or download a IDE with autocompletion features?
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<jmoles> Hello Rubyists!!! I have, in some code of mine, a Symbol instance I recieved by enumerated the methods of a class instance with grep() and picking the one I want. I can easily call this method now with .call[:sym], but I'd like to do this same thing INSIDE a class.
<jmoles> It is proving... harder.
<jmoles> Whoops, I mean .send(:sym).
<Senjai> ?code jmoles
<ruboto> jmoles, We can't help you without your code, please post it to https://gist.github.com
<jmoles> I will, one sec.
<jhass> pehlert: one thing you could try (and be it to find out), to spawn a new thread for each request and delaying that until after you have fetched all data, so Thread.new do http.request(request); end; essentially
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<jhass> pehlert: the other approach would be to leave the concurrency out of the ruby part and just push requests to typhoeus hydra
<pehlert> jhass: Hum, that might be an idea. A quick grep through my gem dependencies has not shown any uses of Mutex :(
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<pehlert> jhass: That would be extremely difficult to refactor, though :-/
<pehlert> sigh
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<jhass> huh? shouldn't be harder than pushing the Thread.new down, probably even easier
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<pehlert> true, neither will be very easy
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<jhass> well, that statement does make me wonder how much your example does relate to your real code tbh ;)
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<jhass> other hidden locks could be contentions on a queue or a connection pool btw
<pehlert> jhass: There're really just a few wrapper classes and the actual worker does 3 not 1 http request. But for the requests, they are all similar to this, so nothing special is happening which is not visible in the pastie
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<jmoles> Senjai: ruboto: damnit, now it's not happening anymore. :)
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<jhass> ?ruboto
<ruboto> I'm the channel bot, linker of the rules, adept of the facts, wielder of the banhammer.
<pehlert> jhass: I thought about ActiveRecord's connection pool being an issue here, but there are only 5 customers and 10 connections in the pool, so that shouldn't be an issue either
<jtbnyc69> hello everyone, can anyone recommend the preferred debugger for ruby these days? ruby 2.x and not rails, just straight ruby?
<pehlert> What a sentence.. Sorry, getting tired
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<jhass> ?rails jtbnyc69
<ruboto> jtbnyc69, Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ HELP
<jhass> blerg, wrong one, sorry
<jhass> ?pry jtbnyc69
<ruboto> jtbnyc69, Pry, the better IRB. Includes easy object inspection via `ls`, `history`, docs view with `?`, source view with `$` and syntax highlighting, among other features (see `help` for more). It can also be used for easy debugging by putting ’binding.pry’ directy in your source code. Visit https://pryrepl.org/ or get it now with gem install pry pry-doc
<jhass> bad muscle memory :/
<jtbnyc69> ruboto: anything supported under emacs?
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<jhass> jtbnyc69: anyway pry ^ + pry-byebug, pry-stack_explorer + pry-rescue and possibly pry-remote
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<jhass> maybe there's a byebug plugin for emacs, who knows
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<jhass> but I'd just go with a second shell, pry is nothing you want to miss out
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<jhass> pehlert: me too apparently ;)
<jtbnyc69> thank you so jhass and ruboto
<shevy> lol
<shevy> ruboto is just a spam-bot jtbnyc69
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<jhass> I see, once it tracks karma it also needs to track its own
<jtbnyc69> oh, ruboto is quite good. 8)
<shevy> jtbnyc69 it can actually be useful
<shevy> you can use it to eval ruby code live here
<jtbnyc69> neat
<shevy> >> puts 'jhass is helpful ' * 2
<ruboto> shevy # => jhass is helpful jhass is helpful ...check link for more (https://eval.in/386460)
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<shevy> though the formatting is a bit confusing... I liked the old eval-in output more, to denote the "string" part, and then just provide a link; perhaps putting the "check link" into the () part
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<Senjai> >> (1..500).inject(:*)
<ruboto> Senjai # => 1220136825991110068701238785423046926253574342803192842192413588385845373153881997605496447502203281 ...check link for more (https://eval.in/386461)
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<atmosx> >> (1..500).inject(:+)
<ruboto> atmosx # => 125250 (https://eval.in/386462)
<atmosx> Gauss
<atmosx> night all
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<mices> what does @ mean in ruby
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<mices> it means an "object" ?
<mices> as in referencing a row in a table
<Ox0dea> mices: @foo is an instance variable, and @@bar is a class variable.
<mices> yikes
<mices> what's the rails channel?
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<Ox0dea> Have a guess.
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<mices> redirects to ##namespace##
<Ox0dea> ?rails
<ruboto> Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ HELP
<mices> ty
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<Ox0dea> Pop quiz! Where else is '@' syntactically meaningful in Ruby?
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<finisherr> Does anyone have any examples of how to use aruba w/ rspec tests?
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<finisherr> I’m looking here: https://github.com/cucumber/aruba
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<finisherr> everything up to step 4 seems fine but there are no examples of some of any added features like expectation methods and such
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<BrianBoyko> The answer came to me in a dream!
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<prinsen> How would you generate documentation for a .so extension?
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<apeiros> prinsen: either have the source (rdoc can handle C, maybe also C++, not sure)
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<apeiros> prinsen: or fake it (write a .rb with just the class- & method-names + docs, no actual implementation)
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<prinsen> apeiros: its generated by swig, so i have the .cpp source
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<Senjai> finisherr: I wouldn't use aruba
<Senjai> it's too invasive
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<Senjai> I woiuld seperate the logic from the CLI and other classes and test those classes individually
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<prinsen> apeiros: but the .cpp source is 3.7 Mb and takes forever, ill let it run over night and then try c
<Senjai> I would test the CLI interface with a shell script probably
<finisherr> I want to learn how to do integration tests on CLI apps
<finisherr> instead of just testing invididual method functionality
<Senjai> finisherr: Just use a shell script, or execute the binary in ruby
<Senjai> finisherr: Not instead of, with
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<Senjai> finisherr: You should have both
<finisherr> i want to say, when i run this, exec tthis
<finisherr> oh yeah for sure
<finisherr> yeah, i mean, i guess i could just use rspec for that
<Senjai> Sure can