apeiros changed the topic of #ruby to: http://ruby-community.com || Ruby 2.2.1; 2.1.5; 2.0.0-p643: https://ruby-lang.org || Paste >3 lines of text on https://gist.github.com || log @ http://irclog.whitequark.org, other public logging is prohibited
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<tearan> GaryOak_ I solved my problem
<tearan> Turns out of you 'include RSPEC::Matchers' it fucks shit up up
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<Ellis> i want to build a site using ruby but not rails, anyone know how to connect ruby to mysql?
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<Ellis> i’m trying to install the mysql gem but i get this error emssage: Error installing mysql:
<Ellis> ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
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<riceandbeans> Ellis: rails is just a framework
<riceandbeans> it defaults to using activerecord to abstract the db from you
<Ellis> riceandbeans: yeah i know that
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<riceandbeans> to install a gem you're going to likely need the libraries necessary to build the gem unless it's in pure ruby
<Ellis> ok how do i figure out what libraries i need?
<apeiros> Ellis: read the error. if you don't see it, gist the full error.
<riceandbeans> look at the errors when trying to build your gem
<jhass> Ellis: mysql is basically deprecated, use the mysql2 gem
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<jhass> and then read the error, yeah
<riceandbeans> and then be a man and use postgres
<riceandbeans> :P
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<apeiros> riceandbeans: didn't know male genitalia were a prerequisite for postgres
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<Ellis> smh riceandbeans smh
<Ellis> thanks everyone for the info
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<yh> woah
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<yh> didn't expect to come onto #ruby and see apeiros talking about genitalia
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<jhass> that you're still not used to it...
<apeiros> yh: I was trying to tell riceandbeans that "be a man and X" is not a good idea
<apeiros> +saying
<jhass> don't you know why it's huMAN
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<shevy> this channel is on drugs again
<apeiros> jhass: no, I don't
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<sarmiena_> is Set insert O(1)?
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<jhass> mh, worst case os O(n) I guess
<jhass> average case should be close to O(1) though
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<apeiros> amortized O(1)
<sarmiena_> looks like it’s backed by a hash.
<jhass> yup
<sarmiena_> so O(1)
<apeiros> insertion time is only O(n) if you have catastrophic hash functions
<jhass> ^
<sarmiena_> math proves O(1), common sense says O(1) possible
<jhass> so unlikely but possible
<sarmiena_> er.. O(n)
<sarmiena_> curious… def add(o)
<sarmiena_> @hash[o] = true
<sarmiena_> self
<sarmiena_> end
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<sarmiena_> @hash[o] = true… ??!? what the heck
<jhass> yeah
<sarmiena_> doesn’t allow for collisions
<jhass> the set is the hashes keyset
<riceandbeans> fine
<riceandbeans> be a professional and use postgres
<riceandbeans> because mysql is amateur
<apeiros> riceandbeans: *thumbs up* :)
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<sarmiena_> nvm got it
<sarmiena_> thanks guys
<apeiros> even amateurs use postgres. it's just better™
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<shevy> :)
<havenwood> postgres just seems further along than pregres and currentgres
<shevy> lol
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<apeiros> havenwood: you missed ingres
<havenwood> i digres
<shevy> you guys are having way too much fun with that
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<shevy> if that continues
<shevy> I'm going to call the ogres
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<_1_alexcaro> hey
<apeiros> _1_alexcaro: hi, welcome to the ruby programming language channel
<apeiros> !whatschat
<helpa> Please remove this app, it's crap
<shevy> hmm
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<shevy> the WhatsApp folks are real people? Or are they bots?
<_1_alexcaro> sup
<apeiros> shevy: whatschat, not whatsapp
<shevy> ok
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<_1_alexcaro> Hw can we have fun in this room
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<apeiros> _1_alexcaro: you understand that this room is about a programming language?
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<shevy> I don't see these folks interact
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<vhlfd> Weekend!
<_1_alexcaro> good
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<vhlfd> shevy, they're w00w00!
<shevy> huh
<shevy> w00w00?
<vhlfd> shevy, Google it.
<shevy> is this the sound a dog makes
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<riceandbeans> ummm
<shevy> I can't! I am writing a vimrc generator right now... because I can no longer want to be bothered to maintain a 10.000 lines file!
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<riceandbeans> shevy: that's what github is for
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<riceandbeans> ok, so I have a question for any non americans here
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<shevy> you mean to store revision history of these files right?
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<riceandbeans> if you use a . for what americans use a , to mean, ie, 10000 being 10.000, how do you say decimals? like 1 and 1/4
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<riceandbeans> shevy: to store a file and just git clone it wherever you go
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<shevy> yeah but I just can't look at vimrc, it makes me angry
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<riceandbeans> shevy: I have another solution
<riceandbeans> shevy: use emacs
<apeiros> riceandbeans: varies from country to country
<shevy> I have found emacs to be much harder than vim :)
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<apeiros> riceandbeans: swiss use 10'000.123
<apeiros> riceandbeans: germans 10.000,12
<riceandbeans> apeiros: that just looks like lat lon
<riceandbeans> the swiss I mena
<riceandbeans> mean
<apeiros> I'm pretty sure there's a list of which countries use what
<shevy> the swiss are weird people
<riceandbeans> shevy: can you do with vim like you can do with emacs and have a .vimd or something?
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<riceandbeans> with all your stuff?
<shevy> you mean a directory?
<riceandbeans> a directives directory, yes
<shevy> I have had that already actually... all aliases in one file, all functions in another, and so forth
<riceandbeans> with files which are included
<shevy> yeah
<apeiros> I quite like using ' for thousands separator. it's much harder to mistake as decimal separator.
<shevy> I tried to clean up things like that
<shevy> and ended up abandoning vim :/
<riceandbeans> for what?
<shevy> bluefish 1.x°!
<riceandbeans> tell me nano
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<riceandbeans> please tell me nano
<shevy> nah, nano is too cumbersome for large changes
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<Guest13435> best python interpreter?
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<riceandbeans> Guest13435: pypy
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<shevy> does one of you guy use and code in both ruby and python?
<shevy> *guys
<shevy> remove the first 'and' too
<shevy> I guess I need to get some sleep soon...
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<shevy> I'd love to see if there is a noticable productivity difference, provided that one would have the same amount of experience in either, using that language
<shevy> I think when I compare my php days and my ruby days, I am simply more productive in ruby. That might be because I am better now? But I also think it is because php really is much more annoying to use
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<riceandbeans> shevy: I do python when I have to and I hate it
<shevy> hehe
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<riceandbeans> I like ruby, but I tend to crank out code a LOT faster in perl, personally
<shevy> I am not a big fan of python either, but I wonder what would be if I would have picked python rather than ruby years ago
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<riceandbeans> there's something wrong in my brain
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<mozzarella> I used to use python
<hoelzro> riceandbeans: I'm the same way
<riceandbeans> I had to use perl a lot more for work a couple jobs back
<riceandbeans> it just got...really heavily engrained in me
<shevy> mozzarella why did you switch to ruby, or are you still using both?
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<shevy> I don't like your nick
<shevy> you make me hungry man :(
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<shevy> oh and riceandbeans is also food related
<shevy> what's next... pizzaops
<shevy> oops
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<mozzarella> I tried python, perl and php, and finally settled for ruby
<mozzarella> left python when the 2.x 3.x split happened
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<shevy> ah that makes sense
<shevy> that was very unfun
<mozzarella> ruby is just more fun and more logical
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<mozzarella> I didn't like the forced indentation of python, the explicit self, the fact that sometimes you must call methods on objects and sometimes you must pass objects to functions (i.e. len("str") vs "str".len), the fact that there are two different versions of the language, etc.
<shevy> yeah
<agent_white> CANIGETA-AMEN?!
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<shevy> AMEN
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<mozzarella> I like ruby's blocks and "functional" functions like map, select, find, etc.
<mozzarella> it's great to be able to chain them without having to nest function calls
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* agent_white smacks shevy's head -- watches him convulse whilst speaking ruby in tongue
<shevy> lol
<shevy> why so violent
* agent_white smacks shevy's head softly
<agent_white> :D
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<shevy> oh good you need more sex
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<vhlfd> :(
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<rkazak_> Hey this is a friendly chat room!!! :O
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<sandelius> Is API <-> client side frameworks the future of web development?
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<ThinkNode> do you guys code in ruby?
<Nilium> I'd guess so.
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<sandelius> yeah
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<wasamasa> ThinkNode: no, this is actually a channel dedicated to the html tag
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<ThinkNode> damn
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<ThinkNode> why so sarcastic
<wasamasa> you have "Node" in your nick
<wasamasa> you cannot possibly expect serious answers on that
<ThinkNode> what's wrong with node ?
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<noobda> hey all, how to make class variables public?
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<browndawg> noobda: :attr_accessors
<chinmay_dd> hey guys, i am a sophomore studying Information Technology. i have to give an introductory talk on ruby for about an hour. What do you guys think i should cover?
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<noobda> chinmay kaunse college me he?
<chinmay_dd> NITK Surathkal
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<noobda> hawa kar raha he saala haha
<chinmay_dd> eh?
<noobda> just kidding lol
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<ThinkNode> what the fuck
<ThinkNode> lol
<noobda> cover that ruby is magic
<noobda> end of story
<ThinkNode> you guys hate node?
<browndawg> bc
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<ThinkNode> why do u fuckers hate node?
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<browndawg> because adolf hitler used node, and we all know how that turned out
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<ThinkNode> oh true
<chinmay_dd> XD
<ThinkNode> yeah those were the days right
<ThinkNode> nowadays jews can run around unchecked
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<sevenseacat> hi everyone!
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<ThinkNode> sevenseacat:do you hate node?
<sevenseacat> i am indifferent to node
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<ThinkNode> most people here are node haters
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<ThinkNode> saw my name and started talking shit
<sevenseacat> thats nice. they're allowed to.
<ThinkNode> yeah if they want to be little bitches, then they have the right to do so
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<Bacta> I've got a directory of Ruby files with each defining a class inside module X and inheriting from X::Base
<Bacta> But when I call descendants I only get the classes from source files I'm included
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<Bacta> I'm a beginner to Ruby but not to programming. It smells like the code I've inherited wasn't designed very well in terms of structure.
<Bacta> Any ideas on what's going wrong?
<sevenseacat> you cant use classes defined in files you havent loaded
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<Bacta> Makes sense. What's the "Ruby Way" for initialising modules spanning multiple files?
<sevenseacat> to require all of the modules that the class depends on, in the file itself
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<Deathcode> i want to use ruby to make an IRC
<Deathcode> can that be possible?
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<BradPitt> a bot, DeathCode? It is certainly possible
<Deathcode> no
<Deathcode> a whole IRC
<Deathcode> like freenode
<BradPitt> Do you mean a server?
<Deathcode> yes
<Deathcode> the server
<Deathcode> ruby on rails mayeb
<Deathcode> maybe
<sandelius> DeathCode read about networking
<BradPitt> Yes, not wiht Webrick though. Thin/unicorn/puma
<BradPitt> or I guess nginx delegating to multiple RoR instances'
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<sandelius> DeathCode web-based?
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<Deathcode> yes web-based
<sandelius> DeathCode it's possible but I would use e.g erlang (or perhaps elixir?) for something like that
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<vhlfd> BradPitt writes ruby?
<Deathcode> brad pitt's acting gig is not looking very sharp right now
<Deathcode> touch economy
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<jgorak> Hi all. Is there some shorthand for this structure? I googled but can't find anything better: y=if(defined? x); x; else; 1; end
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<toertore> do you actually need to use defined? ?
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<toertore> i guess so, since it's a local var
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<toertore> the only "shorthand" is to use a ternary
<jhass> being uncertain whether a local var is defined is a clear sign that something is going wrong
<jhass> jgorak: why do you need that check?
<jgorak> i'm using it in a template. i want to have a default value if variable wasn't set when the template is ... templated
<avril14th> val ||= 1 ?
<toertore> jgorak: what do you mean by template?
<toertore> gist some code?
<jgorak> I'm using erb by just cat'ing two files and piping them into it. One file sets variables. The other is the template.
<toertore> gist?
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<jgorak> hang on, i'm putting an example together
<Mark-6ma> does anyone know pretty themes for YARD docs?
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<Mark-6ma> any theme besides default ones
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<jgorak> gist for what I'm doing is at https://gist.github.com/anonymous/0648122388927e200590 . sometimes my vars file won't have variables defined
<jgorak> i want my doc to have a default value if the vars file doesn't set it
<toertore> do you need to distinguish between "being set" and "being non-nil"?
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<jgorak> As in- can I set it to empty to start and append/reassign as needed?
<jgorak> My problem there is the naming is currently all caps, and it complains about changing constants
<jgorak> Ideally I keep that, but I really don't have to.
<toertore> gist real code pls?
<toertore> i don't really like erb, it's too metaprogrammy
<jgorak> Can't use the exact stuff. It's on a work computer. I'll build enough that it's useful for this convo
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<jgorak> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/264eb5f74413528cd331 is a little closer to what I mean. I'm templating bash scripts that go on servers. I'm trying to match the variable names in the ruby parts with the variable names in the bash parts, all caps.
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<jgorak> I'd like to not have to define JAVA_XMS for every node, but if I just set a default in common.erb, the ones that overwrite it warn me because it is a constant
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<jgorak> I want something like ${x-someDefaultValue} that i have in shell
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<jgorak> I think using ||= as suggested earlier is the best course of action.
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<toertore> you can't use ||= when it's undefined
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<jhass> toertore: actually you can
<jhass> for the same reason foo = 1 if false defines it
<toertore> oh right
<toertore> but i like to pretend that it's not possible
<apeiros> helpa: !part #ruby
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<wasamasa> ._.
<apeiros> ?ruboto
<ruboto> I'm the channel bot, linker of the rules, knower of the facts, wielder of the banhammer.
<wasamasa> holy shit
<apeiros> >> 1+1
<ruboto> apeiros # => 2 (https://eval.in/308515)
<apeiros> welcome our new channel, official bot :D
<apeiros> whoops
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<apeiros> welcome our new, official channel bot :D
<apeiros> fixed :D
<sevenseacat> i for one welcome our new robot overlord
<toertore> ruboto: nice to meet you
<agent_white> Wat happen eval-in?
<agent_white> Lost his visa?
<apeiros> nothing. charliesome gave me its code to embedd it into one official bot
<djellemah> >> fibonacci = Hash.new{ |h,k| h[k] = k < 2 ? k : h[k-1] + h[k-2] }; fibonacci[6]
<ruboto> djellemah # => 8 (https://eval.in/308516)
<apeiros> since charliesome isn't around atm, I kicked. otherwise he'd have removed the bot.
<agent_white> charliesome was to remove eval, anyways?!
<agent_white> More like Abrahamsome!
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<agent_white> ruboto: HELLO
<apeiros> agent_white: it's a very silent bot ;-)
<agent_white> Creeper bots!
<agent_white> ruboto: you are creepy but that's OK.
<apeiros> it is even more creepy. it logs everything you say!
<apeiros> logs will be available on ruby-community.com as soon as we get to it.
<agent_white> ruboto first 10 logs: "agent_white: YOU ARE CREEPY"
<agent_white> ;D
<apeiros> na, logs will only be available via the website
<apeiros> maybe at one time via the bot in a limited fashion. certainly never for everybody on the channel (i.e. if for everybody, then in the query)
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* apeiros afk, cy'all
<jhass> ?botsnack
<ruboto> nomnomnomnom
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<shevy> sevenseacat cat-robots are good
<wasamasa> ?help
<ruboto> I don't know anything about help
<wasamasa> how dare you
<wasamasa> ?owner
<ruboto> I don't know anything about owner
<sevenseacat> a cat robot would be a total asshole
<wasamasa> this bot is lost
<wasamasa> sevenseacat: that reminds me that I should recommence work on nekobot
<shevy> a cat robot would bring attitude!
<shevy> pouncing with style
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<FernandoBasso> I am taking a look at all the links the docs mention. I'd like some kind of tutorial/book that teaches by using programs, instead of "5.to_s converts 5 to a string"-like stuff. Is there such a thing?
<FernandoBasso> I just saw the example "puts `ls`". I have no idea on how to make something useful with that.
<FernandoBasso> (that is one reason I kind of like the head first books)
<FernandoBasso> Perhaps a cookbook.
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<tier> FernandoBasso: http://learnrubythehardway.org/book/ may be of help
<FernandoBasso> The ##C folks discourage learnCthehardway. I hope it is not the same with the ruby one.
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<FernandoBasso> Although I admit I like the "thehardway" series. But I didn't know there was a ruby one. Thanks.
<sevenseacat> why do they discourage it? out of curiosity
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<FernandoBasso> They say the guy teachs poor C, and don't cover things that should be covered.
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<sevenseacat> and im sure if they told zed that, he'd just tell them to f off
<FernandoBasso> Too many factual problems and a presentation that gets you to do things wrongly before being shown how to do it correctly, and not even always then.
<FernandoBasso> (Just quoted ##C)
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<FernandoBasso> sevenseacat: I am also sure about that. :)
<sevenseacat> :D
<FernandoBasso> I appreciate those resources anyway.
<tier> let's be honest, if you're just starting with a language you have no idea what's good and what isn't anyway
<sevenseacat> i have to admit i like the head first series for concepts, but not for languages
<sevenseacat> head first design patterns was probably my favorite
<FernandoBasso> tier: yeah, but that is also a good reason one should read something reliable. I guess your argument actually can work both ways.
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<jonathan2> bundle install is failing when i include a particular gem in gemspec, but manually "gem install"ing works. why would that happen?
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<sevenseacat> jonathan2: got an error for us to see?
<sevenseacat> 'its failing' doesnt tell us whats going wrong
<jonathan2> sure
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<sevenseacat> the full error please
<jonathan2> oops, one sec
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<jonathan2> the gem install that the error references does fail. but bundle install succeeds if i leave out "redis", and "gem install redis" succeeds separately
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<sevenseacat> so what do the results say in gem_make.out
<jonathan2> same as the first few lines of the pastebin entry
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<sevenseacat> you're missing the c++ development headers
<sevenseacat> what distro are you using
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<jonathan2> this is in a docker container based on progrium/busybox. my question is why the bundle install would fail while gem install would succeed, though.
<sevenseacat> `gem unstall unf_ext -v 0.0.6` succeeds?
<jonathan2> no, that fails
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<sevenseacat> so whats redis got to do with anything
<jonathan2> redis is what i'm actually trying to install
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<jonathan2> (the ruby gem named redis)
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<jonathan2> i don't care about unf_ext except that the redis gem seems to depend on it
<sevenseacat> the version of the gem you've included in your bundle, yeah
<sevenseacat> the version you're installing with `gem install redis` probably doesnt
<jonathan2> i'm not specifying a version explicitly in the gemspec file, so i'm not sure why the two methods would be trying different versions
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<sevenseacat> because bundler has worked out a different dependency graph based on other gems in your Gemfile
<sevenseacat> thats what it does :)
<jonathan2> oh, interesting
<sevenseacat> so, what distro are you using?
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<jonathan2> i guess it might be openwrt (https://github.com/progrium/busybox)
<jonathan2> thanks for your help
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<sevenseacat> no idea what that is, but yw
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<jhass> openwrt is a router firmware
<jhass> looks like somebody abused it to get a minimal container
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<jhass> or opkg is its package manager rather
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<FernandoBasso> I did p = Person.new. Now to get only methods I wrote in the Person class myself?
<FernandoBasso> p.methods(false) doesn't show the ones I defined.
<FernandoBasso> s/Now/How/
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<jhass> >> class Person; def foo; end; end; Person.new.methods(false)
<ruboto> jhass # => [] (https://eval.in/308533)
<jhass> mh, right
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<hanmac> >> class Person; def foo; end; end; Person.instance_methods(false)
<ruboto> hanmac # => [:foo] (https://eval.in/308534)
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<hanmac> hm apeiros, "evalin" does have a new name, i am confused, is it still "Hanmac-proof"? ;P
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<apeiros> hanmac: same code
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<jhass> oh, works as documented
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<jhass> "If the optional parameter is false, it returns an array of obj's public and protected singleton methods"
<jhass> emphasis on singleton here
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<sevenseacat> FernandoBasso: what's Person?
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<jhass> >> class Person; end; p = Person.new; def p.foo; end; p.methods(false)
<ruboto> jhass # => [:foo] (https://eval.in/308535)
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<FernandoBasso> So, obj.methods(false) only shows methods added later to an already-instantiated object?
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<apeiros> FernandoBasso: no
<apeiros> FernandoBasso: it shows all methods which are only defined on the object itself
<apeiros> and not e.g. via its class, or the ancestry of its class
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<apeiros> the point in time does not matter.
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<FernandoBasso> Ah, I see. Thank you folks.
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<puppeh_> I wrote a git "style guide": https://github.com/agis-/git-style-guide
<puppeh_> would appreciate any feedback, suggestione etc.!
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<apeiros> puppeh_: re branch naming: I often see ticket numbers incorporated, also branch type.
<apeiros> puppeh_: additionally the person who's leading the work on that branch.
<apeiros> puppeh_: e.g. f-58192-ME-oauth-migration
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<apeiros> where f means feature, b means bug, c means chore
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<puppeh_> apeiros: nice point about the ticket number, also doing this myself, will add it
<puppeh_> thanks :)
<apeiros> yw
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<jhass> puppeh_: I like it
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<puppeh_> jhass: glad to hear that!
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<apeiros> puppeh_: git-gc happens automatically since a couple of versions afaik
<apeiros> puppeh_: other than that - seems nice. thanks.
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<puppeh_> apeiros: will look that up, thanks!
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<FernandoBasso> And why did they name the method `instance_methods` if we call it from a class name, not from an object?
<jhass> it returns the instance methods defined in the class object
<jhass> the instance methods of a class object will become the methods of the classes instances
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<centrx> FernandoBasso, a class is an instance of the Class class
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<apeiros> centrx: hehe, funny, I'd have written "of the class Class" :D
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* jhass not sure how helpful that is at the moment
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<Mon_Ouie> But would you say "the String class" or "the class String"?
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<apeiros> Mon_Ouie: good point
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<FernandoBasso> All this talk seems to suggest that there shoudln't be Classes in programming languages. It just makes things complicated and hard on our English skills.
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<apeiros> FernandoBasso: errr, what? no, classes are a nice way to organize code.
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<FernandoBasso> apeiros: I know, I was (trying to) joke.
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<apeiros> ok :)
<FernandoBasso> I still haven't completely wrapped my mind around JavaScript classless style, for instance.
<jhass> me neither
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<apeiros> FernandoBasso: it works slightly different
<FernandoBasso> Let me also state that I like js nonetheless.
<apeiros> but well, actually, ES5 or ES6 classes?
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<apeiros> I don't like js. but not because of the prototype OO
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<apeiros> my dislike of js is rooted in JS having bad tools to deal with integers, date/time and binary data.
<FernandoBasso> True.
<apeiros> also lack of sockets and threads is an issue.
<FernandoBasso> Also true.
<centrx> JS is the ASM of the future
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<apeiros> but I don't share the hate js receives
<centrx> webscale
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<apeiros> oh, also I'd love a nicer syntax for a couple of things. map(function(…) { }) is a bit annoying :-(
<FernandoBasso> I kind of got used to putting up with langs shortcomings, although I can't say I am a deep connoisseur of any one lang so far.
<apeiros> no language is a silver bullet to all problems - that's why we have so many of them ;-)
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<FernandoBasso> yeah, and I think we have too many of them.
<FernandoBasso> Just like to many forks of open source projects. That is just my opinion, though.
<apeiros> I don't think so. or rather, I don't think it matters how many there are.
<FernandoBasso> apeiros: I agree it probably doesn't matter.
<apeiros> mostly because the idea that "if A can make 100x happen, and B can make 100x happen, why don't they work together and make 200x happen?" is simply not true.
<apeiros> but yeah, I understand and actually sometimes share the sentiment :)
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<FernandoBasso> :)
<apeiros> "damit! why can't you all agree on one way! stop making me choose!" :D
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<FernandoBasso> hehe
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<FernandoBasso> I have watched "The Paradox of Choice" on Ted Talks. There are some interesting points.
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<FernandoBasso> And by interesting I don't mean that they are necessarily applicable to software and computing.
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<apeiros> and I a talk about "constraints are liberating" :)
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<FernandoBasso> Why does 1.next yields 2, but 1.1.next is an error?
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<FernandoBasso> Okay, what would 1.1.next be? 1.2 or 1.1.0000000009. I understand the problem there, I guess.
<apeiros> FernandoBasso: yupp, that's pretty much the reason
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<apeiros> oooh, wow, TIL ruby 2.2 does this:
<apeiros> >> 2**-52
<ruboto> apeiros # => (1/4503599627370496) (https://eval.in/308571)
<apeiros> rational! nice!
<yxhuvvd> cute
<yxhuvvd> 2.1>> 2**-52
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<yxhuvvd> :(
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<apeiros> would be 21>> 2**51, but for some reason, version overrides fail atm. got to check the eval code.
<yxhuvvd> oh
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<shevy> these are the days of the botwars
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<shevy> how can I query ruboto?
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<Scriptonaut> hey guys, anyone have recommendations for ruby 2.0+ books?
<shevy> ruboto: homepage!
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<jhass> ?homepage shevy
<ruboto> shevy, I don't know anything about homepage
<shevy> Scriptonaut many years ago I started with the pickaxe, it's fine
<shevy> cool
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<Scriptonaut> I've already been writing ruby for years, so I'm looking for something not designed for beginners. I just want to make sure there aren't any holes in my understanding and to become more proficient in general
<Scriptonaut> for example I haven't done a lot of meta programming
<shevy> aha
<shevy> I think there is one meta book
<Scriptonaut> ah, cool
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<shevy> I forgot the name :\
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<Scriptonaut> no worries
<shevy> it's not that big though, only like 200 pages or so, give or take +/- 50
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<jhass> metaprogramming ruby?
<deansc> metaprogramming ruby?
<deansc> lol
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<Scriptonaut> huehue
<Scriptonaut> nice
<shadeslayer> I don't suppose anyone has a repo that they can point me to which contains the implementation of a graph in ruby?
<deansc> i like the book personally, it's a little funny
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<shadeslayer> a simple implementation to start with would be nice
<shevy> hmm https://pragprog.com/book/ppmetr2/metaprogramming-ruby-2 - but there is also another one
<Nilium> Metaprogramming destroys all Ruby projects
<shevy> so pessimistic!
<Nilium> That way lies pain
<Nilium> It's awesome, but it's a pain to work with
<shevy> you like pain!
<shevy> out with the whips now
<Nilium> Well yeah, I use git and C++ and other tools known for pain.
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<shevy> hey as long as it is not java
<Nilium> Oh, and makefiles, which I've noticed web developers singing the praises of lately
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<Nilium> It's honestly hilarious to me that they've only just discovered that, oh my, you don't have to write everything in Javascript
<deansc> Do you think Ruby will die?
<shevy> makefiles can indeed be painful
<Nilium> Why would Ruby die?
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<yxhuvvd> deansc: one day it will. Probably no time soon.
<Nilium> Well, that's a given, but it'll probably be a while.
<deansc> no i don't know
<shevy> deansc not really, you see that many more people enter programming simply because many more people will have access to a computer, new young ones come up, and many end up using any among the scripting language
<Nilium> It might also just become another language.
<jhass> deansc: what motivates that question?
<shevy> oh noes jhass is asking metaquestions
<jhass> apeiros: I think we have another FAQ entry here :P
<Nilium> Do people ask this a lot?
<shevy> cool, is there a FAQ page already?
<jhass> too often
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<jhass> shevy: yup, see topic
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<Nilium> Ruby's been around for a long time, same as Perl, same as Python, none of them are going away any time soon
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<jhass> lol
<jhass> shevy: just /topic next time :D
<shevy> hey it's easier that way in xchat!
<shevy> cool
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<shevy> apeiros knows his stuff
<deansc> i don't know, people criticizes it sometimes because it is slow.
<apeiros> jhass: PR!
<Nilium> So you mean the criticism everyone throws out about every language?
<jhass> apeiros: I would, but you hid the general section
<Nilium> Slow, hard to understand, too simple, too complex, etc.
<shevy> the http://ruby-community.com/pages/user_rules refers to #ruby right and not #ruby-lang? I guess I could add a FAQ entry... "The enemy people on #ruby-lang" :)
<jordsmi> Just because it's not perfect for some tasks doesn't mean it is overall bad
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<apeiros> jhass: do it anyway. general section will be back soon. or just remove the problematic Q&As from general
<Nilium> They're pretty meaningless criticisms without some context for them.
<deansc> I love this language I think it's fun to program with it.
<yxhuvvd> deansc, people have *always* complained about slowness. The problem is a lot less now than it was, and further improvements are on the way.
<shevy> deansc well, the speed comparisons to php python perl and ruby are really quite comparable; a lot of the slowness part has been said like 10 years ago, ruby got faster since then too
<Nilium> Ruby 2.x is doing pretty well on the performance front.
<jhass> okay, I'll write the "Will Ruby die?" FAQ entry, who's up for "Is Ruby slow?"
<shevy> lol
<shevy> jhass well show how this is done ok? I want to see how or where it appears and how this is done
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<Nilium> jhass: I'll do it. Entire answer will be "Yes, for certain values of slow."
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<shevy> compared to C ruby will be slow!
<jhass> hah, you have to put that into your own PR though :P
<deansc> no no but compared to node for example
<Nilium> I'm lazy. shevy, do the PR for me.
<shevy> we can copy/paste the IRC content right into the faq
<Nilium> Compared to node for what?
<shevy> ok I have to add one entry to the faq
<deansc> nevermind
<shevy> what is PR?
<Nilium> Pull request. On GitHub.
<shevy> aaaah ok
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<jhass> oh, we already have "Is Ruby slow?"
<shevy> where
<shevy> 9 closed ones
<Nilium> It's more or less a fancy UI around the same functionality you'd get with git-send-email and git-am
<shevy> now I found the FAQ finally
<shevy> git-send-email
<shevy> who is brave enough to type that
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<shevy> git-send-mass-email
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<Nilium> It does nothing without useful input.
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<shevy> hmm and where will this appear? http://ruby-community.com/faq ?
<jhass> yeah
<jhass> as said the general section is hid atm
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<jhass> until you make it more awesome
<shevy> aaah
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<shevy> a secret faq!
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<shevy> lol
<shevy> "Anyone used X?"
<shevy> "No. No one ever. (See "metaquestions")"
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<shevy> deansc I guess you are now famous, you made it into a FAQ :)
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<yh> anyone used ruby ????
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<yh> :-)
<jhass> yes
<jhass> ?anyone
<ruboto> Just ask your question, if anyone has, they will respond.
<deansc> @shevy? why? i missed something?
<jhass> ah, no, wrong one :P
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<deansc> LOL
<deansc> ok
<shevy> deansc dunno if you missed anything, but the question about speed is now part of the FAQ https://github.com/apeiros/ruby-community/pull/11 http://ruby-community.com/faq though the FAQ is partially secret
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<shevy> it's a brilliant move - to have a secret FAQ
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<shevy> I guess when one adds content to the ruby-community.com site, it should be written from scratch right?
<jhass> depends, where would you copy it from?
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<shevy> from everywhere!
<shevy> though I'd guess I would reformulate it anyway
<shevy> I am reading a blog about Ripper currently
<shevy> those nested Arrays confuse me
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<shevy> hmm
<shevy> >> require 'ripper'; p Ripper.sexp("p Array")
<ruboto> shevy # => [:program, [[:command, [:@ident, "p", [1, 0]], [:args_add_block, [[:var_ref, [:@const, "Array", [1, ...check link for more (https://eval.in/308583)
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<apeiros> yay, internet again
<havenwood> Interwebs! \o/
* apeiros wishes for 99.9999999% uptime ISP
<havenwood> repeating of course
<apeiros> and that the 0.000001% falls into times when I'm not at home
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<apeiros> well, 1min/y is acceptable.
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<apeiros> at the moment we're at about 30min/y when I'm around, so extrapolating it's around 2h/y
<apeiros> so we're at around 99.977% uptime
<havenwood> >> a = []; a << a; a.sort; a << a; a.sort; a << a; a.sort
<ruboto> havenwood # => [[[...], [...], [...]], [[...], [...], [...]], [[...], [...], [...]]] (https://eval.in/308585)
<havenwood> ignore the extra sorts >.>
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<havenwood> shevy: Arrays of Arrays of Arrays. Sorted for good measure!
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<havenwood> shevy: How about an IAQ for infrequently asked questions?
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<havenwood> apeiros: It just depends when that minute is whether I care or not. :P
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<apeiros> havenwood: yeah, same. but it currently happens too often when I care.
<ght> Is there a way to execute two commands with a suffixed if conditional? As in, I'm familar with the following syntax: puts "Hello world" if !testvar.nil?
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<apeiros> but well, at least I made progress on my DecomposedFloat class (for funsies)
<ght> but does ruby support two or more statements with a suffixed if?
<apeiros> it has basically what'd be Float#next :D
<djellemah> ght: (yes; it does)
<apeiros> ght: begin a; b; c; end if cond # would probably work, but SERIOUSLY
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<ght> but seriously what?
<apeiros> don't write clever code. write idiomatic, readable, maintainable code.
<ght> haha, of course, will do.
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<ght> So the following is valid syntax: puts "Hello world!"; return; if !testvar.nil?
<ght> correct?
<apeiros> no
<ght> oh oh
<ght> I"m sorry
<apeiros> those first 2 statements are not connected to the if
<ght> you're sticking it within a begin / end
<apeiros> (foo; bar) if cond # might work too
<apeiros> >> (a = 1; b = 2) if true; p [a, b]
<ruboto> apeiros # => [1, 2] ...check link for more (https://eval.in/308586)
<ght> so it would be: begin puts "Hello world!"; return; end if !testvar.nil?
<apeiros> >> begin; a = 1; b = 2; end if true; p [a, b]
<ruboto> apeiros # => [1, 2] ...check link for more (https://eval.in/308587)
<jhass> apeiros: doesn't prove much :P
<jhass> if false
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<apeiros> >> begin; a = 1; b = 2; end if false; p [a, b]
<ruboto> apeiros # => [nil, nil] ...check link for more (https://eval.in/308588)
<ght> but you're saying you can simply enclose them in parentheses as well?
<apeiros> >> (a = 1; b = 2) if false; p [a, b]
<ruboto> apeiros # => [nil, nil] ...check link for more (https://eval.in/308589)
<apeiros> jhass: proof?
<jhass> yup
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<apeiros> ght: so begin/end or ()
<ght> Very nice, thank you sir.
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<jhass> ght: never ever do it, seriously
<apeiros> and as before: DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT!!!!
<apeiros> ;-p
<apeiros> matz will remove a syntax literal from ruby every time you use this.
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<ght> lmao
<apeiros> I think that "syntax" in there was redundant.
<ght> So basically, any time you use this syntax, somewhere, a kitten dies.
<ght> correct?
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<apeiros> hell no! why'd a kitten die? why are you so cruel? sheeesh! :-p
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* apeiros writes a book: "A guide to convoluted ruby code"
<apeiros> I think hanmac should be my co-author
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<jhass> for the C++ extensions part? :P
<apeiros> no, for the advanced convolution part
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<ght> That's funny.
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<apeiros> one idea behind the DecomposedFloat class - do a better float comparison than delta comparison
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<jhass> that seems out of context :P
<apeiros> compute the difference as a relative difference. i.e., (a-b).abs < (a * 1e-16).abs && (a-b).abs < (b * 1e-16).abs
* apeiros hands jhass some context
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<apeiros> use with care
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* jhass puts it next to his entropy
<apeiros> oooh, they'll make great playmates
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<jhass> DeBot: !hangman ruby
<DeBot> ␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣␣ [] 0/12
<jhass> DeBot: #
<DeBot> ␣␣␣␣␣␣#␣␣ [] 0/12
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<apeiros> wow, short
<jhass> yeah
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<jhass> DeBot: ea
<DeBot> ␣e␣␣␣␣#␣␣ [a] 1/12
<havenwood> got it
<jhass> wat
<apeiros> havenwood: solve
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<havenwood> Method#==
<jhass> do it, prefix with DeBot
<apeiros> havenwood: are you cheating? :)
<havenwood> apeiros: yes
<apeiros> heh
<havenwood> apeiros: It could be Regexp or Vector. I guessed amongst my cheat answers.
<havenwood> DeBot: M
<DeBot> ␣e␣␣␣␣#␣␣ [am] 2/12
<havenwood> nooooo
<jhass> fail
<apeiros> DeBot: rv
<DeBot> Ve␣␣␣r#␣␣ [am] 2/12
<apeiros> there, last one of your cheat answers :)
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<havenwood> DeBot: @
<DeBot> Ve␣␣␣r#␣@ [am] 2/12
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<apeiros> havenwood: now improve it to the point of making the least possible amount of guesses ;-)
<havenwood> apeiros: Ooh, good idea!
<jhass> DeBot: cto
<DeBot> Vector#␣@ [am] 2/12
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<apeiros> I think I'd start with length. get common characters. figure biggest segmenters.
<havenwood> Now the guess... + or -.
<apeiros> DeBot: -
<DeBot> Vector#-@ [am] 2/12 You won!
<jhass> DeBot: !hangman gems
<DeBot> ␣␣␣␣ [] 0/12
<jhass> that'll be harder to cheat
<apeiros> DeBot: eo
<DeBot> ␣␣␣␣ [eo] 2/12
<apeiros> DeBot: ia
<DeBot> ␣␣␣a [eoi] 3/12
<Mon_Ouie> And then make it an IRC bot so it answers automatically
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<Mon_Ouie> (the cheating program, that is)
<jhass> DeBot: sn
<DeBot> ␣␣␣a [eoisn] 5/12
<apeiros> DeBot: ur
<DeBot> ␣ura [eoisn] 5/12
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<apeiros> wow, and I still don't know what it is :D
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<havenwood> Narrowed down to 20 before that last. Now just one.
<jhass> could be anything :D
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<havenwood> DeBot: d
<DeBot> dura [eoisn] 5/12 You won!
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<havenwood> Mon_Ouie: Aye, spoilers!
<jhass> "A durable queueing system" at version 0.0.1
<jhass> and a dead github repo
<jhass> we need a way to delete dead gems :/
<apeiros> we need a way to have namespaced gems.
<apeiros> apeiros-rails
<apeiros> me.apeiros-rails.
<apeiros> IMO the basic idea of reverse dns in java's classes isn't all bad.
<apeiros> and for usability, you can do a lot with something akin to search paths.
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<jhass> well, these days you could make scm platform names
<jhass> jhass/rails
<jhass> bitbucket/jhass/vmm
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<jhass> gitlab.my-company.example/team/foo
<apeiros> I thought more along the lines of: org.rubygems for first-come-first-serve gems. org.rubygems.username for others. and custom-domain for whatever.
<apeiros> and having org.rubygems in the default search path.
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<havenwood> so/huge/so/hopeless/to/conceive/rails
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<havenwood> Dickinsonian Rails
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<shevy> lol
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<shevy> I'd love namespaced gems, it's annoying that inactive gems can fill up namespaces and nobody uses them
<apeiros> namespace owners could set up rules
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<apeiros> like "no updates for >1y -> removal from the namespace". gem can still exist, but no longer occupies a well known namespace.
<havenwood> we don't seem to really quite follow the limited gem naming conventions we do have
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<apeiros> because they're conventions. nothing enforces it.
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<apeiros> I think namespaces could actually be implemented on top of rubygems, via its source system.
<havenwood> hmm
<apeiros> we could have namespaces by quality. org.rubygems.gold -> follows code style guide, has >1 patch per month, is 100% doc covered, has 100% C0 code/test coverage
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<apeiros> org.rubygems.stdlib -> is considered a standard library and usually installed along with ruby as a gem
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<jhass> there's also the idea to decouple stdlib and interpreter
<havenwood> a/tree/that/may/in/summer/wear/a/nest/of/robins/in/her/hair/roda
<shevy> apeiros yeah something like that would be nice; perhaps longer than a year though. like "if no update happened in 3 or 5 years, this gem will no longer have priority"
<jhass> stdlib-2.1 on Ruby 2.2
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<jhass> stdlib-2.3 on Ruby 2.1
<apeiros> jhass: gemifying the stdlib would probably be a good first step
<jhass> yeah
<shevy> \o/
<apeiros> could use lock-step versioning
<shevy> havenwood your URLs become monster-long
<havenwood> shevy: sacrifices we have to make for poetry-based namespacing
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<havenwood> it has been handy to have the already gemified ones as gems
<havenwood> fixing bugs in bigdecimal without a Ruby release, etc
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<havenwood> jhass: that'd be neat
<havenwood> they've deprecated more of the stdlib than what's been converted to gems so far
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<havenwood> well, gemified and removed from stdlib*
<shevy> lol
<havenwood> i guess Ruby 3 will be the time for the big swap, as far as what's in the stdlib
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<havenwood> OptionParser out, Slop in?
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<havenwood> Might HTTPClient or Excon vie for the throne?
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<havenwood> Or WEBrick for Puma?
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<jhass> why should they if everything becomes a gem anyway?
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<havenwood> That's a good point. Ship lighter. I guess having it be stdlib is one way to show community vote of confidence. Tiers does sound interesting.
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<havenwood> I'll be very curious to see how Ruby 3 shapes up! :O
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<havenwood> DeBot: !hangman gems
<DeBot> ␣␣␣␣␣ [] 0/12
<havenwood> DeBot: e
<DeBot> e␣␣␣␣ [] 0/12
<jhass> DeBot: n
<DeBot> e␣␣␣␣ [n] 1/12
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<apeiros> DeBot: m
<DeBot> e␣␣␣␣ [nm] 2/12
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<jhass> DeBot: t
<DeBot> et␣␣␣ [nm] 2/12
<havenwood> i'd like to buy a vowel
* jhass offers havenwood an ü
<havenwood> DeBot: ü
<havenwood> DeBot: u
<DeBot> et␣␣␣ [nmu] 3/12
* apeiros hands havenwood an ë
<havenwood> DeBot: a
<DeBot> eta␣␣ [nmu] 3/12
* apeiros gives havenwood an î
* apeiros donates an å to havenwood
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<havenwood> might be nice to make a RubyGems plugin for the `gem hangman` command
* jhass offers havenwood a
<havenwood> is that a number?
<jhass> no, a vowel
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<havenwood> >> /[[:alpha:]]/ =~ ?
<havenwood> indeed
<jhass> it'S English even
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<havenwood> ah, not an acrophonic thespian two
<havenwood> !=***
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<havenwood> shavian letter ah (U+1046D) or greek acrophonic thespian two (U+1015C), you decide!
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<jhass> well, I already picked it
<havenwood> >> [?
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<jhass> you need to poke charliesome, backend is broken
<jhass> >> 1
<ruboto> jhass # => 1 (https://eval.in/308601)
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<havenwood> i don't know my shavian letters at all
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<jhass> I totally looked it up on Wikiepdia ;)
<jhass> I only know it's a thing
<apeiros> jhass: yeah, charliesome wasn't online yet :-/
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<shevy> shevian letter?
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<shevy> we should all standardize on the latin alphabet!
<jhass> let's see whether we can spell your name in it
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<havenwood> no shavian transliteration gem!?
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<jhass> havenwood: strict transliteration would go wrong afaik
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<shevy> perl got it all
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<FernandoBasso> What editor/ide do you guys use? (just curious)
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<shevy> bluefish 1.x
<FernandoBasso> Sure!
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<FernandoBasso> I believe you may use bluefish, but not 1.x.
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<apeiros> FernandoBasso: sublime + terminal
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<jhass> ^
<FernandoBasso> sublime 1.x ?
<FernandoBasso> :D
<jhass> 3 actually
<FernandoBasso> Good.
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<havenwood> FernandoBasso: What OS?
<FernandoBasso> Linux, arch linux.
<FernandoBasso> I guess I would enjoy OSX, but Macs are very expensive here in brazil.
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<havenwood> Atom is another open source option. It seems to be coming along nicely.
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<FernandoBasso> I have it installed, but seldom do I open it (same for brackets).
<Nilium> It's also slow as balls and behaves weirdly.
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<havenwood> Nilium: Just don't try to open files!
<FernandoBasso> I like several editors, actually.
<havenwood> Nilium: Especially not large ones.
<Nilium> Just don't try to: search in files, search in a file, or open anything over 2mb
<Nilium> Atom cannot actually open files over 2mb.
<Nilium> At least it tells you this now.
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<havenwood> Nilium: Work in progress. :P
<Nilium> I've only seen, so far, two text editors that could open large files without croaking
<Nilium> One was ConTEXT on Windows, the other is vim.
<apeiros> bbedit can handle fairly large files too
<Nilium> I'd guess emacs could do it too but I don't open it for fear of not being able to figure out how to close it.
<havenwood> Nilium: TM2 is actually good with large files.
<apeiros> could deal better with it, though
<jhass> well, there's a difference between many lines or one very long line
<Nilium> jhass: True. One very long line in vim is a problem.
<havenwood> Nilium: LightTable, Atom and even Sublime choke.
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<FernandoBasso> I have had problems with vim when lines are long (>= 150 chars). Although it has been a long time since I opened a file like that.
<Nilium> Lately Sublime's been choking on all sorts of stuff for me.
<jhass> and same with sublime, it takes a while to load but it can handle quite large files, if it contains enough line breaks
<jhass> you tried sublime 3?
<Nilium> Easiest thing to do is just fold something and pipe it
<Nilium> I'm using Sublime 3.
<jhass> has been quite stable for me
<Nilium> It's normally stable but has been garbage lately.
<Nilium> On the upside, the plugin_host crash is gone.
<Nilium> That was the one that made me switch to vim.
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<havenwood> It looks like Atom support for >2MB is tagged to land soon.
<jhass> didn't experience such stuff
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<jhass> the indexing was a bit eager until the last build, but that you could turn off
<Nilium> I would hope not.
<Nilium> Having to restart your text editor once every 30-50 minutes is annoying.
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<FernandoBasso> Do you guys really work with 2MB files regularly?
<FernandoBasso> Log files?
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<apeiros> xml
<FernandoBasso> Makes sense.
<jhass> SQL dumps
<Nilium> Log files, SQL, etc.
<Nilium> Also, as a credit to vim, it's the only editor I have right now that opens compressed text files.
<FernandoBasso> My problems were with xml as well (long lines in xml files vs vim)
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<FernandoBasso> Emacs can display images :D
<apeiros> I think the hard part about opening large files is syntax highlighting
<apeiros> as that forces you to either accept broken highlight, or read the whole file
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<Nilium> I always disabled it in Sublime.
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<Nilium> Have to do the same in vim often 'cause otherwise one highlight group will just consume everything after it gives up
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<Nilium> Nice, almost got all the blood out from under my fingernails
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<shevy> you damn ghoul
<Nilium> That's a bit harsh for someone who was dealing with a small cut on his head.
<apeiros> shevy: we don't discriminate against ghouls in this channel.
<Nilium> Head wounds bleed a lot.
<Nilium> Really annoying, actually.
<shevy> zombies are always battered
<shevy> yeah that is true
<shevy> like many cuts you see in competitive martial arts
<Nilium> Also, converting an svn repo with weird directory structure to git is nightmarish
<Nilium> Especially since all of the tags in the one I'm moving point to subdirectories in the trunk.
<Nilium> So git can't match different commits up.
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<jhass> apeiros: you just want to find a reason to demonstrate !kick :P
<apeiros> jhass: huh? what? where? how?
<vhlfd> #ruby-pro needs more activity.
<apeiros> vhlfd: yes. but I'm not having time right now to set things for that in motion.
<vhlfd> apeiros, hmm.
<jhass> apeiros: I mean ghouls... there's a limit
<apeiros> but having founder access to #ruby will certainly help once I do have time.
* apeiros is scheming
<jhass> my PR is still rather ignored :(
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<jhass> damn ruby-lang.org people
<apeiros> ah, that one…
<apeiros> I was just checking whether I still had overlooked one on ruby-community or ruby-pro :D
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<vhlfd> ruby-community?
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<DeathCode> hello
<jhass> vhlfd: /topic
<apeiros> vhlfd: topic ;-p
<DeathCode> whats up everybody
<vhlfd> DeathCode, lethargy. You?
<apeiros> hi DeathCode
<DeathCode> hey
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<DeathCode> vhlfd same here. just woke up and dont want to work :(
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<vhlfd> DeathCode, I suppose the most successful people are those who manage to get up and go to work when they feel this way.
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<DeathCode> naw the most successful are those who have great ideas that they implement while they lazy
<shevy> haha
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<mitsuhiko> holla
<jhass> hi
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<mitsuhiko> is there a way to get a binding for each stacktrace frame somehow?
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<shevy> with lethargy, it sometimes helps when you can reduce a big boring task into smaller boring tasks. like to work just for a little bit, then move on to something more interesting
<mitsuhiko> i'm interested in local variables traces
<apeiros> mitsuhiko: not from vanilla ruby afaik
<apeiros> mitsuhiko: but maybe with binding_of_caller (a gem with native extension)
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<apeiros> not sure that's still running with current rubies, though
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<vhlfd> shevy, having your tasks meated out into bite sized chunks are always a good idea.
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<shevy> I am doing so with my old vim-related files right now
<shevy> move 2 to 3 snippets into a ruby class that will generate a new vimrc in how I would want it
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<apeiros> so, time to finish that password strength validator
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<rails038> hi
<rails038> i'm looking for a ror programmer for a project. maybe someone can help me finding one?
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<jhass> rails038: Please do not crosspost without at least telling so. Experience shows that people don't bother to inform the other channels of provided solutions, therefore it is considered rude.
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<Nilium> Probably not. This is #ruby.
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<apeiros> oh. wow. this is depressing: http://project-rainbowcrack.com/table.htm
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<apeiros> "plaintext length: 1-10, success rate: 96.8%"
<apeiros> that's for loweralpha numeric, sha1 hashed
<jhass> (I know, rather unrelated)
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<Ellis> im learning about data structures and i’m reading about graphs, what is a practical example of a graph in ruby? is a hash a graph?
<apeiros> this ftw: `class Fixnum; def inspect; to_s.reverse.gsub(/.{3}(?=.)/, '\0_').reverse; end; end`
<apeiros> Ellis: no, a hash is not a graph. but you can use it to implement one.
<Ellis> apeiros: can you help me wrap my head around graphs by giving me an example of one, maybe using ruby on rails
<eam> Ellis: sounds a little like homework
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<Ellis> eam: ok. you’re wrong but ok
<eam> oh, I was going to help you but if I'm wrong :^)
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<Ellis> eam: you accused me of something what do u expect
<apeiros> Ellis: the relation between your tables is a (potentially) cyclic directed graph
<eam> I did not, I said it sounds like homework and it does -- you are wrong :)
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<eam> you haven't been accused of anything
<Ellis> eam: erasing cultural norms regarding interpretation of communication then you’re right
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<eam> Ellis: why don't you try describing a graph in plain english, then ask about how to adapt that specific case to ruby?
<Ellis> apeiros: i see. ty
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<eam> also try being less ... like that
<Ellis> eam: let’s just not talk
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<eam> Ellis: you can start by not addressing me, anytime
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<Ellis> eam: you addressed me
* apeiros sobs silently
<eam> Ellis: I did, but I'm not asking you for anything :P
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<Ellis> lol, anyways thanks for the clarification
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<apeiros> you two tell me if you need op intervention… for now I'll hope you're both adult enough to resolve it yourselves :-p
<eam> no complaints on my end, only suggestions ;-)
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